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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2018 in all areas

  1. Kahr is a really great guy that Monkey and I have gotten to know over the years from a purchase and also hanging out at the range when they did the big event with Law Enforcement Sales. He is also a guy with a big heart in the fact that he helped us with the rescue pups and he donated to help save 8 dogs that we have taken in over the years. So when you add it all together, and the fact that Monkey doesn't drink much anymore because of the new job, it just made sense the bottle go to Kahr. I was lucky and Mike.357 actually got me some really excellent bottles of Bourbon over the course of 2015 and I spent a lot of money at Bud's building Monkey's collection. But I didn't feel right selling a bottle that I got at $73.00. Again, Kahr is a good man, so the bottle goes to my buddy. As for making friends with us, it is fairly easy. We're OK people. LOL I'd like to think. Sadly, I have no more Pappy so if it is for that purpose, don't bother. Although I do enjoy Beer and Sports and BBQ and we have a great place for those 3 things in 1 place. Lastly, Mike.357 is the man. He is kind, sweet and very smart. I enjoyed every moment I got to spend with him. I need to just go up and buy a few cases of wine (I'm classy sometimes) as an excuse to see him. It's been too long since I have been able to see him. But LJ's right, crack that sucker and sip it slow! You deserve it. I vote for 2-4 fingers once a week. That'll last you a bit. LOL No one deserves it more than you. Only request is next time you come up, stay a while and visit! Beers and BBQ! I was so jealous when Monkey got home from visiting with you. He was so excited and happy. He enjoyed the visit.
    7 points
  2. What's even worse, is they'll send the parents home w/ a script and little Johnny will learn to just pop a pill and make all his problems go away. ... and people wonder how we got here? Taking drugs to solve all your problems is fine so long as you buy them from a guy in a white lab coat, apparently.
    6 points
  3. I have been of the opinion that technology / society has evolved much faster and more complex than the human capacity to adapt to those changes for a lot of people. Most of the problems are self inflicted by social pressures by media. The portrayal of lifestyle by the rich and famous as normal may invoke the mental stresses of those not well grounded. Feelings of failure, insufficieny, etc exceed coping skills as we now feel our wants become sometimes unreachable needs. It is an increasingly complex world that has no easy answer for the masses.
    5 points
  4. To going to it’s new owner, one of these days I’m gonna make a nice one for myself Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    4 points
  5. Other than 4 special interest message boards, I eliminated my social media presence this past year and I literally feel healthier. I’m much less stressed out and I almost completely miss the latest outrage of the hour. I strongly encourage anyone and everyone to kill Facebook, instagram, Twitter, etc. and if you’re worried about losing touch with family or friends that live elsewhere, I have a simple suggestion to overcome that. Take your smartphone and make a phone call with it!
    4 points
  6. Two Stamp Tuesday I received my tax stamp for my lower this past Saturday and the tax stamp for my NT4 suppressor yesterday afternoon.
    3 points
  7. I can agree by seeing it from the opposite side. I got a Facebook account to promote my site. Never had one before, never wanted one. I see all the crap that winds people up now. Makes me feel much more anxious.
    2 points
  8. Tonight’s dram. It’s a cask strength Japanese blended whiskey. Even though the name implies it’s a single barrel it is not. It’s blended in wood casks and hence bottled from the mixing barrel not the aging barrel. But as it’s cask strength it’s got lots of punch and complex flavor. I enjoyed it a lot. Sweat on the nose. Mellowed our with a few drops of water helped tame the alcohol and open the vanilla and fruit on the palate. This is not sold in the US I bought it locally from a guy that picked it up in Canada. I think US limits sales to specific volumes an 500cl isn’t one of the options. Regardless if you can get some I’d recommend.
