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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/24/2018 in all areas

  1. Haven't pulled this one out of the safe for quite some time. Colt's first foray in revolvers chambered in .357 Magnum and the granddaddy of all the snake guns. I believe this one is a fairly early manufacture due to the low serial number.
    8 points
  2. I am not an NRA member for the discounts.
    7 points
  3. Utapao Thailand...1972
    5 points
  4. This is where I started..walls and ceiling painted, I also painted vanity doors in same color as walls to save a little money The top was ugly so that is where the elm vanity top comes in.. we also updated light fixtures .. put casings around windows and installed a sliding barn door. Then put down tile.. still waiting on clawfoot tub I ordered. We get quotes from business to tell us they would charge us 20 k for redoing the bathroom or a porch..I rather do it myself and save.Dolomite also made the barn door handle to match the rollers up top..
    4 points
  5. I've had the NRA credit card for probably 15 years or more. I use it for my business and often charge over 2k a month. I'll spend tomorrow switching all my auto pay accounts over to another card and then give them a ring on Monday
    4 points
  6. 3 points
  7. New home for the Shooters Nation Podcast is up and live at http://shootersnation.libsyn.com/ That site is where it will feed into iTunes and Stitcher. Which means we're really darn close to having the groundwork laid for the show to be "syndicated" on Apple IOS, Android and PC platforms. If all goes to plan, the first real episode will be recorded tonight!!!
    3 points
  8. I really can’t, for a few reasons. The biggest is I do not have the wood working tools needed to do a good job. Elm doesn’t dry straight so getting an 8’ long board that is flat would be nearly impossible or at least the boards I have are not straight Here is a pic of the top in place.
    3 points
  9. Our beautiful home away from home at DaNang AB circa 1966...
    3 points
  10. Totally agree. We need to get as many new members to join as possible and get existing members to be vocal. We've been the silent majority too long. I spoke with the NRA membership rep a few days ago when I was checking on my profile. They are offering basically half-priced lifetime memberships. The regular membership, normally $1,500, was $750. The distinguished membership (+65 or disabled vet) is normally $750 and it was $375. My numbers may be a little off, but that's the best that I can remember. The rep said that anyone can call in and get the discount. I've been an annual member, but thinking about switching to lifetime. Especially when it's almost 50% off. Keep in mind, I don't work for them or recall the numbers exactly, but it's close enough. Also, I don't know how long they'll offer the discount. Please pass it along to anyone that you think would be interested. If you're making a donation anyways, it may be nice to get the lifetime membership back in return. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  11. I’ve got one of the NRA Visa cards. Sent the First National Bank of Omaha a email telling them I’m cutting it up. It’s turning into a all out war. Whatever you think of the NRA, they are the face of the gun rights movement. They need all the help they can get right now. If you are already a member and feel like donating, instead sign up a new member. That way you not only help them financially, but will help add to their membership number. If you’re not a member, you need to join.
    3 points
  12. Several companies are severing ties with the NRA. If you use their products/services, please let them know your opinion. I submitted the email below to National and got a quick response back that it would be "submitted to management for consideration". Dear National, I have been an executive elite member for about 12 years. I regret to inform you that I will no longer be doing business with your company because you have decided to cave into public pressure and disassociate yourself with the NRA. I don't feel that businesses should have a voice on social issues, but I respect your right to do so. I have the same right not to do business with you and I will choose to exercise it. I have a feeling that you may be getting several million more emails just like this. I've enjoyed working with your company and it will take some time to get use to using another company. Good luck in the future. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.businessinsider.com/nra-members-wont-get-any-more-enterprise-rental-car-discounts-2018-2 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/02/23/boycottnra-enterprise-omaha-bank-end-gun-lobby-deals-as-boycott-movement-gains-steam/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  13. I couldn't pay to get hauled off? Well here is they first boards finished from the logs. I would also like to publically thank my doctor for saving them from a burn pile.
