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  1. I have said for years that the liberals are far better at organizing than we are. They are better at protesting and they ARE the ones winning this battle and will likely win the war that is destroying our country. We bitch, gripe and complain then sit home on election day in protest. Our protests are ALWAYS a silent protest. Very few conservatives are willing to stand up to those who want to do us harm. Call me crazy, laugh and snicker all you want but we WILL be disarmed in our lifetimes. Our children will be left defenseless to the abuses by those in power, the same ones who believe we should be killed, because we did nothing when the time to act was upon us. Our time for standing up to be heard has already passed. We have already lost this battle and will likely loose the war because of our inaction. Gun owners think donating $5 to the NRA as part of a "Money bomb" makes them an activist gun owner. They do it only to make themselves feel good and to absolve themselves of any guilt or responsibility for what IS coming. How many here have actually wrote or called their representatives? Very few because we would be hearing a lot more about how our representatives do not respond or want to hear from us. We send off emails in a flurry of emotion then sit idly by until something else affects us personally. It is the lulls in between when we should have been most active. Yelling when it is quiet will get your message heard a lot better than yelling when everyone else is yelling. I hear people say that they are OK with banning bump stocks. If you are one of these people please take your guns down and get that gift card because you are part of the problem. These are the gun owners who don't care for his fellow gun owners and will only voice their opinion to hurt the rights of other gun owners. We have people, lots of them, who believe members of the NRA have blood on their hands and that those members should be killed. Those same people are the ones organizing these events and they will be the ones in power one day. I read every single day that white people are the problem and that they should be killed. At what point are we willing to open our mouths and actually say something to save ourselves? Perhaps it is only when we are begging for our lives that we will say something. It took Hitler less than a decade to forever change the face of history by killing millions. We, in our lifetimes, shall see ourselves disarmed and people will be left defenseless to act against those who want to do harm. And this is because we sit in silence when we want our voices to be heard.
    7 points
  2. Any "pro gun rights" rally at this point, no matter how well intended and snowflake friendly, will come off as GUN TOTIN' WHITEY REDNECK KLAN RALLY and will be broadcast on local tv like throwing a steak to a starved lion in a cage. It's my own personal opinion that they have managed to take BLM, LGBTQ (sure I forgot a letter or 2) and a couple other groups and merge them into 1 rolling gauntlet of bleeding hearts fockers. Any resistance is viewed as anti gun, anti people of color, anti gay, anti ?? and there isn't a TV station out there that will do your rally justice. Edited to answer the OP's questions. I will continue to do the only thing I feel makes the most impact for me as a citizen and voter and that is to keep pressure on those that are elected to represent me on both the local,state,and federal levels. I let them know that a bunch of kids, which is what we all know they are, are not only not old enough to vote yet but have been brainwashed by this feel good social media based society.
    5 points
  3. Yep. And admit it or not, those kids went through a more traumatic experience than most of us here at TGO ever have. Grab a group of them who or either anti-gun or undecided and give them travel, room, and food, and that is exactly how you get to where we are right now. Making fun of them isn’t going to help anything. That will only help convince others that the extreme pro-gun side is the wrong, uncaring, heartless side. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  4. The thing about democracy is - and you learn this very quickly in Washington - is that participation matters. Theres a reason that Congress passed the omnibus spending bill without debate and then got the heck out of town - because not a one of them wanted to be there yesterday. Those kids weren’t just protesting Republicans. They were angry at all of them. Regardless, participation matters. And, you better believe Congress was watching. Heck, Marco Rubio is already touting that he voted to fund the CDC doing research on gun violence (snuck into the omnibus bill.) I’m increasingly convinced that there has to be another path aside from this zero sum proxy fight in the culture wars that could lead to another civil war. But, the opposition is looking increasingly united in a way that they haven’t in a long time. And, politicians respond to united - especially when that group can potentially vote for a lot more years than a bunch of us angry old white guys. We’ve got some work ahead of us.
