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Good thing Waffle House has a nation wide "gun free" policy to prevent things like this from...oh, never mind.10 points
Nashville is swinging so far left that we may have to change its nickname from NashVegas to NashAngeles.6 points
As I get older, it doesn't take much to make me happy. Just a little peace and quiet. I worked on my boat, fixed a plow, swept my basement, plowed my garden an my neighbor's garden, mowed my mother in law's yard and her brother's yard. The weather was beautiful, everyone is healthy, and it's been a great day. The next pretty day I don't have to work, I plan to go out in the boat and see if the fish are biting.5 points
Yes. I sometimes think things like that, then I think "that's just crazy". Then it happens again and again, almost as if it were on cue.5 points
Let's not address the naked nutjob running around with a weapon while on police radar but talk about the kind of weapon he had. I'm so sick of these dipsticks like Briley and his liberal ilk talking about something so stupid as banning a gun will prevent this stuff from happening. These morons want to make me puke. Cudos on the man taking action to stop more bloodshed. Thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families.4 points
Guy was on LE radar, nothing done. Business as usual. Why are these Lib SOB's crying about guns? Where is the concern/marches/protests, against the justice system, law enforcement, that have an opportunity to prevent, and do nothing. Something really wrong with that picture. Why is the media not perched on the FBI front stoop, looking for explanations? Sorry for the rant, but this just stinks!!4 points
So why the heck was this guy nude under his jacket? Crazy much? You ever feel like someone somewhere setting these up to happen to push their agenda. Things seem too close together and too specific. A guy with a semi 12ga could have done even more damage.4 points
You can’t prove a negative. It’s not up to people to disprove a conspiracy but rather the conspiracy theorist’s job is to prove the conspiracy beyond doubt .3 points
One of the patrons is definitely a hero for having the balls to charge the gunman and wrestle the rifle away. https://www.cnn.com/2018/04/22/us/waffle-house-shooting-hero-tennessee/index.html3 points
Well, it may sound crazy & maybe it is, but I've thought the same thing. Wouldn't surprise me if some of the gun hating Liberals are just giddy every time this happens to further their agenda. Bad thing to say, but I put nothing past these butt holes. PS, my tin foil hat fits fine & I've just made a down payment on my black helicopter, LOL3 points
Nope. If they come in my house after 8pm, that’s likely the condition I’ll be in when I shoot them .2 points
No one would know who Briley was if his boss hadn't screwed a cop. Now he wants to screw the law abiding gun owner. Figures.2 points
2 points
I doubt many people with an HCP are at Waffle House come 3am on a Sat night/Sun morning.2 points
Well, At least he was naked. Too bad somebody wasn't able to shoot him on the spot2 points
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I killed #2 about a week ago. It’s been tough hunting. Hopefully the last couple weeks of season will get hot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro2 points
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I got up and watered the garden, loaded up the range bag and hauled out to the range with 2 exemplary retired service members. We then proceeded to empty a .30 cal ammo can full of .45's we loaded in 2012. An exemplary Sunday.1 point
Not anymore than someone could prove it I suppose. I'm of the belief that we have a lot of people in this country not getting proper treatment, or any treatment, for their mental health issues. If you take a country of 300 million it only takes a small percentage of really sick people to commit this type of thing. Of course some people are just evil too.1 point
So the the reports I’ve heard is his guns were consfiscated and Illinois firearms card revoked last year. Guns were released to his father who then gave them back to the nut.1 point
If and when my SIL stops by and wants to go to the WH here in Gallatin I am always packing. I don't know if it is posted or not cause I never looked. The only 2 people that know I am packing is SIL and my self cause we both go completely concealed and unless they have installed metal detectors or have a guy with a wand I will leave. If not we will eat and leave.1 point
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During the press conference the Nashville Mayor took his few minutes to call for more gun control, but don't think he mentioned the real reason - mental health. I understand two were shot outside before the gunman entered the Waffle House. A CCW holder in the restaurant may have been able to engage and end the shooting at that point. Cudo's to the guy who charged the shooter and took his gun away.1 point
That is what tasers are used for. If I was a LEO and knew I had to deal with him I would light him up like a Christmas tree and every time he moved I would light him up again.........JMHO1 point
The guy wasn't crazy. The gun was. You one of them right wingers or somethin'?1 point
Crazy people do seem to be nude a lot. That’s why I could never be a cop, I don’t want to deal with naked people. i have a feeling this guy was on some serious drugs.1 point
Would you elaborate on this comment please? I have 3 BHPs of varying ages, and a couple of Argentine Hipowers, plus an FN Hipower BDA 9. I find them extremely shootable and have experienced no problems with any of them. All are factory stock pistols, with no "improvements."1 point
1 point
Look around for a Gen 3 smith and wesson. I had a 3913 slim single stack in 9mm sold it for peanuts years ago sorry I did. Nice EDC gun. I have a DW guardian that is totally reliable, trust it to carry. Funny you mention savannah stopped there with my wife on the way to pick our niece up in florida, and almost got jacked by two guys down by the river, they were following us and something made me turn around, started to pull my gun they took off fast. Nice town otherwise.1 point
Have you shot a P239? Dead nuts accurate, and so comfy IWB. Mine was purchased as a 40 and shot maybe 10 rounds until my 357 sig mags and barrel arrived. My favorite concealed gun in the best cartridge out there. If "near Nashville" means the south side please give me a shout if you would like to swing by and touch of a mag or 3 Mark1 point
