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First and foremost I want to voice my extreme appreciation to @KahrMan for accelerating our ability to offer this to you. For those of you who have never had the pleasure of meeting him, KahrMan is without a doubt one of the most generous and selfless people I have known. When he read that the set-up for embroidery to do TGO logo apparel had a substantial cost, without hesitation he stepped in and made it happen. We are fortunate to have amassed a group of exceptional people here on TGO. Not a week goes by that I am not reminded of that. But generosity like this directly benefits all of us and I just could not let it go unheralded. I cannot thank him enough. With all of that being said, please enjoy shopping the new TGO merchandise catalog in our Queensboro store: CLICK HERE TO GO SHOPPING! A few things to note: I will get a permanent link to this added to the menu at the top of the site. All orders are fulfilled by Queensboro and TGO receives a small portion of each sale. While I will do everything that I can to help you with any issues that might arise, our involvement here is actually very limited. I do not have any control over what they have in inventory or what their lead-times are. Please pay close attention to what they state the time-to-delivery is for your order before you commit to the purchase. I think most things ship within two weeks. Do bear in mind that these items are made to order, so it takes a few days for that to happen. I would love to hear about your experiences with the shop and the merchandise!7 points
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3 points
Thanks Prag ! I was out on the range with the guys that came to our regional training day. I had them run the Rastoff Challenge and I shot it too after they did. That was my target . I took a pic and sent it to Prag to get him to post it since I wouldn’t be able to . I also shot the Rangemaster Handgun Core Skills Test with total time of 29.13 and 194 pts for a score of 133.19 (125+ is Master) and shot the Bill Wilson 5x5 drill with a overall time of 17.33 overall (Master is 20 seconds or less) . Since most of my range time is spent teaching classes or shooting IDPA matches I don’t often get the opportunity to shoot drills for score with someone else timing me so when the chance presented itself I took it today.3 points
The link will take you to a YouTube video of a drill from my Defensive Pistol Skills class. Race to the Middle The inside paper target for each shooter is designated as a no-shoot, and since the lifestyle rules of possessing a firearm don't allow us to point a firearm at things we don't intend to shoot they are also no-muzzle. Failure to avert the muzzle results in a DQ. The steel down range is an 8" gong and a speed popper for each shooter. One of each is painted red while the other is painted white. The go command is the color call. The shooter has to draw and put at least two hits in the 8" center mass circle on the paper target. Failure to get two hits is a failure to neutralize. The shooter then averts their muzzle to get by the no-shoot, and then they hit the correct color gong followed by the correct color popper. Shooting in a man-on-man in a race gives the drill competitive pressure. Having to divert from the no-shoot makes the shooter apply proper lifestyle rules, and then the colored targets requires proper target identification.2 points
Some doctors sure don't make it easy to do follow up appointments!!!! I have a followup appointment tomorrow morning at 9:45 AM. Thing is he has 4 different offices in Nashville and appointment card does not have which office he will be at for appointment. Guess I will have to call and find out where he is at before Tommy picks me up to take me. This is my urologist visit. Day after tomorrow I go back to Heart surgeon and not even going to try abd pronounce his name but will type it. Sreekumar Subramanian. Before the surgery I asked a few doctors who would be doing my surgery and all of them said "SUPERMAN" Well that kind of bothered me and I thought it was just a joke. Well, turns out none of the other doctors can pronounce his name either so they nicknamed him "SUPERMAN" but they also said he was to top surgeon in the Cardiovascular Surgeon Group and I was in the best hands possible so that gave me some peace of mind anyway. When we met he asked me if I had any questions or concerns. I said yes and he was a very receptive person and listened very attentatively to everything I explained to him about the Mylex Mesh in my body. He promised me he would do some research into my concerns prior to the operation and he did and even came back to my room and explained his concerns pertaining to the mesh. He had sent me down for a CT scan of my entire abdomen and gave it all a lot of consideration while we talked. He promised me he would not disturb any of the mesh during the surgery and he didn't. He said putting the drains in for the heart surgery was somewhat of a challenge while continuing to avoid the mesh but he got it done. So I was operated on by SUPERMAN with complete success................2 points
