Sunfish, you're picking up a vibe that keeps me from aligning with this rally. I think our members ought to dig a little deeper before being so enthusiastic to attend what looks like it's going to be a patriotic Pro 2nd Amendment rally.
This NCCPA (National Constitutional Coalition of Patriotic Americans) is publicly affiliated in some way, if only by association, the Three Percent and Oath Keeper organizations which have been classified as hate groups and anti-government separatist groups. From their own "About" page:
Red and bold emphasis are mine.
If you think that this connection won't be exploited by the media and turned against us, you probably haven't paid much attention to the media lately.
It's one thing for an organization completely unassociated with these groups to organize a rally and have some of them unexpectedly show up and hold signs, wear their "colors", etc. In a public setting, you can no more control that than the Far Left and Anti-2A groups can control any of us showing up and peacefully holding up signs supporting the Second Amendment.
But it's another thing entirely, in my opinion at least, when the organizers of a rally claim on their own website that they are an affiliation of Three Percent groups and Local Militias, even if that affiliation is "loose".
This will completely keep me from being there or showing any support for it. And that's a shame because we still need a good, organized, Pro-2nd Amendment rally.