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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/2018 in all areas

  1. I'm good, for the most part I have what I need, can use a buffer tube I think but they should be plentiful since it's a standard one and should still be cheap. If not I'll sell a box of .22 and get all the parts I need
    2 points
  2. BINGO. So with the new push for legislation I decided maybe I needed to go ahead and order more now before the prices get ridiculous again. I thought I better check inventory to decide what I might need. After completion of inventory I decided to just forget it, I'm good.
    2 points
  3. I just thought of another reason you should buy an AR: Because left-wing authoritarians don't want you to have one. Hope this helps, Whisper
    2 points
  4. “Take the firearms first, and then go to court because that’s another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures — I like taking the guns early." This comment comes real close to shredding the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendments. A very fine line being walked there. Wonder what actions he might want to take should something really big happen like the country go into severe recession or even depression - and we know that will never happen again because history never repeats itself. I would personally prefer that he use the Constitution and Bill of Rights for some guidance.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. She is actually a mutt. I got her 'free to a good home' at the Crossville flea market. Near as I can tell, based on what the lady told me and the research I have done, she is a black and tan Mountain Cur (a Mountain Cur is a specific type of mutt that is actually recognized as a valid mixed breed by some kennel clubs - in the book, apparently Ol' Yeller was a Mountain Cur.) These were the old farm dogs bred for general purpose duties. They weren't herding dogs but were smart enough to help with herding. They weren't high-bred hunting dogs but have been used to hunt everything from squirrel to wild hogs. They often had/have a mix of hound (for the hunting/scenting ability), terrier (for the tenaciousness and fearlessness) and other breeds, depending on what duties they were intended to perform. She is very loyal and generally pretty sweet but when she decides to whoop up on another dog her entire demeanor changes. Her eyes even seem to change and she goes right for the throat. She hates possums, too. She isn't quite knee tall to me but very muscular. I have seen her grab a grown possum just behind its shoulder blades, yank it up off the ground, heard bones being crushed by her teeth and then saw shake it until she broke its neck. Funny thing, she will bark at people but will usually back off from them if they keep coming closer. There has only been once that I have thought she really might attack someone. See, she knows what guns are and is kind of skittish of them - not just being fired but she will sometimes kind of cower if I am even holding a gun. One morning, though, a cop came to the front door (for something not directly related to me.) I thought Millie was going to go through the storm door to get to him. I don't think I have ever heard her bark and snarl quite like that at a person. I honestly think she saw the gun on his belt and - as skittish as she is of guns - was afraid he was going to hurt me and so was trying to get at him before he did.
    2 points
  7. You should for sure join us. We always have a good time when we get together.
    2 points
  8. I have a Swiss surplus P210 made in the late 1950s. The quality is incredible! I am very fond of my P210 and enjoy shooting it. For a service pistol, the quality, accuracy, and ergonomics are superb. The one weak spot is the bottom magazine catch. It is spring steel and has been known to break. Its relatively inexpensive and easy to replace. I bought a spare just in case. I have no experience with the new ones. I'm not really a fan of Sig Sauer and they share only a name with the original Swiss company.
    2 points
  9. From a source I can't reveal here, I'm told that Enterprise has been particularly hard-hit by negative response to their announcement, which has caused them to lose out on a major land acquisition they were in the process of negotiating...with a gun owner who has now refused to sell his property to them.
    2 points
  10. Boy can I relate to this. Very few of my whitewater buddies know of my other hobby: guns. Those that do give me crap about it all the time. The rest would probably pee themselves if they knew about the pistol in my backpack. Bunch of global warming, Birkenstock wearing, Hippy sissies. Where did you have your exchange? BoaterTalk? I quit that site years ago for this very reason.
    2 points
  11. Yeah, kind of a shame that Delta threw away a $38 million tax break just to spite 13 people and earn praise from left-wing authoritarians. Wonder if it was worth it?
    1 point
  12. Man. I've got a short list of pistols I must have and this one is on it. I've shot one once and it left me impressed.
    1 point
  13. There - fixed it for ya.
    1 point
  14. Whisper is right! It's because they don't want us having them.
    1 point
  15. Boatertalk! They are getting ready to shut it down. Some of my fondest memories are of exploring the Cumberland Plateau with my buddies. Reading Monty Smith's book. Frozen Head State Park and Dave Engelbretzen. I love Tennessee. I hate to see the Plateau sold to the highest bidder. We used to park our vehicles at OBJ to takeout on Daddy's Creek. I saw all the broken auto glass in the parking area and had an idea. I jogged down the road a knocked on the first door. I must have looked like someone from outer space and the slammed it in my face. The second door did the same. I finally came to this house with a yard full of young'uns. I knocked on the door and a young lady in a wheel chair rolled up to the door. I said "Mam, there have been a lot of breakins down at OBJ (Obed Juction) and I was wonder if we could park our vehicles in your yard while we went paddling?" She said "You sure can honey." I said "we'd be willing to pay you $10 a car." "Oh no! you don't have to do that." I said "Mam, these folks can afford it." So we paid her $80 and she was happy and out cars were waiting for us, unmolested. We did this for several years but one day I jogged up to the house.....and it was empty. I looked at the single wide across the road and walked over and knocked on the door. A young fellow opened the door and I gave him the same story "You don't need to pay me! I watch over them." We paid him $10 per vehicle. Our cars were unmolested. The next year the house and the singlewide were empty. I saw a park ranger driving down the road and I stopped him and said "What happen to the people who used to live here?" He said "The young lady and her kids went to live with her family and the feller in the singlewide is in prison." "He was the one breaking into cars at OBJ." I told the ranger we had paid him last year to park in his yard and he said "Well if he told you it was OK, he wouldn't harm your vehicles."