    4 points
  5. I originally posted this on the TGO FaceBook page yesterday. Reader response there was good. Tennessee Gun Owners Published by David Yancy · 19 hrs · This is what activism looks like, folks. If you want to know why the Anti Second Amendment voices seem to get more airtime lately, it's because they are generally louder than we are. They organize, they mobilize, and they get their asses out there and make noise. Most people don't realize that there is essentially one guy behind TGO. Me. I built and maintain the forum, and I have a small group of volunteers who help moderate things. My resources are limited. Especially the resource of Time. I can only organize and mobilize so much. What are the rest of you doing? This isn't an excuse or a pity party. It's a call to action. If you want to be heard... if you want to have parity with the side that's working hard to erode your liberties... then GET INVOLVED. Organize counter rallies! Organize demonstrations! Don't just sit on your rear and hope that someone else does it for you. If you organize rallies that reflect well on our community, I'll make people aware of them here on this page and on the TGO forum. Just send me a direct message and tell me what it's about, when it is, what you want from attendees, etc. If it's not something that will make us look like a bunch of morons, you'll have my support. We can either sit around sharing memes, bitching about the other side, or we can take a page from their tactics and actually do something. Your move, Tennessee. What are you going to do with it?
    3 points
  6. So, why is this something only the anti-gun crowd can do? The NRA's IRS Form 990 filed last September showed $36 million on hand after expenses. What's stopping them from doing the same thing and getting pro-gun people walking the streets of DC and in swing states with adequate funding to support? They manage to get an annual convention/trade show organized year after year, so you can't say they don't have the needed resources.
    3 points
  7. Dear Douglas, On behalf of everyone here at NRA, thank you for joining NRA and making our online March for Freedom a HUGE success! Thanks to you and thousands of freedom-loving patriots across our great nation, we welcomed 28,644 NEW NRA members into our ranks in just the past week alone! Please know that I am honored and grateful to have you fighting with me and NRA! Sincerely,
    3 points
  8. "What is" complaining about how Democrats want to take our guns? I fear Dolomite is right. For a while I've hoped that perhaps the younger generation would be more pro-gun. My thoughts? I was leaning on the theory that perhaps FPS (first person shooter) games would create a generation of people interested in guns. To an extent, perhaps this has happened. At this point, I don't know. Although every single example was tragic, this latest school shooting was not the "worst". Perhaps it is because Trump is in office that the opposition (in this case, that being anyone in favor of to any extent stricter gun laws) is simply louder. After Sandy Hook, I was very, very concerned about what Obama would do if he could. The result? Generally nothing. Trump, in my opinion, has already "accomplished" more "anti-gun" stuff than Obama did in eight years. He claimed to be our ally, and perhaps on paper he was better than Clinton, but I never trusted his 2nd Amendment rhetoric. But I think at least with Clinton we would have seen more Republicans opposing restrictions rather than suggestion them. Wow. Sandy Hook was nearly six years ago. What has changed since then? I don't remember a voice so strong, unified, active as it is now. Someone realized that enabling and allowing/using the younger generation could be very effective. It's working from what I can tell. However, don't believe for a second that there isn't a sector of the younger generation that is a counter to gun restrictions. The sad truth though is that their viewpoint isn't being promoted and their agendas are not being financed. Who else finds it ironic that the Justice Department proposed rule changes the day before the "Money Bomb" to the NRA? I suggested in this post that the scheduling for the money bomb may be too far out, if you even assumed it would be helpful at all. I don't know the exact percentage of gun owners in the United States relative to the population. I'd be curious to see the statistics of "Pro-Gun" people that don't take the time to vote. I think those numbers alone would be eye opening. This entire struggle could be much easier if people took 5% of the time they spend complaining about things and use that 5% to vote, write letters/emails, participate, etc. I'm not just talking about main elections either, but rather primaries even. If you think our only options were Trump or Hillary, somehow you've missed the way the system works, period. I am 100% sick of people, reporters, anyone else referring to our country as a "Democracy". It was and is not. Some would love to see it that way but it is not. We have a Representative Republic. One of the benefits of having what we have is the the rights of minorities can also be taken into account. It is terrifying to me to fantasize about where we would be if we were a true democracy. I guarantee that between women's suffrage, civil rights, etc; Most of that would have never came to pass if left up to the popular vote. All of this is relevant because if not already, it is likely that true gun owners are becoming the minority. I'm to the point that if enough of the country desires disarmament of the general