    2 points
  14. Two good friends, Monkeyman and Mrsmonkeyman, gave me this yesterday. The question is do I open it now or wait for a special occasion... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    2 points
  15. Same difference my friend. I once heard a guy say "The harder I work, the luckier I get". Keep up the good work.
    2 points
  16. I’m not either, and on it’s face, I couldn’t care less who offers NRA discounts. What bothers me is the reason they are jumping ship. This is a direct attack of the membership and evidently they don’t want our money, I’ll be happy to not send them any where I can. This newfound hatred of the NRA isn’t mainly at the NRA leadership, it’s at the members and even non-member gun owners. The reason I signed up for the NRA Visa is supposedly they are to send the NRA a couple of cents for every dollar I spend. I figured that sounded like a good deal so I signed up. I throw away half a dozen CC offers in the the mail each week, it’s not like I’ll have trouble finding another one. I did reach out to the NRA to see if they are going to partner with another bank.
    2 points
  17. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/02/24/as-trump-pitches-new-gun-measures-some-firearms-owners-are-wary.html Published February 24, 2018 FoxNews.com President Donald Trump’s discussion of potential gun control measures has spurred resistance from gun groups, sportsmen and hunters who are urging him to resist new restrictions. In the aftermath of the Valentine’s Day school shooting in Parkland, Fla., that left 17 dead, the president has pledged to make schools safer and reduce gun violence. After raising the idea of banning “bump stocks” and curbing young people’s access to guns, he has spent much of the past week endorsing the arming of some trained teachers and school officials to stop "savage sicko" shooters, an approach the gun lobby supports. In a tweet on Saturday afternoon, he reiterated that position: “Armed Educators (and trusted people who work within a school) love our students and will protect them. Very smart people. Must be firearms adept & have annual training. Should get yearly bonus. Shootings will not happen again - a big & very inexpensive deterrent. Up to States.” But some gun owners, who supported Trump in a big way in 2016, want to make sure their viewpoint is heard, too. "Out in the firearms community there is a great feeling of betrayal and abandonment because of the support he was given in his campaign for president," Tony Fabian, president of the Colorado Sports Shooting Association, said Friday, according to The Associated Press. The comments highlight the deft maneuvering needed by Trump and the GOP to act decisively while also paying attention to a politically potent constituency. Just the preliminary act of floating proposals that defy the National Rifle Association and other groups drew threats of political retribution and legal action. This, despite the fact that in recent days, the NRA has come over increasing pressure, with several companies ending their ties to the group in the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre in Florida. Four major companies, Enterprise Holdings, First National Bank of Omaha, Symantec, and MetLife are among the first to call it quits after a #BoycottNRA hashtag started to pick up steam online late Thursday. The confrontation presents Trump with a special opportunity, some say. "The president has a unique ability right now to maybe really do something about these school shootings," said Rep. Tom Rooney, R-Fla., told The AP "Nobody is more popular in my district — and I know in a lot of other people's districts — than Donald Trump. He's more popular than the NRA. ... So it's up to him whether or not anything happens with guns." Gun Owners of America issued an alert earlier this past week urging its 1.5 million members to call the White House and "Tell Trump to OPPOSE All Gun Control!" The organization said anti-gun activists aided by congressional Democrats are trying to convince the president he should "support their disastrous gun control efforts," the message said, as reported by the wire service. "And sadly, it may be working." Michael Hammond, legislative counsel for the Virginia-based group, told The AP the organization doesn't hesitate to oppose Republican incumbents and candidates whom it deems not sufficiently "pro-gun." Motivating gun owners to go to the polls is the source of the gun lobby's strength, according to Hammond. "When they feel gun ownership is threatened, then they're going to respond as if that's the pre-eminent issue," he said.
    2 points
  18. MREs gone bad? That is a contradiction in terms.
    2 points
  19. Ditto... I have been a member or life member for many years and I have never used any of the NRA "discounts"
    2 points
  20. My TGO hat has seen better days. Luckily, UPS took care of that today. This one only looks worn... I also got a TGO vest to wear out-and-about in AL.
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. A lot of time, weight, and hair ago for me.... Mosul Iraq, Summer of 2003. Outside Kandahar, Afghanistan, Spring 2002.
    2 points
  23. Rockin' that pornstache!
    2 points
  24. circa late 1950's ........my Dad is at the base of the Pershing missile carriage in the background......just to the right of the Zeus...not sure where this was taken, but its not Ft.Bliss or White Sands! I still have the propeller to the first drone he ever shot down.
