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Well, I'm all for protection of everyone's rights. If someone tells me they do not give consent to search, then I don't have consent. If I don't have probable cause, I'm just outta there. The fouth amendment is there for a reason. If someone doesn't want to talk to me, well the fifth amendment is there for a reason. I'm all for the protection of people's rights. Those rights include my rights. I, just like everyone else, has a right to be anywhere without having to be in fear because some pos is threatening to shoot me. I have a right to keep myself and my family alive just like everyone else does. And that's what I'm going to do. I don't have to wait for the flash coming out of the end of the barrel to start trying to figure out how to keep from offending him after he's threatened to shoot me. All that being said, I do believe that in the areas of personal rights and privacy a lot of lines are being crossed. A great many of us police officers are still out here working to make sure that people's rights are NOT trampled. We're supposed to be working FOR the citizens, not trying to keep the citizens controlled and under thumb. Citizens of this country have a right to be able to go out and work for a living (foreign concept I guess) and not have to worry about these worthless thugs breaking in while they're gone and raping, murdering, and stealing. But these rotten thugs are what this rotten society wants to protect, instead of the good people. Maybe we should return to old fashioned values. I do believe that a lot of the things being done out here on the streets of this country amount to tyranny. Whether it's some police chief, sheriff, fire marshal, mayor, county executive, senator etc., a good deal of them seem to be interested in one thing - power. And they want to do whatever they can to keep it and lord it over everyone. That whole short list of people there (only a fraction of the whole list) has one thing in common - they are supposed to be working FOR the people. But instead, so many times when someone is given the slightest bit of power they turn into little tyrants and work against the people and lord it over them. Is this true in all cases? No it is not. And the ones practicing such things need to be held accountable and face the consequences. But what is still bewildering to me is the fact that when you have a circumstance such as the one described in the OP, you no longer have in this society a loud voice of the people raising a public outcry against these thugs threatening to shoot people ( or even when they do shoot people), but instead there's usually an outcry from someone trying to make sure the thugs are protected. Do some cops act like tyrants and violate people's rights? Sure they do. And it grates on my skin. So let's put a stop to it. But let's also put a stop to the criminals out here violating people's rights. Or maybe we should just return to these days:4 points
Just wanted to show off the sheath I made for my new EDC knife made by Grand Torino. I designed it for quick removal without taking my belt off. Thanks Grand Torino for the perfect blade.3 points
I believe most of you here know that my tastes run to the Single Action revolver. Seems I've stated something to that effect here. My preferences run to Single Actions with fine adjustable sights, case hardened frames and eye-catching grips. Here are two such revolvers, both in .45 Colt, one a Blackhawk and one a New Frontier: Both of these have the 4 x/8" barrels, 4 5/8" for the Ruger , and 4 3/4" for the Colt. In my opinion, the Colt Accro sight is better of the two, having a flat face and all steel construction, though Ruger does now offer all steel. The Ruger rear sight has a radiused surface that does catch light at times, not as precise as the Colt. As to Colt's Eliason as on current New Frontiers, it overhangs the hammer a trifle too much to suit me, and can catch the thumb when cocking. The wide trigger on the Ruger is much more pleasant to me, as opposed to the narrow trigger of Colts. And (bite my tongue here) I prefer the XR-3RED grip profile of the Ruger to the Colt's plowhandle grip profile. I know, I know, the Colt grip is the grip "to fit every hand" but the Ruger just handles recoil a mite better, and is less likely for the cocked hammer spur to dig into the flesh of the shooting hand. Now here is the same Colt with a .44 Special Ruger Flat Top, even closer to the Colt in size and proportion. This gun is one of the finest Rugers to come out yet, but it incorporates the Colt grip profile. While I do like the smaller frame, I wish they'd have put the XR-3RED grip on it! Bob Wright3 points
At the point that a reasonable person (Judge or jury) in that same circumstance would believe they were in immediate danger of death or great bodily harm. Pointing something at someone (Cop or private citizen) in the dark and screaming “I will shoot you dead!!” would meet that requirement. You don’t have to wait to see the muzzle flash.3 points