Lots of great advice here. I'll just emphasize take a basic shooting class and try as many guns as possible before making a decision. From my own experience: My late wife had arthritis in her hands. When it got to the point where she couldn't handle the recoil of her .38 anymore, she found a S&W Model 30 in .32 Long suited her just fine. The recoil didn't hurt her and she shot it very well. Ain't no power house, but it sure beats harsh language. A lady I know got herself a 2" S&W Model 10 .38 Special. She shot it extremely well, but wouldn't carry it due to its weight. Later she got a S&W 442 airweight. She will carry this one, but doesn't like to shoot it much due to the heavy recoil. The result is she carries the 442 and uses the Model 10 for home defense. Conclusion: go with the gun you will actually carry even if you don't like the recoil. Just practice regularly as much as is comfortable so that if you need it, you can properly use it. Another lady I know is a widow and she also suffers from weak hands. She went through her late husband's guns and settled on a Taurus TP-25 because its pop-up barrel makes loading easy and she could shoot it well. While many berate the lowly .25acp, it still proves that any gun is better than no gun. Keep your options open. You never know what might work for you.2 points
If you've made a decision to start with a revolver, go for it, I started carrying with one. For practice, familiarity and home defense, I'd suggest a full(er) sized .357 in lieu of a compact and or lightweight. I shoot primarily .38 in my .357s, with a +p loading for SD. Or perhaps one in 9mm. Harder to find but if you do add a 9mm semi auto, you have ammo compatibility. It's also cheaper to practice with. A 9mm revolver will be cut for moon clips or have a tricky little spring loaded mechanism built into the ejector assembly. I agree with the opinions a semi auto is a superior choice in a fight. More bullets, faster reloads. Also agree that she go try before you buy. If not shootin', and least see how it fits. The term 'combat revolver or combat magnum' would be slick marketing, if it was still 1899. I know, have one. I have an SP101 cut for moon clips, cool feature, I never use them, the HKS reloaders work well for me and is my preferred method. Since do not regularly or routinely carry my revolvers (but have used them extensively in the past) my reloads are smooth and way too slow. With limited practice, not so speedy strips are great for carrying extra ammo and reloading in non critical situations. New or used Ruger, S&W, and other brand name are all pretty safe bets.2 points
Very good comments here from BHG123. My wife has some issues with her wrists as well these last few years. Very few things she will even try to hold these days because of the weight and size. She used to shoot a 4" K frame Smith that my Dad gave her, but the weight is just more than she can handle. We've tried several different lightweight revolvers and just cannot handle the recoil. Yes, she has pretty weak wrists from carpal tunnel issues and some old injuries. My Shield is manageable, but she doesn't like it. After much looking, I found something she will shoot...a Smith 416. Yes, it's a 22, but better than nothing. I bought a Crimson Trace laser for it. It's the grip activation model, so we just leave the unit in the on position and I change the battery in it every year. We spent a bit of time with it, and have it laser and impact point all dead on at 25 feet. I've told her to just watch the dot and pull the trigger until it's empty. Not the best possible solution, but it seems to work for her.2 points
As many have stated I would definitely go to a range and let her try several different pistols and not just revolvers. My wife was adamant about a revolver just because she had shot them growing up. Didn't even want to try all the various semi-autos we had. When we moved to TN we had to take the HCP (Ga didn't require a class). Two things that were fantastic from that class: 1. The instructor was a lady and explained things very differently than I would and my wife connected. 2. To qualify we just used their Ruger Mark IIIs. My wife fell in love with that gun. Let's just say she now has an assortment of semi-autos. She carries a Walther mainly because it is very comfortable for her small hands. But at the moment she is in NC and has a Glock G26. And sometimes she will carry a S&W 38 revolver. Let her try many guns and my main advice is to leave her alone in the decision. Us guys tend to want to tell them what they need. Just be careful, every gun I bring home is subject to be classified by my wife as "mine". HAHA. Enjoy the search.2 points
Since I've already posted about this rifle on a couple of the collector forums I frequent I might as well add it here too. For those of you who are not "into" Finnish Mosin Nagants, the M28/30 was the last iteration of the pre-war Finnish Civil Guard's attempts to update and modernize their rifles. It's predecessor was the M28, which gained a reputation for very good accuracy, the M28/30 added to that reputation by it's use in the World Shooting Championships of 1937. Many of the features of the M28/30 were later incorporated into the M39 rifle which was adopted jointly by the Civil Guard and the Finnish army just before the "Winter War" between Finland and the USSR. Production of the M28/30 officially ended in 1940, but some rifles were built during later dates, primarily as the M28/57 and M28/76 marksmanship (or sniper if you prefer) rifles. It is commonly believed that the "late date" M28/30's were made for officer training in marksmanship in the period 1968-1970. Few examples are known today. This is my post from the other forums: " Picked this one up during the holidays, thought it would be a good Christmas present to myself. The rifle was advertised on one of the common listing sites of arms as a "1970 M39". The picture clearly showed it to be in an M28/30 stock although little else could be determined from it. Intrigued, I took the chance and bought it over the phone. The rifle turned out to be a 1970 M28/30, in a post-war (what else) stock. It has a 2-stage trigger, shimmed action, but no barrel sleeve as my other M28/30 does. The tang date shows the receiver to be a 1913 Izhevsk, with the normal mix of various manufacturers stamps on the remaining parts. I knew from other references these late date M28/30's existed, but this is the first one I've come across. Although most of my collecting interest is in WWII and earlier rifles, I like this one a lot."1 point
