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First of let me Thank each and every one of you for your prayers and best wishes. I got to come home this evening instead of tomorrow. I told the doctor I did "NOT" want to be in the hospital on my birthday so he cut me some slack and got me home 1 day early. Still weak and experiencing some aches and pains but I think the worst of it is behind me. I will tell ya'll about my quitting smoking and about the complications doctors had to deal with tomorrow after I get a good nights sleep and hope I get to rest some. Bersaguy11 points
This is how I was able to give up cigarettes. I know most of you knew I lost my Kasey in October and I set out to find a new best friend as I have had a dog in my life since age 6. Well I checked out every Dog Rescue Center in my area I thought but there was one very little know to many folks Called "Friends of Hannah" that some one mentioned to me. It was close to my home so I went out to see what they had. I have no idea how this place is not better known as they have about 6 acres of Kennels with about 2 acres under roof and all the dogs can go out and in through Doggy Doors. Well anyway they took me through the kennels and they have probably 150 dogs all barking and excited so I ask one of the young ladies operating the kennel if there was some place where Icould see the dogs one on one and she took me to a room and her and two other girls began bring me dogs 1 at a time and they had brought about 8 ot 10 of what they thought I might be looking for and I visited with each of them but there was no connections between them and I. As I was about to give up one of the girls ask the other about bringing Darby out. She was living in a shell since her owners had given her up for adoption and was not outgoing like the rest but was very timid and shy and would make a good impression on most folks and they ahd about given up on adopting her but they gave it one more try and they brought her into the room for a visit. I could tell when I got to look into her eyes that she was the one but I didn't know if she was accepting my vibs like I was hers. It took about three snacks of Beef Jerky to get her to begin warming up to me and the girls were all watching behind some glass. As Darby began to warm up to me her ears stood up for the first time and he tail was wagging since the first time since she had been there. One of the girls behind the glass began crying and soon 2 of them. I had got out of the chair and down on the floor to her level. It was about 20 minutes before Darby climbed up in my lap and licked my face as I petted her. By then all 3 girls were crying and laughing at the same time. One of them came in the room and I asked them if they had a leash and collar for her and she said yes and I said well you better fetch it cause she is going home with me. And all the girls got so exited. As they were going to get the papers done and her hardware one of the girls told me that the on site vet had told the girls that week earlier that if she did not adopt in a week she would be put down. I was not aware of the fact that Friends of Hannahs is like the last resort dog rescue location and dogs are sent there from other rescue centers after 90 days at their facilities with no prospects of adoption. She had been through 3 facilities prior to the one I go her from. I got her on Wednesday and she was scheduled to be put town on Friday. Once she was in the back seat of my Jeep a totally new Darby showed up and she was happy and excited to be going for a ride. Once home I didn't have to Darby I first met but a new and exciting Darby. Now to the smoking part! I sit at my computer every morning like I am right now and she laid on her bed as she is right now. About 3 days after she came home with me every time I would open up a box to get a smoke out I would feel her head on my leg and I would look into her eyes and pet her and then turn to continue to get ready to light up and when I put the smoke in my mouth her front paws were now on my leg and she was staring me right in the eyes. As I reached for my lighter she would put her paw on my arm. So I thought I would try something and took the smoke out of my mouth and put it back in the pack and told her I would not smoke it and she got down and went back on her bed. The same thing happened all morning every time I would try to light up anytime all day I would try and light up she was up in my face putting me on a guilt trip. About the last 2 weeks prior to my heart attack When I got her I was a pack a day guy and within about 5 days before my heart attack in had lost interest in smoking and I think I might have smoked 2 in those last few days and was outside standing up but she was beside me looking up at me. So now I am back home and don't even want a smoke and my few friends that do smoke do't smoke while they are visiting or they step outside. They is my no smoking partner.3 points
Come hang out sometime, I am welding on stuff pretty regularly. I am far from a professional but I can lay a bead and you can use anything I have.2 points
Check with your local Vocational schools ( TN College Of Applied Technology, it's called now. ) There's one here in Hartsville, likely one closer to Wilson Co./Mt. Juliet.2 points
There ain't much ta add to what has already been said... This is, indeed, a sad occurrence... It points out the general depravity of man and our tendency to do monstrous things to our brothers n sisters... It transcends all age groups, socio-economic groups, and ethnicities... There are lotsa voices saying lotsa bad things in our culture, and there always have been... Those voices have an effect on our society; some more than others... The great Friedrich Nietzsche said:.... "...If God be dead, all things are permissible..."... The idea; "No Law Giver, no laws to break"... You are the law... If you are the law, anything goes... The great Alistare Crowley said:... "... Do what you will; deny yourself nothing..."... If you are number one; by definition, everybody else is at least number 2... These beliefs can lead to some devastating results... The point of this ramble... Be mindful of what your children (...and you...) choose to believe... Talk with them... Most of all, know what you and they believe... Belief systems have consequences... When those beliefs are acted on; the consequences can be devastating... sad leroy...2 points