population, fine lets do it. But we have that pesky thing called the 2nd Amendment. Don't infringe it. Amend the Constitution. I am as pro-gun as they come, period, no questions asked. But if our country, through culture wars, progressive thinking, "progress", etc has reached the point that the 2nd Amendment is no longer valued/cherished, then lets take the "correct" course of action and amend the Constitution instead of just ignoring it. Personally, I do not understand how the Justice Department can force a "rule change" regarding bump stocks. In my opinion, the first person that ever gets arrested for possessing one that is charged for an unregistered machine gun should be able to hire the best lawyer in the country and win. The definition of a machine gun is clear; a bump stock does not fit that definition. And to anyone that is "ok" with bump stocks disappearing because you don't want one, don't you at least think it is terrifying precedent to allow the Executive branch to deem things Kosher or not Kosher? Perhaps it's wasting my time, but if the bump stock banning actually takes place, I'm tightly crossing my fingers that it gets struck down by the courts. One last thing: The NRA called over the weekend asking for money to fight the "anti-gunners". I had been hoping for this call for months now. Sadly, the call dropped as I didn't have a strong cellular connection. I was very let down over this. I was so pleased with the thought of telling the NRA representative that they themselves were too anti-gun for me and I currently do not feel right donating to their organization and instead would be supporting the GOA. On second thought, I think I'll call (perhaps multiple times), noting that I'd like to speak to someone about becoming a life-member and then venting to that person about how dissatisfied I am with their handling of current events. Waste their time, let them see that some people are paying attention to them, maybe some of the pressure would makes its way up the ranks. /// Side Rant: 1) NRA suggests that the ATF review Bump-Stocks 2) Justice Department considers and proposes to ban Bump-Stocks 3) NRA calls and asks for money to combat the "anti-gunners" 4) People send money on 3/24 to the NRA
    3 points
  9. To those worried about being called names by a bunch of kids. I would rather be called a racist, gun toting, religious nut than a subject by our government master. Seems to me we have a lot of people who are in violation of federal law. Tell me how this would not apply. 18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured— They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death. I have read a bunch of accounts of Trump supporters, gun rights advocates as well as religious people being threatened, intimidated as well as injured by those wishing to silence their 1st amendment right to free speech. Why are those who are committing these crimes not being arrested? 2nd Amendment rallies do not happen very often so no one is going to convince me they cannot take a day off once a month to attend. It isn't about loss of work because I know a lot of people who take a few days off a month to go fishing, hunting or some other hobby. Most working people can afford to attend a monthly event to save their gun rights, most just don't want to because they would rather sit at home in silent protest. And if you are worried about loosing your job because you took a day off I can promise you that if a civil war does kick off, because we can't come together now, not a single one of us will have a job. The banks will not suspend your house payment because a civil war took away your job. It is far easier to make a few phone calls, send a few emails as well as show up to an event or two than it is to survive a civil war. We have ~3 days of food and gas supplies in any given area. If we fall into civil war those supply lines will be cut off almost immediately. Electricity will be gone overnight. And when all that happens millions, according to government studies, will die from starvation. It will affect every single one of us. People of this country are not kind or compassionate any more, there has been a shift in people's thinking and what will happen when LE is no longer patrolling the streets to keep them in check? People no longer value life or property and believe if they CAN take it it they have the right to. We have people who are seemingly aching for a revolution or civil war and it is obvious they have never been to an area of conflict. They have probably never wondered if today is their last or watch a close friend give their final breath for our country. Had they been they would be using every single tool available to prevent the very thing they seem to long for. There is nothing romantic or heroic about dragging our country into a war with itself. They long for a time when they can kill a fellow American under the guise of patriotism but there is nothing less patriotic than killing your fellow countrymen when all other avenues of change have not been exhausted. We are foolish to think a civil war will be easy. It wasn't easy 150 years ago and it will be even worse today. If you want to see what a modern civil war looks like go look at Argentina to see what civil war looks like. Go look at how people are now living in Syria, Ukraine or any other country that has a war waging in their streets. We will not be immune to the same conditions and because we are more modernized than any of those we will fair far worse. We will be a third world country inside of 6 months if we fall into a civil war.