    1 point
  16. If you don't want it for yourself, get one anyway with the idea of passing it to your children or grandchildren. They'll be thankful to you. And, if you wind up shooting yours a little, I'm pretty confident you will find yourself having a lot of fun. Cheers, Whisper
    1 point
  17. Because you can... at least for now.
    1 point
  18. Here is contact info for your Representatives and Senators. Let them know where you stand. If any one has a better listing, please post it. Senators Lamar Alexander https://www.alexander.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/officelocations Bob Corker https://www.corker.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/emailme Repeesentatives This is a page listing them all with a lookup if you do not know yours. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/TN#representatives
    1 point
  19. So, according to some of the left leaning blogs, the NRA met with Trump and Pence last night and reconciled his views to theirs. https://splinternews.com/the-nra-warns-america-its-still-in-charge-when-it-comes-1823455624 I personally find it quite humorous myself. Wednesday Trump makes claim that politicians are "Afraid of the NRA". Thursday Trump meets with NRA, quickly changes stances. At least, that's what I hope. I'm not a HUGE fan of the NRA, but they are something. In my opinion, they are just too anti-gun for my views Hopefully though, what literally happened was that Cox politely informed Trump that the views Trump were forming would alienate a meaningful portion of the people that put him into office. One can hope.
    1 point
  20. Sorry, I misspelled it. lol Hey, don't order them yet, if you haven't already. I think there is a full set in the books I'm going thru.
    1 point
  21. I agree it's never a good idea to chase. If they are willing to leave the scene what else are they willing to do? Plus,you just became the aggressor.
    1 point
  22. I'm fairly certain that no real gun control will be passed in the wake of this particular incident, could be possible when the next mass shooting happens.. As far as Trump's actual motives in this push, hell man I just don't know anymore..It's like trying to figure out which direction the leaves are gonna blow in lol.. My problem with this whole "chess move" thing is not that he is doing it, it's what he is playing chess with..I am 100% fine with political chess on issues like immigration, foreign policy, and the economy, none of that stuff is directly protected in the bill of rights, and he is free to wheel and deal on them issues as he see's fit... In contrast, I am NOT ok with any politician playing political chess with anything in the bill of rights.. I will not support anyone gambling with my natural rights..
    1 point
  23. I've got the boat and the "stuff" all ready, but this weather is playing he!! the conditions. High water levels as well.
    1 point
  24. I'd Love to, but finding good crappie holes has been hard for me. I had a place I went to that did pretty good, but after the flood it just doesn't produce anymore. I was told of a new spot so I may try my hand there, I love me some crappie.
    1 point
  25. I've had stuff shipped to me via freight (woodstove, business furniture, kitchen cabinets, other equipment) but never actually shipped anything freight. I would think the best way would be to see if there is a site that can let you put in the to/from, size and weight of what you want to ship and would give you quotes from different freight companies. What I have discovered is that unless you pay extra, you won't have liftgate service at your end and even if you do, it will be from, most likely, a bigger truck than a normal box truck with a lift gate. So you have to consider if such a truck can get into your location. What I've done for all my freight delivery except for one, is gone to the freight shipper center with my trailer and had them forklift it onto my trailer. Easier for both of us.
    1 point
  26. Be aware that the new Sig Sauer P210 Legend is still made in Germany and not New Hampshire. It is an extraordinarily nice pistol. And Sig changed to the button mag release on the side of the frame with the P210-8 version in 2003.
    1 point
  27. A week or so ago there was one at On Target in Murfreesboro and one at Outpost Armory in Christiana. I was shocked; until then I had only seen two in my entire life, and then I saw two in one day in the same county. I want one. Just don't want to pay what it costs. Cheers, Whisper
    1 point
  28. Absolutely. The health care industry players have a strong incentive to support and develop the "more health care" movement. Superficially it seems great - we label more problems as "medical conditions", people get more medicine, gov't pays, the industry's profits increase every year, and we keep reducing the amount of bothersome and awkward (i.e. meaningful) in-person interaction with other human beings. But consider the insidious effects on society. Say I take my car to the shop for an oil change. The mechanic does his work, but when he tries to hand me the bill I say, "No, I'm not paying. Bill the government, because I have a right to automotive care." Sounds crazy. I'm trying to say that hundred years ago the majority of Americans would have thought it impossible for one man to have a right to another man's labor without paying him. Now half the nation talks about the "right to health care" as though it is a notion dating back to Voltaire and Montesquieu - and they spread the idea via social media. (I recognize the irony and hypocrisy of me making this statement in an online discussion forum; mea culpa.)
