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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2018 in all areas

  1. I've yet to meet a gun ban type person willing to have an honest conversation. They want to take away my freedom. I want to be left alone. I do not see any common ground there. I'm tired of talking about it or hearing about it. I've done nothing wrong, and for a variety of reasons, it seems my fellow countrymen seem to want to label me all sorts of negative things.
    6 points
  2. There has to be discussion. And if you aren’t involved in it decisions will be made without your input. The kids just don’t want to be killed and we need to acknowledge that. They need adult input about what can be done; not what can’t be done. I’m more than willing to have that conversation with anyone. I know a lot of things that need to be done; none involve disarming the people. Some involve expanded background checks. Do I think those expanded background checks will work? Absolutely not; but they can’t hurt, unless they are done by places like the TBI that can’t seem to get it right. Is the liberal gun hating left going to use these kids to push their gun control agenda? Of course they are. That’s why these kids need to hear intelligent discussions from us instead of “You aren’t taking my guns!!”
    5 points
  3. So we don't want to have a discussion? A discussion about what? Guns? They don't want to have a damn discussion, that was very obvious during the CNN/NRA hit piece.. The only thing these people want is to ban firearms, and restrict the Constitutional rights of millions of people that have done NOTHING WRONG.. They can all kiss my ass, I'm through having any "discussions" with these leftist marxist freaks...
    5 points
  4. Well, I did it. Ordered this this morning. S&W MP-15 Optics Ready M-Lok Should be here in a few days. GrabAGun had it for $539 and I just couldn't pass it up at that price. I found a couple in town, but they had the standard round handguard and were priced at $650 and up. Now I'll have to spend at least that much or more on spare mags, optics, ammo and whatever else. Thanks to everyone for your guidance and input. Just a couple of months ago I would have told anybody that I'll never own an AR-15. Good Lord! What have I done?
    5 points
  5. I don't disagree with Colion at all. There are millions of us. We're voices that need to be heard. I'd just argue that we need to find better ways to get our message out there and show we're not crazy. Unfortunately, for every sane voice - the click-obsessed media seems to be able to find some fool walking into Chipotle with his AR. America wouldn't be America today without the 2nd Amendment. It won't be America in the future if they strip that right. And yes, we're going up against a group that wants nothing more than to take our guns - whether it be for power or control or just because they're scary. Whatever. And we've got kids dying because this mass-shooting thing seems to be a problem unto itself right now. Something is going to happen - we've got to find a way to be at the table with solutions that work outside of "taking all the guns." It's a heavy lift. But, we're either going to find a way to be a part of the conversation - or we're going to watch as we get overrun. The NRA is generally effective and they're powerful - but they're not enough. Look at Congress right now. We had a Congress built in opposition to Obama - and that worked okay for 8 years. But, in showing their inability/unwillingness to actually govern - they're about to get steamrolled. Sooner or later there are going to be people in power that want nothing more than to strip these rights. We've got some time now to shore things up - so that when that time comes - we've got more case law like Heller and MacDonald, structures that keep weapons out of people's hands who shouldn't have them, good due process - and maybe stuff that's not even in the conversation right now - restoration of rights for non-violent felons who've paid their debts, a more rigorous conversation around communities taking care of themselves, etc. It's not going to happen by just yelling about "shall not be infringed." There's a place for that. But, that by itself simply isn't enough. We're going to have to find ways to treat the underlying symptoms.
    5 points
  6. I am all for freedom to protest but could you imagine if this was a walk out over "religion" (insert your own word)? I guess I see kids being manipulated and used in the worst way. I have a friend whose kids were told the entire school is walking out. How is that not an agenda? He is picking his kids up before the walkout and taking them to the gun range.
    5 points
  7. So now we are going to let teenagers make policy decisions for our country? The world has surely gone insane.
    3 points
  8. The right to protest is just as sacred in our founding documents as is our right to bear arms. You don't get one without the other. I get it that many here are concerned because of the subject getting protested today, but you don't really get to pick and choose. I had a good conversation with my 5th grader this morning about the protests - and learned a lot about her and her peers’ thinking in the process. She is a shooter - but she's also worried about violence at school. Protest by itself is rarely a solution - but it creates space to talk about solutions. I'm increasingly convinced that gun owners will either be a part of this conversation - including forming real solutions that protect peoples rights and their safety - or we'll watch as our rights are stripped.
    3 points
  9. I called Tuesday morning, the guy said I wouldn’t need to take the TN HCP course - just show up with 2 forms of ID and my current TX LTC. I showed up Tuesday afternoon and had no trouble getting my TN carry permit processed. I only needed to set up fingerprinting afterwards. I agree on getting to know the gun laws of any state you plan to visit / move to. I spent a few evenings a month trying to get familiar with TN gun laws in the months leading up to the move. Thanks again for y’alls input!
    2 points
  10. Let's say I don't think you need your car. I want to take it. You don't owe me a discussion about it. If I try to take it, I should expect serious repercussions. That is where I am right now on the gun debate.