    2 points
  10. See, this is a point that I find myself disagreeing with even most gun owners with. In my opinion the background check system itself is an infringement. Clearly, as seen over the past few tragedies, these shooters passed background checks. Now, perhaps the last one shouldn’t have but he did. The shooters in San Bernardino basically arranges straw purchases for them since they failed the background checks. However, purely my opinion, but if someone is an American citizen and not incarcerated, I think that person should be able to purchase, own, and possess a firearm. It has been argued that violent people should not be allowed to own a firearm, my refutation to that is if a person has shown repeatedly to be violent towards others unnecessarily, then perhaps that person should not be free in the streets but rather in prison. Assuming that a violent con will not/can not gain access to a firearm, they will just resort to using other dangerous weapons or tools. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  11. That's exactly right. I've taken numerous friends shooting over the years that were young democrats. All loved it. I'm seeing some of the more prominent youtube gun guys posting memes making fun of the parkland kids. How is that going to help win over anyone that's not already on our side? I'm honestly ashamed to be associated with that. We need to be the voice of reason, even when it seems the other side isn't willing to listen. I've said it before but it's worth repeating. Only a small portion of the country is extremely anti-gun. We represent another small portion. Most Americans fall somewhere in the middle and could easily find themselves agreeing with us if we present our argument in a mature and logical way.
    2 points
  12. Another thing that is extremely underrated is simply education. For example, I've noticed that a lot of neutral people lean anti-gun simply because their entire knowledge base regarding firearms has came from Hollywood. I little education and demonstration and sometimes these neutral people actually turn out to at least be somewhat pro-gun. That's a step in the right direction.
    2 points
  13. The Clarksville I remember last trip through was anything but beautiful. I mean it was not like a little pig pen or anything and yea you can find something beautiful in any town if you look hard enough but just an over all view Clarksville ain't it................JMHO
    2 points
  14. No matter what reason you give, anti-gun fools will come up with something to counter, no matter how stupid. The fact remains, the 2A is there for a reason, and if all the GCA's infringements don't get blocked, we will need all our muskets sooner or later.
    2 points
  15. What exactly are we going to do..? Do we have the millions of dollars it took to plan, organize and mount a rally that even marginally compares to the show they put on this past wknd.? Do we have the support and millions of dollars that was donated from dozens of Hollywood actors? Is delta airlines going to fly thousands of us to destinations for free? Is some NFL team going to going to let us use their private jet for free to fly us all over the US? Which organization/s are going to help us organize this, they had hundreds of WELL FUNDED antigun organizations all over the country that helped put these events together..Not to mention unlike them, we would have 0 positive media coverage.. Who do we have? The NRA Are they going to dole out the millions and help us organize such an event? Don't hold your breath, because that is very doubtful.. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the folks that are passionate about firearms are a very small minority in this country, and most do not have the time, or the money to organize such events.. Sure, there are plenty of so called "gun owners" in this country, but that majority are the "dads old .38 revolver in a shoe box buried somewhere in the closet", and grandads rusty old single shot shotgun stuck behind the bedroom door" types..And as long as these anti gun groups don't target them items, they are perfectly fine with your AR15 being banned.. I would love to see a huge grassroots movement to support the 2nd A happen, but the reality is the numbers don't line up with that pipe dream..
    2 points
  16. I recently bought a 19X and the rear sight was a little farther off to one side than I like. It zeroed fine but that is a pet peeve of mine so I sold it. Went back to the store and inspected every single 19X they had and found one that is about perfect. I have yet to shoot the second one but it should be no different than the first one and be amazingly reliable, it is a Glock, as well as surprisingly accurate. I will say I have not been a fan of Glocks despite carrying them for work and every day carry. But with that being said I really like this one. For those that don't know the 19X was Glock's submission to the military service pistol program. The only difference is the submitted version had a manual safety and the civilian version doesn't, which I like. But beyond that it is identical to the gun submitted to the military for trials. Even though the 19X is a generation 5 gun it does have some slight differences from other generation 5 Glocks. What makes the 19X different than any other Glock is it has a 19 length slide on a full size, 17 frame. I hear of people saying Glock should have went with a longer slide and a shorter frame and that this is the worst gun ever but I think it is great, especially for a EDC. The shorter grip frame of the 19, as well as the compacts, do not allow for a full grip and without a good grip accuracy suffers. Another problem with the