There is always one! I tend to agree even though I am pretty agnostic I believe it is a personal decision and prayer in school and Pledge of Allegiance was a good thing. I still think a paddle on the arse is a good thing though. As a society we have to stop coddling the kids and giving everyone's a winner participation trophies. However none of that will make these families effected the other day feel any better!2 points
Thank all of you folks very much and there is no place like home. It was great sleeping in my own bed again for sure. Had to get up a few more times than normal due to still having issues in that area and I'm sure it will take time to get over that issue. It seems to be one of that last things I deal with every time I am in the hospital and they put a catherer in me. It seems to take more mobility and moving around to clear it up which in the hospital the only real moving around I did was 3 hours a day of therapy and the rest of the day was laying watching TV or sleeping. I'm not going to be running no marathons for a while cause I noticed I still don't have much energy just moving around this morning with walking around making a little breakfast and coffee for Darby and me took a little out of me.2 points
I hurt for these victims and their families. I often think that in trying to protect our children and keep them safe as much as we do these days, in some ways we've done them a disservice. The bully plays an important place in a child's development - and when we step in to deal with it as adults, we might just be depriving our children - and the bullies of important lessons. Life isn't fair. It's full of people who will abuse their power to pick on the weak. It's important to learn the skill of standing up - that it has consequences, and you might get hurt - but it's worth it. It's also important to let bullies try it out - and maybe some of them will figure out that it doesn't feel good in the long run. Maybe some of them will get hit in the nose. Regardless, most bullies historically have learned that there's always someone stronger than you. But, we've screwed this up - we've tried to keep our kids from experiencing any discomfort - and don't let them work through things on their own. We shouldn't be surprised that we see escalations. As a forensic investigator - online cyberbullying definitely adds a different component - that often amplifies the problem. There's not really a solution here other than to be aware of your child's use of technology and a lot of conversations about these hard topics. By the time they're in middle school it's too late.2 points
We had someone donate the entire cost of setup today. !!!!2 points
The FK BRNO is a new pistol that will be imported for the first time in February. The say it is a new and unique concept and design and fires a proprietary cartridge, the 7.5 FK. The Field Pistol is a sporting pistol designed primarily to be used in long-range competitions, silhouette shooting, hunting, and generally any pistol shooting activity and tasks that requires the ability to engage targets at longer ranges, especially with a folding stock , such as (PSD) personal security detail, urban / suburban combat, backup (SBR) short barrel rifle, Air crew survival weapon, mechanised armour crew weapon, among other uses. Of course adding a folding stock requires a tax stamp. It is guaranteed to shoot less than 100x100mm at 100m. That is under a 4" group at 100m. Muzzle velocity is 2000fps with 880 ft/lbs and at 100m is still 1525fps and 520 ft/lbs. There are some interesting videos on their website. They take some large animals (200-320lbs) and do ballistic gel testing. Pretty impressive results. Now for the bad news. There is only one company that is going to import these. There will only be 1001 6" Field Pistols made for the US. The first order of 100 is almost all spoken for. They are accepting refundable deposits of $2500 to reserve a pistol. Price for the pistol is $7500. The ammo is 77.50 for a box of 50 95 gr hp. Don't know why but I really want one of these. If you see me posting a lot of toys for sale on here you will know I have finally lost my mind. lol. https://www.fkbrno.com/the-pistol-7-51 point
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hey everyone, i am getting ready to become debt free and am getting my first home and with that i am looking for a future car project to sit in the garage and would like to learn how to weld and more about it and was wondering if anyone know of any place where i can take welding classes without going into debt again.1 point
Hurt man yes, damaged man yes, but there is just sometimes things need to be said and it does not hurt to much to peck on a keyboard half as much and it does to hear about kids killing kids.......JMHO1 point
From Dave Grossman The sheep generally do not like the sheepdog. He looks a lot like the wolf. He has fangs and the capacity for violence. The difference, though, is that the sheepdog must not, cannot and will not ever harm the sheep. Any sheepdog who intentionally harms the lowliest little lamb will be punished and removed. The world cannot work any other way, at least not in a representative democracy or a republic such as ours. Still, the sheepdog disturbs the sheep. He is a constant reminder that there are wolves in the land. They would prefer that he didn’t tell them where to go, or give them traffic tickets, or stand at the ready in our airports in camouflage fatigues holding an M-16. The sheep would much rather have the sheepdog cash in his fangs, spray paint himself white, and go, “Baa.” If only the mob would or could understand my perspective for defensive firearm ownership. If tactically sound, based on my skill set, they could very well benefit from my presence in an close encounter of a bad kind.1 point
