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In the spirit of what are we as gun owners doing from an activism perspective: Last night I attended a meeting of “Common Ground” - a local Nashville group whose mission is to create dialogue to “bridge the red/blue divide”. The topic was guns and was the second meeting in a row on the topic. (i only learned of this for the 2nd) I am always wary of the word “conversation” to describe any such meeting, as its often code word meaning the “Left will tell you what to think”...but I went anyway, figuring that if I dis not it, what information would otherwise neutral minds leave with. Here is what I found The group of around 30 people, mostly all white and upper class were presented with three “experts” to briefly talk about their views/position on guns and “gun violence” Unsurprisingly, a woman from Moms Demand Action was one “expert”, but then members of the local Well Armed Woman chapter were there as well, along with a Metro Police officer. What I learned: The police shared the fact that they now share bullet forensic data with a national database and have learned that most gun crime is committed by a small number of people with the same gun - meaning that for example of 100 gun crimes committed, it may be from only 10 guns/people. Thus the bad apples are truly bad but small in number. He shared straw purchases are a big problem and wished that gun prosecutions were stiffer. The MDA lady parroted their talking points - you know them so no need to repeat. I was impressed with the poise of the Well Armed Women who made the argument for better education on the nature of the 2A. We then broke into smaller groups and discussed what we learned from the “experts” that surprised us, and then began a pretty open free for all on what to do about “gun violence” and what we would want to know more from the “experts” Notably a quick poll of our group found that it was split equally between those who wanted to eliminate the 2A, those who did not, and those who wished to modify it. Those who wished to eliminate it used the same arguments we are all familiar with - the 2A does not mean all arms, you don’t “need” an deadly ar-15, etc etc. the ones in the middle I quickly figured out just lacked information on what the current laws actually were and why certain “common sense proposals” might not be common sense or may be illegal or otherwise lead to unintended consequences. What I found was standing up for the 2A as an absolute right (which it is) makes you sound like an extremist, yet demanding its absolute removal does not.....strange.....but wait....theres more As we went around this issue of the nature of the 2A I was able to educate the group on Heller and McDonald. I said whether you like it or not, the SCOTUS has affirmed the 2A and specifically the ownership of weapons in common use (ie not nukes which one wag tried to argue was therefore allowed under an expansive view of the 2A). That matter being settled, I said regardless of ones personal views, any discussion on guns in America must take place in the context of McDonald. Unsurprisingly the banners refused to recognize the validity of a SCOTUS decision they did not agree with. I was able to explain the 4473 background check, why there is opposition to Universal Background checks (requires a government list of gun owners and could be used for confiscation), What I found is that the people in the middle were responsive to the information versus the emotional arguments. In fact, the emotion might have brought them to the table but they want a “meal” of useful info. Did i change any minds? Of those who wanted to ban the 2A - no. Of those who want to”modify it? Absolutely. I had a couple of one to one convos after the meeting and it was amazing to learn what people would say in private vs in a group. And we were all strangers so it should not have mattered! Bottom line - Show Up. Speak sensibly and educate people. Ignore the crazies and speak with those who are persuadable. PS: at the end of the meeting the Moms lady asked for a group photo, which i thought was particularly inappropriate since it was not her meeting but rather one she was a guest speaker at. I asked if it was for her groups facebook page and yes was the answer. I refused to participate and took her to task for not informing those in the pic of her intentions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk11 points
Thanks - one thing about the Left is that they show up and make themselves seem more powerful/popular by doing so. We must do the same and not cede the battlefield of ideas to them. Ever. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk6 points
I simply cannot understand why we spend thousands of dollars to put dead bodies in a fancy box. If I were to die tomorrow I'd much rather my wife use that money for a nice vacation than a coffin. Burn me or wrap me in a cloth and stick me in the ground.5 points
Pretty much the same here. No visitation or ceremony. If you can't visit me now, while I'm alive, don't show up & act like you're going to miss me. Sad, but true.3 points
I was checking the weather forecast to see what the next couple of days look like and was surprised to see the word snow in tomorrow's forecast. Wind chills in the 20's and 30's2 points
Had been having problems with static electricity, in my funnel with CFE powder. Tried different things/suggestions, some helped for a while, always returned. Got to prowling on the 'net, & found an aluminum funnel that is static free. It's also caliber specific ( only fits one caliber). I ordered one for my 9MM, it works like a charm....no more static, plus, it sits on the mouth of the case, don't have to hold it up. Ordered from Brownells, about $12 = S/H. Worth it. Some of you guys may already be aware of this , but this is for some of the newbees, that may be having the same issue.2 points
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True, planning on doing that very thing. Not only less space, but funeral homes are a ripoff.2 points