    2 points
  9. When I was growing up in the 60's-70's, and then out of college in 1977, we did not hear about any of the bad things that happened that day until that night when we watched the evening news. Now it's instant since most humans have smart phones and get notifications if "anything" in the world were to occur. We have 24/7/365 access to all the "bad" things that happen via CNN, HLN. TWC, MSNBC, FNC, etc. Ever notice how the weather channel just loves a CAT 5 hurricane or No'easter storm. LOL
    2 points
  10. I still will not contribute to the NRA. The NRA needs to un#### itself. As a Tennessean you should be aware of the Guns-In-Parks disaster and the NRA's failure and alleged betrayal. For the record, I am a Benefactor Member of the NRA and contributed quite a bit during the election. I stopped when I was informed that the NRA settled their Chilhowee Park gun ban suit. The NRA is busy playing 4D beer pong ("chess not checkers") right now anyway. To translate that to plain English: They are Negotiating your Rights Away with President Trump leading the charge. The fantastic duo, Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox, green-lighted the bump stock ban.
    2 points
  11. If kids would stay away from all the social media BS and find something constructive to do they might not "think" they have some kind of depression of other sickness. That goes for adults as well. They listen to all these authorities ( movie stars, singers and other internet and you tube sensations)whine and complain about their pitiful lives and blame everyone else and everything under the sun for their so called unhappiness. And of course a pill is recommended as a cure to the joy of big pharma. None of these "authorities" recommend some hard work and changes to behavior to become a productive member of society. Look...I realize there are some truly some sick people out there but there have always been....even since the release of the dreaded AR15. Kids weren't shooting up schools back then.
    2 points
  12. The Temptation to do this is almost over whelming but I am going to store this link for a later date.!!!!!!!
    2 points
  13. I saw them interviewed a couple of times on FOX. A man armed with a shotgun entered their store and robbed them. They shot him and caused him to drop the shotgun. The continued to shoot him. The mother fired until she knew her weapon was empty. The only injure either of them suffered was a cut to the Moms hand when the dirt bag ripped her empty gun from her hand. Other than the perp still being alive; this ended well. Good for them; this was a win. Train all you like; that's a good thing. But you still have no idea how you will perform in a confrontation with an armed criminal.
    2 points
  14. No, it is a decisive win. When you can walk away from a fight, it is a win.
    2 points
  15. While we can point out many things that these two women did wrong, or did without adequate skill, they scored an A on the three most important things: 1. Have a gun. 2. Be willing to use it. 3. No matter what happens, keep fighting. I would argue that, while they made many mistakes, the fact that they got the most important things right is responsible for their victory. Cheers, Whisper
    2 points
  16. There's a lot of money to be made with all these diagnoses ...
    2 points
  17. I've been watching lots of gun shows lately with bullistics gel test so it seemed like allot of fun to do some testing myself. Made it myself and I have been remelting it and using it for more tests. Here are my first test results. Each block is 12 inches thick. Left top is a 9mm Hornady Critical Defense hollow point. (i don't remember the weight or speed). Threw the box away. It stopped 6 inches into the second block. Shot from a Kahr PM9 3 inch barrel. Left bottom is American Eagle 9mm 147 grain FMJ. Velocity is 1000 FPS subsonic. (normally I shot these suppressed). It went all the way through all three blocks. Shot from a Sig P290 3 inch barrel. Center top is a Federal 44 Mag. 240 grain JHP. Velocity is 1230 FPS. It stopped at the back of the second block. Shot from a S&W 29 with a 4 inch barrel. Right is a Federal 357 Mag 158 grain JSP. Velocity is 1240 FPS. It went through all three blocks. Shot from a S&W 19 with a 4 inch barrel. The 44 Mag is awesome!!! 44 Mag on top. Hornady 9mm
    1 point
  18. Will DSA not exchange it? Seems like you could mic it and send a picture and they ought to replace it. Better than getting sued later on because an out of spec receiver injured someone.
    1 point
  19. I listened to this at work today and enjoyed it. Well done guys!
    1 point
  20. This is where people need to get a grip on themselves and their lives, and ignore the social media. Social media should be for S&G's, not to make you ill.
    1 point
  21. Seems to me a truly capitalist minded company would refrain from political posturing. It's the way I generally operate.
    1 point
  22. I have been thinking this after working with HS students at church for the past 15 years and just looking at the world in general. I know a big thing is that we are supposed to care about so much around the world but I don't think we can really process that the way we are supposed to. Heck, until the past 100 years most people didn't know much of what happened further than a few miles from where they lived. And when they did find stuff out it was just a tiny amount, not the 50+ top stories we get every day.