And those are the sheepdogs that should be put down because they have become diseased, unfortunately it is getting harder and harder to tell the difference between a sick sheepdog and one that is well. One must also remember all the sheepdogs descended from wolves and some will find their roots. Every time I watch one of the shows about law enforcement I get sick with what is now considered acceptable. Every single show I see an officer violate a person's constitutional right, be it the First, Fourth or Fifth, I see it ever single show. "May I search your car", "No", "Well that gives me probable cause because no one who isn't breaking a law would object". "Where were you coming from?", silence, "You are under arrest for obstruction for not answering.". Seen both of those scenarios play out on A&E's Live PD show. You have the right to remain silent but only AFTER you have been placed under arrest, before that you MUST answer or go to jail for obstruction. And this is not to paint ALL LE in a bad light because most of them are pro Constitution but there are some that will trample it.1 point
This will be your best bet. Some offer night classes in addition to days. The tuition is inexpensive, and you may be able to get free tuition from the lottery money.1 point
You could surely be on to something with te Ritalin theory Leroy, My grandson was diagnosed as having ADHD back when he was about 6 years old and they have him on that junk and he was out of control and about to drive my daughter crazy with his fits and tantrums. She was going through DHS to get him treatments because the meds were unaffordable for her to buy. At age 7 I had had enough of watching my daughter go through hell and DHS just throwing Ritalin the problem but not fixing it. Grandfather decided it was time for him to get involved and I paid a visit to DHS and we had a very long deep discussion about what other services maybe offer but because Ritlalin was not working. I was not leaving there until they found him something that would help him. They came back with an offer to send him to a special school for Children with his problem and because he was just accepted into the Tenn Care Program he did qualify to be sent to the school. We sent him and he was gone about 6 months and we could not visit him for the first month. By the time we did get to visit him you could see a complete improvement in him and he was in good spirits. He remained at the school 2 years and when he came home he was a new child with a new look on life. He finished his schooling in pblic school and then state paid for his trade school to learn computers. Today he is 27 years old and working as a trouble shooter to help folks with computer issues that call into that company for help. He has been with the company for 5 years now. He makes good money, has his own apartment and drives a nice late model car and has not lost his temper at all. There is help out there for these kids but they need family members to take the bull by the horns and speak out asking for alternatives to what they are doing at that time. Problem is most parents that have a problem child don't seem to have time for them..........JMHO1 point
What they said, look into your local "maker space" sort of thing or the community college.1 point
A little more info: http://money.cnn.com/2017/05/11/pf/college/tennessee-free-community-college/index.html1 point
I have 2 similar to this, love them. Fun guns and plenty accurate. Nice build. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
If you have a community college nearby, see if they have any listed under Continuing Education. Tennessee has a program that came out a couple of years ago to help adults get an enhanced education for little to nothing. Not sure of all the requirements but go to https://www.tnreconnect.gov/ChooseaDegree/CollegePath/tabid/5230/Default.aspx and you can type in "welding" and a radius to your zip code and it will pull up options.1 point
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Take a look at here: http://makenashville.org Never been there but hear good things.1 point
Madalyn Murray O'Hair. I think, if we're honest with ourselves, a lot of this long downward spiral has a hinge there.1 point
Setup fees have been paid to the vendor (Queensboro) and they will be setting up the store for us over the next couple of days. In order to keep it simple we'll have one store that provides goods for both TGO and for Shooters Nation. We will start off with just TGO but the other will come later. The way this works is that they allow me to build up a catalog of things that you folks can have them embroider our logo on and they will handle every part of it all the way down to shipping it to you. It can take a week or two to get things shipped, but you'll end up with something of good quality that you are proud to wear. They provided this demo link to show me how one organization set up a store that sells merchandise with various logo options, similar to how we would with TGO and Shooters Nation: https://intrudersnavy.qbstores.com/ A friend of mine uses Queensboro for shirts, hats, etc. for his forum catering to aircraft owners, and Queensboro has very good customer feedback on Google and other sites. You may have even seen them advertising on TV recently too.1 point
I too have come close to spending the six Benjamins for the stainless shopkeeper.1 point
Behind the school? I always hit them as soon as they needed it. I reckon I did get in trouble for it.1 point
