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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2018 in Posts
I think they made a huge mistake when they did away with ass whippin's. The folks in need of one are piling up4 points
My safe finally arrived today. It is an Old Glory gun safe. I am really impressed with it. It is well built and pretty heavy (750 lbs). I like the interior LED lighting as I can change it to multiple colors. I also want to give a big shout out to Aaron Parker and his son with Parker Safes. Although I bought the safe direct from Old Glory, they did a top notch job on moving the safe carefully and took care not to damage the floors or the safe as they had to navigate up 6 steps and down a narrow hallway. He also explained how to open and operate my safe. I highly recommend them for any of your safe needs. Thanks Aaron. Will post pics as soon as I can shrink them down. Any good software downloads that will shrink .jpeg files down enough to post the pics?2 points
I got one. I ordered a Crossbreed holster and two twelve round mags last week in anticipation of finding this pistol.2 points
My grandfather, who was egg bald by his 20's, used to say "God only made so many perfectly shaped heads, the rest He covered with hair." My mom used to tell him, "If you go bald up front, it means you're a thinker. If you go bald in the back, it means you're sexy. If you go bald all over, you just think you're sexy."2 points
We wanted really badly to send a bunch of them to jail in 2009-2010. Unfortunately there were also some folks who really didn’t want to see that happen who had a lot more political capital - and probably a few pictures to go along with it. Buying politicians isn’t cheap - but it sure is effective.2 points
I just realized that if they could figure out a way to transplant ear hair to the scalp, every guy over 55 would look like Joe Dirt in about two weeks...just sayin'.1 point
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Just get a free imgur.com account. Upload them there and post links here via tge "insert other media" option1 point
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Well I'm sure its all about the mighty dollar whether he is going to flip them or just double the rent and rent them back out but if he is wanting to flip them you would assume it would look better to a potential buyer that the units are rented with very long term renters than trying to sell and empty complex but then I am convinced that the guy is an idiot regardless of his thinking. I have not been comfortable since he bought them because you never know how those people think to begin with. I do have an ace in the hole and you know what they say about Pay backs. I have enough evidence I could make his life a living hell that he has no clue about. When a previous owner had these units thye had an electrical issue and I had a buddy of mine that is a Professional Electrical Contractor help the people out and do the repair. He didn't tell the owners what he found but he said if the codes people ever went up in that attic they would condem the entire complex and stop anyone from renting here in any complex until the entire complex is rewired and inspected He said there are live wires all over the place just sticking up not attached to anything. He did a real look at it and said the place is a ticking time bomb and major fire just waiting to happen. Also in the rear of my cottage is a hallway connecting my cottage to the duplex because back years ago they would not let the original property owner rent this cottage until it was part of the duplex so he added the hall way which is also my fire escape doorway in case of fire it is required to have front and rear fire exits. This clown sealed up that hallway closing off my rear fire exit. They will make him remodel that and ad a back door to this cottage before he can rent it. Oh yea my electrical guy put in writing what he found up in the attic and it is what I will be giving to codes when I am gone. Remember what I said about Pay Backs???? Pretty hard to sell or rent a place that is condemed by Codes.1 point
The market is crazy these days. House sales and rents have skyrocketed way past what they are worth. My daughter was looking for a place recently and couldnt find anything decent in a decent area that was affordable. Im a renter also, and have been in my house for I guess 18 years, My landlord is a low maintenance kinda guy, just fixed things that break, but not a lot of preventive maintenance other than the roof. BSo my house is a little run down in spots, but serviceable. The good news is he hasnt raisd the renbt but once in all those years and then onbly a year ago by 50 bucks. So I have a 3 bedroom house ina nice area with a huge fenced in back yard for a very affordable rate. I just hope he continues to apprciate the value of a tenant that has paid rent on time every month for 18 years over a fact buck form rainsing the rent.1 point
Bersa, I really hate to hear the aggravation this causes, but it sounds like life may be better in the future by making the move. Not to mention, if your daughter is a good cook you may score a home cooked meal once in a while that you don't have to cook.1 point