Kahrs are great guns but their triggers are not for everyone. The T series is just over your weight limit but I have always thought they were the best looking Kahrs.1 point
I was interested in the GSG until I saw the pictures above.1 point
Because the price of the beautiful Belgium blued ones is crazy and for some reason people are pricing the ones made in recent years the same way. I had a Belgium Browning Hi-Power that has a fantastic high gloss blue. I sold it around 1980; what a mistake.1 point
How in the hell did I forget to mention the Browning hi power as a weapon I love? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
Smith & Wesson Model 60 .357 Mag, Satin stainless that can be polished to a mirror finish if you like, 21.4 Oz, many beautiful wood grips and leather holsters available. Or the model 66 2.5” at 31.5 oz would be a contender if the weight didn’t bother you. Or a 2.5” blue 19. Or a…. It will probably be awhile before a super light material that can handle a good defensive round is used. But you never know. However, a super lightweight gun shooting a good defensive round will have recoil issues.1 point
I bought a brand new 6” one right out of high school and like a fool traded it a few years later. Never did take a shine to it as even then I preferred blue but if I had only known what it would be worth 30 years later.1 point
I suspect I am spoiled. I don't drive my personal vehicles anymore. I have a company vehicle with a company fuel card. I get that it has no bearing on the conversation at hand. I just wanted to remind myself of the small things that make my life awesome.1 point
In the spirit of what are we as gun owners doing from an activism perspective: Last night I attended a meeting of “Common Ground” - a local Nashville group whose mission is to create dialogue to “bridge the red/blue divide”. The topic was guns and was the second meeting in a row on the topic. (i only learned of this for the 2nd) I am always wary of the word “conversation” to describe any such meeting, as its often code word meaning the “Left will tell you what to think”...but I went anyway, figuring that if I dis not it, what information would otherwise neutral minds leave with. Here is what I found The group of around 30 people, mostly all white and upper class were presented with three “experts” to briefly talk about their views/position on guns and “gun violence” Unsurprisingly, a woman from Moms Demand Action was one “expert”, but then members of the local Well Armed Woman chapter were there as well, along with a Metro Police officer. What I learned: The police shared the fact that they now share bullet forensic data with a national database and have learned that most gun crime is committed by a small number of people with the same gun - meaning that for example of 100 gun crimes committed, it may be from only 10 guns/people. Thus the bad apples are truly bad but small in number. He shared straw purchases are a big problem and wished that gun prosecutions were stiffer. The MDA lady parroted their talking points - you know them so no need to repeat. I was impressed with the poise of the Well Armed Women who made the argument for better education on the nature of the 2A. We then broke into smaller groups and discussed what we learned from the “experts” that surprised us, and then began a pretty open free for all on what to do about “gun violence” and what we would want to know more from the “experts” Notably a quick poll of our group found that it was split equally between those who wanted to eliminate the 2A, those who did not, and those who wished to modify it. Those who wished to eliminate it used the same arguments we are all familiar with - the 2A does not mean all arms, you don’t “need” an deadly ar-15, etc etc. the ones in the middle I quickly figured out just lacked information on what the current laws actually were and why certain “common sense proposals” might not be common sense or may be illegal or otherwise lead to unintended consequences. What I found was standing up for the 2A as an absolute right (which it is) makes you sound like an extremist, yet demanding its absolute removal does not.....strange.....but wait....theres more As we went around this issue of the nature of the 2A I was able to educate the group on Heller and McDonald. I said whether you like it or not, the SCOTUS has affirmed the 2A and specifically the ownership of weapons in common use (ie not nukes which one wag tried to argue was therefore allowed under an expansive view of the 2A). That matter being settled, I said regardless of ones personal views, any discussion on guns in America must take place in the context of McDonald. Unsurprisingly the banners refused to recognize the validity of a SCOTUS decision they did not agree with. I was able to explain the 4473 background check, why there is opposition to Universal Background checks (requires a government list of gun owners and could be used for confiscation), What I found is that the people in the middle were responsive to the information versus the emotional arguments. In fact, the emotion might have brought them to the table but they want a “meal” of useful info. Did i change any minds? Of those who wanted to ban the 2A - no. Of those who want to”modify it? Absolutely. I had a couple of one to one convos after the meeting and it was amazing to learn what people would say in private vs in a group. And we were all strangers so it should not have mattered! Bottom line - Show Up. Speak sensibly and educate people. Ignore the crazies and speak with those who are persuadable. PS: at the end of the meeting the Moms lady asked for a group photo, which i thought was particularly inappropriate since it was not her meeting but rather one she was a guest speaker at. I asked if it was for her groups facebook page and yes was the answer. I refused to participate and took her to task for not informing those in the pic of her intentions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
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I’ve got those things . Now for the pistol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk0 points
I want whiskey that won't give you a hangover and a whore that'll keep her mouth shut. Sometimes you just can't have it all.0 points
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