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Our Republican congress has passed sanctions that will affect the importation of Russian ammunition. If you shoot ANY ammunition that is made in or imported from the Russian republics this will affect you. Tula is the biggest brand that is going to be banned but it will also affect a lot more brands as well. It requires Trump to put into effect five different sanctions. Any one of the list would greatly affect us but he must choose five off the list. That ensures we will never see this ammunition again. Remember this was passed by "conservative" representatives WE put into office. Our representatives are the ones who banned VEPR rifles and now they are going to ban a lot more things, including ammunition, from importation. Baikal, manufacturer of budget shotguns will also be banned form import. Here is a list of companies that are banned from doing business in the US. It also has a list of the sanctions that will be imposed on those companies come January 29th. https://www.whitecase.com/publications/alert/state-department-identifies-parties-operating-defense-and-intelligence-sectors The sanctions were voted on and passed by the congress that WE put in office and will go into affect 29 January. So once again our "conservative" leaders have screwed over gun owners. I am telling you they want the populace unarmed so they can exert even more control over us. That is why they are refusing to do ANYTHING to advance gun rights, unless it gives them control over us or increases their personal wealth. There is plenty of pro gun legislation they could easily pass, with popular opinion, yet they refuse to do so. Washington is corrupt and broken as well as almost every single representative in our state. I am done voting for any conservative because they have continued to lie, cheat and steal their way into office and once there they refuse to listen to those they represent. Four years, that is how long I have been trying to get a response from one of my representatives, four years. They have zero interest in listening to those who have elected them. It sickens me to think I voted for them the last election, I will not make that mistake ever again. So from now on I am no longer voting party lines, if it has an "R" next to its name I will not vote for them. If no independent is on the ballot I will default to voting for a "D". I would rather deal with a "enemy" that is honest about what they are trying to steal rather than a "ally" who steals from me when I am not looking.1 point
Bump for more input. Trying to get a Facebook page worked up too.1 point
Thank you all for the replies. It's always a pleasure to learn from other's experiences. She wants a revolver for carry. Our main home defense gun is a Springfield 9 mm semi auto. We keep it racked and loaded, so all she has to do is pull the trigger. She is comfortable shooting it, just not loading it and racking the slide. She likes the trigger and no recoil of our Ruger Single Six. It doesn't feel good in her hands, and loading is slow (one round at a time). She does not like loading the magazine or racking the slide on the 9 mm, hence the desire for a revolver. We have taken a gun safety class together when we lived in Minnesota. (Glad we are out of the cold). I think our next step will be to visit our local conceal carry instructor. Talk to him and try out as many guns as we can. Thanks again. Bill1 point
Or considerate the old but not obsolete 38 Special wadcutter round that has devastating potential & light recoil as it is designed for paper target punching .1 point
I keep getting emails for $29 lowers. Thought about picking up one or two for investment purposes. If (when) politics swings back the other direction, I thought it might be nice to have a couple stockpiled. I don't need one right now, in fact I have a nice Spikes lower that I have not finished putting together. And I keep thinking my next build would be a 9mm, so the cheap ones wouldn't work for that either. What do you all think? Am I just wasting my time?1 point