I thought that is what sporks already were... I see a line of tactical carving forks coming out.1 point
Yep. When I lived in Florida is wasn't illegal to "drink" while carrying. You just couldn't be "drunk". You also couldn't do it in the bar area. Very odd honestly.1 point
I wonder if this is a restriction per-State or if all States do it the same. I don't want to assume. Good idea! Hahahaha I'll see if we can work that in.1 point
Won't happen. Someone will label them as 'utensil identity fluid' and they will be protected.1 point
Aside from your keys and a pen, what other innocuous items can be carried on your person.1 point
Better idea is return to sender. Pop them for some additional postage1 point
In all seriousness, I very much doubt this "someone" is a member of TGO.1 point
There was more to the story, as in, that person absolutely hates the company we work for. So, that wasn't the first nor the last time he's caused us trouble.1 point
Your best bet is to find a used Taurus. When they are good, they are as good as S&W. But when they are bad, they are nothing but trouble. Find one that has been used but not abused. Take it for a range test. If it's good, go for it. You might get lucky and find an older Ruger under $500. Another possibility is the Astra. The revolvers were good, but got a bad rap because some Spanish pistols are shoddy.1 point
Maybe briefly mention not being able to consume alcohol at restaurants while carrying. I’m sure a lot of people frequently leave their weapon at home or in the car because they’d like to have a beer at dinner.1 point
How and when do you decide if it is best to improvise a weapon and fight or hide and barricade yourself somewhere safe?1 point
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In all honesty I have never walked through the door of one of their stores. Just something about the name of them that turned me off and I didn't want to be seen going in a store with that name. Yea, I know it may just be me with my warped way of thinking but it is what it is.....................1 point
Well, I pulled that as a class 4 vehicle. Seems like there are discrepencies or wrong links on Wikipedia. My bad, just say 3 of them and call it good. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truck_classification1 point
I have carried a Gen 3 G19 for over a decade now. I own multiples of them. I fondled my first 19x today. It was hard not to drop the $600 on it right then and there. It felt 'right.' It made me feel dirty, because everything told me I should hate this pistol.1 point
The rear sight being off to one side. Glock has gone overboard on Tech Stuff on this On Gun 5 Models with the new Match Barrel ,when gun is test fired at factory a computer tells where it thinks sight should be drifted and does this automatically. This is why you will find them all the way right, left or centered. The Reps are telling factory to drop this and just center them because of customer complaints. Some Distributors and Dealers are now doing it themselves.1 point
I've been watching the entire Deadwood series as my current treadmill distraction. In honor of that, I would have to call them c#cks#ckers.0 points
He just went up on everyones rent 3 months ago. Mine went up $50.00 and that is the second increase since he bought the place. Did I mention the fact that he is a Foreigner from one of those arabic 3rd world countries. He says he is Jordian but I know thats a lie. They will never tell you the truth about what country they are from but I do know one thing for sure. He is scare to death of me. I have heard him arguing with the truck driver when he first served him. I have heard him arguing with the old womans family up front about it but he never argues with me about anything but always very very nice to me and he made sure when he told me about my future booting out he had like 4 people with him and he has never had anyone come with him before. He always comments on all the targets I have hangng all over the walls and asks me if I have been shooting recently when he comes by to pick up the rent. Even if I have not been I tell him yea yesterday and then I tell him I am still dead on and he changes the subject. He has stooped by a couple times when BT and I would be coming from the range and I would be open carry and he glances and at least 10 times at the gun while he is talking to me in the yard. I know it bothers him as he has told Ronnie, my next door neighbor a couple times about seeing my gun and Ronnie told him one time that a lot of times he probably doesn't see the other ones I have concealed and even though I don't Ronnie like to poke at the guy. Ronnie says the guys eyes got big when he said that. I just laughed. We are taking bets on whether he has the Kahoonas to hand me the eviction like he did the truck driver and he will to the old woman up front or will he have a LEO bring me mine. I'm betting it's a LEO.0 points
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