    2 points
  11. Exactly - they OPPOSE increased school security and demand banning weapons that can “kill” Oh - and they are led by anti-semite Linda Sarsour Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  12. students are being used by the antis. For years they said "it's for the children" Now they are using them as their mouth pieces. The way I see it, those allowing and supporting this should be disciplined. Not the students but the administrators and teachers. The agenda is gun control, period. Those in charge want to keep children vulnerable by leaving them unprotected. The ends justifies the means after all. Absolutely disgusting people!
    2 points
  13. I don't think mine would have either until I asked. And then she had a lot more questions/comments than I would have expected. Truthfully, I didn't do too much talking - just a lot of listening and asking a few questions to help her as she shapes her thinking.
    2 points
  14. This is good to see. https://www.dailywire.com/news/28212/second-amendment-foundation-sees-1200-surge-youth-amanda-prestigiacomo?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=062316-news&utm_campaign=benshapiro
    1 point
  15. Strategic Edge is holding our monthly USPSA match at Strategic Edge in Chapel Hill on March17th, 2018. Stages will be St. Patrick's Day themed This month's match will consist of 5 stages and 1 classifier stage. Round count will be approximately 125+/-, recommend bringing extra rounds for make up shots or re-shoots. Match fee is $20 for SEGR members and $25 for non-members. Setup will start at 7:00 AM, we greatly appreciate everyone's help setting up an tearing down. Registration opens at 8:00 AM. Rounds down range at 9:00 - 9:30 AM. Hope to see you there! Registration link: https://practiscore.com/uspsa-strategic-edge-march-2018/register Stages are posted here: https://m.facebook.com/ntpsclub
    1 point
  16. For those that are saying they want no discussion, do you then think we have reached the point of no return? That the Soap and ballot box are no more and the only box left is what is needed? I would like to thinkk we are noot quite that far gone. So we should practice fair and respectful discourse with others as we would have them do with us perhaps? If we close our minds and mouths and say nothing more than "No" we have lost. I think there is more we can do myself and will continue to fight for our rights with all I can. We may yet reach the point where the bullet box is needed but we are not there yet!
    1 point
  17. Well I ain't gettin' any younger so there will be one less conservative oldtimer to put up with. As far as the flu thing I was thinking asteroid impact or world wide blackout due to an EMP caused by a Coronal Mass Ejection. Same thing only different I suppose.
    1 point
  18. ...or an armed cop. The majority of cops who show up at local IDPA or USPSA matches are embarrassingly incompetent. The scary part is that they are the cops who are actually interested in guns.
    1 point
  19. Exactly. Kids and parents are scared. Rightfully so. Most are starving for answers and they are just following what they are being fed. They don't care about anybody's agendas. They want to feel and be safe.
    1 point
  20. Yep. But "reasonable" will involve compromise from both sides. Neither seems terribly interested in that at the moment. Bitching and whining is so much easier.
    1 point
  21. Thanks Dave. I was about to just sign off permanently until you posted. Everyone here was sounding like the teenagers. We have a problem. Surely we're intelligent enough to come up with a reasonable solution.
    1 point
  22. Yes. And die for our country via military service. But not vote or own firearms. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. I'm glad the schools here are on spring break this week. Of course they just wanted out of class for a while. Assuming there weren't any repercussions, I would have too.
    1 point
  24. I see people do this a lot. Handle a firearm without checking. I will always check a firearm whenever I pick it up and will hand it someone with the action open so they can check it. That is a pet peeve of mind with gun shops these days. I can't tell you how many times a cleerk will hand someone a gun from the cunter or shelf and never look into it. Usually barrel first while sweeping other customers. Another family burying someone due to failure to follow common sense. Sad.
    1 point
  25. We protested bad lunches at my HS in the early 70's.
    1 point
  26. ^^ it should be noted that the reality of our republic being able to realistically have a conversation like the above is uncertain at best. We may be too far gone.
    1 point
  27. I haven’t read much of anything other than this thread, but I wonder the mindset percentages of those participating? How many are advocating gun control? How many are simply advocating for something (armed teachers, security, etc)? How many are doing it just to get out of class with no other real heart in the issue? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  28. The only issues I see are the raising the age limit, which I'd support if it all when to 21, not just guns, the Restraining Order area, that must include a much stronger Legal involvement, Background Check, same much more legal involvement. When someone takes out an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO), there must be a way to have the accused be able to defend against it. Too much leeway for someone with a grudge to file for one. And it should not be permanent loss unless the court deems it so, many who have guns confiscated never get them back, the owner should be given a chance to sell them if he loses his rights to have them, not LEO. Background Checks, I would like for the court (due process) to be involved when someone is placed on the "do not buy" list. Again too much risk of losing your rights arbitrarily from a simple paperwork/judgement error. There must always be a way to correct errors, quickly and as inexpensively as possible. You should not have to pay to correct an error, the people that made the error should have to pay.
    1 point
  29. What I find amusing is that many of the kids were shocked to hear that there might be repercussions (suspension, etc.) for walking out of class. Sounds like a good opportunity for them to learn decisions have consequences, regardless of whether or not they think they're supporting a good cause. Though it does appear that a lot of schools are allowing a fairly brief demonstration.