    2 points
  25. Cash. It can fix most any problem.
    2 points
  26. Loading bombs at Da Nang AB...12 hours a day.....every day...
    2 points
  27. If it got made into a law, I would wonder if Posse Commitatus would be in the mix somehow. Use ALL the resorces, Heaven knows all will be needed. 2-3 per week briefings with the local cops about potential bad'uns, preferably with recent photos. And if there HAS to be rotation between sites limit it as much as possible. Oh... and grandparents. From THE WEST WING: Jed: Don't ever, ever underestimate the will of a grandfather. We're mad men. We don't give a damn. We got here before you and we'll be here after. We'll make enemies, we'll break laws, we'll break bones but you will not mess with the grandchildren. Completely accurate. SWC
    2 points
  28. How about us retired military folks willing to step up and volunteer our services? I am sure we easily outnumber the NG.
    2 points
  29. How old is old? This was taken last year. I’ve since completed my contract. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  30. I’ll email Hertz and cancel my Gold membership. Plenty other fish in the sea, so I won’t miss them.
    2 points
  31. Just emailed Enterprise and Budget. This is what we have to do people.
    2 points
  32. Yeah, I sent an email as well as called and canceled my Simplisafe services. I'm not a big boycotter but this is getting stupid. The quicker they feel the impact, the quicker this stupid, knee jerk, reactionary, idiocy, will cease. I don't care what they believe, but using their company to punish me for what I believe is just bad business.
    2 points
  33. I’ve been a police officer for 11 years, please understand that the actions of this one man do not represent the feelings of 99.9999% of law enforcement officers. The Officers I work with would be knocking each other over to get inside that building and engage that threat. The public duty doctrine states that governmental entities have a duty to protect the populace as a whole, unless a special relationship is established. In this instance, a special relationship was established when those citizens relied upon that Officer for protection. He is liable, the department is liable. Termination and prosecution would be my determination. He’s a disgrace. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  34. A draft copy of Episode 00 - The Prelude has been uploaded. This episode is only ~10 minutes long and it's just me. In it, I lay out out my vision for what I want the Shooters Nation Podcast to become and ask for a couple of things from you in return. On the next episode, I'll be joined by some friends - folks you probably recognize. Maybe some folks you've even heard of yet. Let me know what you think!
    2 points
  35. Or both. That's what I plan to do. I like to diversify.
    2 points
  36. It does comrade. I had no idea the individual was that unimportant.
    1 point
  37. Unless you want gun control I don’t think we want to use Israel as an example.
    1 point
  38. David, I've never listened to a podcast, but that sounded like a very interesting proposition. I am looking forward to hearing more. You are a very talented man.
    1 point
  39. You guys are doing one helluva job with that renovation. Everything looks great!!
    1 point
  40. The biggest weakness of 38 spl, and other low pressure and velocity cartridges, is the lack of expansion. The 110gr DPX and the old Federal Nyclad are about the only two that will sometimes expand at standard velocities.
    1 point
  41. A knife maker friend of mine made me these, one for my Wife and the other for me, i think they are beautiful so I just had to share
    1 point
  42. Sadly it will continue. Half baked idiots are the problem. We cant supervise and medicate them all.
    1 point
  43. I have Norton for my computer Internet Security. I will be changing over to a new service tomorrow. I also have an account with Wyndham. When I shoot IDPA or USPSA matches at CASA in Little Rock I always stay at he Wingate Hotel. Never again. I emailed them to cancel my account.
    1 point
  44. Couldn't find an email for them but this site should be bombarded: http://www.corporate-office-headquarters.com/enterprise-holdings-inc
    1 point
  45. Resource officers were put in school primarily to keep this kind of stuff from happening or at least minimize the carnage. It does no good to "Protect and Serve" when you fail to do the right thing. This is a prime example of why you can't depend on others for the protection of you and your family. Let me say I am a avid supporter of LE but this is a travesty and while I'm not a lawyer and didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night there has to be something to charge this dipstick with if these reports are true and correct. This individual should not under any circumstances go unpunished if these claims are true. A man has to know his limitations as someone once said and if you can stand by and watch kids being murdered while you are armed and do nothing it says something about a person's grit...or lack of it. And as a disclaimer let me say I am no hero. I'm just an average guy that was raised but parents that taught me right from wrong and have a moral compass because of it. I have put myself in danger more than once to save others cause I instinctively act to the best of my ability. I could never have stood by and did nothing in that situation no matter how scared I might have been.
