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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/2018 in all areas
Well damn! If you can't trust a politician, who can you trust? I've about decided that it is bad juju for one party to control the house, senate, and the presidency.3 points
But don’t forget, they’re still counting on your vote later this year...3 points
Exactly. To anyone wondering how he "Made it into the school with firearms", I think the answer lies within the question:)3 points
Set up a Google voice number. They're free and that's thats linked to my phone so calls/texts don't show my actual cell number.3 points
My TGO hat has seen better days. Luckily, UPS took care of that today. This one only looks worn... I also got a TGO vest to wear out-and-about in AL.2 points
You mean the guy that committed a felony by posting a video on YouTube of him creating a short-barreled rifle?2 points
The same can be said for the state level government as well. Remember how good things were for gun owners getting good bills passed when Bredesen was governor?2 points
A written agreement will be ok, but only while the current owner maintains ownership. The best bet is to move it, it's a permanent solution.2 points
I said the day of the shooting this will likely be the straw that breaks the camel's back. We are about to get really screwed so now, and especially in November, is the time to get pissed and vote every single incumbent out our lives. And do it every single election cycle because we MUST clear out the corrupt politicians in Washington, our very lives could depend on it. If they come after our guns we will have to make a choice, become a felon and protect yourself or give up your guns and become a victim. Those in Washington haven't listened to "the people" in at least a generation and probably two. They have enslaved an entire generation of people with welfare, they have destroyed another with victimhood, and yet another will become criminals overnight if we cannot clear out those in Washington who are career politicians. We are being controlled by a ruling party. They give us the choices, we never want, to pick from. Think about it I cannot think of an election where the majority of people I have talked to said "he is a great candidate", it is often "he is the best of the worst". We are now paying the price for voting along party lines instead of voting your conscience. They better be careful, if they try to trim too much from the tree of liberty we might just see it die.2 points
It’s never been a question of “if” further regulations or actual laws would be enacted, but “when”. Bump stocks are being sacrificed by our “pro gun” president that everyone had faith in, but that is a discussion for an altogether other place. Th ATF could regulate them out tomorrow if they wanted, regardless of previous opinions. Who’s got the juice to fight it all the way to the Supreme Court? The manufacturers sure don’t and the NRA is not going to fight it. My concern at this point is the rather loose wording of some of the bump stock bills being introduced, and those still in limbo from last fall.2 points
I believe that there are actually more non-peated scotches than peated ones. Give Macallan 12yo , Balvenie Doublewood 12yo, Glenmorangie Lasanta or Glendronach 12yo a try. These are all sherry cask finished or matured in sherry casks and have no smoked peat.2 points
Ban on bump stocks is an admission that it is indeed "the gun" that is the problem. The left will simply use this as logical admission from that right that guns which fire "fast" should be banned. - OS2 points
I’d say sounds good, but donate to the Gun Owners of America instead. Much better organization. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Sorry, a "please check in at the front desk before you walk through any of the unlocked doors" policy doesn't qualify as "so many security measures". Sounds just like the arguments for gun free zones... unenforceable "policies" that make people feel good instead of fixed requirements that cannot be avoided or bypassed.2 points
If I want a light line I use the Trout magnet SOS line in 2 or 4 pound, both have worked very well for me over the last few years.2 points
You're reading the wrong section of federal law, scroll down a little more to 922g - https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/922 922g just lists all the standard 'prohibited person' stuff that prevents you from owning any firearm, it makes no mention of age, or of handguns specifically. Neither does 39-17-1316, nor any of the USC's listed within it. While 922(b) does prohibit the selling or delivering of firearms by an FFL, it doesn't prohibit possession, selling or transfers by a private party. So an 18 year old can legally purchase a handgun under 39-17-1316. 922(d) covers private sales (by non-FFL's) and clearly doesn't prohibit sales to persons under 21. 922(x)(1)(5) goes futher to address this issue by clearly defining the term juvenile as a person under the age of 18. Even this anti-gun group got it right - http://lawcenter.giffords.org/gun-laws/policy-areas/who-can-have-a-gun/minimum-age/#federal So, clearly a 18 year old can possess or receive any firearm under 922g, unless they're otherwise a prohibited person. And 39-17-1316 doesn't prohibit them either. So, loaded firearm carry in a vehicle is clearly lawful as to the plain reading of the law unless the person would otherwise a prohibited person. The law is so broadly worded I can't see any reason a 16 year old couldn't posses a loaded rifle or shotgun (handguns would be a different issue - see 39-17-1319) in their car under this law. Although I doubt the legislature meant to do that, 922g and 1316 do not mention any reason they couldn't.2 points