    1 point
  30. Seems we need to watch all the back and side doors, this one has not had much press (emphasis mine), looks like they are specifically targeting AR pistol lowers too. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/5103 Introduced in House (02/27/2018) Gun Violence Prevention and Safe Communities Act of 2018 This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code, with respect to the excise tax on the sale of firearms by manufacturers, producers, or importers, to: (1) increase the rate of such tax to 20% on pistols, revolvers, and other firearms and on any lower frame or receiver for a firearm; and (2) impose a 50% tax on shells and cartridges. The bill exempts any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States from such tax. The bill allocates revenues from the increased excise tax under this bill for law enforcement and public safety grant programs, including programs for research on gun violence and its prevention. The bill: (1) increases the occupational tax on importers, manufacturers, and dealers in firearms and the transfer tax on firearms; and (2) modifies the definition of "firearm" for excise tax purposes to include a semiautomatic pistol chambered for cartridges and configured with receivers commonly associated with rifles and capable of accepting detachable magazines.
    1 point
  31. So, you are saying that one should not excercise their 1st Amendement right and to be in fear of a terrorist attack? You don't seem to have common sense! Does this apply to all political demonstrations, or only to those that you oppose?
    1 point
  32. I'm of the opinion that just about any good defense load will get the job done. Try several and go with what shoots best in your gun.
    1 point
  33. They have to know it’s not going to pass this time, so they’re just trying to make themselves look relevant and like the underdog in the eyes of their constituents. I’m not sure what’s more pathetic... the polititians themselves or the people that fall for this crap and keep voting them back in.
    1 point
  34. And none of the weapons affected have ever been used in a mass shooting or probably any shooting.
    1 point
  35. How would you NFA guys like to pay $500 instead of the $200 tax, that's what, a 150% increase? First this, then they'll stop allowing Trusts to force tranfers... While agree this will most likely never fly, it's best to fight tooth and nail just in case, because the .gov will never drop these taxes. Mr. Davis, Danny K. D-IL, for himself, Mr. Pascrell D-NJ, Mr. Johnson D-GA, Ms. Kelly D-IL, Mr. Langevin D-RI, Mr. Blumenauer D-OR, Ms. Bass D-CA, Ms.Norton D-DC, Mr. Cohen D-TN, and Mr. Lynch D-MA introduced the bill. §5811. Transfer tax (as of now) (a) Rate There shall be levied, collected, and paid on firearms transferred a tax at the rate of $200 for each firearm transferred, except, the transfer tax on any firearm classified as any other weapon under section 5845(e) shall be at the rate of $5 for each such firearm transferred. Proposed Changes: (1) IN GENERAL.—Subsection (a) of section 5811 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended— (A) by striking “$200” and inserting “$500”; and (B) by striking “$5” and inserting “$100”.
    1 point
  36. So Jim what was the answer? I would highly suggest that anyone new to the state either spend some time reading the laws of the state or take the HCP course. Especially true because of some of the differences in TN vs. TX law.
    1 point
  37. This "solution", or one similar, was attempted years ago, buy taxing ammo until the cost was prohibitive. It didn't pass muster either. The antis' are trying to strike every iron while they're hot. Heck, they have nothing better to do. As they say, "Never let a good tragedy go to waste".
    1 point
  38. Let's see...it had the word "tax" in it 27 times. Yep, that must be the solution.
    1 point
  39. So the fix for keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill is to make them cost more? Huh; imagine that. Who knew it was so simple.
    1 point
  40. 230 grain fmj atop 5 grains of Bullseye; just like John Browning and Uncle Sam intended.
    1 point
  41. Like they say, you don't play you don't win. We need to play, each and every time these anti-gun bills are put up, we need to knock them down. It has got to become the norm for us to band together and let them know that we are not willing to share even a piece of our cake any longer. https://www.everydaynodaysoff.com/2013/11/08/cake-and-compromise-illustrated-guide-to-gun-control/
    1 point
  42. Dem. from Ill. Chances are better for me winning Lottery, I think.
    1 point
  43. And welcome to TGO from the same neck of the woods.
    1 point
  44. We have a Shoot Point Blank in Louisville, the daughter and I are there nearly every weekend, the staff gets huge kick out of watching other customers that don't know us. They all think it is cute to see a little girl with her father. Then she rocks her sparkly eyes and ears, loads mag, slams it home, works the action on her M&P22 and shoots smaller groups than the muscled tactibro in the next lane. We can't go to the range without positive comments from other customers.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. This process has been a lot slower than I had hoped and that is entirely my fault. I have been covered up with other things, which is exactly the reason why we needed some new folks on the TGO Staff to help us keep momentum and keep things friendly and enjoyable. So without any further adieu, please welcome to the moderating team... @Chucktshoes @Grand Torino @CZ9MM @TripleGGG There may likely be more added soon but these gentlemen were gracious enough to volunteer and are now set up as moderators. I have more volunteers to sort through and hope to get that taken care of in the days ahead, so if you had tossed your hat in the ring don't give up yet. I really appreciate all of the interest that has been shown.
    1 point
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