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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/2018 in all areas

  1. Sorry to be the fly in the ointment, but if they're so offended why do they read it? I have to wonder if some just are opposed to any view contrary to theirs. Just sayin....
    6 points
  2. What has happened is we, as a society, have went from "not on my watch" to "business as usual, so why care". We see it every single day, politicians doing things that are not only against the law but against the basic morals this country was founded on. We have gotten so numb to the corruption that as long as it doesn't affect us personally we have no problem sticking our heads in the sand and hoping it will get better, eventually. Today's elections are not about finding good, honest politicians but about voting for the one that stinks the least and that is not what this country should be. Both parties want control and the two parties are there to ensure at least one controls the majority while the other distracts the remainder. And this isn't about party lines either, both parties do it and they have become two sides of the same coin. They do not want us to be free and dare I say it but if you look around we are hardly the free country we once were. Government has moved into every single aspect of our lives. Every day there are more laws put on the books to turn any one of us into a criminal because once you are a criminal the government has the right to control you. Laws, rules and regulations are made on a whim, often without a vote, then enforced under threat of violence because some bureaucrat thinks a segment of the population should be made into criminals. The only real difference between us and most dictatorships is we are given permission to reelect dictators chosen for us every four years. Regardless of who or what party is in control we are still being controlled by those in government. I don't care how much it would cost, hold her accountable to the fullest extent the law will allow. Throw her ass in jail and make an example of her for anyone else who might try to break the law. That is the only way to fix it, letting them off to save money doesn't fix it and only serves to tell others that they can also break laws with impunity. All of us here are expected to follow the law and if we do not we will face the consequences, regardless of the cost, so the same should be the same for everyone. Unless we decide to actually stand up and demand these corrupt politicians be held accountable they will continue. And if we cannot hold those corrupt politicians accountable under the law we must hold them accountable at the voting booth if they have not already made you a criminal.
    5 points
  3. There is a rumor that this may not be the only trist with a metro employee. Curious to see if there is anything to it. If there is, then she certainly has to go. For the first instance, while not what I would hope, I also have been on the other side of cheating and know full well that things in her personal life probably were already to a point that the cheating was the least of her worries. Doesn't make it right, or moral, or anything, but I don't judge people solely by that measure. Walk a mile on another's shoes as they say. To even bring up her sons suicide as being related, even if it was, is pretty tacky. You wouldn't say it to your friend, why would you say that to her or anyone for that matter? It makes no difference other than to pile on. The only real issue I have is using taxpayer funds to bankroll things along the way. I don't agree with and don't like her policies, although I am confident I will never like any Nashville mayors policies. It will be liberal for the rest of time. It's just a fact of being a big city which is also why I don't live there. Lots of glass houses around here it seems.
    4 points
  4. I picked this up from @willis68 over at Bad Ass Blades. What a great knife! Pro-Tech Strider PT #2307. I'm going to end up cutting a finger off because I can't stop playing with the dang thing. It's like a fidget spinner for grownups.
    3 points
  5. The knurling is perfect. It's rough enough to give a good grip but not so aggressive that it tears up my pants pocket. Yeah I love my TGO version but I've put that and the other TGO editions away for safe keeping. I agree completely with the shape of the handle. I was skeptical at first and then realized how naturally it fits the palm and it blew my mind.
    2 points
  6. An immoral politician? Who'd a thunk it? Frankly, I'm not one bit surprised. What does surprise is that she admitted it. But then that was just damage control cause she was already caught. Sure, I'd like to see her resign, or better yet, see her kicked out and do some jail time. But it ain't gonna happen. So I'm not going to worry about it. I really don't believe that there is such a thing as an honest politician no matter what letter follows their name.. What honest person would even what the job? In the rare event that an honest person should get elected to office, they won't be honest for long. The system itself has become so corrupted that even the most well intention-ed have to go along to survive. And this corruption stretches all the way from the local city council to Washington D.C. The system is broken and there lies the real problem.