Reposting from Calguns. I think this is a great idea! Who’s in? Money Bomb NRA idea for 03/24/18 https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink?share_fid=17954&share_tid=1426075&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Ecalguns%2Enet%2Fcalgunforum%2Fshowthread%2Ephp%3Ft%3D1426075&share_type=t The anti-gunner dweebs are planning their "March for our Lives" on 03/24/18. I saw a Facebook post of someone proposing a money bomb for the NRA on that day for us to fight back. The NRA has 5 million members, if everyone gave just $1 that would still be $5 million in one day. I'm putting myself down for $20. Who's with me? If your principles don't allow you to donate to the NRA, then donate to the GOA or whatever group of your choosing. However I would urge you to think about the fact that, whenever the SHTF, the NRA is the organization that the Left spends all its energy demonizing and smearing. They wouldn't expend all that effort if they didn't fear the crap of the NRA. Gun owners need to work and have families, we don't have time to march like they do. However, we can click through some money to our pro-gun organizations. What do you guys say? Spread the word. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I would say that is a very clear and well presented mission statement. Well done, sir.1 point
I don't trust any of them. Actions speak louder than any promise by any of these politicians. I'm an American, not a political pawn piece. Sad we do not have anyone to support.1 point
A draft copy of Episode 00 - The Prelude has been uploaded. This episode is only ~10 minutes long and it's just me. In it, I lay out out my vision for what I want the Shooters Nation Podcast to become and ask for a couple of things from you in return. On the next episode, I'll be joined by some friends - folks you probably recognize. Maybe some folks you've even heard of yet. Let me know what you think!1 point
1 point
I've been a Trump supporter, but won't attempt to defend this. I can only defend what I think it right and good. Does that let the wind out of your sails a bit?1 point
You may have noticed my lack of refinement. I also find that the cheaper the wine, the better it tastes.1 point
1 point
I did the scotch thing when I was younger too...just didn’t have any of the truly good stuff. Now that I’m semi-retired, I have more time and opportunity to re-explore things. Have fun and enjoy whatever you choose.1 point
I didn’t say that you should stop drinking bourbon! Hell, I love bourbon too, and still drink more of it than anything else, but I enjoy exploring other things including scotch, and now I’ve gotten into “real” rums...not the sugar added liqueur put out by most of the big boys that they call rum.1 point
Yep, they are... Gordon and several others warned this was coming. It doesn't take much to open that gate. Prayers remain for the lives lost, but Prayers also to save our God Given Rights. There are far too many intentions in the current "Unintended Consequences" for my liking.1 point
In my earnest I obviously should have paid equal attention to the actual sections of 922 rather than just searching keywords. Thanks for the correction.1 point
1 point
One sample (a double shot essentially) of three different whiskys. I'm not aware that I can choose what they send. This one is 2 out of 3. "A" was Breckinridge, which was good. "B" was a rye that I can't recall the maker that was ok. "C" was a single malt scotch that was ... terrible. I don't know how they made scotch taste that bad. Bitter, biting, sour, nasty aftertaste, .... The first sip gave me that cold medicine full body shiver.1 point
Did this kid work? Not that it matters but I just wonder where he got the money to buy at least 7 guns?1 point
I’ll add to this. I’ve owned several M&Ps since they came out, and own 4 now. I never understood the complaints about the trigger; all of mine were good. A little over a year ago I bought a C.O.R.E Pro that was supposedly a Performance Center model. The trigger was absolutely terrible. It went back to S&W twice. I was assured they would take care of it. Long story short…they did nothing, and said nothing was wrong with it. I had to replace it with an Apex before I even used it. So all triggers are not created equal…even on the same model.1 point
I prefer braid on most of my reels because of the lack of stretch - and thus the sensitivity in feeling bites. Line twist can be a problem with braid if not managed appropriately. While I generally find good abrasion resistance with modern braid, it’s worth keeping an eye on the business end of your line and trimming as needed. I generally still tip my braid with a fluorocarbon leader. You need a different set of knots for braid - it’s slippery stuff and quite capable of cutting through itself - and you if you’re not careful.1 point
I've seen that Kastking online but I've never trusted it enough to try it, I've been a power pro guy for years.1 point
No spyder wire is more akin to braid. Lasts much longer. Mono deteriorates much quicker, with spyder lasting much longer without losing strength. Also doesn’t twist as badly, less memory. Therefore no need to buy in bulk.1 point
And then let's not forget the stipulation that 18 yo military personnel qualify to obtain a HCP in TN. 922g simply prohibits minors from possessing a handgun. You can't tell me that an 18 yo cannot possess a handgun legally in their own home, and by extension their auto.1 point
You have not come across as annoyed at all. Rather, with patience in trying to understand my point of view and have offered good advice. Thank you! [emoji5] Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk1 point
