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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/2018 in all areas

  1. Today, I am re-opening The Swamp political forum. I have no problem admitting when I am wrong about things. I was perhaps wrong to completely remove non-specific politics from TGO since it is something that many of you care deeply about and since politics are so interwoven with our lives, especially as gun owners. If you don't want to read about politics, simply avoid that forum. That is how I will handle it for myself and I hope you will do the same. This forum will be different in a few ways: Only Benefactor Members can post a thread or a reply. Anyone can read them but if you want to contribute you're going to have to show us that you are investing something back into the TGO community and aren't just here to stir the political pot. The forum will be password protected. The password will be "I AGREE" which will be a reminder of the fact that you wanted access and agree to conduct yourself in accordance with TGO's rules. If you're going to wallow in the mud, you can't complain later about getting dirty. Because it is password protected, I don't think it will show up in the New Posts activity search. You may have to set up your own Activity Stream to follow that forum if you care about it. If the crux of your thread is could be construed as "hate speech" against a group of people purely on the basis of them being in that group (whether race, gender, sexual inclination, political party affiliation, etc.) you should think hard before posting it. Ask yourself if there is any value in- or hope of- exploring the topic in a civilized manner that moves the ball down the field. If there isn't and your thread will just fan the flames of ignorance, bias or bigotry... we're going to hold you accountable for it. So, why the change of heart? I've been listening. You guys have made it clear that localized discussion of politics is important to you. When I considered it, the reason why was almost too obvious. Politics and gun ownership in any country on this planet are inextricably linked. Politics, gun ownership, and the politics of gun ownership are in fact reasons that this country even exists. Our founding fathers had a different opinion on how men should be governed than did the King, and one of the King's early efforts to shove them back into line was to try and confiscate all of their firearms. The rest is history. While I hope that the majority of politics discussed on TGO relate to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, it is impossible for me to ignore that people who are passionate enough about their own liberty and safety to own, train with, and license themselves for carry of a gun are going to be prone to talk and want to be involved in all political things. We are, by our very nature, an active group of people. There is a switch within us that has been thrown and refuses to let us just watch events unfold in the political arena without throwing a red flag on the field when we see foul play. The moderating team is still going to pay attention and make sure that discussions about politics don't become divisive and poisonous to the cause of uniting gun owners. Let's make their job easy and not let it turn into that.
    14 points
  2. I was able to buy my old duty gun because we switched over to Gen 5 G17 in 9mm. This may be a regular old Glock 22 but it saved my life in March 15, 2012. I was able to pick it up today and its now all mine. I wont go into all the detail but when I needed it to fire it did. I was holding it with one hand and standing quite awkward. So for it to run when I needed it to , it shined. I got an Alpha Wolf 40-9mm conversion barrel and even a Glock 17 extractor , and the correct spring and plunger for it to be converted to 9mm. I'll still switch it back over to .40S&W to shoot some here and there but mainly 9mm through it.
    6 points
  3. I picked this up from @willis68 over at Bad Ass Blades. What a great knife! Pro-Tech Strider PT #2307. I'm going to end up cutting a finger off because I can't stop playing with the dang thing. It's like a fidget spinner for grownups.
    4 points
  4. I appreciate your consideration in this matter, David. Even of you'd have decided against it, I appreciate your considering our requests.
    4 points
  5. This is beginning to look like David is herding kindergartners.
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. Is there an over and under?
    3 points
  8. That's great that they backed up ( unwillingly no doubt ), and will allow LEO's to dine there in the future. That does not solve my , and other HCP holders complaint. The 2nd Amendment applies to all, under the Constitution. Liberals should not be allowed to call the shots. I will drive on by..........