    1 point
  29. I’m pretty sure the Nashville armory location closer to downtown has one but I would call first. They’re a licensed Sig Armorer. At least I think that’s what it’s called.
    1 point
  30. I got pmags for sale at 30$ each, buy now before they get banned!
    1 point
  31. I wonder if Trump thinks out loud, saying whatever pops into his mind, and then assesses the idea and the response it generates? It is not always a bad way to think especially when brainstorming for new creative ideas. Saying something and doing it are two different things.
    1 point
  32. Why yes you can. The only problem with the Clydesdale is fitting it into the bathroom stall with you.
    1 point
  33. I don't think we can really determine which side of these proposals Trump will come down on. I don't really think Trump even has any idea what he is talking about. We all know Trump takes one position then completely changes his position the next day. Tomorrow he will be probably be denying saying any of these things that we just saw him spouting off.
    1 point
  34. I’ve got a five camera Arlo setup on my house, ADT on the entry exit points and a Ring Pro Doorbell. It’s overkill for a quiet neighborhood and a house that I’ve lived in for almost twenty five years. The only things I’ve seen in months are a couple of stray cats, kids going to school, the garbage collector, a couple of raccoons and the FEDEX driver sling a flat halfway across my yard to the front door. I enjoy watching the live feed while at work and out of town.
    1 point
  35. I seriously doubt Delta is too worried about it right now. They haven’t had the tax break in a few years and Georgia is not going to sacrifice 33,000 jobs from that one airline alone. Don’t forget, Atlanta’s Airport is the busiest in the country, perhaps the world. Republicans standing up to corporations is simply theater to distract the masses from what is really going on...and will happen.
    1 point
  36. I’m probably lucky that I live in a place where I don’t have the need to think about filming stuff. Or maybe it’s a generational thing. But I’ll tell you, it wouldn’t have crossed my mind in 100 years to pull out my phone and fIlm. I suppose it could just be me, though. Other than someone driving unsafely while my kids are nearby, I can’t remember the last time a stranger really offended me. Life is really short.
    1 point
  37. I feel the same way about the orangutan. He would be great at Wally World.
    1 point
  38. Man has he really stepped in it with this one. This is the one issue that I believe can have his base throw him overboard as fast as he is willing to throw over every other position he supposedly stands for http://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=13049
    1 point
  39. Yet all the Trump supporters are going "it's ok, he's saving the country." Bull####. The stupidity on this side of the isle is equal to that of the left.
    1 point
  40. I truly hope you are 100% wrong. No matter what the rides going to be bumpy for awhile. Well, considering that ultimately the only "anti-gun" thing that was ever accomplished under Obama was that trusts changed a bit. If I recall correctly, that's about it. So in my opinion, something as simple as getting "bump stocks" banned is already shadowing Obama by my counts. I'm more curious the methods that are tried in all of this. If they try and garner support for legislation and do it that way, at least maybe we stand a chance in either the House or Senate. We shall see, I suppose.
    1 point
  41. I wish we could look back at some of those threads from 2016. You really did warn us, repeatedly.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. It's awfully early for Trump to have begun campaigning for whichever actual conservative runs against him for 2020.
    1 point
  44. The real enemy here CZ is the Social Media and the Cable news. Mass killings like these are not new. The ability to make sure every person on earth knows about them at light speed!!! Then every one has an opinion and a comment about it, good bad or indifferent. Charles Whitman was a mass murderer and killed people from the Clock Tower in Austin. He began by killng his family and then just killing strangers 14 in all and wounding 31 until they finally killed him. I would be willing to bet 1/2 or more of the people in the country 3 days after it was over could not tell you who Charles Whitman even was. If that happened today Social Media and Cable news would have it for weeks and everyone would know who he was. The only reason you don't hear more about the Vegas massacure is because no one can find out anything about the shooter or a motive. All that is mentioned now is the Bump-Stocks. Take away Social media and cable news and about 90% of all of the sinsational reporting would be a blip on your computer or TV screen...........jmho
    1 point
  45. Thanks for posting this, I hadn't read the whole thing. Gee, with "2nd Amendment Supporting Friends" such as this, who even needs enemies? To me, the icing on the cake baked mostly with irony, the statement "If even one life is saved, it will have been worth it" regarding gun restrictions has always infuriated me the most. Does that mean that if by allowing "assault rifles sales" saves even one life nationwide, it would be worth it? What if by legalizing machine-guns nationwide it saves one life, would that be worth it? I guarantee you if every state in the nation allowed for concealed carry it would save "At least one life" (not an endorsement for national reciprocity). And then I go down the rabbit hole of thinking about all the things they could ban and it would actually save thousands of lives (cars, swimming pools, hammers, , cell phones, marbles, etc). Would anyone consider banning those to save "even one life" and consider it worth it? No, people would consider that preposterous and a violation of freedom. But careful manipulation and now loads of people jump on board with "even one life" regarding firearms. Bullarky!
    1 point
  46. Springfield XDs .45. Compact, reasonably light, and it's a .45. Aren't you glad we live a country with so many choices!
    1 point
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