IANAL but the law is very clear. Short answer is she can legally in her car, but not walking around in public. But read below for a more detailed version. Any person over the age of 18 may legally purchase a handgun in TN as long as their not otherwise a 'prohibited' person, such as a drug user, convicted felon, etc - The same things that would prevent you or I from lawfully owning a firearm. Assuming above is true, under 39-17-1307 she may legally possess it in her car while loaded. The plan reading of state law is clear and there isn't any known case law on the subject, so the short answer is they can. They can also have a loaded rifle or shotgun in their vehicle per state law. She can also carry the firearm at her residence, her place of business, or any other property she owns within TN. She can NOT take advantage of the 'parking lot law', and the 'school exception' those are limited to HCP holders. The confusion above is from people quoting the WRONG portion of Federal Law 922b is not 922g and therefore isn't on point for this discussion. 922g just lists all the ways somebody can become a prohibited person (DV, mental adjudication, felon, illegal alien, etc) and doesn't mention AGE at all. Even though 39-17-1316 is referenced to include all of USC 922, nothing in 922 prohibits an 18 year old from purchasing a handgun, only prohibiting an FFL from transferring a handgun to somebody under 21, remember the wording is key. It's good to see more people quoting laws, but quoting the wrong law causes a lot of confusion.1 point
Nobody does old school bluing better than Turnbull. I know there are more durable finishes these days - but there sure aren’t prettier ones.1 point
Very nice. Turnbull does excellent work. Here is my Turnbull 100 year Anniversary 19111 point
I don't think it's a secret that I partake in the opium of the masses, my particular addiction being Christianity. It is from that perspective I share my story. God created us to do stuff and be active He commands us to do that stuff and those activities to the best of our abilities and with a cheerful heart. Sometimes that stuff and those activities aren't fun or easy. But as obedient servants we should still follow God's commands to be faithful with the opportunities we have. Professionally, you may not have the drive, desire, or passion to do your best, give your best or be your best. And that's where I was Monday. Got to go to work, don't want to. Got to see clients, don't want to. You get paid, get out the door and remember God's command, be faithful with your current opportunity. Choose not to do it, the job I'm paid for that is, how is that any different from stealing? As I'm driving to my first appointment, I hear a preacher on Joy620 on your AM dial, talking about, "when Satan comes to get you" When we're weary, worn out, torn down, at our weakest, the negative thoughts and idleness set in. From a Christian perspective, the doubt of God's promises. The whisper of doubt comes from the father of lies (had to use it, it's a nice turn of phrase) From a non-Christian viewpoint with no concern about a higher power, how much time have you lost with equivalent non productive thoughts? My lesson, show a deeper love for God through being more faithful with the stuff and activities I must do, despite what I may want to do. I also learned by being faithful with the stuff and activities, it reduces those times I could be idle and open to the whispers of Satan. For non-Christians, a lesson in do the right thing all the time and by being active, there ain't much time wasted nor extra time to get into trouble with non productive activities. Keep fighting the good fight, do unto others, and keep your eye on the prize!1 point
https://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/lowrance-hook2-5x-fishfinder-with-splitshot-transducer-and-gps-plotter#repChildCatid=5063221 In that price range something like this would work. I don't know how much you fish or how serious you are with it but I always recommend saving up for the biggest one you can afford and then spending more for the next size up. New technology is amazing. Side scan and down scan can show lifelike pictures now, you can count fish off a brush pile.1 point
1 point
I’m a little out of that range, but I went to a Lowrance EliteTi 7. After having a Hook model in the kayak and a decent Garmin on the boat, I promised myself that I’d learn to really run one. I haven’t really mastered all of the features, yet. But it’s amazing. I really can’t say enough good things about it.1 point
I've been using a Lowrance Hook 3. It's about as cheap as they come. It's down scan only. I use it to know the depth, as well as find structure, holes, and drop offs. I recommend it if you are looking for a basic unit. The screen is a little small, but I can use the big depth numbers and spin it 180 degrees and see it from the front of my pontoon boat, it's mounted on the console. It was about $100, the Helix 4, is in your price range as well, and the Helix 5 is barely out off it.1 point
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1 point
To purchase from an FFL (licensed dealer) federal law requires the buyer to be 21. If buying from a private party, it is legal in TN to purchase and possess at 18.1 point
No permit is needed in Tennessee to keep loaded firearms (handguns and long guns) in your vehicle. It's considered an extension of your home. Your Michigan permit is valid in Tennessee, so you're also A-OK to carry a handgun outside your vehicle. TN recognizes it as a carry permit so you can carry open or concealed at your discretion. An AR pistol is considered a handgun, but you need to know that not every law enforcement officer will be aware of this. Note that "no guns" signs do have the force of law here. Signs are supposed to have very specific wording and symbols, but I find that unless you want to get into the weeds of the Tennessee codes, it's better to just assume any no-guns sign is valid.1 point
We could talk for two hours on that by itself. I've got a microcontroller based system that will control airflow and thus temperature to practically a degree or two, but I almost never use it. Heart of the matter on the BGE and the Kamodo Joe like David has is that they're so thick, you can pretty easily do an 8 hour run without touching the vents.1 point
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