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Just did a complete reconfigure on a Black Aces rail for a guy's 930. The ridiculous thing about putting this other wise nice rail on your shot gun is it must be completely removed to give the gun a standard break down cleaning. That entails removing 4 screws & washers at the FCG (that incidentally freeze the action if to tight), and also remove the barrel/mag block up front by its 4 screws and only then can you get the extended mag tube off and FCG out. Pure ridiculousness. Soooo some serious mods were in order to allow the original take down procedure to be performed while not disturbing the rail system. Heres the stock unit advertised http://www.blackacestactical.com/_p/prd3/2394217881/product/mossberg-930-quad-rail In this shot you can see the saddle plates are cut off and the rail is lowered by nearly 1/4" onto the top of the receiver. To get the rail anchored solidly, a alloy filler block was machined to precisely fill the tunnel space under the rail and it and the rail were drilled for the Mossberg scope base pattern. Here, the bottom half of the wrap around rail is cut off and the rear portion of the side rails are trimmed forward so you can get your fingers on the mag tube nut. The attaching split block there hits the round file... The heart of the mod is to allow the barrel to be pulled directly off the gun as you would normaly but yet once its in placed, it would fix the rail solidly in place and provide a recoil plate so the rail could not possible stress the scope mount screws in heavy recoil situations. Luckily, Mossberg made the integral muzzle break exactly 1" in diameter at this point. I used a Ruger steel med ring as my rail anchor with a heaily modified base that acts as a 0 tolerance claw to the front edge of the rail. Once the barrel is seated within the receiver, the claw fabricated on the bottom of the Ruger ring locks the front end of the rail down with zero wobble.... Rock solid. The owner really loves this thing now!1 point
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Thanks prag. My ultimate goal is to get one of the 22 mag Smiths. (Yes as much for me as her. lol) The 351 PD I believe was the model. They are just a wee bit pricey.1 point
I am getting old and senile. I just slid right across that without any thought of it. But yeah, that works and fits my recollections of military parlance.1 point
Agreed…. But also know that a .357 Mag will also shoot .38’s and are basically the same size and weight of their .38 only counterparts. Adjustable sights will be another factor in determining Model number.1 point
Agreed. Note that the S&W 19-3 recommended by BHG123 is a K-frame gun. There are also K-frame .38s like the S&W 10, 15, 64, and 67. Cheers, Whisper1 point
Welcome, Bill 5335. You've come to a good and friendly place where there is much knowledge available. Many people recommend that women begin shooting with revolvers, but I am not convinced this is the best plan. Semiautos have advantages in some areas, particularly for concealed carry. As you and your wife are new to shooting, I agree strongly with the idea that you should get some training and should try out as many guns as possible before you buy. This will make you much better informed when you are ready to purchase. You won't know what you like or dislike until you shoot it. I've been an NRA basic pistol instructor and am now Rangemaster certified, and in my experience there are few people who can't handle a 9mm semiauto unless they have a physical disability (like BHG123 with her wrists). This is important because any cartridge less powerful than a 9mm is, in my opinion, less than desirable for personal defense. (There are .380 adherents who will disagree.) Look carefully at 9mms, or at .38 Specials if your wife is absolutely sure she must have a revolver (which carries less ammunition and is less concealable than a semiauto.) The recommendation for a S&W Shield 9mm is excellent, and they are quite affordable right now. Good luck, Whisper1 point
Bill does not say she wants to carry it. She knows she wants speed loaders…she may be looking for a target/range gun or a home defense gun. Or she have been watching Julie Golob or Jessie Duff and decided she wants to do that. A J-frame is an option for carry, but not for a target/range gun. A K-frame or L-frame will be much lower felt recoil than a J-frame when shooting .38’s, excellent home defense weapon, and excellent target/range/competition gun. Bill we need more info on what she wants to use it for, and if she has ever shot a full size revolver; sounds like maybe she has.1 point
Buy a gun a day to keep the bad guys away! I'm in Memphis area, may not keep bad guys away, but it keeps the safes full.1 point
This is an important question, especially since you mention she doesn't have strong hands. Is hand strength a concern as it relates to operating the slide on a semi-auto? Please bear in mind with a revolver you'll have a trigger pull weight that is much greater than the weight of the handgun itself in the double action mode necessary in a self defense scenario. And physics weigh in here as well...the lighter the gun the greater the perceived recoil impulse. Also managing the heavy double action trigger and maintaining good sight alignment minimizing muzzle movement all the way through requires decent hand grip strength. It's certainly manageable, but proper instruction initially will save you both a bit of aggravation along the way. TNWNGR is spot on on the training recommendation. Also, are you/she planning to carry or is this primarily for range shooting? I ask because speedloaders are pretty darn bulky. (They are necessarily the size of the cylinder of the revolver). I carry speed strips for my J frame Smith because they are compact, not because they are "speedy" LOL. I prefer S&W revolvers, but Ruger and Colts have solid reputations. My J frame Smith is a model 640 and I've carried it since 1992... so I may be biased in that regard.1 point
