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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2018 in all areas

  1. "Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway" John Wayne. While I know is it a quote from an actor/movie it has always made sense to me. Growing up in a military family, surrounded by Troopers that have been in the line of fire and listening to my Dad recall (when he would) times of sheer terror....I am convinced that courage/fortitude/gallantry/heroism is both a mind set and a choice. One must choose to rush into automatic weapons fire to pull a buddy to safety knowing what a bullet could do to your own body. One must choose to go into a building when other lives are at stake. Yes many choose to run but others choose not to. Military, EMS, Fire and Police have chosen those professions for various reasons and suffer the benefits of those choices. The lowering of standards has contributed to the inclusion of those best suited to drive a desk or other support roles, supplanting the ones naturally gifted/trained/driven to do the job that needs done. Quotas, political correctness, and liberalism have diluted the idea of courage and bravery in segments of our society. I miss my country....... Rough men stand ready.....
    6 points
  2. I've always subscribed to the Marine Corp's definition of courage: Courage is not the absence of fear, it's not allowing that fear to control you so that you can do what is needed to be done. I've been lucky to have met quite a few courageous people in my lifetime, and not one of them said that they weren't afraid.
    4 points
  3. after seeing this thread I requested a couple for my kitchen. If you read the comments from other owners the reoccurring theme they are much better in person is true. Thanks GT, mad skills!
    3 points
  4. All the peasants would have 3 squares and a cot at the iron bar inn... And this witch gets off basically with a bit less than slap on the wrist... Grrr ...these politicians that continually get off with basically nothing for criminal acts pisses me off to no end..
    3 points
  5. I appreciate you posting that portion of the blog post. I subscribe to Western Rifle and to Mountainguerrilla. Mosby's posts always make me think and I tend to agree more than I disagree with him. I didn't find this post, nor his previous work, particularly anti-LEO. His perspective, as all of ours, stem from life experiences. I too think courage is largely a matter of choice and hopefully we will temper ourselves toward that goal.
    3 points
  6. I've been faced with terrible situations several times in my life. I think courage gets confused at times with acting crazy. The reason I say that is after acting in those situations I've had more than one person call me crazy and who knows...maybe they were right. After some reflection I might tend to agree with them. One thing for certain....I'm not standing by and doing nothing. When faced with tough situations the first thing that goes through my head is something my father told me over 50 years ago. "Do something...even if it's wrong". Is this the wisest thing to do? Perhaps not. But in my fathers defense I sometimes thought he was a little crazy as well.
    2 points
  7. You have to go through an FFL to sell to out of state resident.
    2 points
  8. As a Memphian, I can’t help but smile a little. Sure, we’ve had some crooks running the joint, but at least ours don’t get caught while in office. Prince Mongo for Mayor!
    2 points
  9. There must be a huge glitch, nobody is liking my posts
    2 points
  10. Would we have more support for Walmart and Dick’s to choose the manner in which they engage in commerce with someone else if they made wedding cakes?
    2 points
  11. And live near Miami. One of the reasons I tell folks we like it here just the way it is. Don't try to change it to how it was wherever you came from.
    2 points
  12. This one is for my oldest daughter. Since her birthday is this month I had Grand Torino make a Karambit for her, she saw one he had done before and loved it. The sheath is made so it can be worn in multiple positions (horizontal tip up, tip down, or vertical). The distressing was inspired by the Kurkri sheath I did for Grand Torino but done in back and ox blood dye to match the handle. Well here she is, although I may tweak the clip a bit more.....
    1 point
  13. Free Edible wild plants class in Crossville, TN on March 17@1:00 PM. Be prepared to hike a couple of miles, class size is limited to 15, and will last 3 hours. I have noticed a few other folks giving classes similar to mine in the area lately, my classes are free, their are not. Go to both, you decide. Check it out on Facebook fb.me/grassycoveoutdoors.
    1 point
  14. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. You have no idea how hard it has been not to repost that picture on this thread. . .
    1 point
  16. If it isn’t on display ask. stocks a lot of nice firearms. in old hickory. mixed reviews when I mention them, but I take no offense and shop here. I’d bet he has the most cz’s in Nashville and always a few from cz’s custom shop
    1 point
  17. In all things there are those who do and those who won't.
    1 point
  18. You have to take/send the gun to an FFL in their state to accomplish the transfer, or have an FFL here send it to an FFL there.
