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There is a lot of local outrage from teachers on this topic. It boils down to them being anti gun, but I've heard several threaten to quit their jobs of teachers are allowed to be armed. Fine with me, the school system was looking for teachers when those were found. Frankly, I don't care for their attitudes regarding the situation.5 points
Everybody stood by at Columbine waiting for SWAT to arrive, while kids were being gunned down inside. Seems to be similar in Fla. All the Active Shooter training I ever had, taught you that if there was no one but you, you go in & take out the threat. You do not wait for backup. Maybe all do not train this way, IDK. From what I've "read", it looks like a good old "cluster F---" to me.3 points
I prefer to think of it not as arming teachers, but rather we should stop disarming teachers who otherwise carry in their daily lives.3 points
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This is a pipe dream just like most who dream of being the hero who takes down a bad guy to save the world with their S&W shield on their hip. I don't want this to be construed as me against teachers carrying guns, I am all for it. But anyone with any sense realizes that is not going to be a zero sum game. I agree it can and may help with someone engaging a shooter sooner, but it certainly doesn't mean that this issue is now resolved. The guns we carry as citizens are primarily for self defense. In these situations it suddenly becomes an offensive scenario and that is very different. Mama June who went and got her HCP with no real training is not much more than a distraction, albeit an important one I admit. Luckily, most of these shooters have had very little training themselves. The fact is, in a country such as ours there will always be risk with our freedom. I imagine all of us here are willing to accept that risk. My whole point is simply lets not overblow the impact a few teachers carrying may have. Can it help, sure. Will it prevent more shootings, only time will tell.2 points
This knife has S110V Blade steel was built custom for me and is currently my favorite and the Torx tools were made by a Machinist friend of mine in California2 points
I think this argument is over-estimated. I don't think a single one of these kids probably thought that much about someone having a gun to be able to shoot back. I won't say it won't deter some, but I think half of these kids don't care if they live or die anyway.2 points
The over the top is what makes it good. I thought that the first two seasons were the best. They got so far out there that they were hilarious.2 points
I prefer Z Nation to TWD. It's got a sense of humor. TWD just leaves me exhausted and depressed... I get enough of that watching the news.2 points
Well everyone seems to have their own opinion on what the police officers should have done or not done during the shooting and I look back all the way to Columbine High School and I can say this with a clear mind. If I was a LEO and I arrived at the school and shooting was still going on I am going in. I'm wearing a modest amount of protective gear on my body and I do have the element of surprise on the shooter/shooters and if I save 1 or 100 lives I have done my job to the best of my ability. To stand outside and listen to the gun fire inside would just be unacceptable to me. I'm 70 years old and I would still go in...............JMHO2 points
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My wife is a teacher and while she doesn't have her permit yet,(only because she can't carry at work where she is at most of the day) but she is more than willing to get it and take whatever training necessary paid for or not to protect the children in her school. I'm pretty sure some of her coworkers feel the same. Now for the record she is going to get her permit she just hasn't yet, she's been waiting on my daughter to have the time to go on a "girls day" so they can do it together.2 points
That may be true, but that protective instinct can be quite a motivator. Undoubtedly schools need more protection, and one of the quickest is to get rid of the no gun zones and put that "unknown element " into the target selection process.2 points
Most people who go into the teaching profession just aren't the type to carry. They trend to being optimistic and hope they can make a difference in a child's life. Teachers as a group, and students should be better protected than they are now.2 points
If a psych/physical eval isn't required for a HCP/CC/CCDW, why would we require it for teachers? I have a school age child. A school age child that is markedly more qualified to handle a firearm than many 'adults.' Sending my child to school is a fearful time in the day for me. She is away from me, her mother, and our dogs. She is at the mercy of someone else. I am not a social person outside of the internet. I have no family, I don't have friends. I have my wife, my daughter and our dogs. I live in Small Town USA. I trust that the school and it's designated will care for her. That is a lot to ask of a father of a daughter. I ask them to educate her. I ask them to keep her safe. I ask them to do what I would do when I am not there. I am 100 miles away providing a living for her, her mother and our dogs. Oh, and the cat. But he is a cat. I would like armed teachers. Trained, armed teachers. Trained, armed teachers that are willing to do what I would do if I were available if the situation turned to the worst imaginable. I am not asking for the teachers to be trained because I think it is a requirement to have a gun, I am asking the teachers be trained so that they would know how to react in a situation that would require them to be armed. I think this should be a choice, not a requirement. I also think that it should be known that a school has teachers, unnamed teachers, armed and trained to deal with an active shooter situation. I would also feel pity on those that would be so scared of an inanimate object that they would refuse to allow their child to attend a school that had known, trained, armed staff prepared to protect their charges.2 points