This is an excellent question. I'll expand the question into have the two of you taken a firearms training class separately or together yet? If not find a training course and take it. Good luck whichever route you take.1 point
If you have a range near by that rents guns, let her try a few. Light weight and low recoil might be a problem unless you can find something in a 32. This might be helpful: http://www.womenandguns.com/?p=37441 point
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I'll retract my statement that I've never seen a 45 that I didn't like. I'd have to pass on this.1 point
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Exactly. There is an entire generation of instructors that won't be active much longer. I try to spend as much time with them as I can to soak up as much "primary source" knowledge as I can. It's why I made an effort to host Mr. Spaulding this year.1 point
I'm attaching a photo for Randy Harris. This is a variation of the Rastoff Challenge Randy shot at Training day today. I'll ask him to fill in the particulars. Darn fine shooting if you ask me! Jamie1 point
Other than my property, I'm not likely to confront, even if I deem their actions suspicious. Suspicious behavior does not necessarily mean danger or criminal activity. I witness crime against property, I'm more likely report to the owner or LE than confront. Desperate people do desperate things. I pray I never have to witness and / or become involved in physical crimes against the sheep.1 point
Risking your life for $1300 worth of crap from Walmart? Um, no. Get a description, take a picture, and call in guys like Jared Reston to get shot at while chasing down shoplifters.1 point
Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Lot of stupid there to go around. I am hoping there is more to the story but thinking not. At minimum the hcp guy should have to go through a lot of retraining before he regains his permit in my opinion.1 point
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This is how I was able to give up cigarettes. I know most of you knew I lost my Kasey in October and I set out to find a new best friend as I have had a dog in my life since age 6. Well I checked out every Dog Rescue Center in my area I thought but there was one very little know to many folks Called "Friends of Hannah" that some one mentioned to me. It was close to my home so I went out to see what they had. I have no idea how this place is not better known as they have about 6 acres of Kennels with about 2 acres under roof and all the dogs can go out and in through Doggy Doors. Well anyway they took me through the kennels and they have probably 150 dogs all barking and excited so I ask one of the young ladies operating the kennel if there was some place where Icould see the dogs one on one and she took me to a room and her and two other girls began bring me dogs 1 at a time and they had brought about 8 ot 10 of what they thought I might be looking for and I visited with each of them but there was no connections between them and I. As I was about to give up one of the girls ask the other about bringing Darby out. She was living in a shell since her owners had given her up for adoption and was not outgoing like the rest but was very timid and shy and would make a good impression on most folks and they ahd about given up on adopting her but they gave it one more try and they brought her into the room for a visit. I could tell when I got to look into her eyes that she was the one but I didn't know if she was accepting my vibs like I was hers. It took about three snacks of Beef Jerky to get her to begin warming up to me and the girls were all watching behind some glass. As Darby began to warm up to me her ears stood up for the first time and he tail was wagging since the first time since she had been there. One of the girls behind the glass began crying and soon 2 of them. I had got out of the chair and down on the floor to her level. It was about 20 minutes before Darby climbed up in my lap and licked my face as I petted her. By then all 3 girls were crying and laughing at the same time. One of them came in the room and I asked them if they had a leash and collar for her and she said yes and I said well you better fetch it cause she is going home with me. And all the girls got so exited. As they were going to get the papers done and her hardware one of the girls told me that the on site vet had told the girls that week earlier that if she did not adopt in a week she would be put down. I was not aware of the fact that Friends of Hannahs is like the last resort dog rescue location and dogs are sent there from other rescue centers after 90 days at their facilities with no prospects of adoption. She had been through 3 facilities prior to the one I go her from. I got her on Wednesday and she was scheduled to be put town on Friday. Once she was in the back seat of my Jeep a totally new Darby showed up and she was happy and excited to be going for a ride. Once home I didn't have to Darby I first met but a new and exciting Darby. Now to the smoking part! I sit at my computer every morning like I am right now and she laid on her bed as she is right now. About 3 days after she came home with me every time I would open up a box to get a smoke out I would feel her head on my leg and I would look into her eyes and pet her and then turn to continue to get ready to light up and when I put the smoke in my mouth her front paws were now on my leg and she