    3 points
  9. This sounds like incidents which have occurred at some other places. I believe Pan-so-and-so Bread was one of them. It's why I won't spend my money at these places. The manager, as well as her boss, was a complete fool for falling for this Bravo Sierra. The complaining customer is apparently suffering from some liberalitis syndrome related mental disease. I bet this same stupid B!@#% wouldn't have said a word had she been in the presence of a table full of armed gang bangin thugs who reeked of weed and who actually DO indiscriminately kill people! This jelly minded piece of fermented bovine scattology sounds just like an antifa type. I'd bet money that this piece of S%^* was absolutely not in any kind of "fear" whatsoever, but saw an opportunity to cause trouble for someone wearing a badge, and his family, and put on the act for that sole purpose. I wish that officer and his family could file AND WIN a crippling lawsuit against outback and that low life customer for the absolutely unnecessary scene that was intentionally acted out for the purpose of causing humiliation to this officer and his family. The D$#%A** manager and her boss should be immediately fired as well. This SH!^BAG society we live in, which has been cultivated since the 60's and ESPECIALLY CULTIVATED DURING THE RECENT 8 YEAR REIN is CONSTANTLY trying to find ways to humiliate and crucify the men and women who stand on the front lines in the towns, cities, and counties on the streets, highways and backroads who not only are here to serve the decent people, but to serve these same pieces of S#$% as well! I know it will NEVER happen, but I sincerely wish that ALL of the decent people in this country would take a stand and walk away from these places and NEVER spend their money again. Let them have their chosen customer base of worthless thugs and antifa types that they have chosen to cater to and wallow in the rewards of their decision.
    3 points
  10. Mentally ill people like that female customer shouldn't be allowed to roam the streets and frequent Outback Steak House like this.
    3 points
  11. David, Take it for what it's worth (not much probably ), but I think the reason so many do come here to talk politics is most regulars see the others on this forum as friends (and quite honestly more than a gun forum) and it is what friends talk about. Granted, it is much easier in most cases to discuss a topic with those who most likely agree with you, but as we know, we have a very diverse group on here. I don't always agree with one side or the other and in many cases have said to myself, what the hell is wrong with that person, but there are also many cases where some comment has made me rethink a position. I believe the world has its issues today because everyone is so worried about hurt feelings. We certainly should remain civil and not attack personally (well, unless it's really needed for extenuating circumstances ), but I personally believe it is also what brings people to this site. I guess I was brought up to defend my opinion, hopefully with facts. I am not above changing my opinion if someone can convince me. But I also am perfectly ok saying we will have to agree to disagree. More people need to learn to do that IMO. If I am honest, most of the gun talk on here has nothing to do with anything I do with guns. I am not into tactical mumbo jumbo, or carrying 24/7, or which plastic gun is the newest. I suspect I am not alone. My passion is rimfire's and there is virtually no discussion of rimfires on this forum. Probably because there are dedicated rimfire forums, I get that. My point is simply that sometimes we need more than just guns to bring us to a site. You and the admin team do a great job of keeping the peace so to speak. I definitely think some go over the line, but maybe a consideration should be more into the area of banning members who do nothing but cause trouble. Or maybe have two custom streams available. One with unread threads including politics and one without. I suspect most use the unread feature to see what is going on and this is why they don't like it. Just hide it for those that don't want it. My two cents. It doesn't really matter to me one way or the other, but I do find myself less involved with it gone.
    3 points
  12. Funny this is, but think about how many pistols and revolvers were carried for the better part of a century that had NO drop safeties. I think that all those great torture test videos have made the thought of dropping your pistol acceptable. Of course it's not.... that patch could have a 1911, a Ruger Blackhawk, a Luger, and many more pistols on it. Doing stupid things with loaded guns can kill someone. I learned that when I was 4 or 5.
    2 points
  13. Well done. To be intelligently human and opinionated is one of the things that make us what we are. I'd like to think those of us here are intelligent enough to back away from the abyss of stupidity, or at least apologize for our lack of decorum. If not there's always the ban hammer or a little vacation. Let's see how quickly I'm proven wrong.....
