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Since we're talking big bore revolvers (.45 Colt thread), Let's go ahead and talk about my favorite big bore wheel guns, The .44 Special. The .44 Magnum may be more popular, but the .44 Special will handle anything a handgun can be asked to do without all that buck & roar. The special makes an outstanding defense round and is capable of taking any game up to Black Bear. For a big bore, the recoil is mild and the cartridge is famous for its accuracy. I love these things! Top row: S&W 2nd Model .44 Hand Ejector 5" barrel: This one shipped Jan 22, 1924 to the Joplin, Missouri Police Dept. Man if this one could talk.... S&W 1st Model .44 Hand Ejector 5" barrel. AKA the "New Century Model" or "Triple Lock" due to the extra lock built into the cylinder crane. Shipped May 21, 1910 to Birmingham Arms & hardware, Birmingham, Al. 2nd row and middle bottom: In 1983 Smith & Wesson re-introduced the .44 Special with a run of 7,500 Model 24-3s. Most were 6 1/2" barrels with 2,625 made with 4" barrels. They proved to be so popular that Lou Horton Distributors commissioned S&W to make 5000 3" guns. I am fortunate enough to have one of each. Bottom left: Charter Arms Bulldog 3" made in 1985. The original pocket power house! Bottom right: S&W Model 696 no-dash. Made in August, 1997. A 5 shot .44 built on S&W's L-frame with a 3" barrel. These are highly sought after as they were the last S&Ws built before the introduction of MIM parts on the dash 1 version. I know a lot of you own .44 Magnums, now fess up. Who shoots them more with .44 Special ammo?4 points
Access to firearms has never been more restricted that at the present time. AR15 has been on the civilian market for over 50 years and is one of the most popular firearms in history, probably millions to 10's of millions of them in the US. Obviously, something changed other than access to firearms; if there was a correlation then these incidents would be less likely now, not more. The AR came on the market in 1963, at a time when there were virtually no gun laws other than restrictions on machineguns, 5 years before the 1968 GCA. What has happened in the time period since then, lets reason together: We as a nation have practically destroyed the nuclear family, eviscerated and emasculated the role of the Church in society and replaced chivalry and self-sacrifice with victimhood and narcissism. We abort viable pregnancies due to inconvenience, and promote offing the elderly and ill if we deem their quality of life substandard. We allow our children to play video games that utilize the exact same psychological conditioning used to make our Vietnam Vets more efficient killers (and caused an explosion of PTSD casualties, you all know that more vets have killed themselves since the war than died in it). Instead of mothers and fathers raising their sons and daughters to be ladies and gentlemen, we tell the kids they might be homosexuals or misgendered, and instead of disciplining and training them we put them on Prozac and Ritalin and give them Facebook to experience the insecurities of puberty on a macro scale, all alone on powerful mind altering medications with no morals and no father to smack them and no mother to hug them. Short of a revival (and I do mean the Christian sort), I don't know what can turn this around, we've wasted a generation, maybe two now, and I'm staying armed and vigilant because the last thing that's gonna make anyone safer is taking away the ability to meet these threats head on. I'm sorry to say I don't see this getting better anytime soon, but will continue to pray about it, and do what I can to influence my children and other young people that I can in appositive way...4 points
These sorts of mass shootings are a relatively recent phenomenon and even though a semi-auto ban most likely would have a downward effect on casualty numbers, it would still be a miniscule amount of the total annual number of gun deaths. I also can’t support any sort of action that penalizes the whole for the actions of the individual. The guns aren’t the problem though. They don’t cause the shootings to happen. Semi-auto and even full auto guns were much more accessible in years past and we didn’t have these types of shootings. Our society is sick and that sickness is causing our children to have these types of psychotic breaks. I can see the problem, but I don’t know how to fix it. What’s the solution? How do we heal something so fundamentally broken?3 points
HB 2484 / SB 2336 Made it through house subcommittee yesterday. Basically the bill removes criminal liability for someone who leaves a posted premises when asked to do so. It looked like by watching video that an amendment was added for the bill to apply to someone who possibly negligently/recklessly carries in a posted area. A moms demand action supporter showed up to speak for her side. No NRA or other gun rights org lobbyist showed up. We are lucky that there seem to be several representatives sitting on this committee that are sympathetic to carry rights and willing to work with a governor and House Speaker that are lukewarm to easing carry restrictions. If our side does not show up, how can we expect our situation to improve? HB 2485 / SB 2335 This bill would totally legalize carry within the non secure portion of airport terminals if you have a handgun carry permit. Both of these bills have been authored by the same representative and state senator. Neither bill seem to have negative fiscal notes either. You might want to contact your representative, state senator, and NRA and other gun rights organizations to support these positive bills because they will help our carry rights.2 points