    1 point
  19. It is something you have or do not have. It is not like alcohol, you do not run out of it.
    1 point
  20. Spirits, his time is come. Jerry Lawler needs a position as well.
    1 point
  21. Assault rifles are exactly what the framers of the constitution had in mind when they wrote the 2nd amendment. They have since Infringed on real assault rifles, now they are after the semi auto sporting rifles too. Somehow I don't think ANY of the politicians understand the oath they take.
    1 point
  22. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2018/03/06/nashville-mayor-megan-barry-indicted-amid-affair-investigation/366593002/?from=new-cookie
    1 point
  23. We have several in stock and have a SP-01 Tactical available for rent. Please me me know if you are looking for a particular one.
    1 point
  24. Not to mention - unless I am mistaken and Selective Service requirements were repealed without my knowledge - all young men 18 and older are required to sign up for Selective Service. This means that, however unlikely it might be at this point in time, these same young men could be drafted, handed a gun and told to go kill people or die trying. These people will be charged as adults if they commit a crime, can be charged with statutory rape for having consensual sex with their boyfriend or girlfriend who happens to be a year or two younger, are considered to be responsible enough to vote and to enter into contractual agreements but not old/responsible enough to buy a Budweiser, not old enough to purchase tobacco in some places and, now, not old enough to purchase a firearm (not just by retail chains - some states are working on laws to that end.) Either they are adults or they aren't. It is sickening that they would be considered 'adults' when it benefits the government or society but 'immature' and 'not really old enough' when it comes to having all of the benefits of being an adult. I am 46 and don't have any kids so it doesn't impact me directly but, as a person who believes in individual liberty, it still ticks me off.
    1 point
  25. Our support or lack thereof is moot at this point. The precedents have been set. If the government can tell a small, mom and pop bakery that they HAVE to bake a cake for a couple even when they don't want to do so then that same government should absolutely tell a huge retail chain that they HAVE to sell firearms to an adult who can legally purchase them. Otherwise the application and interpretation of the law, itself, is being used in a discriminatory manner and the legitimacy of the courts to fairly and justly interpret and apply the law - what little legitimacy they have left - is null and void, IMO.
    1 point
  26. I agree completely. You have a choice to move toward danger, or turn & run a way. I like the John Wayne quote, movie or not. It works.
    1 point
  27. Ouch, solid thinking point. I see that nobody has responded to this directly, I take it that they are all afraid. Here are my thoughts. Honestly, the cake baker probably should have baked the couple a cake, but I fully respect their right not to. They should have baked a cake and then allowed the couple to top the cake however they wished. In my further opinion, they should have simply stated that they would bake and sell them a cake but that their personal beliefs did not allow them to decorate the cake as the couple desired, and then the couple should have went somewhere else. However, we all know that the couple wanted to make a big deal out of it, so that's how it went down. After thinking about it, the Walmart and Dick's story isn't much different overall. Businesses (Walmart and Dick's, etc) are attempting to restrict sales of firearms to people 18-20 years of age because of their "morals". Now, anyone could claim that these morals are unfounded and dumb, and I would happen to agree with you, but if an entity believes that it is doing a good thing by reserving firearms to those 21 and over, then that is their belief just as the cake shop believes that certain marital combinations are wrong. I think on one hand you could have an argument regarding age discrimination, but I believe that in the same paragraph as age discrimination is the subject of discriminating upon sexuality. Two entities, both private (Walmart/Dicks and then the cake shop) taking it upon themselves to restrict who their customers are. Two entities, whom I believe should have the right to do so, making a decision about who they choose to do business with. Someone could claim the 2nd Amendment all day, but doesn't that refer to infringement by government? If Walmart and Dicks simply stated "We aren't going to sell guns anymore, period", then I don't think there would be near as much stink as them proclaiming "We aren't going to sell certain guns anymore and will only sell to certain people now". At one time, when I was approximately 18 or 19, I had a local gun shop refuse to sell me .22lr ammo "because it could fit in a handgun". I even told him that it was not for a handgun but for a rifle, but he refused the sale so I went elsewhere. I desired to purchase something crazy like 30-06 or somewhat similar and then after the transaction boast I was going to go shoot it in my pistol that night, I did not. I suspect that this mindset, coupled with possible other factors, could be why they are no longer in business. I believe, if I'm not mistaken, that FFL's have the right to refuse any firearm transaction they desire. I would think this would extend to ammunition as well. Honestly, people just need to remember that Walmart, Dick's, etc are not and have not really ever truly been our friends, but rather just making a small amount of profit off of a few types of firearms and accessories when convenient politically. Throw your money to other, stronger companies that support the 2nd Amendment. This makes me think back to when I was 17 and Walmart refused to sell me a knife sharpener. Not the knife, bear you, but just a sharpener to make a pre-owned knife sharp. I showed the knife I was carrying in my pocket and simply stated it needed sharpening, they still refused. Dumb. Something else that cracks me up are the people at gun/knife shows that tell minors you have to be 18 or older to even touch any of their knives. I suppose it all comes down to liability, but we sure have "progressed" a lot from even a few decades ago.