more compact guns is the magazine capacity. I know you can use a full size magazine with the compacts but if you are going to use a full size magazine why not have the full size grip to go along with it. I hear people saying it is not concealable but I beg to differ because most people are oblivious to their surroundings. If they are going to notice the grip of a full size pistol they are going to notice the grip of a compact but 99% of the people will have no clue a person is carrying a full size pistol. The slide being shorter has some benefits. Me, like most people, spend a lot of time sitting each day. And with a longer slide that can get uncomfortable as the gun is pushed up. With the shorter slide it is a lot less of a problem. The 19X is a perfect gun for those who spend most of their day sitting without giving up magazine capacity. People are screaming the 19X has a short sight radius, these are the same people carrying the super compact Glocks that have an even shorter sight radius. One difference I noticed from other generation 5 Glocks was that the front of the grip extends down to act as sort of a magazine protector. Standard Glocks have a cut out so a person can drag the magazine out easily if it doesn't drop free, the 19X does not have the cut out and instead has that extension to the grip. I like it because it gives you more grip. The 19X also has a maritime spring cup which helps it fire after being submerged in water. It comes from the factory with tritium sights that are bright and easy to see. It also comes with a lanyard loop but it is easily removed like any grip plug. The generation 5 Glocks have an ambidextrous slide release, 19X included. I am not a lefty but I like the idea of an ambidextrous slide release. The one thing that the ambidextrous release does that I do not like is it exposes the internals to crud unlike previous versions. Probably not a big deal but you can look in and see the trigger bar moving. The genreation 5 Glocks also have replaceable backstraps. I currently use the largest backstrap with a beavertail. I do not have large hands but with the large backstrap it feels better, and shoots better, in my hands. It, like most generation 5 Glocks, seem to shoot better than any other generation of Glock I have ever shot. I have used and shot every generation except the first generation pistols and they have shot well enough but this thing surprised me with the accuracy. Touching holes at 7 yards was simple. Glock is bragging about their new "Marksman Barrel" and it is unlike any other Glock barrel because they are not polygonal anymore. The newest generation Glocks also have an integrated magazine well to help with magazine changes. I feel the 19X is a great deal in Glocks. It is $600 but it has tritium sights that are easy to see and seem brighter than most tritium sights I have seen. It comes with three standard G17 magazines in FDE, two of the magazines have +2 extensions raising their capacity. The one thing I HATE about the gun is the color. If it had been black it would have been a home run but instead it has a FDE grip and a burnt bronze/baby poop colored slide. One thing most people are not going to like about the generation 5 Glock is no parts, other than magazines, will swap with the previous generations. The barrels are different and the slides will not interchange. Not sure about trigger parts though. Speaking of magazines the 19X will use previous version magazines but will NOT work with other generation 5 magazines because of the base plates. Swap base plates and any magazine work. Another option is to remove the grip extension on the front of the grip. This is Glock's version of a "commander" pistol.
    1 point
  17. Seems like they could have the convention somewhere nearby headquarters in Virginia and supply a steady stream of buses down to the mall. Ask vendors to support water stations / hot dog tents / whatever in addition to their booth at the show. Provide firearm literacy, education, talk with some representatives. Plus, you’d get to see some memorials to boot...
    1 point
  18. I had a custom trailer built by Homesteader and was very pleased with the quality as well as the price. They are located in Tazewell.
    1 point
  19. Banning one thing always leads to others. How soon until pistol braces are attacked? By the time people start complaining about them trying to ban shotguns, it will be far too late. It is not about whether you would use them, but whether people should have a decision. Hell, I think we should repeal the NFA and I really never see me buying a full auto. If you want it and you have a clean record you should be able to buy it.
    1 point
  20. Remington has been losing ground for a long time now. Even during the recent period (Obama Years) of an astronomical volume of firearm sales. Yet your leftist media is reporting it as though it is the result of recent pressure/events of anti-gunners. They will cheer as though they accomplished something and those in the middle will know no different.
    1 point
  21. Read up on the BATF rule change process. There is literally nothing John Q Public can do about it. https://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/106533-bump-stocks/?tab=comments#comment-1483249 It will when they change the definition. See above. The only thing I see as lawsuit worthy is the loss of personal property value. The government may end up coughing up a couple hundred bucks each as a tax on itself for changing its mind. Education is the key. As mentioned, the other side is consistently yelling a lot louder than we are. In the absence of true leadership, the people will follow whomever steps up to the microphone.
