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14 1/2" OAL, 8 1/2" long blade, 1084 carbon steel , Hawaiian Koa, African Blackwood and Red Tru-Stone handle with custom hand sculpted bronze finger guard and white G10 accents.3 points
I imagine many are watching Rick Scott’s senate campaign very closely to see what they can get away with.2 points
According to the national debt counter, I don’t think anyone in Washington knows how to maths.2 points
Meh, as long as it's not an irreplaceable relic of some sort, I love hearing about stuff like this. The way I see it is that this is a common gun, that has been bought and paid for. If she didn't want it, she could have sold it at a used discount to someone else, and nobody profits monetarily (assuming she paid more than she sold it for). If she has it destroyed someone down the line who wants one can ever buy that gun, which means one more new gun has to be produced and sold by a manufacturer, thereby helping to keep that company in business. These people are unwittingly keeping the gun industry in business. And I don't get her logic of "I'm destroying a $1500 gun, and then taking that $1500 and donating it to charity."2 points
I bought a pre war, heavy frame 22/32 with awesome stag grips for a song. It pays to attend local gun shows.2 points
I certainly didn't think that you were promoting them. I doubt anyone else did either. I appreciate the head's up, as I may still have a few photos there, but was simply unwilling to dig through their popups and ads to retrieve them.2 points
Well... they're way too stupid to just secure the schools. I have said it before. You can't sneak a .380 into an East St. Louis titty bar, but you can shoot up a school with an AR-15. I swear politicians get dumber every day.2 points
2 points
Good for her. http://insider.foxnews.com/2018/05/17/kent-state-graduates-gun-photo-goes-viral-fox-friends-interview A recent Kent State University graduate is going viral for taking aim at her school’s gun policies in a photo shoot on campus where she carried an AR-10 and a graduation cap that said, “Come and take it.” Kaitlin Bennett, 22, posed in front of the Kent Student Center to draw attention to the "insulting" gun policies on campus that allow guests to open carry, but not students. Now that I graduated from Kent State, I can finally arm myself on campus. I should have been able to do so as a student- especially since 4 unarmed students were shot and killed by the government on this campus. I have no apologies for my graduation photos. As a woman, I refuse to be a victim & the second amendment ensures that I don't have to be. "If guests can arm themselves and protect themselves, I should be able to as well," Bennett said on "Fox & Friends."1 point
So, now the narrative has evolved, and it is now a 'fact' parroted by the MSM that the NRA 'buys' politicians? It is also a 'fact' that the NRA should be considered a terrorist organization? Please, grow the hell up! Some easily verifiable numbers one should be aware of prior to proving you are ill-informed. (Links follow) The NRA ranks 491th of 19,110 organizations in terms of political contributions to candidates. In 2016 the NRA contributed only $1,085,200 to individual campaigns. The top contributing organization in 2016 was Fahr LLC, which contributed $90,585,670, ALL of this sum proffered to Democratic candidates. The NRA is politically 'effective' not by purchasing political hacks, but rather because it represents and motivates it's membership and like-minded individuals to VOTE, The NRA does invest heavily in 'outside spending' in the form of advertising, advocacy and other activities. In 2016, $54,398,558 was invested. This places the NRA ninth on the list of organizations investing in political 'outside spending'. The NRA ILA invested $33,341,336 defending the Second Amendment in the 2016 election cycle, placing it at 11th on the list. Who was first? Priorities USA Action, a liberal organ that spent $133,407,972. Of this sum $126,952,679 was spent on opposition to Republican candidates and only 5% ($6,455,293) was spent in support of Democratic candidates. So the question remains, who is 'bought and paid for' in Washington?? All of the numbers stated in this post and a mass of other data is available on-line at OpenSecrets.Org Knowledge is your friend, don't be a drone! The TOP organizations historically are documented HERE: https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/ The NRA is conspicuous by its absence.1 point
The NRA gets more mileage out of the threat of costing votes. Yeah, they're efficient and pretty effective more times than not. It's why they get more money from me than the Repubs.1 point
That's a cool article, never knew about the retaining of the magazines.1 point
Yep career politicians are never an answer. But people keep getting distracted by the look what he or she did have. And they keep voting for the same people. Sad.1 point
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And if he wins it will embolden republicans across the country that regardless of their NRA rating, they can do whatever they want.1 point
Could be. Ain't nothing lower than a Politician, no matter who they are lying to for votes. The base of voters keep them acting right. That is the essence of our (you and I) long standing argument. The party platform pushes these slimeballs to support what the base wants. Gun rights gets Republicans votes. When it comes to rights being up for debate, I'm with you 100%.1 point
For the most part yes. That said, I am 100% certain that if they thought the public would support it, a good chunk of those A rated NRA Republicans would jump on the repeal the Second Amendment bandwagon. There is a reason that I maintain that rights are not up for debate or a vote and I don’t give a damn what laws they pass. By their very nature, politicians are neither principled nor trustworthy. If they were, they wouldn’t be politicians.1 point