    1 point
  23. I've built enough ARs to understand what it takes to build a decent gun.
    1 point
  24. These are good points chances R. I'm reminded of a book I read a long time ago, around '71-'2 iirc by Alvin Toffler called "Future Shock". He postulated that people were having psychological adaptation breakdown because of the rapidity of the change societies were undergoing..and this was way the heck before the rise of computers, social media and the internet. As much as we as human beings like to think we are more than we are, we can only process, internalize, and incorporate only so much change before reaching our limits. Toffler popularized the term "information overload". If only he knew what was coming. Big Pharma and The Health Care conglomerates capitalize on this. There's no money in the "cure".
    1 point
  25. An ugly win is still a win. When the dust settles, they don't ask how, just how many.
    1 point
  26. Nice! How long did it take from check cashed?
    1 point
  27. http://wreg.com/2018/02/27/ms-senate-committee-passes-bill-allowing-teachers-staff-to-be-armed/ JACKSON, Miss. — The Senate Judiciary Committee has passed a bill to allow faculty and staff to carry on school campuses. The proposal gives school leaders the option to allow teachers and other staff members to carry concealed guns as part of the school safety plan, The Associated Press reported. It applies to private and public K-12 schools as well as universities. “The safety of our students while in the classroom should never be in question, but that is not a given in today’s schools, unfortunately,” Lt. Gov. Reeves said after the bill passed in committee. “By allowing more school staff to receive proper training on how to respond to immediate threats, I hope we can avoid the tragedies we’ve seen on campuses around the country and in Mississippi.” The bill requires teachers and other staff members to undergo 12 hours of enhanced law enforcement training with the Department of Public Safety every two years, The Clarion Ledger reported. The bill is an expansion of the Mississippi Community Oriented Policing Services program, which passed in 2013. That program matched local funds to place more trained officers in public schools around the state.
    1 point
  28. I'm the same way, unless you actively go against one side or another, I could care less what it's current CEO. President, or Spokesman thinks. Once you start putting those thoughts into actions then it's on.
    1 point
  29. I know this is going to sound really harsh, but that was painful to watch. Those ladies need more training, a lot more. The daughter is incredibly lucky she didn't shoot her mom. The mom is incredibly lucky her gun was empty when it was taken from her. I've told my wife many times over the years that shooting someone once with your .380 likely won't do. Keep shooting until the threat is down.
    1 point
  30. Absotively! That's one of the (many) things wrong w/ the medical industry these days. The money incentive is too corrupting. It's not about curing the disease anymore, it's about treating the symptoms. Anyone else notice that trend? I've had personal experience w/ Gastro-intestinal issues. Here, try this pill. No? OK, take this one instead. Rinse, repeat. Don't teach the patient to deal with the cause (stress), treat the symptom w/ something consumable. It's more profitable than a cure.
    1 point
  31. Have you ever noticed the various ads on TV about meds that treat various illnesses, they seem to run in cycles. One month is for diabetes, the next month is for depression, or a skin disorder, or (insert the newest disease/illness). I think it's being driven by the drug companies. Sales for one particular drug is behind its sales goals, so it's time to bring that illness(s) back to the publics' attention, and sell more of this. NO proof what so ever of it, but I think drug companies run promotions of free cruises/vacations for the people who write the most prescriptions in a month. LOL
    1 point
  32. I think ReeferMac hit the nail on the head. The American medical community seems willing to diagnose every man, woman, and child with a mental health disorder - and prescribe pills as "treatment". Have you ever heard that saying that when everything is urgent, nothing is urgent?
    1 point
  33. Very solid start. It didn’t come off like the first episode of a new podcast. Good guidance of the discussion to prevent rabbit trailing and a solid mix of voices to keep it interesting and fresh throughout the conversation. It really seems like you already have a definite vision and voice which often takes a while for a podcast to find. Well done. There’s a lot of potential here and I think you have a solid product.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. I agree, that number seems small. I wonder if that is just the NRA, not including the NRA-ILA? I’d say the vast majority of lobbying money comes from the NRA-ILA.