Here is my personal belief about the root cause of this: Bullying has been a thing for as long as there has been diversity in the human gene pool. Person One has always felt that it was fine to subjugate Person Two because Person One viewed themselves as being the stronger, more popular, smarter, wealthier, powerful, valuable or otherwise more advantaged than Person Two, or just because Person Two was different in some way and Person One was able to think of them as being "less than". Only two forces have ever kept that in check: Morals and ethics based in a belief of Right and Wrong, typically rooted in and codified in a religious belief system. The threat of repercussion, typically dealt out by an authority figure. I believe that we have come to a point in society where item #1 (Morals and Ethics based in a belief of Right and Wrong, especially rooted in a religious belief system) are on the decline and where people who hold to those values either already are in the minority or are trending towards being the minority very soon. I also believe that item #2 (the fear of repercussion from the Law or an authority figure) is just as rapidly eroding. There is very little respect for the Law these days, or for Law Officers or for Teachers or Parents or any other authority figure. Lacking the moral compass of item #1 and the fear of repercussion of item #2, a person can be expected to have no boundaries for what behavior they feel is acceptable. And consequently we have bullies who will bully without remorse and we have victims of bullying who will unpredictably resort to any possible form of retaliation to cease the bullying and exact revenge upon the bully. None of this justifies anything. It's just a description of the hand basket we're all in as we slip and slide down the slope toward Hell and anarchy. Parents, Adults... teach your kids that life isn't fair. Teach them that it sucks, that there are winners and losers and you can't always be the former. More importantly, teach them how to be a loser with dignity and a winner with compassion. Teach them that people can be cruel but that you don't have to let their cruelty define you, and that nothing excuses you to be a murdering asshole. Raise children with tough skin but sensitive hearts and equip them with a moral compass. Show them how to deal with anger productively.1 point
I remember a time when kids settled things behind the dugout at recess, and if they got caught settling it, then their butts got paddled by the principal.. And guess what, everyone went on with their lives.. And the two kids "settled it" after school in the alley behind billy's house.. And everyone went on with their lives... The problem is kids aren't being allowed to be freaking KIDS anymore...1 point
I think people think because I said he maybe was " bullied".. that this is an excuse... by no means it is NOT.. Just wanted to make myself clear here. He looks overweight.. a bit nerdy maybe.. most of often kids in his skin get bullied.. that was my observation from afar. That`s all.. carry on !1 point
Sorry, but being bullied does not give him any excuse for something like this. I can see punching out one doing the bullying, but shooting up the school is not any way to go about fixing anything. As I recall, there has always been some sort of bullying going on in school, but you just didn't have this "everyone is a winner" generation then, so they had to either suck it up or confront their bullies. We as a society have become too soft, and get our feeling hurt way too easily.1 point
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Looks to me a bit sheltered, does not have lots of friends.. maybe was bullied, nerdy type from looking at what he plays in band... I think parents play a role in this,.most are oblivious to what their kids are up to now a days.How many kids do this and how many kids commit suicide because of parents who dont have a clue what is going on with their kids. I , by NO means is excusing this kind of behavior.. he needs to sit in jail for the rest of his life.. but could this be another incident that could have been prevented?1 point
Got a quick update from Doug yesterday. Hopefully he’ll be coming home on Thursday.1 point
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Hello, Mike’s wife Lisa here. As I go through and close out and memorize as many accounts as he had, it’s really lovely to see all the condolences here. He LOVED his guns and the community he found here and on other forums. Thank you for all your kind words. He was a great husband, father, friend and Tattooer. He’s so incredibly loved and missed.1 point
It’s always bothered me when I unintentionally offended someone. If I offend, I want them to know that, without a doubt, it was intentional.1 point
Gents, please pay attention to your health. This is not a joking matter. I survived a heart attack two years ago come May. Did not seem to be all that bad of symptoms so I put off going to doctor. Bad idea! I wish Doug the best and I am thankful that doctors can do such great work. Get a yearly checkup at least. I will not try to give folks the live better, eat right, exercise speech as I do not live that myself. Just pay attention to your body though. Prayers for Doug and if he needs anything please advise us.1 point
Buy Serbian? Aim Surplus has PPU in most calibers at a fair pricing. My experience with .30cal, .303, 7.62x25, .380, and 9mm has been good.1 point
In the short term, even in a bad situation, some people will still trade for your silver. If it all went bad, I would start to quickly trade for things to supplement my stock. It will let me fill in spaces of things directly related to the exact situation. This is just a supplement to my main stock. Plus you know if the it is a werewolf apocalypse. You can always make bullets.0 points
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