Personally I think many of the issues our youth are having are directly related to lack of parenting. Single parent homes particularly where no father is present lack hard boundaries. Nurturing is a wonderful thing but kids NEED rules and consequences too. If they go long enough without them the results are what we see in our society today. Participation trophies, no sense of accomplishment, or how to deal with loss. So many kids are just adrift in the world. They never get prepared for adulthood, and responsibility. The results are terrifying and the public response will largely be to blame anything BUT they perpetrator of this horrible event.2 points
So sad. Words just aren't enough. I only ask how did he "walk" away in handcuffs? Should have been a bodybag.2 points
"He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance. " Not a perfect fit, but not half bad for a damyankee such as myself. --- In sum, for all the commentary on this subject: Reciprocity is bad, 'cause it can be twisted. The only other seeming remedy would be through the Supremes, which will never happen in any of our lifetimes. So just stick with due and constantly updated research into each state's CCW, and go from there. SWC2 points
The Commerce Clause has been a moving target over the years. Has also been ruled as merely affecting the overall commerce, regardless of a product being introduced beyond a state line. - OS2 points
If BHO passed it then his followers would VIEW it as bad. That is why he waited for the Republican leaders to pass it. Then the next time we have a Democrat controlled government it will be used to harm conservatives. Our "leaders" cannot foresee or do not care how the reciprocity will be used by our enemies in government. If we give the federal government control over ANYTHING they will abuse it and use it to gain more control over the populace. National reciprocity will be used to grief gun owners but most gun owners are too worried about NOW to worry about the future. The NRA has no interest in putting ANYTHING gun related to rest. They have become a money driven organization and when there is turmoil or uneasiness in the gun community it generates profits. They could easily end the bump stock ban but they instead asked for it because they know they can use the turmoil to increase profits. Remember they called for the ban but have now said they would oppose it but need more money to fight it. If we do not send in our donations they will let it pass. Time and time again the NRA support turmoil because it increases profits and refuse to get involved with things that could actually help us. Their desires are not in helping gun owners, it is in increasing profits while risking our gun rights. We have a super majority in Washington and yet we cannot get a single piece of pro conservative or pro gun legislation passed. We cannot even get anything repealed to help gun owners. The reason why is our "conservatives" in Washington are the other side of the liberal coin. Regardless of which party is in power they will continue to pass laws to make more and more of us criminals because once you are a criminal they can control every aspect of your life. We are not free, we are told we are but we are being controlled by the government in every single aspect of our lives. There is not too many things one can do now that doesn't require approval from our government or risk becoming a criminal. We do not have free elections, we are not free to do what we want and we are not free to say what we want. Our privacy is long gone and the majority of the Amendments of the Constitution are violated daily by those in Government yet we continue to believe we are free because we are told we are free.2 points
I hope it does not pass. The biggest reason is once it is law they can change the rules or definitions to hurt those who they feel should be hurt. We see definitions being changed, often on a whim, making law abiding people into criminals overnight. And the worst part is we can’t vote out those responsible. It will be used to control, not give more freedom. I promise.2 points
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I just just a World War II M1 Carbine. Would like to know more about care for it and shooting it. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Likely going to take it completely down, clean and oil it up first.1 point
I just got back home from the MEPS center in Nashville. It was THE hardest thing I've ever done as a Dad to watch my son get on that bus and head out for Parris Island today. Pray for him that the Lord will be with him and give him strength and resilience, and that my son will trust in Him. I told him yesterday that even though he may have the blood of warriors coursing through his veins, the blood of the Cherokee, the Seminole, the Blackfoot, the Norseman, all that pales in comparison to the fact that he is covered by the blood of Christ, the Lamb of God, the King of kings, the Lord of lords. I want him to remember that. And to remember that God will never leave him or abandon him.1 point