    1 point
  22. Ordered a new stainless recoil spring assembly a few days ago, got it in last week. Installation was simple & easy. Finally got a chance today to put it to the test. It performed flawlessly, no issues. Actually there were no issues with the original plastic assy. just wanted to make the upgrade ( you know how it is, LOL ) New assy was from LakeLine LLC. Good folks to do business with seems like.
    1 point
  23. I had to use a heavier spring with my G17 after I dropped in the ZEV trigger. No problems after that.
    1 point
  24. The Clinton-era AWB grandfathered in all existing firearms. It was legal to own, buy and sell them. There was a specific list of banned new ones and all other new non-listed ones had to meet the ban requirements. If a semi-auto rifle or handgun had a detachable magazine, it could have no more than 1 of a variety of "assault" features. Semi-auto shotguns had a different criteria. Check out Section 2.1 of this Wiki page for details on those features. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assault_Weapons_Ban Because a pre-ban one could have all the "features" it wanted, they sold at a premium during the ban period. You still see folks labeling one "pre-ban" in some sales ads, but that means nothing right now and never will again. No new law is ever going to set the grandfather date at 1994. Inventive people found ways to work around it, like the thumb hole stocks. It gave the function of a pistol grip without actually having a pistol grip. This allowed one other feature to be added and not run afoul of the AWB. I'd expect a bump-fire ban to not have a grandfather clause. They'll either be legal without a tax stamp, or they won't. There will be no work-around/grandfather.
    1 point
  25. I agree on the uselessness of them, but not on the banning of them. Who are we to tell others what to have fun with. I also view those exploding targets as dangerous exploding toys, but would not want them banned. Same goes for many firearms out there to one sector or another, do we really want to go down that road?
    1 point
  26. We still get it! The NRA isn't infallible. I agree. It is, however, the best thing going for us as gun owners. If you can demonstrate you can stop the assault on second amendment rights, I'll start sending you money. Until then, the NRA is getting it.
    1 point
  27. I'm just going to say this and then be done. With the GOP controlling every branch of government we should not have to be be THIS concerned. That alone, is a sad indication of current events. As much as we all hated BHO, I can't recall a single gun related item or accessory he was successful in banning, especially without any grandfather clause. Rand Paul is right, the GOP is a better party when they are fighting for their lives. When in power, they are hard to distinguish from the democrats. The fact that the GOP just rolled over and took this should have us all a bit concerned. Overall I couldn't care less about owning a bump stock but imagine what will be next.
    1 point
  28. You should be able to show your HCP to the guy, pay your money & go your way. You've already passed a background check. "If" you have committed a crime that would disqualify you, it should have already been turned in to the State, and your permit revoked/suspended. Problem is many of the court clerks are not turning these records in. This is negligence on their part, not ours. HCP holders pay the price for their laziness. Until there is a major penalty for not doing this, it will continue. JMHO
    1 point
  29. Thank God Hillary wasn't elected and we have someone in office who will defend the 2nd Amendment....
    1 point
  30. The NRA is a black hole with zero accountability. Whatever the fantastic duo, Wayne and Chris, publicly state may or may not be actually true. How come the NRA membership be always be around 5 million, yet we hear constantly that a record number of people are signing up. Either people are leaving the NRA at the same rate they are joining, or the numbers simply don't add up. I am a Life Benefactor Member and have stopped donating to the NRA. I would like to know what they spent my money on. It certainly wasn't to fight the City of Knoxville against the gun ban in Chilhowee Park. They certainly spent it on Dana Loesch's "clenched fist of truth" videos. I didn't sent my money to the NRA to cave on the very few gun rights cases the NRA actually pursues, make backroom deals that trade away my freedoms, produce culture war videos, and pay hefty salaries to the fantastic duo. The NRA has to change. That change should start with the departure of Wayne and Chris.
    1 point
  31. Welp, One followed me home earlier today. I noticed no issues with my sights, they are straight.
    1 point
  32. Were they comparing Clarksville to certain parts of Chicago?
    0 points
  33. So, I’ll preface this with....I’m asking for a friend.... If one had several of these bump stocks, what is the best thing to do with them? 1) gunbroker 2) sell them on here in the classifieds 3) bury them in the yard 4) mail them to CNN 5) put them in the boat that has all my other guns that might sink in the next storm 6) raffle them at a Friends of NRA event 7) any other ideas? Again, just asking for a friend
    0 points
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