Since we're talking big bore revolvers (.45 Colt thread), Let's go ahead and talk about my favorite big bore wheel guns, The .44 Special. The .44 Magnum may be more popular, but the .44 Special will handle anything a handgun can be asked to do without all that buck & roar. The special makes an outstanding defense round and is capable of taking any game up to Black Bear. For a big bore, the recoil is mild and the cartridge is famous for its accuracy. I love these things! Top row: S&W 2nd Model .44 Hand Ejector 5" barrel: This one shipped Jan 22, 1924 to the Joplin, Missouri Police Dept. Man if this one could talk.... S&W 1st Model .44 Hand Ejector 5" barrel. AKA the "New Century Model" or "Triple Lock" due to the extra lock built into the cylinder crane. Shipped May 21, 1910 to Birmingham Arms & hardware, Birmingham, Al. 2nd row and middle bottom: In 1983 Smith & Wesson re-introduced the .44 Special with a run of 7,500 Model 24-3s. Most were 6 1/2" barrels with 2,625 made with 4" barrels. They proved to be so popular that Lou Horton Distributors commissioned S&W to make 5000 3" guns. I am fortunate enough to have one of each. Bottom left: Charter Arms Bulldog 3" made in 1985. The original pocket power house! Bottom right: S&W Model 696 no-dash. Made in August, 1997. A 5 shot .44 built on S&W's L-frame with a 3" barrel. These are highly sought after as they were the last S&Ws built before the introduction of MIM parts on the dash 1 version. I know a lot of you own .44 Magnums, now fess up. Who shoots them more with .44 Special ammo?2 points
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Here's a sneak peak at the intro for the Shooters Nation podcast. Let me know what you think! Remember, we're going for a national audience here which is why we're doing it under the Shooters Nation name. I may do a periodic podcast under the TGO name just for you all, but podcasts really have to be done "at scale" in order to be worth the time and effort. Just posted a 2nd Draft...2 points
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoook! Here is my Vaquero: And, an old time Blackhawk: And a New Frontier: Do I qualify? Bob Wright2 points
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At what point would it be justified to kill someone for making a threat unless they can act on that threat. People get threatened every single day, are we now justified to shoot someone when some lowlife says he is going to kill you because you won't give them a quarter? Insane what is being passed off as justified any more. LivePD is nothing more than the desensitizing of the population into believing that it is OK to allow the government to trample on their rights. If they ask you a question, you MUST answer or go to jail for obstruction. I watched that one pan out on LivePD. They pulled over the driver because he was in a "high drug area". They asked him where he was coming from and when he refused to answer they took him to jail for obstruction. They never found drugs or anything illegal during the search incident to arrest but he was still taken to jail. The officer briefed the camera saying he was being charged with felony obstruction for not answering the officer's questions. You have the right to remain silent but only AFTER you have been arrested. Before that you can be tossed in jail for keeping your mouth shut. A lady was pulled over for sitting in a parking lot putting on her makeup. She refused their request to search her car. They asked her if she had medication in the car, she said she did. The officers said they needed to get the medication AND search the car. She refused to let them search but offered to get the medication. The officers refused to let her get the medication to verify it was legal but held her there for like 30 minutes saying she wasn't allowed to get into the car until AFTER the officers left. The officers said the lady might pull out a gun and shoot all seven of the officers if they let her get in her car first. I have seen numerous searches started because the officer said "You look nervous". Even if the driver said they weren't nervous the officer made them get out of the car so they could search because "You look nervous so you must be breaking the law". The officer is able to tell whether the person they just met for the first time is nervous in the first 30 seconds of making contact, BS. They get briefed, as I did, in how to lead and make statements to support what you want to happen. I was idling around in a parking lot looking for a spot. I didn't come to a complete stop at the white line at the end of a row. There was an officer sitting, stationary about 100 feet away. The officer pulled me over stating I did not come to a complete stop at the white line. I told him it wasn't a stop sign. His response was that I almost t-boned him. I laughed and said he was half way across the parking lot. He gave me a hard stare and said I better be careful or I might get in trouble for trying to kill an officer next time. This all happened on private property at a local grocery store. Anymore anything a person does is "suspicious" and is probable cause to violate someone's rights. It is funny watching all the officers crowd the car looking, and peering, into the car like some peeping tom trying to get a glimpse of some skin.2 points