It’s like John Lott said in “the Bias Against Guns”, that the stat for children killed by guns included up to age 20 or so and included gang shootings, suicides, homes where felons illegally possessed improperly stored firearms...etc. It turned out that actual children under 11 killed in firearm accidents in the home was so rare that 5 gallon plastic buckets and queen sized matresses were significantly more dangerous to kids than guns... School shootings are highly publicized and unbelievably horrifyingly tragic, but still incredibly rare.1 point
Apparently there were red flags. Signs were there. No one apparently spoke out. He was expelled for disciplinary reasons. I wonder if the school offered any help? Politicians will blame guns. I wonder if there will ever be a discussion about what binds us together? Morals, accountability, responsibility, self-control, pride in self, family and community, patriotism, the flag, national anthem, pledge of allegiance, duty, honor and country. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk1 point
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No. Hang him, publicly, in as open and public a place as may be found, at high noon. Within the next 14 days, not 114. I don't give a damn if he was "mentally ill". My mind is toward 17 children and their families. But I try not to be too onesided... If someone can provide for me the PRO allowing mass murderers to shoot children without penalty, let's hear it. I thought not. SWC1 point
I agree with this but it's also impossible to deny that the US has really cornered the market on mass shootings. I keep trying to remind myself that these events are still pretty rare but I am concerned with the current trend. I don't know what the solution is but doing nothing doesn't seem to be working.1 point
Think of our politicians. They spend a lot of time and money talking but no real time doing. They are part of the problem not the solution. Once that is understood it is easier to Garner there is no answer forthcoming from "them".1 point
It’s Florida; as soon as they have what they need they will fry him or stick a needle in him.1 point
How it ended is not as important in that it did in fact end. Now after they pick his brain for a week they can take him out back and let the families have at him.1 point
Yes, they say he had a gas mask, smoke grenades (undetermined if he used them), an AR15 and a bunch of mags. He pulled the fire alarm and opened fire when they ran out. He was captured about a mile away and is alive and in custody. I keep hearing “When will we learn?” Yes, when will we learn? He was in a target rich environment and he was the only one with a gun. The only way to stop an active shooter is with another active shooter. Also, the kids knew he was trouble.1 point
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I don't often suffer from envy, but that Triple Lock makes me a little weak in the knees!1 point
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Online, it's sold out/out of stock. It'll probably be better to search in person locally until the supply builds up.1 point
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CZ's are great pistols, reliable and accurate. I currently have the 75 compact as pictured, thinking about getting a PCR.1 point
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Technically, if your firearm originates in the state of TN, and you never take it out of state, the feds have no authority over it. The fact is though, the states allow the feds to enforce their gun laws within the state. One of the main ways the Feds take power from the States is in the name of "interstate commerce". The feds claim (and I think has been upheld by the SCOTUS) that anything that crosses state lines is subject to the Interstate Commerce Clause. The other way they do it is by bribes, in the form of federal funds. The "bribes" even work their way down to the individual level. Feds pay states to do what they want, States pay counties and cities to do what they want, and even most individuals can get money from the Fed, State, and county or city level, as long as you do what they want you to do.1 point
I never understood why anyone would buy a firearm and never shoot it and sell it and then regret sellng it...........1 point
Doesn't matter either way. They all work fine once you pack them full of Wilson Combat parts.1 point
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It could come to that type of decision I suppose, as 6-10 states would file suit immediately if it were actually passed. - OS1 point
I bought one the R-1s when they came out. It's damn fine handgun that's never given me a problem.1 point
