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All the talk of AKs made me want to post my latest project gun, a Bulgarian AK74. Built off a Childer's 80% blank. Not much else to say about it other than it slings brass like no one's business, almost embarrasses my G3.5 points
I prefer to think of it not as arming teachers, but rather we should stop disarming teachers who otherwise carry in their daily lives.5 points
I don’t think anyone is proposing to “arm” teachers. The idea is to let teachers arm themselves. That may sound like splitting hairs but there is a distinct difference.5 points
See, here's the thing... I fully believe Dolomite could start with a larger shovel and: Use it to collect some bat guano Manufacture a crude but appropriate strength powder load for AK's from the guano Use it to collect sand Manufacture a crude but effective set of lenses from the sand Split shovel into thirds Use 1/3 of shovel paired with lenses to create combat ready 4x optic Use 1/3 of shovel to cast 30 steel AP 7.62x39mm bullets and casings Use 1/3 of shovel to form not only the receiver but also a 30 round magazine Use handle as stock as shown in photo, but use the handle to dig holes to discard of any bodies needed Of course this would all take time, but he'd still be finished in time for lunch In other news, Chuck Norris once met DOLOMITE. Guess which one lived long enough to join TGO?4 points
In my experience the courts have NEVER been about justice. We have a legal system; not a justice system.3 points
That may be true, but that protective instinct can be quite a motivator. Undoubtedly schools need more protection, and one of the quickest is to get rid of the no gun zones and put that "unknown element " into the target selection process.2 points
Ross Perot had a saying concerning employees what worked for him, paraphrased, "If his wife can't trust him, neither can I"2 points
I'm afraid David or Mac might roll out the Ban Hammer if anyone ever reposts Kentucky Conan.2 points
If they just had blinders on there would be some hope. They’ve got a Coke in one hand and a hotdog in the other cheering it on.2 points
True. Another good example: SC Governor Mark Sanford, a Republican, who disappeared for six days in 2009 and was not reachable by phone. His staff claimed he was "hiking the Appalachian Trail," but when he returned on a plane flight from Argentina, it was revealed he had been putting the pork to a female journalist there. (Sanford was married at the time.) His wife divorced him, and the legislature drew up articles of impeachment but did not actually expel him from office, and he left in disgrace at the end of his term. Two years later he ran successfully for Congress, and he's still in office today. I agree with earlier comments suggesting that any politician's relationship with his or her spouse is their personal business, but I would argue that, for an elected official, dishonesty in personal life can legitimately raise questions of trustworthiness by the general public.2 points
Was talking to a co-worker yesterday about this, I figured there are likely a lot of members here at TGO that have never seen this. If this is your first time, make sure to read all of the captions with the photos, they are WONDERFUL. https://www.northeastshooters.com/xen/threads/diy-shovel-ak-photo-tsunami-warning.179192/1 point
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If a psych/physical eval isn't required for a HCP/CC/CCDW, why would we require it for teachers? I have a school age child. A school age child that is markedly more qualified to handle a firearm than many 'adults.' Sending my child to school is a fearful time in the day for me. She is away from me, her mother, and our dogs. She is at the mercy of someone else. I am not a social person outside of the internet. I have no family, I don't have friends. I have my wife, my daughter and our dogs. I live in Small Town USA. I trust that the school and it's designated will care for her. That is a lot to ask of a father of a daughter. I ask them to educate her. I ask them to keep her safe. I ask them to do what I would do when I am not there. I am 100 miles away providing a living for her, her mother and our dogs. Oh, and the cat. But he is a cat. I would like armed teachers. Trained, armed teachers. Trained, armed teachers that are willing to do what I would do if I were available if the situation turned to the worst imaginable. I am not asking for the teachers to be trained because I think it is a requirement to have a gun, I am asking the teachers be trained so that they would know how to react in a situation that would require them to be armed. I think this should be a choice, not a requirement. I also think that it should be known that a school has teachers, unnamed teachers, armed and trained to deal with an active shooter situation. I would also feel pity on those that would be so scared of an inanimate object that they would refuse to allow their child to attend a school that had known, trained, armed staff prepared to protect their charges.1 point
Sharp edge right at 4” On the left one and 6” on the right.1 point
Hello everyone, thank you for letting me join. I’m in the Knoxville area, I’m a Iraq Veteran, husband, father, Christian, hunter and all things shooting and outdoors. -Aaron1 point
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Either party being too comfortable in power seems to create an environment that's ripe for corruption. Simply look at the number of GOP congressmen in heavily gerrymandered districts that are "retiring" this year.1 point
You got that right, I swear the world is crumbling down all around us and everyone has blinders on.1 point
Not exactly the same but we had a lady embezzle $60K from a business. She stole it $500 at a time on gift cards and had been doing it for quite some time. She was given 3 years unsupervised probation and an order to pay restitution. She went back to the courts stating she could not work and they waived her order to pay restitution. The courts are no longer about justice.1 point
Seeing the expungement agreement as a part of her plea deal yesterday definitely made me think we’ve not seen the last of her. I hope I’m wrong about that. The affair is really between her and her husband at this point. While I hope they’ll seek counseling or whatever they feel is appropriate, I’ll extend some grace there. The breach of public trust, misuse of the office for her own gain, corruption, and theft of public funds should prevent her from ever holding office again.1 point
I bet Dolomite could do this! If he hasn't already. lol1 point
What an upside down world we live in1 point
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Give in! So many haven't seen that stupendous example of barbaric manhood.1 point
My gut is telling me that with the speed of the plea and resignation there was a lot more on hand or being developed from the investigation. They may well have gone to her with this deal and told her it's a one time offer to get her out of the way so Nashville can move on.1 point
Supply from CZ has increased around mid-TN in the last couple of years. A couple years ago I went looking for a P-01 and the only place I could find one was Nashville Gun Shop. At the time they had several models and variations(colors, calibers, and options) in stock and at reasonable prices too. Give them a look while you're at it. http://nashvillegunshop.co/catalog.php?search_for=cz1 point
1 point
I've been faced with terrible situations several times in my life. I think courage gets confused at times with acting crazy. The reason I say that is after acting in those situations I've had more than one person call me crazy and who knows...maybe they were right. After some reflection I might tend to agree with them. One thing for certain....I'm not standing by and doing nothing. When faced with tough situations the first thing that goes through my head is something my father told me over 50 years ago. "Do something...even if it's wrong". Is this the wisest thing to do? Perhaps not. But in my fathers defense I sometimes thought he was a little crazy as well.1 point
I've always subscribed to the Marine Corp's definition of courage: Courage is not the absence of fear, it's not allowing that fear to control you so that you can do what is needed to be done. I've been lucky to have met quite a few courageous people in my lifetime, and not one of them said that they weren't afraid.1 point
Terrible situation with no winners in the end... The marriage will suffer... The family will suffer... The taxpaying people of Nashville, will suffer... Sex and money, the two always seem to go hand in hand at making alot of peoples lives miserable, yet is the very thing that most folks desire to have the most of.. Maybe them Monks are on to something here..1 point
0 points
I've done quite well both buying and selling on Armslist.com. You can post an ad for free and specifically target your local area. As said, meet in a public place and confirm all details before meeting. I do require a bill of sale which includes both buyer and sellers full name, address and driver's license number. I also check ID to insure all info is correct. Its a;ways a good idea to be able to prove where it came from or where it went. Of course its even easier to just post it in the classifieds here. besides, you know the members are good folks.0 points
Tacky line of the day...When looking at her face and butt...I actually wonder if the 119,000 was enough. lol0 points
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