Well I just got a great deal on 3 brand new Beretta APX mags from TGO member TerminalLcpl88 . Great member . I didn't look into the gear classifieds here because there doesn't seem like too many people shoot the Beretta APX , but I searched last night and found his ad from a few months ago selling 3 mags. Worked out great2 points
No problem. I understand you, and many others, don’t like and won’t sign bills of sale. That’s fine, no harm, no foul. I figure if something doesn’t sell; its price and nothing else.2 points
Access to firearms has never been more restricted that at the present time. AR15 has been on the civilian market for over 50 years and is one of the most popular firearms in history, probably millions to 10's of millions of them in the US. Obviously, something changed other than access to firearms; if there was a correlation then these incidents would be less likely now, not more. The AR came on the market in 1963, at a time when there were virtually no gun laws other than restrictions on machineguns, 5 years before the 1968 GCA. What has happened in the time period since then, lets reason together: We as a nation have practically destroyed the nuclear family, eviscerated and emasculated the role of the Church in society and replaced chivalry and self-sacrifice with victimhood and narcissism. We abort viable pregnancies due to inconvenience, and promote offing the elderly and ill if we deem their quality of life substandard. We allow our children to play video games that utilize the exact same psychological conditioning used to make our Vietnam Vets more efficient killers (and caused an explosion of PTSD casualties, you all know that more vets have killed themselves since the war than died in it). Instead of mothers and fathers raising their sons and daughters to be ladies and gentlemen, we tell the kids they might be homosexuals or misgendered, and instead of disciplining and training them we put them on Prozac and Ritalin and give them Facebook to experience the insecurities of puberty on a macro scale, all alone on powerful mind altering medications with no morals and no father to smack them and no mother to hug them. Short of a revival (and I do mean the Christian sort), I don't know what can turn this around, we've wasted a generation, maybe two now, and I'm staying armed and vigilant because the last thing that's gonna make anyone safer is taking away the ability to meet these threats head on. I'm sorry to say I don't see this getting better anytime soon, but will continue to pray about it, and do what I can to influence my children and other young people that I can in appositive way...2 points
Mrs. 'lizard is a school teacher. I don't know why I never thought of it before now, but I'd like to talk with her about keeping armor in her room. Before I do that, I need to learn what's out there. She's small. just over 5' and maybe 100 lbs soaking wet. She'll shoot with me from time to time, but is by no means into tacticool. In other words, a camo'd out plate carrier covered in MOLLE strips ain't gonna fly. It would need to be simple to put on in a panic and light weight. She's not going to be able to struggle with a 40 lb. vest. I know light and good = expensive. It's OK....she's worth it. Given recent events, I don't think handgun-level defense is enough. Looking for something that can handle strikes from 7.62x39 and 5.56. Would that be Level III ? Finally, are there any dealers in middle TN that carry this stuff in stock? I might have a better chance of getting her to buy in to the idea if she can see it and try it on for fit. I'm pretty much a total n00b on armor so school me!1 point
So I’m watching live PD last night, they have your typical chase and the guy gets out and runs. As I’m watching the Officer close in during the foot pursuit the suspect turns to face him raises his arm and screams “I will shoot you dead!”. I thought they were about to show the first Officer involved shooting on Live PD. Luckily the Officer was next to a concrete pillar and he took cover and drew down on the suspect. He held him at gun point until his backup arrived. The whole time the guy was yelling “If you handcuff me hard I will kill your family!” among other things. Backup arrived and this mental case was cuffed to a gurney and taken to the hospital by ambulance. But man… I was thinking if that cover had not been there; the cop would have shot him. I certainly would have. The suspect was unarmed but pointing his cell phone in the dark while yelling he would shoot the Officer. If the cameraman had not been there it would have been a cop standing over an unarmed dead perp running from a traffic stop. Those two men were certainly very lucky. If you get a chance watch it and see how fast stuff can go really bad.1 point