Agreed. But the liberal (and some conservative) parents don’t want their kids rights infringed on. They are more than willing to refuse the rights of the kids that want to live (That is until their kid has been placed in harms way) by spouting off some Ben Franklin quotes. This already carries at least life in prison, and the death penalty in many states. So obviously there is nothing they can put in the law as a deterrent. And some refuse to believe that deadly force is the only option to stop a criminal that has made the choice to kill people. They also don’t seem to be able to grasp the FACT that guns, like drugs, will be available no matter what restrictions are put on them. You must be able to make a criminal unwilling or unable to fire his weapon. At the present time I only know one way to do that.1 point
Very nice! I spent years looking for a nice Model 35 which is the same gun on the J-frame. If I had seen that one, it would have been mine.1 point
Yep, It's early. Not worried about jump. Not worried about doing something lightweight either. The caliber was designed for long range, and that means heavier guns. It's not a sport caliber. I haven't read much at all on the caliber, and haven't even checked to see if anybody is shooting a lot of 90 grain in competition these days. I just know that the bullets fly well. And it would be great to shoot t in an AR15 without a Bob Sled. No problem making a semi-auto accurate enough.1 point
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I will finish going thru my stuff, and getting backups of the few things I don't have stashed anywhere else. I haven't linked to their site since the FU email.1 point
Ya did good Brother... A genuine "Deluxe Coon Hunter's" revolver... I don't know that ive ever seen one that nice... Congratulations... leroy...1 point
The knowledge lost is probably the most frustrating aspect of PB's BS for me. Heck, a huge number of us learned the finer point of powder coating bullets here on TGO from the incredible photo pictorials that were posted. Those were phenomenal!1 point
It is an interesting idea, but what happens when an anti-gun teacher reports anyone that is pro-gun? Or liberals report conservatives and vice-versa? I’m not saying it’s a bad idea, we just need to be careful with that direction.1 point
1 point
That is why I like this forum. People can disagree and still be respectful and polite. I am sure no liberal kayaker would call me a murderer if we were face to face. They would see what a nice guy I am, that I practice non-violence and it doesn't hurt to be a large gentleman. I will stick with my old school paddling buddies. Gary C: A Vietnam veteran. Demolitions expert. They sent his squad into Cambodia to blow up an underground bunker complex. They spent a day laying charges in the three level complex that included an operating room with French equipment. The explosion was supposed to be just enough to cause the complex to implode but they failed to discovery the ammo dump on the 4th level. The entire hill went up. There were friendly casualties. Gary had asked for an extra day to explore the complex but was denied. He doesn't talk about it much. Garg G: A redneck with a masters degree in Computer Technology. He has canoed all over North America. They say you can still see his claw marks under the rock at Right Crack (A rapid on the Chattooga River). Richard M: A bad @ss redneck who used to look like a cross between Charles Manson and Wild Bill Hickok. He was our body guard. He has been known to face down groups of campers who got out of control and were partying past the 10:30 quiet time. "But he ain't like that no more." Jack S: A Aquarian Veterinarian who looks like a Prussian general. He was in his late 60s and could keep up with the youngest of us, any day. Joe H: High school history teacher. The man was insane! He would charge over horizon lines with only a clue as to what waited for him below. When he realized that he had reached his peak as a class V boater, he just quit paddling all together.1 point
1 point
Lots of reports of accuracy issues on the 224 Valkyrie. JP rifles first line of barrels will not have an accuracy guarantee. There was speculation that this was related to 1:7 twist not being sufficient for 90gr but recent evidence seems to disprove the theories around twist. JP, airborne arms and others have been measuring the ogive of the 90gr FGMM and found that the jump from ogive to lands is too great. 60gr Nosler is showing good accuracy and to apprears to be related to this. Based off of this, I think Federal was buying into their own propaganda and released this caliber prematurely. Chambers, or maybe bullet design need to be re-evaluated. My hope is that new chamber specs are released so as to come up with a more consistent ogive to lands jump that allows the current 4 factory rounds to all perform well. So, it’s a bit early to jump on the bandwagon. Personally, I like semi auto rifles that can perform well at long range and are weight conscious. It’s a bit of a unicorn, but I think this round has the potential to fit that, but still needs some evolution. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Admit it. The next time you drive by a golf course you're gonna honk that horn for all it's worth!1 point
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That was so worth the read. I think I woke my wife when I snorted at the instructor interaction.... Different cultures breed very different tactics and weapons.0 points
Speaking of suicide. It would be hard for the Dems to kill themselves off faster than they are right now... except for that.0 points
I agree with Prag. I don’t think anyone thought you were promoting them at all. I just think there’s still a lot of bitterness over the downstream effects of their decision to commit suicide. You’d have to come up in here and say “Hillary is running again in 2020!” to get as visceral of a reaction.0 points
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