I don’t think anyone is proposing to “arm” teachers. The idea is to let teachers arm themselves. That may sound like splitting hairs but there is a distinct difference.2 points
Can't wait to move to Tennessee. We've had a few decades of ILLannoy ---- hey, we're slow learners! Anyway, the wife and I are gonna move down there, near Knoxville, this fall, and we're really excited about it. I have a number of firearms (arsenal?) and enjoy all outdoor sports. The Oak Ridge Sportsman's Association looks especially interesting. Would appreciate any comments on that. You guys can't imagine how different your forum is from my current one in IL. You're talking about fun stuff, and we're talking about whether the Gov is gonna sign the bill that would make everyone who owns a mag over 10 rounds a felon. Like I said, can't wait to move to Tennessee! Oh, to be around like-minded people................1 point
I’ve paid attention to this blog for several years now. This post starts with the Parkland shooting but touches on several interlocking topics and is one of the better things I’ve read in a while. Here’s a small excerpt.1 point
What stops them now? They need to discipline them from the get go and teach them that actions have consequences. As to the carry question, it will have to be on person or in one of those quick open bio safes.1 point
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Seems fairly straightforward to me. Keep it concealed, don't talk about it. I'd argue that it must be under their care at all times. Never in a desk. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-its-like-for-one-teacher-who-already-carries-a-gun/ CBS did a pretty good job covering this. The irony is that in the video he says "no one knows I carry". Well, the entire world does now...1 point
One size doesn’t fit all. I assume state law will dictate what is going to happen. I suspect in the schools where teachers are allowed to carry, the parents will not stand still for the teachers that volunteer not having the same training as local Police. But I don’t see this really being an issue. I would bet that most schools will find out they can afford to have full time Police Officers.1 point
1 point
Well weather the shooter cares if they live or die is moot if they are stopped cold!1 point
And Barry was well on her way to destroying the traffic data as well for her rail system. Quite a bit of traffic stories coming out of Nashville.1 point
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My answer...yes. On both questions. lol I have a couple that have been done with Anderson lowers. They work. As to buying another. Sure...why not. If the price suits you, go for it.1 point
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Inexpensive guns are often hard to find on the used market. At that low of a price to begin with, people rarely sell - the just keep them around for a rainy day.1 point
They should have to take and pass the same testing as security guards at least. They would be protecting valuable human children!1 point
Sounds like you have figured out most any of the rubber grips are comfortable and work great for the range. The problem for carry is that they hang up on everything and are butt ugly. All of them. I know you didn’t ask about wood, but IMO that’s the way to go for your application. http://ahrendsgripsusa.com/revolver.htm https://www.altamontco.com/pistol-grips/smith-and-wesson1 point
Nothing wrong with going lower as long it isn't so low you have a squib. You could even go a lot lower than 42 without issue. I don't think it would be a problem to start out lower than 42 and load a couple of each increasing a grain at a time up to 42 then shoot them until you get a load that cycles then work up from there. Worst thing that might happen is the gun will not cycle which is better than ruining the brass or the gun. Sounds like the brass should last a long time if the case walls are that thick. Seems to be a lot of variation of the MEN brass. I see some are reporting it is berdan primed while others say it is boxer.1 point
That's my take on it as well. I spent 6 years volunteering at my sons elementary school. I spent many, many hours a week at the teachers beck and call. And got to know quite a few of them. I was surprised to learn how many teachers and front office people were gun people. All with their permits and reports to work unarmed.1 point
1 point
See, here's the thing... I fully believe Dolomite could start with a larger shovel and: Use it to collect some bat guano Manufacture a crude but appropriate strength powder load for AK's from the guano Use it to collect sand Manufacture a crude but effective set of lenses from the sand Split shovel into thirds Use 1/3 of shovel paired with lenses to create combat ready 4x optic Use 1/3 of shovel to cast 30 steel AP 7.62x39mm bullets and casings Use 1/3 of shovel to form not only the receiver but also a 30 round magazine Use handle as stock as shown in photo, but use the handle to dig holes to discard of any bodies needed Of course this would all take time, but he'd still be finished in time for lunch In other news, Chuck Norris once met DOLOMITE. Guess which one lived long enough to join TGO?1 point
OK. I ordered a TK 16. Same lumen output as the PD35 tac, but a better throw, and different controls. The TK16 is fatter. Might be a great gun light too.1 point
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Unless the teacher in question knew who was doing the shooting, anyone he let into the classroom was potentially the shooter or a shooter.1 point
1 point
Finally fondled one. Very nice. Not a pocket gun at all. Similar in size to the Walther PK380. Very easy to rack. Like it more than I thought I would.1 point
The little old ladies and arthritic types this is geared toward will probably say this is much nicer to shoot than a 9mm.1 point
He doesn’t know any more about what happened than the rest of us. This is just more cop hating babble and belongs in the swamp.0 points
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