I don't think it's a secret that I partake in the opium of the masses, my particular addiction being Christianity. It is from that perspective I share my story. God created us to do stuff and be active He commands us to do that stuff and those activities to the best of our abilities and with a cheerful heart. Sometimes that stuff and those activities aren't fun or easy. But as obedient servants we should still follow God's commands to be faithful with the opportunities we have. Professionally, you may not have the drive, desire, or passion to do your best, give your best or be your best. And that's where I was Monday. Got to go to work, don't want to. Got to see clients, don't want to. You get paid, get out the door and remember God's command, be faithful with your current opportunity. Choose not to do it, the job I'm paid for that is, how is that any different from stealing? As I'm driving to my first appointment, I hear a preacher on Joy620 on your AM dial, talking about, "when Satan comes to get you" When we're weary, worn out, torn down, at our weakest, the negative thoughts and idleness set in. From a Christian perspective, the doubt of God's promises. The whisper of doubt comes from the father of lies (had to use it, it's a nice turn of phrase) From a non-Christian viewpoint with no concern about a higher power, how much time have you lost with equivalent non productive thoughts? My lesson, show a deeper love for God through being more faithful with the stuff and activities I must do, despite what I may want to do. I also learned by being faithful with the stuff and activities, it reduces those times I could be idle and open to the whispers of Satan. For non-Christians, a lesson in do the right thing all the time and by being active, there ain't much time wasted nor extra time to get into trouble with non productive activities. Keep fighting the good fight, do unto others, and keep your eye on the prize!1 point
Was at the range today with my brother and started talking with this guy who just came in, had a brand new never shoot XDE in 42acp. Looks just like my XDS but with a hammer, DA/SA decocker if thats what you want, or carry cocked and locked SA. Might get one in 9mm. I prefer all metal guns but there is something to be said for a inexpensive plastic one too.1 point
1 point
IMO, a terrible and confusing article. Several points: 18yo may possess a handgun in their home and/or auto or on their private property. Other considerations may come into play. One point mentions gun being unloaded at home, not so. Also with a HCP, one may have a handgun during an Archery hunt. Furthermore, an 18 - 20 yo with military credentials will generally be able to obtain a HCP1 point
Willis I did not see myself listed on your list for this knife. I confirmed I wanted it.1 point
1 point
Thank you. I read that as well but it wasn’t making good sense so I wanted a little validation. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
This teacher pretty much covers it. Florida Teacher of the Year's gun violence post goes viral after school shooting http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/02/16/florida-teacher-years-gun-violence-post-goes-viral-after-school-shooting.html1 point
There ONLY 3 Left for Sale, Dave had to sell the other 20 he was holding for me because people were DEMANDING these knives1 point
1 point
Body armor is not meant to be worn 100% of the time. It is there when you need it. In the teachers case it would likely sit in a closet until it is needed. Putting on body armor that is properly fitted and proper for the individual takes seconds. There are no restrictions at AR500.com. Anyone can buy them.1 point
I'd have emptied a magazine as soon as he threatened to kill my family. Yet another reason I couldn't be a policeman.1 point
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All I see if the photobucket warning Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
No need to have any IIIA soft armor with level 4 plates. Level 4 plates will stop pretty much anything man portable. And one more thing, extra cost does not equate to extra protection. Spending $1,000 on a level IV plate from one vendor will not ensure you are getting a better plate than a vendor that has one for $99 as long as the cheaper one has been tested. AR500 has been selling their armor for a very long time now, you can trust their products to be what they say they are. And one thing I would caution you about is only buy from reputable dealers. There are a lot of sellers out there that have not tested their armor. Some are proving to be inadequate for their armor rating. Some are even selling fake airsoft armor that will not stop a 22. Here is a decent level IV composite plate for not a lot of money. It is pretty lightweight as well at 7.5 pounds and is pretty thin at .75". But it costs more at $155 https://www.ar500armor.com/ar500-armor-body-armor/level-iv-body-armor/ar500-armor-level-iv-composite-body-armor-10x12.html Here is IV plate that is cheaper, $99, but the trade off is weight, 8.3 pounds, and thickness, 1". It is a ceramic and polyethylene plate. https://www.ar500armor.com/ar500-armor-body-armor/level-iv-body-armor/ar500-armorr-level-iv-body-armor-10-x-12.html Here is a lightweight level III plate that is a bit lighter than the level IV plate above. It is also cheaper and thinner. But it will probably not stop 5.56 at point blank ranges but you could back it with IIIA soft armor. The trade off would be cost because this combination would be more than most of the IV plates above. https://www.ar500armor.com/ar500-armor-body-armor/level-iii-lightweight-body-armor/ar500-armor-square-back-lightweight-level-iii.html1 point
1 point