    1 point
  36. Anyone who's ever been around someone with depression knows it can be a major issue. Catching it early, before it gets to the "homicidal maniac" stage helps significantly. Yes, there are pills that can help one cope with the symptoms, but they don't cure it. Only hard work does that. I hesitate to make the flying leap that the end game for people wanting to screen school kids for depression is to drug them up and strip them of their rights before they're old enough to exercise them.
    1 point
  37. I have a couple of Fulton Armory M1 Carbines that I aquired when my brother passed away. I know very little about them. I don't think he ever fired them. I have had them listed here for a year or so but no takers. I have them for $900 each. One of them is a paratrooper model. Can any of you guys advise or interested. Another member came to my home and inspected them and said they had Criterion barrels. I just want to get as fair a price as I can. I live in Jacksboro.
    1 point
  38. Even better question, how do you get to be friends with them?!!!!!!!
    1 point
  39. Thank you! We tried hard to make sure the first outing was a good one.
    1 point
  40. It was an awesome time. A lot of great information was put out. I had a great time and looking forward to the next one.
    1 point
  41. What is an Assault Weapon I have several AR-15's but I do not own an Assault Weapon!!
    1 point
  42. Two good friends, Monkeyman and Mrsmonkeyman, gave me this yesterday. The question is do I open it now or wait for a special occasion... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    1 point
  43. Greg... RE: "The 1911 siren song".... It happens with all real pistoleros Brother... It did with me years ago (...in the 70's and 80's...)... I reloaded and burned lotsa powder thru em with round nose hardball... I carried a gubmt model and a commander as well... Grew to like the LW commanders better than any of the others... Don't carry em anymore... Too old and curmudgeonly to do so, and the Colts are too valuable to carry... Sadly, i think time has passed em by, like that great old killer the SAA and the great Smith "N" frames... Havin said all that, it is my belief that every finished pistolero owes it to themselves to own and learn to shoot proficiently the great 1911... Preferably a genuine Colt Gubmt Model... Remember, Brothers n Sisters, the 1911 was birthed as a cavalry pistol to replace that greatest of pistols ever, the Colt SAA... There are tales of the old troopers refusin to turn their beloved SAA's for the newfangled 1911, as well as tales of em rawhiding down the grip safety on em to make sure they went off when they needed to... The "Cocked n Locked" thing came after the calvary died... The old timers carried em hammer down or on the half cock and cocked em to shoot ALA the old SAA... They put the safety on after the shootin was over... HEHEHE... calvary leroy, the lefty 1911 pistolero....
    1 point
  44. The only person who was able to improve on the 1911 was John Browning. The HP35 combined his linkless breech locking and fixed barrel bushing with the Savage double column magazine. The only thing modern pistols added was the Walther double-action trigger. The Glock striker was copied from the 1907 Roth. Plastic frames we're copied from H&K. There is a reason his parents named him John MOSES Browning. He led us to the greatest personal weapons in history!
    1 point
  45. I think the 10th Amendment answers the question: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. Unfortunately, the government has already shown that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights mean nothing.
    1 point
  46. Interestingly, citizens do not have the right to vote for President and Vice President. Article 2, Section 1 says that the states will appoint Electors, the same number as the total of the state's Senators and Representatives. Then Ammendment 12 says those Electors choose the President and VP. It's really left up to each indivual state to decide how they select Electors. It just so happens that all of the states use popular votes of the Citizens. If a state wanted to, it could appoint Electors any way they choose, such as allowing the Governor to appoint them, or holding a vote by people who's first name is Joe, or whatever hair-brained idea they could come up with. Of course, the Citizens do elect other officials. If a state came up with a crazy method of selecting Electors, whoever came up with and approved the ide would be elected out. However, the 17th Ammendment specifially says the People will elect Senators. Now, think about this.. If I'm a lazy bum and would rather sit at home collecting welfare than go to work each day, who am I going to vote for? Obviously the person that will protect my government paycheck. I have not paid any taxes that fund welfare, every other hard working citizen has. Why should I get to have a vote in picking out the person who decides how that money is spent?
    1 point
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