    1 point
  46. I watch a little of the CNN debate and it was typical CNN. Attack the NRA, attack the GOP, and attack guns. Dana Loesch ripped the Broward Sheriff over missed red flags and around 39 calls they made to the shooters home. I also watched President Trumps meeting at the White House which was real heart felt discussion on the issue of violence in our schools. It was a good discussion on the issue without anyone attacking each other. Until people realize that gun violence has nothing to do with guns the issue will never get fixed.
    1 point
  47. I've got a phone and been accused of talking too much at times. I don't know a lot, matter of fact I probably know a lot less than most. I seem like I am smart fellow because of who I surround myself with. I learned a long time ago that a man is at his smartest when he surrounds himself by those that are smarter than himself. Anyone who thinks they are the smartest person in the room is probably the dumbest of the bunch or at least that has been my observation. I haven't seen the LivePD episode, perhaps if I had I would have felt differently. I have had a number of people who have threatened to kill me. A few I have taken seriously but never enough to shoot someone first. I was once told there is a difference between being justified on paper and being justified in your mind. And while he might have been justified on paper it is his mind that will let him know if he was truly justified. I agree you shouldn't have to wait for a muzzle flash before you can respond but just because it was justified doesn't mean it was right. From the sounds of it this officer acted exactly how he should have. LE has a tough job today and I have the upmost respect for those that do it every day providing they do it out of trying to protect instead of trying to control the community they serve. I was reading about grass the other day because our yard is a mud pit again from all the rain. I thought there had to be a kind of grass that would prevent it. And while reading I came across an article, not about Tennessee, that requires home owners to only use certain types of grass and failure to do so could result in fines and jail time. At what point have we let our government dictate the type of grass we can have and worse yet allow them to throw us in jail for planting the wrong kind of grass.
    1 point
  48. You just earned a ton of respect and admiration from me.
    1 point
  49. Well, I'm all for protection of everyone's rights. If someone tells me they do not give consent to search, then I don't have consent. If I don't have probable cause, I'm just outta there. The fouth amendment is there for a reason. If someone doesn't want to talk to me, well the fifth amendment is there for a reason. I'm all for the protection of people's rights. Those rights include my rights. I, just like everyone else, has a right to be anywhere without having to be in fear because some pos is threatening to shoot me. I have a right to keep myself and my family alive just like everyone else does. And that's what I'm going to do. I don't have to wait for the flash coming out of the end of the barrel to start trying to figure out how to keep from offending him after he's threatened to shoot me. All that being said, I do believe that in the areas of personal rights and privacy a lot of lines are being crossed. A great many of us police officers are still out here working to make sure that people's rights are NOT trampled. We're supposed to be working FOR the citizens, not trying to keep the citizens controlled and under thumb. Citizens of this country have a right to be able to go out and work for a living (foreign concept I guess) and not have to worry about these worthless thugs breaking in while they're gone and raping, murdering, and stealing. But these rotten thugs are what this rotten society wants to protect, instead of the good people. Maybe we should return to old fashioned values. I do believe that a lot of the things being done out here on the streets of this country amount to tyranny. Whether it's some police chief, sheriff, fire marshal, mayor, county executive, senator etc., a good deal of them seem to be interested in one thing - power. And they want to do whatever they can to keep it and lord it over everyone. That whole short list of people there (only a fraction of the whole list) has one thing in common - they are supposed to be working FOR the people. But instead, so many times when someone is given the slightest bit of power they turn into little tyrants and work against the people and lord it over them. Is this true in all cases? No it is not. And the ones practicing such things need to be held accountable and face the consequences. But what is still bewildering to me is the fact that when you have a circumstance such as the one described in the OP, you no longer have in this society a loud voice of the people raising a public outcry against these thugs threatening to shoot people ( or even when they do shoot people), but instead there's usually an outcry from someone trying to make sure the thugs are protected. Do some cops act like tyrants and violate people's rights? Sure they do. And it grates on my skin. So let's put a stop to it. But let's also put a stop to the criminals out here violating people's rights. Or maybe we should just return to these days:
    1 point
  50. Makes me immediately start to wonder what else they did to it too though.
    1 point
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