    2 points
  7. David, Take it for what it's worth (not much probably ), but I think the reason so many do come here to talk politics is most regulars see the others on this forum as friends (and quite honestly more than a gun forum) and it is what friends talk about. Granted, it is much easier in most cases to discuss a topic with those who most likely agree with you, but as we know, we have a very diverse group on here. I don't always agree with one side or the other and in many cases have said to myself, what the hell is wrong with that person, but there are also many cases where some comment has made me rethink a position. I believe the world has its issues today because everyone is so worried about hurt feelings. We certainly should remain civil and not attack personally (well, unless it's really needed for extenuating circumstances ), but I personally believe it is also what brings people to this site. I guess I was brought up to defend my opinion, hopefully with facts. I am not above changing my opinion if someone can convince me. But I also am perfectly ok saying we will have to agree to disagree. More people need to learn to do that IMO. If I am honest, most of the gun talk on here has nothing to do with anything I do with guns. I am not into tactical mumbo jumbo, or carrying 24/7, or which plastic gun is the newest. I suspect I am not alone. My passion is rimfire's and there is virtually no discussion of rimfires on this forum. Probably because there are dedicated rimfire forums, I get that. My point is simply that sometimes we need more than just guns to bring us to a site. You and the admin team do a great job of keeping the peace so to speak. I definitely think some go over the line, but maybe a consideration should be more into the area of banning members who do nothing but cause trouble. Or maybe have two custom streams available. One with unread threads including politics and one without. I suspect most use the unread feature to see what is going on and this is why they don't like it. Just hide it for those that don't want it. My two cents. It doesn't really matter to me one way or the other, but I do find myself less involved with it gone.
    2 points
  8. I have no problem with discussing the news. This is a newsworthy item, of interest to Nashvillians. I also have no problem with discussing politics that directly relate to the Second Amendment and Right to Keep and Bear Arms issues. What becomes tiresome and tedious to navigate are the threads about non-specific politics where party affiliations are used as slurs. We have a number of members who are registered Democrats and who vote more conservatively than some Republicans on certain issues, and vice-versa. What they have told me is that they get tired of hearing it and it turns them off to TGO in general. If the best criticism we can lob at Mayor Berry is that she's a Democrat, we might as well just criticize her for being white, a woman and middle aged. It seems like such a base-level criticism that it doesn't add any value at all to a conversation and might as well not even be stated. I've got a bag full of rocks labeled with other issues that Mayor Berry deserves to have thrown at her and I suspect many of you do as well. Let's exhaust those things instead.
    2 points
  9. It is your house, so your rules. I do appreciate you hosting a place where we can chat with other gun enthusiasts. I do miss hearing everyone's opinions here on political issues, as I have a lot of respect for most everyone here. I can't see why someone opposed to political discussion couldn't simply stay out of the subforum that contained it.
    2 points
  10. That's exactly what it's about. No one bitched during the 8 years we all(myself included) complained about Obama 24/7. Honestly, the last few months the topics really didn't get that heated. I'm not sure what all the fuss was about.
    2 points
  11. My apologies, no matter who it does stand that were the genders reversed someone would be screaming. It is not political though to state no matter gender not party affiliation having an affair with a subordinate should be a terminable offense no matter the position. No need to waste more money off the taxpayers on investigating as they admitted it. How can anyone justify saying they should be allowed to stay or benefit from their lying and cheating. It was ongoing from almost the beginning of her term so neither should get any benefit from that time forward. I think it is more telling of the downward trend of morals in society than anything political. If we do not stop that slide then we have lost as a society and become our own enemy.
    2 points
  12. I was in contact with the folks at Queensboro yesterday. They informed me that I caught this in time and no orders had been filled with the incorrect logo. They have their art department digitizing the corrected logo and will send it to me for review within the next few days, and then we'll be able to release the existing orders to production. Once that happens, I will also reopen the catalog so that others can order.
    2 points
  13. First and foremost I want to voice my extreme appreciation to @KahrMan for accelerating our ability to offer this to you. For those of you who have never had the pleasure of meeting him, KahrMan is without a doubt one of the most generous and selfless people I have known. When he read that the set-up for embroidery to do TGO logo apparel had a substantial cost, without hesitation he stepped in and made it happen. We are fortunate to have amassed a group of exceptional people here on TGO. Not a week goes by that I am not reminded of that. But generosity like this directly benefits all of us and I just could not let it go unheralded. I cannot thank him enough. With all of that being said, please enjoy shopping the new TGO merchandise catalog in our Queensboro store: CLICK HERE TO GO SHOPPING! A few things to note: I will get a permanent link to this added to the menu at the top of the site. All orders are fulfilled by Queensboro and TGO receives a small portion of each sale. While I will do everything that I can to help you with any issues that might arise, our involvement here is actually very limited. I do not have any control over what they have in inventory or what their lead-times are. Please pay close attention to what they state the time-to-delivery is for your order before you commit to the purchase. I think most things ship within two weeks. Do bear in mind that these items are made to order, so it takes a few days for that to happen. I would love to hear about your experiences with the shop and the merchandise!
    1 point
  14. Also a chance a gat in the car could save his life. Point is, it's legal in this state for an 18 year old to own a pistol. It's legal for an adult to have a pistol in his private vehicle in this state unless one has had a disqualifying episode. Chance of a dumb cop making an issue? Well, whatever, life's full of possible bad things, but we seldom face the ones we most worry about, and even if it happened it wouldn't be that big a deal in the end. - OS
    1 point
  15. I have the smooth version. Be careful they are sharp. Mine bit me twice just to teach me to respect it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. You stated my feelings perfectly, and much clearer than I am able to.