Killer Mike is a rapper who campaigned for Bernie in the last election. He’s also a hardcore 2A advocate in the black community, an NRA member and a Southerner. Over the last couple of weeks he has received a lot, and I mean A LOT of flack over this interview that he did on NRA TV with Colion Noir. While he has made statements since the release taking issue with how it was initially utilized to contrast with the March for Our Lives (which was discussed in the video) I think there is a lot that can be learned from in this discussion. It’s long, but I believe well worth the watch. To anyone one who does take this journey with me, are there any points that really stuck out to you? For me there are definitely a few, such as his specific criticisms of the Democratic Party and white progressives not being real allies to black folks and how the NRA played a vital role during the civil rights era.2 points
Yea I know. I was stationed in Alaska for a while and the skeeters up there ae big enough that one can land of each of your shoulders and then discuss whether to eat you there or take you with them. Back when I was just a boy up in Illinois age 6 it would snow in October and that snow would still be on the ground in March and all it did was add snow to it all Winter and skeeters was terrible up there too.......2 points
Cremation takes up a lot less space and costs a lot less. Just sayin.2 points
There's no such thing as enough winter to kill them off. Ever been to Canada or Alaska? Winter just makes them bigger and stronger.2 points
In Greensboro NC, the city counsel decided that they would no longer allow gun shows in the Greensboro Coliseum. That is not legal and these two men pushed back. The second guy nails it.2 points
Everyone that I know who owns one of them says the improvements aren't just in the grip length. They say the trigger is better than any other Glock due to changes in the trigger system and/or sear. Also, the explanation I've heard several times now for why the grip length and slide length work so well for certain applications has to do with who the pistol was originally designed for. Keep in mind it was designed as a contender for the joint service pistol. Anyone wearing body armor with side panels needed a shorter slide so that they weren't drawing "all of that gun" out of a holster and trying to clear it past their armor.2 points
Don't hold your breath on the snow in this neck of the woods. North & higher elevations, maybe2 points
Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to weather. I get up in the morning, Look at thermomitor on the front porch and dress acordingly. If it's cloudy I might take an umbrella. Only Mother Nature knows what she has planned for us petty little humans.......2 points
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Thought I might mention that this Saturday I'll be going to SW Virginia to attend a grave marking by the Sons of the American Revolution and Daughters of the American Revolution for my 5th great grandfather on my mom's side Robert "Robin" Vicars. He served in Lord Dunmore's War in 1774 against the Shawnee and Mingo and then in the Revolution. He came to America from England as an indentured servant and made the most of opportunities in the new world. He is buried on his farm in Russel County VA. His daughter Molly married Joseph H Gilbert - the son of another Revolutionary War veteran from Virginia (Joseph Hiram Gilbert) and after much "begetting" down through the Gilbert line to my mom, I was the product. So if any of you happen to be Sons of the American Revolution headed for a grave marking ceremony in SW VA on Saturday I will see you there....1 point
Yesterday I was in a Walmart that is one of the locations I am not in very often. I noticed a sort of end cap rack/display of Ontario Old Hickory knives. At first I was kind of excited because I have always loved those knives and haven't seen them in a Walmart - or many brick and mortar stores, really - in years. My initial excitement quickly turned to disgust, however, as I noticed the word 'stainless' printed on the packaging. What?! To me the whole point of Old Hickory knives is that they are made of 1095 high carbon steel. Sure you get a little rust if you don't care for them but these inexpensive kitchen knives have always, to my experience, sharpened and performed better than any stainless kitchen knives at anything near a similar price point. To see these old favorites defiled by being made of stainless felt sort of like running into an old girlfriend and finding out she had recently had a sex change and now goes by the name 'Bill'. I just hope it doesn't mean that Ontario is going to stop making real Old Hickory knives in favor of these imposters.1 point
I’d argue that both parties are just as dependent on Wickard at this point - as they’re two sides of the same coin - both serving their own interests over the people’s Wickard may be one of those rulings that we’ve simply moved too far to go back. It would take justices willing to set the whole system on fire to decide it was wrongly decided in ‘42. As much as we decry the loss of freedom - the states have willingly ceded authority to the federal government. What was originally a few bucks here and there has turned into a lot of states that wouldn’t be able to support basic services for its people if that happened. A lot of states here in the south would be at the top of that list.1 point
In the long run it might work out. But, empire is hard. And so is freedom. We’ve ceded way too much to the federal government. Put another way - all of us depend on the government for too much. It could very well lead to a break up of the Union. In the near to midterm if would be quite painful - likely causing a depressions nationally and globally. It would affect every man, woman, and child in America.1 point
I added the last sentence to add some levity to the first. Since 1789, the federal government has been working to consolidate power. It’s a long game, and each of the three branches have played a part. But, Wickard vs. Filburn is certainly one of the Judicial Branches most significant contributions. If you’ll remember the various firearms freedom acts from a few years ago - arguing that Wickard vs. Filburn was wrongly decided was one of its key arguments.1 point
