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Finally got this bad boy in last night. I won it in a giveaway on ar15.com in January I’m sure some of you saw advertised on Geissele social media. Notice the serial number is SHOT18 for this years shot show. Also the surefire is pinned and welded on the 14.5 inch Daniel Defense so I don’t need to SBR it. Here are the specs: Geissele Lower Geissele URGI Upper with DDC receiver (Daniel Defense 14.5" Gov.Profile 1-7, Surefire SF3P Muzzle Device, Magpul MBUS Pro, New Vortex Crossfire and Geissele mount) B5 Grip & Stock Geissele Super 42 H2 Buffer Geissele SSA-E4 points
I didn't take the first shot here, you did.. I get sick and tired of people calling me, and the others in here childish because we see this issue as past the point of reasonable discussion..I, nor the others in here that see this as what it is are not acting like "teenagers"..We are simply reading the writing on the wall, which isn't in invisible ink, their stance on this is very clear..They aren't willing to discuss this in a reasonable manner anymore, and they aren't interested in hearing our solutions to the problem, they want the guns, period.. I took the red pill..4 points
Since my favorite part of the second amendment is "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED", I am afraid I'll be of little help in this exercise. When I was a wee tot, there were sanitariums scattered about to house the mentally deranged. Today, they walk among us. Therein lies the real problem; not guns.3 points
3 points
Remember that, a week before the shooting, everyone was making fun of them for eating laundry detergent. Now suddenly they are supposed to guide us in developing public policy?3 points
You haven't lived until you've squeezed a few rounds off in an antique Smith and Wesson or an 1873 Colt.2 points
Here's my discussion. It is ILLEGAL to take a firearm into a school. It is ILLEGAL to shoot people. If you believe one more law will stop this crap from happening, you aren't in the realm of sanity. Punishing ME for a crime committed by a brat in Florida won't help. I do not shoot people. As long as I am right and you are wrong, I see no reason for me to compromise.2 points
2 points
I’m all for a discussion... as long as it doesn’t involve the Second Amendment. Non-negotiable, off the table. Otherwise the whole Constitution is up for discussion. However, let’s talk about security, FBI tip failures, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, and mental institutions. There’s plenty that can be done and actually make a difference. I am done hearing about a compromise on gun control. I didn’t even watch any of the protests today. It’s a political agenda aimed directly at the 2A, and I’m sick of it.2 points
I gotta remember to get over there more often if they give this type of stuff away. Lol1 point
You're absolutely right! They were called asylums in my neck of the woods, and they did a brisk business. Now jails serve the same purpose, tho fail miserably. ( I worked there for 3 yrs. ) Folks want a solution, but they want someone else to do it. Strange how that hasn't worked.1 point
Pretty sure that is dead (bill shelved, stuck in committee limbo) since the Las Vegas shooting. You can thank Ryan for that. I feel confident in saying there is absolutely no way it will ever pass now.1 point
It has always been said gun rights will be lost in a single generation. It is happening now. We will see guns outlawed in most of our lifetimes In less that 50 years we have went from a free society to one where we all must ask permission from our masters to do most things. Our leaders tell us we are a free country as they create more laws to make us all criminals, often without a vote and by some bureaucrat. There are few places around the globe that has a government as controlling as this one. Our government is involved in all aspects of our lives. Think about how you cannot do anything without getting permission first and if you do agents of the government will come to your door and force you to ask permission under threat of violence.1 point
Perfect prrof that the protesting kids are clueless and just following the Media and left wing anti gun agenda. So how do we get around it? Realize that they are kids and ignore them. They have no say yet. Very few of them are of voting age and even fewer of those mature enough for the privilege. We need to be having discussions with someone that will listen and discuss. The lawmakers! If they do not want to listen then we need to mount a campaign to unseat them! Seems like it is a simple process if not long and difficult to actually put into effect.1 point
Ron Swanson Burger: "It's a hamburger made out of meat on a bun with nothing. Add ketchup if you want, I couldn't care less"1 point
1 point
See that up there in bold^^, thats where this "discussion" stops for me... That stuff isn't a solution to anything, It is plain and simply more government intrusion that restricts rights of people of millions of people that did nothing wrong.. The criminals, and the few nuts out there that have it in mind to carry out these shootings, aren't going to be stopped by your solution..The criminal mind doesn't care about laws, and the criminally insane is unable to understand them..1 point
Alright, since you believe that having a discussion with them is going to somehow turn out in a solution that doesn't involve infringement on our constitutional rights, here is the mouth piece that the left has anointed to speak for the kids on this issue.. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/378307-florida-shooting-survivor-proposes-having-walkout-every-14th Contact him to set up a meeting to "discuss" the issue, and then come back here to let all know how it turned out.. Meanwhile, I'll be looking for deals on more guns and ammo to stock up on..1 point
Yep, they're all loaded until proven otherwise. And rule #2 about not pointing it at anything you dont want to destroy still applys even though it has been verified unloaded... because the gun is always loaded... even when it isn’t Sad story and a brutal reminder that there are no do-overs or second chances for poor gun safety.1 point