    2 points
  14. While I welcome its return, maybe “Pit of Misery” is a more apt title.
    2 points
  15. Well boys.....many of you got the consideration you were hoping for. Hopefully you will be considerate of your fellow TGO members and think before you reply.
    2 points
  16. Sounds like maybe the OP authored the article, same wildly inflammatory language and unwillingness to produce any sort of independently verifiable data. Teething pains are normal with the first mass produced anything. The M9 wasn't flawless at first, and neither was the 1911.
    2 points
  17. What makes me sad is that there wasn't another customer present to loudly protest how unsafe the mentally-ill customer was making them feel. That would have really made it a circus!
    2 points
  18. Apologizing after getting hammered by the public always ring fake in my ears. A PR nightmare for sure.
    2 points
  19. Awesome picture, someday I need to get with you to do some for my knife biz!
    2 points
  20. So many companies are making it easy to save money. They just got my goodbye email on their crappy website.
    2 points
  21. What has happened is we, as a society, have went from "not on my watch" to "business as usual, so why care". We see it every single day, politicians doing things that are not only against the law but against the basic morals this country was founded on. We have gotten so numb to the corruption that as long as it doesn't affect us personally we have no problem sticking our heads in the sand and hoping it will get better, eventually. Today's elections are not about finding good, honest politicians but about voting for the one that stinks the least and that is not what this country should be. Both parties want control and the two parties are there to ensure at least one controls the majority while the other distracts the remainder. And this isn't about party lines either, both parties do it and they have become two sides of the same coin. They do not want us to be free and dare I say it but if you look around we are hardly the free country we once were. Government has moved into every single aspect of our lives. Every day there are more laws put on the books to turn any one of us into a criminal because once you are a criminal the government has the right to control you. Laws, rules and regulations are made on a whim, often without a vote, then enforced under threat of violence because some bureaucrat thinks a segment of the population should be made into criminals. The only real difference between us and most dictatorships is we are given permission to reelect dictators chosen for us every four years. Regardless of who or what party is in control we are still being controlled by those in government. I don't care how much it would cost, hold her accountable to the fullest extent the law will allow. Throw her ass in jail and make an example of her for anyone else who might try to break the law. That is the only way to fix it, letting them off to save money doesn't fix it and only serves to tell others that they can also break laws with impunity. All of us here are expected to follow the law and if we do not we will face the consequences, regardless of the cost, so the same should be the same for everyone. Unless we decide to actually stand up and demand these corrupt politicians be held accountable they will continue. And if we cannot hold those corrupt politicians accountable under the law we must hold them accountable at the voting booth if they have not already made you a criminal.
    2 points
  22. A TWRA officer in uniform was asked to leave the OutBack Steak House in Cleveland TN last night because he would not leave his pistol in his truck. I wont put his name on here but it is all over face book including the OutBack face book page. Story is the officer went in the restaurant to eat with his wife and after ordering their food the manager came to the table and ask the officer to remove his pistol and leave it in his truck and the officer advised her that he could not do that because he was in uniform and on duty. The manager made a phone call and came back and asked the officer and his family to leave the restaurant. Later the manager called the officer and apologist and said she would send a $100 dollar gift card for area restaurants . The manager stated that a female customer had complained about the officer having a weapon and that the female felt her life was endanger because cops shoot people all the time even went as far as to make the manager escort the customer to her car because she was afraid the officer would be waiting on her in the parking lot. This has gone viral on FB with local news made aware of it also. I call BS on the customer complaint but if it is true I really fell sorry for someone to be that afraid of law enforcement. I will never walk in the door of OutBack. Copied off another forum. I think all law enforcement officers should boycott outback.
    1 point
  23. Was at GFS today. 4 butts, 4 racks of ribs, 6 whole chickens. Little bit of prep later this week and smoking will begin Friday night. I love smoked chicken.