Well I know this was said in jest, I would also say that the amount of truth contained it is significant. Not about Scalia, of course. If Wickard were to fall I would say conservatively it would unravel a solid 30-50% of the federal government, if not more.1 point
South Korea went from a third world country to a first world economy in a generation. I suspect they became pretty adept at “borrowing” their share of good ideas.1 point
My former customers in Vegas had claimed that the heavier weights of .223 did well against coyote as long as you used 1:12 barrels. .243 wasn't as effective, but .270 was the best for the buck. SWC1 point
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Yes, it is 6.5x55. And it does look to me to be basically in original shape, although I am new enough to these I don’t know that I could spot refurb markings if they even exist. One of my favorite parts of milsurp collecting is running across old stuff like this and just thinking back about the years and circumstances it has seen! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
You've got a real un-common rifle there, 6.5 caliber I presume ? Good to see one relatively un-molested .1 point
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She was buried by VA and we do didn’t embalm or have visitation (at 96 years old she had outlived almost all that would visit ) and it still cost over 9k .1 point
I did sales for a bunch of years. Some retail in a western wear store and I even sold Kirby vacuum cleaners door to door for a while. It can be tough, but as @SWJewellTN said keep an open mind. Several times in the western store I had people come in all covered in dirt or worse. The other sales people ignored them. I figured I had to be there any way and helped them out. One time a guy came in asking to try on about 10 pairs of lower cost boots. We were slow, so I got him sizes of all the ones he wanted. When we got done, I figured I had a mess to clean up. He then says, "I will take these 6 pair" and paid in cash. So none cost a ton each, but together that was a good sale. He was a trucker and would buy a bunch at once and wear them until he only had one pair left, then go buy more. Another time a family came in with 5 kids. Dad looked like he just rolled around in a coal pile. I helped them get all 5 kids boots and other stuff. Turned out the dad was a miner. He paid cash and handed me a good tip on top of a good size sale. He said the other store in town would not help him. I swear his wallet must have has $2k in it when he took it out to pay. Never sold cars, I know they are a special category. Just treat people how you want to be and you will live through the idiots and rack up some sales.1 point
I have a gen 5 17 for my duty pistol and for me the trigger pull is about the same and so is the groupings . I have a personal g26 gen 5 just cause I was curious. I still don't see that big a difference from it and the Gen 3's or 4's.1 point
You might want to read some reviews of the Stinger. Oh, my. I don't need one, but I sure do want it.1 point
Sorry your feeling under the weather and hope your back well soon. Mine expires 5 days after your does and normally the Gallatin DMV station is not to crowded Tues-Thurs. I will keep my papers in the console of the jeep and if I drive by there and they are not crowded I will just pop in and get mine done.1 point
I got mine a week ago, haven't felt up to sitting & waiting that long. Still coughing quite a bit. Mine expires 6/18/18, so no big rush to get it done, anyway. I'll likely go to Lebanon for mine. $50 & a new pic.1 point
Congrats. You just did far more to further the cause than any of the people buying another case of .223 and yelling at the TV news......1 point
Thank you for spending your time on this and for sharing with us.1 point
There is another website called 23andme but they're more expensive than ancestry.1 point
Nope. As someone who started handloading in the late 1960s, I can assure you it's possible to learn it without Youtube or online forums. Books really do work. Cheers, Whisper1 point
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Sorry you had such a bad experience there. Mine was totally opposite. They have always treated myself and my family with respect and courtesy. Also can't believe that you are pleased at a loss this large to a gun retailer. Seriously? Pretty vindictive in my opinion ........ We need these retailers and indoor ranges. They support our gun rights and have a vested interest in the 2nd Amendment.1 point
My SIL's company has the same problem you have. They are hiring everyday but their issue is not getting applicants. They could hire 10 people a day if they could find 10 that could pass a drug test. They send 25 men/boys for drug tests and they might get 1 that can pass that they can hire. I was talking with Tommy (SIL) the other day and he said in 2017 they sent 377 people in for drug test and were able to hire 11 of them but then lost 7 of those in random drug tests. They can employ anyone that is on prescription medications that have a script from a doctor. That employee is insurable and they will keep them. They start out paying $16.00 an hour for basic labor and as they get more experienced their pay scale goes up.1 point
You have no idea how big a can of worms you've opened up here.1 point
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That's the thing with AR's, they are very personal as far as what one like's and dislikes. I will say, I don't personally like the look of the A2 front site and I think it does get in the way. Honestly, they will all work and do what you want within that range with 223/556. My recommendation. Find the one you like the looks of and get it. Put a decent 1-6x scope on it and some backup sites and have fun. The only thing I think most off the shelf AR's need is a better trigger and there are lots of way to fix that issue. The best part about them is if you decide you don't like something on them or simply want to try something new, it is super simple to change things. I just put these Hera parts (buttstock and forehandle) on my 9mm SBR for something different. I haven't decided if I completely like the look or not, but it sure is comfortable. If I decide I don't like it, 10 min's and they are back off.1 point
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