    1 point
  28. I suspect what you are going to see is these places just quit selling guns and ammo all together.
    1 point
  29. Guns N Leather in Greenbriar usually has some. You can shoot there as well although not sure what they have as far as CZ's to test. I would call them.
    1 point
  30. Check Nashville Armory Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  31. Florida is becoming or has become NEW YORK with all the Yankees that have moved there. I'd speculate that a large number of the half baked idiots that are causing all the problems crawled from a sewer up north.
    1 point
  32. Yes, very reasonably priced and 20 mins from the house. That's hard to beat. One of the instructors is a coworker and I attended with another coworker. We tried to talk a 3rd into coming, but he had family stuff to attend to.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. My friend of 38 years passed away 2weeks ago at 64, as I was driving to the funeral home Saturday for his service I was thinking of a unique way to honor him, at the service I mentioned to his 3 kids about doing 2100rd salute on Sunday, they all said hell yes, my friend was a serious gun collector as well as his kids too, I felt bad choosing what guns we were going to shoot, it felt like he was looking over my shoulder. There was only 1 rule no suppressors and anything goes louder the better!! I brought 10-1# bags of Tannerite just so happens they had some to...LOL...... Before we started we called the sheriffs dept on ourselves to give them a heads up what was about to go down, we shot 22, 9mm, 5.56, 7.62, 50bmg, mostly FA, I'm pretty sure he heard us!!! I can't believe my wife went I've only asked like 1000 times over the past 21yrs and it was always no, here's her shooting our M16...
    1 point
  35. I picked up a stripped RRA upper, all is well. Just need to square it up before I begin putting it together.
    1 point
  36. It's not just guns in general, it's control period. Guns are just a major step in accomplishing that.
    1 point
  37. In my mind the gubberment "I'm from the government and am here to help" has no stinking business ruling on AR15's period. Will they do something or at least try? Probably....but what happens if a company makes something else that works better the following year and then the next year and so on. AR's are not the problem...never have been. How come kids and and other nutjobs weren't shooting up schools and such in the 70's and 80's? The argument by liberals isn't AR15's...it's guns in general. If their stinking toe jam smelling foot gets in the door then they will go to semi-automatic handguns and all the rest. Say goodbye to Glocks with large mags and others. We will end up like England or Australia. This attack on an AR is only the first step...not the last. People will end up with an old Mosin ,M1 or Lee-Enfield. I don't have anything again those rifles but is that the only choice anyone wants? This has to be fought and never surrendered.....this is serious...to me anyway.
    1 point
  38. There's a lot of money to be made with all these diagnoses ...
    1 point
  39. This is exactly what they mean when they talk about affairs being potential blackmail material. That he took the pictures without her knowledge and transferred them to another device means he thought he might need them later. “Clocked in for overtime” is a pretty good euphemism.
    1 point
  40. IDN but I feel a bit enslaved already having to put up with the crap from our "representative government" puts out cause they know what's good for us more than we do.....just sayin'.
    1 point
  41. I'm not finding that barrel nut or rail anywhere. I have a feeling the rail istelf was probably discontinued. The proprietary rail attachments is my clue there. Most everything is dickmod or Mlok at this point. I was trying to find a rail with matching nut, but there are just infinite options it seems. Everybody has got to be different. Sorry. The strap wrench may be the only viable choice.
    1 point
  42. I'm sure some here might want to see them...after all we embraced the pics of The Kentucky Conan and his woman a few years back! lol
    0 points
  43. No there is another reason for that......
    0 points
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