    1 point
  17. Some people just have no patience. It only causes problems for them.
    1 point
  18. I agree on the grip, the choke up or stretch option has been nice.
    1 point
  19. Prince Rupert drops are molten glass droppings that carry a lot of internal stress and can be broken rather easily by breaking the tail. However, the head seems rather sturdy, seeing how it survived point blank shots from a 22mag and 38spcl. Nice high speed footage. (I love high-speed bullet impact videos... lol). Enjoy!
    1 point
  20. The discussion of politics, sooner or later is bound to lead to hurt feelings, no way around it..With that being said, I believe this particular community is too close knit to discuss politics without it becoming a problem, especially after this past election cycle lol.. There are plenty of other forums where you can let your opinions fly without much blowback, and plenty of differing opinions to get all bent out of shape about I find that if I hit the keys on my computer really hard when I type out a response, that it really makes the other person know that you're serious.. Oddly enough, I find myself more active in other areas of this site without the politics..
    1 point
  21. Congratulations David... They are, indeed, great little pocket knives... I love mine... leroy...
    1 point
  22. Chucktshoes is correct. I added the TGO version to my collection without ever touching one. When I initially saw pictures of these I thought the handle just looks awkward and I'm not going to like it. When I received mine and I felt it in my hand I was delightfully surprised.
    1 point
  23. How do you like the knurling? I picked up the smooth version a while back off a forum. Great knife, but the smooth is almost too slick. It about popped off my pocket several times. Great size for the office too.
    1 point
  24. The problem is that like it or not the left has issues most gun people are against. Now to be fair the gun people have issues the left are also against. It is telling of today's problems in society in general that the left and the right are stereotyped badly. There are some that are different in both groups of course but they are not the norm. For instance I consider myself conservative. Yet I do not like some of the issues the right pushes. Abortion is one of them. That is an issue sure to raise tempers. I tend to like little government and the bedroom is off limits. None of anyone's business. On the other side I can't agree with most of the left's 2nd beliefs. Or the healthcare big government ideas. So take all that away and you have a few people from both sides here on a gun board. Why? Well because most of us are not sheep. We are alpha types. Guns is one thing we do agree on. Problem is all of the other stuff is the high temper passionate belief stuff that gets out dander up quickly. So all that said, she cheated and lied, that is enough for me to say goodbye. Glass house, nope, not in my case. I firmly believe my vows. It is my humble opinion that if you want to chat then end it and get the divorce. Anything else is just dishonorable. Now others might feel different and as I have stated in the mayor's case it is a moot point. She lied, had an affair with a subordinate, spent money not hers to spend but the taxpayers money. That is enough to me to justify her removal. Again party does not matter except that one of them likes to say they are against something while doing the opposite Can anyone guess which party that is? It is all of them! D, R, I, S, A, B C... Pretty much every elected person has been corrupted. They are all do as I say not as I do because I am above you peasants types
    1 point
  25. The only problem with someone under 21 carrying a handgun is that most LEO are probably unfamiliar with the law. I bet it will be a perfect situation for a Terry stop/search. May not happen, but if it does will probably be a little messy and maybe a little expense tied to it. Got to be sure young son stays above reproach should he have a gun in the car.
    1 point
  26. Me too really, but turns out I really like it. Surprisingly nobody seems to make just a plain pinky for it yet, but you can use a compact mag in it with this baby, just a little longer (if at all) than a pinky alone plus gives you 3 more rounds: https://www.ebay.com/itm/X-Grip-Adapter-Use-Sig-Sauer-P320-250C-Compact-Magazine-in-P250-320SC-Sub-9mm-40-/351633255327 Uplula is your friend here, at least for a while. Last round of full size 17 rounder was same, finally loosened up so can do it with just fingers, but just barely. - OS
    1 point
  27. I probably didn't word it right. The nitrous will only be used on a drag strip, not going around corners on a race course. If I want to take it to the drag strip I will throw the bottle in the car and go but most of the time it will not run nitrous. You can actually get a controller to dial in the NO2 and how it comes on. It can be set it so it takes seconds for it to go from 0% to 100% of the shot. I know you can do the same with an electronic boost controller but I plan on running without a power adder most of the time. Only time it will get hit is in a straight line at the drag strip. Talked to a lot of guys racing these kind of cars and if there is one thing they ALL said was do not add a turbo. The ass end is so light they said it would only lead to a car that is uncontrollable when the power comes on coming out of a corner. My original plans was for a ~300 hp turbo engine but they all said it was a really bad idea. I even have all the parts to build a turbo engine for it, which are now for sale. Another thing I am not to fond of is the complexity of a turbo engine as well as tuning it. It will also add cost because it will require a custom ECU to be able to tune. I want reliability, even at the cost of horsepower, and a turbo definitely adds complexity to the mix. I spent six months prepping and making parts to install a turbo engine but decided to listen to the guys who race these cars and go NA.