    1 point
  24. Check out the Peltor Combat Arms earplugs. Model 97079 You can get them on ebay for $50 for a 10 pack. They discontinued these so they’re a great value and really do work great. I no longer use muffs ! As a bonus these are handy to use when running chain saws, lawnmowers etc. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. For reference, here are the court documents. Read and learn! This will get interesting. Also, Douglas Haig has a good 2A lawyer, Marc Victor. It is my understanding that none of his ammunition was used in the attack. So, there won't be any civil suit!
    1 point
  26. I believe I'll skip this year's episode of "russia russia russia"...
    1 point
  27. This article didn’t mention it but another article said that the gun was in her backpack and we she dropped the backpack the gun went off. That’s why one of the charges was negligent discharge of a firearm. I guess she was carry a Sig...
    1 point
  28. Awesome that you were able to get it back!
    1 point
  29. One of the articles I read mentioned the ammo guy stating that he sold tracer rounds to Paddock. He probably shot the tanks with the tracer rounds, thinking the phosphorous would ignite the fuel.
    1 point
  30. Well, to be fair, the regional manager isn't the one who made the officer leave. That was done by a moron manager at the store level, and chances are that moron manager himself/herself agreed with the mentally-ill customer on at least some level otherwise they would have told the mental person that they were being unreasonable, perhaps even insane, and that they should enjoy their Bloomin' Onion, STFU, and leave the officer alone. One would hope that the "appropriate corrective action" taken with the moron manager either imbued them with common sense that they previously did not possess, or gave them clear parameters for correctly dealing with this sort of thing in the future.
    1 point
  31. I have a great shooting, 500 round SD9VE that I'll sell for $200, but that may be more than you want to put into it. It has Talon Grips, extended take down lever, an extra (ss 20lb) recoil spring and 2 mags. You may be able to sell those to recover some money. Message me if you're interested.
    1 point
  32. Very sad indeed. I haven't eaten at any of their restaurants in a few years. It is unnerving to witness the mentality of some that walk among us.
    1 point
  33. That has a lot of truth to it. The fact is, you could have a illegal machine gun in your truck, and if you otherwise behave, the chances of you getting caught are very low. You can have a AR pistol with Sig Brace and go places you shouldn’t and hang around people you shouldn’t, your chances of being charged with a firearm violation are higher than average. By far, the reason to be charged with some firearm violation, has way more to do with your behavior than it does the configuration of the firearm.
    1 point
  34. Since Out Back first announced guns were not allowed, I have stayed away. Actually, wasn't overly impressed anyway. Shame about applying this to an officer on duty ( or off ). Can't wait to see them in bankruptcy court.
    1 point
  35. Actually had to go to outback page. But I got my opinion across
    1 point
  36. I don’t think you offended anyone; certainly not me. I just don’t think I should get special treatment because I’m part of a special group that bought a privilege from the state. The state thinking that me buying that privilege somehow overrides business owners rights would be the sign of a thug government. That’s just how I see it; we disagree. No big deal; all is good.
    1 point
  37. I posted the name but took it off.
    1 point
  38. Yes I saw it on Facebook from the officers page
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Sorry to be the fly in the ointment, but if they're so offended why do they read it? I have to wonder if some just are opposed to any view contrary to theirs. Just sayin....
    1 point
  41. Can keep up with transfer times at www.NFAtracker.com
    1 point
  42. If her husband can't trust her, why the hell should Nashville? Misusing public funds is illegal.
    1 point
  43. Why should we have to pay for another dang investigation? She admitted to b affair with a subordinate. She needs to go now. It is not about party or position it is morals and ethics. She has proven she has neither by breaking her vows. No need to spend another dime on proving she did anything after she admitted the affair. Proving anything else will not recover the money just waste more.
    1 point
  44. Been married nine times...maybe it’s you.
    1 point
  45. Is anyone else hearing this in their head?
    1 point
  46. So, are there any guns on the face of the planet that you don’t think are pure garbage?
    1 point
  47. Unless you're a Christian bakery. Carry on.
    1 point
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