Not worked up at all but national reciprocity will not fix anything. I can guarantee that if it were passed you would still be arrested, thrown in jail and have to fight it in court in states that will refuse to recognize it. Yes, you will be found not guilty, eventually, but by the time that has happened it will have cost you thousands of dollars and probably some of your property as well as your freedom. Think it won't happen? Look at Safe Passage Provision under the Firearm Owners Protection Act (FOPA). Legally speaking, if you are just passing through a state you cannot be arrested for having a gun that is against that state's laws if the gun is legal in your home state. But we see it all the time where someone is just passing through gets stopped and arrested. Even having a firearm in your checked baggage when flying can lead to your arrest because some states refuse to accept the provisions of the FOPA. We have states who admit they intentionally target cars with plates from gun friendly states so they can pull them over to look for guns. So if national reciprocity ever does pass you will have a defense from prosecution but that is not a defense from being arrested, thrown in jail or having you life financially ruined by an overzealous state. Don't forget the wording only allows CONCEALED carry in another state. It also doesn't permit you to carry on state or local government property unless the state allows you to. Who owns roadways or highways? And because it will not change a single thing why let the government interject themselves into another part of our lives. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearm_Owners_Protection_Act#.22Safe_Passage.22_provision1 point
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If I could write the bill, I'd be for it. Since I can't, and I have zero trust for those who can, I'm firmly against the idea.1 point
I’ve visited all 48 contiguous since I started driving and keeping abreast of the ins and outs of each state is far more tolerable than the risk of getting the option to carry closed out altogether.1 point
Speaking strictly for myself.....I would prefer the Feds keep their collective noses out of this issue. What may be ok during this administration, may very well head south if the Libs take control again. All the states I may visit are not an issue ( I don't visit all ). The Califs, Ill, NY, I stay clear. JMHO1 point
While those of us that carry routinely, certainly favorable. But as others have said, Federal interference can come back and bite us all. I see it as a State issue. Unfortunately the libs control some States. Analogous to posting of businesses; except the entire state is posted. If a state sees it that way so be it.1 point
No flaming from me, just an opposing viewpoint. Personally, I believe that having the Feds occupy a field that has, until now, been mostly a state decided issue will never, ever be a good thing - no matter the issue. The Fed is already overgrown and bloated - I don't believe we need to be supporting the idea of it getting even bigger and even more involved in such things even if it appears to benefit us, at least in the short term. A Fed that can tell all states that they must allow carry can, when the wind blows another direction, tell all states that they can no longer allow carry - or that they have to meet California, New York and Illinois 'standards' in order to do so, that they can only authorize people to carry handguns that are on the California approved list, etc. Think I am being paranoid? Ask yourself who the Fed and the EPA look to when they want to put new regulations in place. It ain't lower Alabama. It tends to be California. I believe it would be no different when it came to Federal carry regulation. No, thanks. I'd rather avoid those states where I can't currently legally carry or, worst case, deal with not being able to carry while I am there.1 point
This process has been a lot slower than I had hoped and that is entirely my fault. I have been covered up with other things, which is exactly the reason why we needed some new folks on the TGO Staff to help us keep momentum and keep things friendly and enjoyable. So without any further adieu, please welcome to the moderating team... @Chucktshoes @Grand Torino @CZ9MM @TripleGGG There may likely be more added soon but these gentlemen were gracious enough to volunteer and are now set up as moderators. I have more volunteers to sort through and hope to get that taken care of in the days ahead, so if you had tossed your hat in the ring don't give up yet. I really appreciate all of the interest that has been shown.1 point
Folks, I’m here to tell you that this is honestly the best Auto I have ever offered, this knife will be very special a Blackout very classy 10th Anniversary Knife, if you have not bought any of the TGO knives, this will be the best me to get, I absolutely love this model and you will to1 point
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I sometimes don’t know which is more comical, some of these so called “innovations” or some of the ATF interpretations.1 point
Why would one of those sights necessitate cutting off the front sight?1 point
Congratulations! They're great little rifles and loads of fun. Just clean and lube as with any other semi-auto rifle. Oil what turns and grease what slides. I don't recommend trying to disassemble the bolt or removing the gas piston. Special tools are required for this and it almost impossible to do it without them. Also, the gas piston nut is staked in place. Best to just leave it alone unless absolutely necessary. Stick with USGI mags. There's plenty of them out there. Many can be found new in the wrap and they're reasonably priced. I also recommend picking up a copy of the military field manual to learn the ins and outs of use and maintenance. Search the web for deals on bulk ammo. Trust me, you'll need it.1 point
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