was staring me right in the eyes. As I reached for my lighter she would put her paw on my arm. So I thought I would try something and took the smoke out of my mouth and put it back in the pack and told her I would not smoke it and she got down and went back on her bed. The same thing happened all morning every time I would try to light up anytime all day I would try and light up she was up in my face putting me on a guilt trip. About the last 2 weeks prior to my heart attack When I got her I was a pack a day guy and within about 5 days before my heart attack in had lost interest in smoking and I think I might have smoked 2 in those last few days and was outside standing up but she was beside me looking up at me. So now I am back home and don't even want a smoke and my few friends that do smoke do't smoke while they are visiting or they step outside. They is my no smoking partner.1 point
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Ma'am. Thanks for posting, and know that we're praying for you and here if you need us.1 point
Lisa- i am so sorry to hear mike passed away - he got me into my first HK mp5 clone only a little more than a year ago - what a fun guy he was. My sympathies Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
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Pack and foget does you no good! Use it or lose it is a good way to look at it. Try to practice the skills you learn and rotate stock as well. Rotating is good but building even more is better. I must admit that I am way behind where I want to be due to building the house and BOL. Very little gardening I can do here but once we are on the mountain full timw my wife and I have the spot picked out, ready to go with a water system and will be planting like mad. Wife has been doing container gardening until we get moved up and has done great. Almost enough to get us through the year for the basics. I have been using the buckets from Firehouse Subs as they have a great sealing lid and I am a cheap SOB. At $2 each they are cheap enough for a lot of supplies. Rice, Beans, flour, salt, etc... Seal a bag, fit it into the bucket, fill it then vacumn seal it. Seal the bucket and it keeps a long long time. We used 3x5 index cards with holders hot glued to the buckets to label contents. Bottom line is use the skills or lose the skills! Practice now as later is too late.1 point
Wait until cheap ammunition isn't available. That void will cause our domestic "surplus" to bounce back up like it has in the past during shortages, when it can be found. It will also affect pretty much every other centerfire caliber as well. The neck beards will be buying it all up and selling it out of the backs of their 80's vans like they did with .22 for so long and we haven't fully recovered from that shortage yet. And with all the new shooters coming onboard in the last 3-5 years this will have a MAJOR impact on ammunition availability across the board. This will affect the firearms industry across the board because people will not want to shoot their guns and guns that people know they can't afford to shoot will not be upgraded or even built or bought. Firearm accessories will loose their luster when the gun they are going on cannot be shot. The cost of attending training classes just went up substantially and for a lot of people it will be out of reach, significantly affecting that aspect of the firearms industry. I guess if you are in the business of selling reloading supplies you are about to hit the boom cycle. Congress has done nothing to help gun owners since we had the majority and nothing positive has happened since we have had a super majority. I ask again how are they helping us gun owners? How have they hurt us gun owners? Weigh the two, I have and I see nothing positive coming out of Washington. National reciprocity? Never going to happen. HPA or HUSH, never going to happen. At least they could do no harm but they can't even do that because we are also about to loose anything that the ATF determines can increase the rate of fire, not just bump stocks. Congress could end that instantly but they are going to stand idly by as we loose another battle because they do not want to take sides or rock the boat. They would rather stand in the corner and hope no one notices they aren't doing anything rather than stand for something. Look at all the import bans enacted over the years that directly affect gun owners, they could easily lift each and every one but that is NEVER going to happen. I am not going to lay down and give up but I am not going to support those who say they are my friend when their actions prove otherwise. I just hope there are a lot of independents on the ballot next year. For all of those who seem to have a problem buying stuff from our "enemy", look around your house. I bet the keyboard you are typing on and the screen you are viewing it on says "Made in China". The cell phone in your pocket, Made in China. The silverware you just ate your meal with, yep, Made in China. And in case you haven't noticed China is just as communist and supplying our enemies with a lot more than these ammunition and gun companies. Russia is not our biggest threat, China is and yet we seem to buy a lot of cheap goods from them.1 point
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Welcome to Tennessee. I don't know why the hell you'd leave Idaho for here, but welcome!!!!1 point
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