That's what they said when they passed the NFA, where was their compromise? All this talk of discussion fails to point out is that they will only be satisfied with us giving in. Sorry, but not just no, but hell no . When they get serious about addressing the real issues, then I'll listen. Without meaning to be so callous; a relative few kids get killed, by one of their own mind you, and it's us they want to disarm, the very people who would of risked their very lives to stop him?? If gun violence is such a big issue, why are they not sending in the National Guard into places like Chicago? Why are they not (yet) targeting pistols? Why are they not going straight after the highest percentage of people that are commiting violent crimes? Why, because that is not in their agenda, they want control, and the only ones they can control with laws are those that are law abiding. No law, ever, stopped a violent criminal, none. So, let me know when they are ready for a meaningful discussion.1 point
1 point
Ok, how did we both post about the sex of AR’s at the same time? Great minds think alike?1 point
I'm glad the schools here are on spring break this week. Of course they just wanted out of class for a while. Assuming there weren't any repercussions, I would have too.1 point
So we don't want to have a discussion? A discussion about what? Guns? They don't want to have a damn discussion, that was very obvious during the CNN/NRA hit piece.. The only thing these people want is to ban firearms, and restrict the Constitutional rights of millions of people that have done NOTHING WRONG.. They can all kiss my ass, I'm through having any "discussions" with these leftist marxist freaks...1 point
1 point
I see people do this a lot. Handle a firearm without checking. I will always check a firearm whenever I pick it up and will hand it someone with the action open so they can check it. That is a pet peeve of mind with gun shops these days. I can't tell you how many times a cleerk will hand someone a gun from the cunter or shelf and never look into it. Usually barrel first while sweeping other customers. Another family burying someone due to failure to follow common sense. Sad.1 point
We protested bad lunches at my HS in the early 70's.1 point
Back when I was a kid growing up and I'm talking kid 10 years old I owned a 4.10 shot gun and a 12 gauge and when I was not in school during the hunting seasons I was in the woods and fields hunting. Now I was able to do this in a state that now has someof the toughest gun laws in the country, Illinois and the year was 1958. By the time my buddy and I were 13 and 14 we owned at least 8 or more guns each including 22lr Single action pistols. My friend owned a Ruger and I owned a Colt. We didn't even need our parents with up to purchase these firearms. All we needed was the funds to purchase them. No back ground checks or waiting periods. Just cash and a receipt and deal was done. When I moved to Tennessee in 1967 I was kind of surprised to see rifles and shotguns hanging in the back windows of pickups but learned quick that was the way things was done down here. My grandfather gave me my frist deer rifle which was a Winchester mod 94. I could not buy high powered rifles up north cause there was no big game seasons up there. 22lr was the biggest rifle we could buy in Illinois back then. I grew up in a gun enviroment and it was 2nd nature. Today my friend still lives up there and he said gun owners are constantly jumping through hoops to be able to do what we took as a natural way of life back in 1958. Now there are people working very hard at trying to end a lifestyle this country was built on and that was the right to Bear arms. The right to own a gun. I have looked at the people that want to deprive us of our rights. Because they might be in a position of power to take my rights away, do a back ground check on many of them and you will find they are either gun owners themselves or are surrounded by men and women that do have guns to protect that individual wanting to take your rights away. I'm 70 years old and I can tell you right this minute!! If they come to take my guns away it is not going to be peaceful or a pretty sight and they will remove my guns from my cold dead hands..........JMHO1 point
The right to protest is just as sacred in our founding documents as is our right to bear arms. You don't get one without the other. I get it that many here are concerned because of the subject getting protested today, but you don't really get to pick and choose. I had a good conversation with my 5th grader this morning about the protests - and learned a lot about her and her peers’ thinking in the process. She is a shooter - but she's also worried about violence at school. Protest by itself is rarely a solution - but it creates space to talk about solutions. I'm increasingly convinced that gun owners will either be a part of this conversation - including forming real solutions that protect peoples rights and their safety - or we'll watch as our rights are stripped.1 point
I am all for freedom to protest but could you imagine if this was a walk out over "religion" (insert your own word)? I guess I see kids being manipulated and used in the worst way. I have a friend whose kids were told the entire school is walking out. How is that not an agenda? He is picking his kids up before the walkout and taking them to the gun range.1 point
My wife is a EA at the local HS it's happening today, kids were told it's okay to walkout and protest but you can't leave school property. I'm pretty sure if I pulled this kind of crap when I was a kid I'd be drinking dinner through a straw thanks to my Dad.1 point
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^^ it should be noted that the reality of our republic being able to realistically have a conversation like the above is uncertain at best. We may be too far gone.0 points
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