    1 point
  28. Opening this back up and hoping we can get away from the partisan jabs. Will lock it back down again if we can’t. Seriously, guys, the amount of positive comments that we received when we nuked The Swamp forum was very telling. A large but silent group of members exists on TGO that simply doesn’t want to hear about it on a gun forum. I can’t help but think your fellow members might participate more if the mudslinging wasn’t so prevalent.
    1 point
  29. New 10mm pistol, old hat.......
    1 point
  30. Because the state doesn’t recognize your RIGHT to carry, yet you want them to act like it’s a right because you bought a privilege from them. It can’t work that way. The state needs to recognize carry as a RIGHT under the 2nd amendment of the Constitution. Until they do that for ALL citizens of this state the only folks here with RIGHTS are the property owners. If they don’t want me on their property they can post it. If I choose to ignore their wishes I can be cited for the violation. Violating the law has consequences. It is the STATE that refuses to recognize a RIGHT to carry for all citizens. And let’s be frank, you can’t seriously make the argument that because someone has been through a HCP class they are somehow deemed safer than the average citizens to carry a gun.
    1 point
  31. I ran a 250 plate on a small block Chevy back in the day. The entire rotating assembly was forged and it cost me a lot of money. While it might be true for folks running 500+ shots to have custom pistons for that purpose, I don't think it is required. I haven't heard of moving the rings down (there is a lot I don't know) but I have heard of using dished pistons to decrease C/R. Just like any form of forced induction, too high of a C/R can lead to detonation and your shiny inside bits escaping the engine in a very nasty manner. N2O is forced induction. I don't think that 100 shot of the giggle gas will be enough to explode a built 2.3L Lima. I don't recall if you said you were going turbo with it or not. IMO properly sizing a turbo would be better than spraying it, however, a proper sized turbo with spray will mitigate lag.
    1 point
  32. If the genders were reversed, the mayor would be charged with 2nd degree rape involving an authority figure. Sadly, this doesn’t surprise me in the least.
    1 point
  33. The press has a double standard. We all know if the genders were reversed they would be screaming for the mayor to hang from his $%#^! Recall she wanted Nashville to become the most liberal sanctuary city in the nation and now this. These behaviors are indicative of a significant character deficit.
    1 point
  34. This. The piston manufacturer can give you far better recommendations based on your particular setup than most anyone else ...
    1 point
  35. Ha, while we are dreaming lets add that the signs should cost them as much as it does us to get our permit.
    1 point
  36. Remember... Ya get the government ya deserve... The inner city dwellers of Nashville could care less if this less than stunning specimen of womanhood is a bit rambunctious and forgetful of her (...and others..) marriage vows... Lotsa them got the problem too... Just when i think the political class cant get any worse or trashier, it does... Bill Clinton says that "performance", not "character" is the only measure of public service... Welcome to Post-Modern Tennessee... leroy...
    1 point
  37. I agree with you 110% Omega. I have seen small 4 inch signs located on the lower corner of an entrance glass to a business and would have missed it if someone would have blocked it while coming out of the store. I think if the business is going to post their business it should be a sign 20 inch by 20 inch placed at eye level on every door entering the business and should be required to be made in Florescent Green or Florescent orange and totally visable. I also think the state should be required to sell the signs and the businesses should have to buy them from the state. That way there is no mistaking which ones are legal and which ones are not................JMHO
    1 point
  38. My problem is not willful disregard of the sign but inadvertently going past it while something or someone is blocking the sign or your attention is on something else. I've no problem taking my business to a more gun friendly establishment if I know it's posted, but when a sign has a force of law a simple mistake can cost you plenty.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. I was looking around on his site for pricing and found the following statement.. I guess Jesse put that there to keep out the riffraff.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. It would probably sell well in Memphis.
    1 point
  43. I'll retract my statement that I've never seen a 45 that I didn't like. I'd have to pass on this.
    1 point
  44. That’s hideous. It should appeal to Trump’s gaudy tastes.
    1 point
  45. go as big as the money you have. if you go to small it will not run the items you need. refrigerator and well pump has a big pull on startup then goes to a lower pull when running.
    1 point
  46. I'm not talking trespass, I'm talking violation of 39-17-1359. The proposed amendment mentioned above doesn't change that. A cop can arrest or ticket you for it, with or without a complaint, same as now. - OS
    0 points
  47. Mayor Berry must have been a NWA fan. They are famous for saying F The Police...
    0 points
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