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I attended a training class held by T3 Concepts here locally. http://www.t3concepts1776.com/ I really enjoyed it. Sad as it may be to admit, I haven’t had any formal training in years. My primary take-away is that I’ve gotta practice more. Even 5-10 minutes at the house drawing, gripping, reloading, and failure drills a couple times/week would help. I’ve read several books and practice stuff on my own occasionally, but for me, there’s no comparison to having an instructor hovering over your shoulder with a shot timer in his hand. Which isn’t to imply the instructor (James) put a lot of pressure on the students, quite the opposite. The instruction was clear, friendly, encouraging, and generally pretty laid back. Options were presented for several techniques and the students could to pick what they liked best. It was definitely not a “my way or the highway” sort of environment (unless it was safety related…). The class was called “fundamental handgun” and that’s exactly what it was, solid fundamental instruction with simple drills to reinforce good habits. We started with basic draw stroke and grip, then moved to maximum accuracy. I learned that when the instructor says “take all the time you need to be as accurate as possible”, that’s exactly what he means. Three shots in 6 seconds isn’t slow. Three shots in 30 seconds is slow. Focus on the front sight during recoil and adjust your grip pressure until it tracks straight up/down. Don’t break the trigger until the sights areexactly where you want them. That’s harder than it sounds. From there we worked to build speed. Watching how group sizes open up and fundamentals break down as you increase speed from slow, to fast, to too fast, was clearly demonstrated. If you don’t push yourself into the “too fast” realm, you’ll never get faster. We also covered reloading techniques, which convinced me to change how I carry spare mags and that I should carry one more often. We also did some failure drills with simulated FTE and double feeds. Stripping a flush fit mag that’s jammed with a double feed is a pain. Having to do that while someone was shooting back would really suck. Virtually all my misses were low-left. I now know why it happens and how to fix it (grip pressure), but actually fixing it will take time and practice. At the beginning of class they were 6” low-left, at the end of class they were 3” low-left. That was encouraging. I’d really like to take this class again, maybe 2 more times before moving up to the next level. T3 also offers an intermediate level class that is going to be changed slightly and called “everyday carry”. I’d like to take that, their medical class, and send my wife to their women’s class.3 points
My friend of 38 years passed away 2weeks ago at 64, as I was driving to the funeral home Saturday for his service I was thinking of a unique way to honor him, at the service I mentioned to his 3 kids about doing 2100rd salute on Sunday, they all said hell yes, my friend was a serious gun collector as well as his kids too, I felt bad choosing what guns we were going to shoot, it felt like he was looking over my shoulder. There was only 1 rule no suppressors and anything goes louder the better!! I brought 10-1# bags of Tannerite just so happens they had some to...LOL...... Before we started we called the sheriffs dept on ourselves to give them a heads up what was about to go down, we shot 22, 9mm, 5.56, 7.62, 50bmg, mostly FA, I'm pretty sure he heard us!!! I can't believe my wife went I've only asked like 1000 times over the past 21yrs and it was always no, here's her shooting our M16...2 points
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This one is for my oldest daughter. Since her birthday is this month I had Grand Torino make a Karambit for her, she saw one he had done before and loved it. The sheath is made so it can be worn in multiple positions (horizontal tip up, tip down, or vertical). The distressing was inspired by the Kurkri sheath I did for Grand Torino but done in back and ox blood dye to match the handle. Well here she is, although I may tweak the clip a bit more.....1 point
I’ve paid attention to this blog for several years now. This post starts with the Parkland shooting but touches on several interlocking topics and is one of the better things I’ve read in a while. Here’s a small excerpt.1 point
In case anyone is looking Primary Arms has stripped Anderson lowers in stock. Looks like limit 3. http://www.primaryarms.com/anderson-manufacturing-ar-15-stripped-lower-receiver-ar-15-a3?utm_source=gundeals&utm_medium=frontpagedeals1 point
Nothing like a loyal, protective dog. I had two full blooded malamutes when my girls were growing up. They were Just big lovable babies unless somebody drove up and my girls were playing in the yard. They would get between my girls and visitors. They would not move until my wife or I told them it was ok. They were intimidating as hell.1 point
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I see nothing wrong per se, it is a matter of perspective, just depends on what side of the door you happen to find yourself on. If the gunman had started banging on doors and the teachers opened it, he would be dead or crucified by all. I don't necessarily view him as a hero though, as that word gets thrown out way too much, it's not like he shielded the kids with his body, or charged the gunman.1 point
I’ve never had a PD35, but I think it could handle the radiator challenge. Looks like a good light. I dropped a TK15 from a tree stand a few years ago (I was high: 20-25’). It still works like new. Fenix are tough1 point
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I was talking in the building. Sorry I should have been clearer.1 point
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Ladies; Would it be preferred that I lock this particular forum down to only those who state they are women when they sign up? I'd be glad to do it. Let me know!1 point
My takeaway was a bit different. Well behaved dog, regardless of “service” dog status =cool Il-mannered dog, regardless of “service” dog status = not cool pretending that your untrained cur is a “service” dog= really un-####ing-cool1 point
I personally haven't heard of them. Definitely make sure you can find lots of personal reviews, not just company. I learned that one the hard way.1 point
I think we might actually see more damage done to the 2nd amendment under Trump than we did under 8 years of Obama.1 point
I hate to say I told you so, but...1 point
You know what I would find real supportive in an animal? A monkey that will fling poo on command. I need to work on getting one.1 point
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circa late 1950's ........my Dad is at the base of the Pershing missile carriage in the background......just to the right of the Zeus...not sure where this was taken, but its not Ft.Bliss or White Sands! I still have the propeller to the first drone he ever shot down.1 point
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How old is old? This was taken last year. I’ve since completed my contract. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
Generally, WAAAAYYY less.d Depending on exactly what you have, likely worth the small investment to become benefactor here so can sell through TGO. - OS1 point
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Ruger LCR it's what your are looking for by your requirements. Caliber is up to you.1 point
I have had great luck with Fenix flashlights. I have 3 and I bought one for my wife to carry in addition to that. Here is the one I carry everywhere I go in a pocket. https://www.amazon.com/Fenix-Flashlights-130-Lumen-Flashlight-Black/dp/B00I14HLLS/ref=sr_1_sc_3?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1515772889&sr=1-3-spell&keywords=feni+flashlight Very small and good battery life with one AA rechargeable. I let the alkaline batteries sit in my LD41 too long, they leaked and ruined the carriage that holds the batteries. I called Fenix and explained it was all my fault and wanted to buy a new carriage but they sent me a new carriage anyway at no charge.1 point
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We were actually in the area to buy Monkey a Snap On box for work. We saw the signs and I had tons of cash on me I would have rather spent on the show than a Snap On Box but we didn't get to swing by. I wanted to but someone wouldn't let me.0 points
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Heck, I generally like seeing even poorly behaved dogs most of the time. I saw someone's "service dog" with a vest going absolutely bonkers in Target the other day. biting on it's leash, pulling, jumping, dashing in every direction. I chuckled to myself at the owner's frustration over her lack of control and thought, "I bet you're really rethinking bringing your dog in here with the vest you got off eBay." About that time, the dog pooped right in the middle of the aisle. The lady bent down to try to address it with the dog's leash still in her hand. About that time the dog dashed towards something that caught it's eye and the lady found herself flat on her back having fallen in poop. It may be childish - but I laughed about it most of the afternoon.0 points
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