Glad I wasn't drinking when I read this. LMAO You might have done a whisky spit-take....dangerous if the Irish myth is true. Said myth stating that after you die, you get lowered head first into a barrel of all the whisky you wasted in your life, and if you drown, you go to hell. I'm not much in jeopardy by that standard...yet.1 point
Oh man. I read that first sentence wrong. I thought you said your wife gave you vd. Lol1 point
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Aw now don't get upset. I actually do have a regular stock, but its one of those foreign replacements and in bad need of a refinish. Yeah, some may scream BLASPHEMY! But, its certainly no worse than hanging all manner of crap on an AR. Besides, I already have a straight up G.I. version. What I've done here is taken an excellent home defense rifle and made it better. Its smaller, lighter, handles like a champ and shoots great. I've even shot 3 gun matches with it. Ok, I'll grant that its a bit weird, But then so am I.1 point
Just go get one. Other’s experiences and even your own with possibly an older one really aren’t that relevant. My experience has been excellent to the point that others have asked if I’m going to bring it out to the range. I will say that now they’ve gotten rid of the billboard on the side they look exactly like a 1911 should.1 point
Layered security at airports, check Layered security at government facilities, check Armed security for elected servants, check Private security for those who can afford it, check Personal security for those who exercise their 2A rights, check Key readers to enter hotel weight room to deter non guest access, check Schools, come on in? And yes, we have to paint the narrative of a troubled and mentally ill young man to maintain the focus on the evil of guns and how easy it is for the wrong people to obtain them. I do include MSM news sites in my daily research, it seems close to an anti-gun feeding frenzy out there...1 point
An unarmed populace has a far greater threat in its government than a lunatic with a gun.1 point
If you seriously want to give it a go, spend a little money and get a lesson to start. It's way easier to start with good habits that will make you play better and make the overall experience much more enjoyable. You shouldn't need more than 2-3 lessons to get the basics down. Start with short irons, not a driver or fairway wood. Start with a PW or 7 iron and work your way up.1 point
It’s like John Lott said in “the Bias Against Guns”, that the stat for children killed by guns included up to age 20 or so and included gang shootings, suicides, homes where felons illegally possessed improperly stored firearms...etc. It turned out that actual children under 11 killed in firearm accidents in the home was so rare that 5 gallon plastic buckets and queen sized matresses were significantly more dangerous to kids than guns... School shootings are highly publicized and unbelievably horrifyingly tragic, but still incredibly rare.1 point
Personally I think many of the issues our youth are having are directly related to lack of parenting. Single parent homes particularly where no father is present lack hard boundaries. Nurturing is a wonderful thing but kids NEED rules and consequences too. If they go long enough without them the results are what we see in our society today. Participation trophies, no sense of accomplishment, or how to deal with loss. So many kids are just adrift in the world. They never get prepared for adulthood, and responsibility. The results are terrifying and the public response will largely be to blame anything BUT they perpetrator of this horrible event.1 point
Picked up a 590a1 to go with my Daniel Defense AR-15 and a couple of MOD 2's (9 and 45). Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk1 point
I have also had both. The Pre-63 model 94 Winchester I still own almost anyway was given to me by my grandfather as my first deer rifle when we moved to the Ranch/Farm in 1967 from Illinois and it was one of the only guns they didn't get to steal when they burglarized our house back in 86 because I had loaned it to a friend and it was at his house. I killed about 30 deer with it over the years and passed it down to my son when he began hunting deer and he killed about 20 deer with it and now my youngest grandson Logan began his hunting career with it when he turned 11 last year. He has killed 4 deer with it so far. 3 last year and 1 this year. It has been a trouble free accurate gun since I got it in 67 and the 150 gr Silver tips rounds have always been the deer getters for it. They did steal a Marlin 30-30 /w/scope and it was also a great gun and I did kill several deer with it but didn't really have it long enough to give a fair assessment of it except to say it shot well and function flawlessly. Like a few others here have said, if I was looking for a 30/30 I would hunt down a pre 63 model 94 Winchester first and then begin looking for an older model Marlin 30-30 with or without a scope cause you will probably want to choose the optics you prefer................JMHO1 point
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Yep for sure, you need to spend more time at the range David.....30 rounds and not one in center mass......................1 point
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