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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2018 in all areas
It's all good. Someone told the Wright Brothers they'd never get off the ground too. I hope the new site flies just a little longer than their first airplane did, though. lol3 points
Since I've already posted about this rifle on a couple of the collector forums I frequent I might as well add it here too. For those of you who are not "into" Finnish Mosin Nagants, the M28/30 was the last iteration of the pre-war Finnish Civil Guard's attempts to update and modernize their rifles. It's predecessor was the M28, which gained a reputation for very good accuracy, the M28/30 added to that reputation by it's use in the World Shooting Championships of 1937. Many of the features of the M28/30 were later incorporated into the M39 rifle which was adopted jointly by the Civil Guard and the Finnish army just before the "Winter War" between Finland and the USSR. Production of the M28/30 officially ended in 1940, but some rifles were built during later dates, primarily as the M28/57 and M28/76 marksmanship (or sniper if you prefer) rifles. It is commonly believed that the "late date" M28/30's were made for officer training in marksmanship in the period 1968-1970. Few examples are known today. This is my post from the other forums: " Picked this one up during the holidays, thought it would be a good Christmas present to myself. The rifle was advertised on one of the common listing sites of arms as a "1970 M39". The picture clearly showed it to be in an M28/30 stock although little else could be determined from it. Intrigued, I took the chance and bought it over the phone. The rifle turned out to be a 1970 M28/30, in a post-war (what else) stock. It has a 2-stage trigger, shimmed action, but no barrel sleeve as my other M28/30 does. The tang date shows the receiver to be a 1913 Izhevsk, with the normal mix of various manufacturers stamps on the remaining parts. I knew from other references these late date M28/30's existed, but this is the first one I've come across. Although most of my collecting interest is in WWII and earlier rifles, I like this one a lot."2 points
Hey gang... I could use your help getting a new project off the ground and there's a special perk for our Benefactor members as well. In fact, there's a special perk for anyone who helps but more on that in a moment. For a few years now I have wanted to take the formula that we've used here on TGO and use it to create something similar on a larger scale. I've also wanted to get into podcasting because I think there is something exciting about that media format. While you may be asking if the world really needs another gun forum or podcast, I think the answer is that there is certainly room at the table for something done right. Purely because we have managed to assemble some of the best people on the planet, TGO has grown over the past decade into something I couldn't have imagined it would be back in 2007. You all are the reason this place works and why it's interesting, and I have to believe that there are a bunch more of us out there across the country who would like a comfortable place to come together too. That's why I have put together a new community that I hope you will help me get going. It may be slow for a while, but that's OK. We didn't build TGO overnight and this new community won't be any different. It takes some time to get things rolling, but what really helps is activity. It's like walking into a bar with your friends... if the place is empty, you're probably going to go somewhere else, right? Shooters Nation (http://www.shootersnation.com) is the new site and today is a "soft opening" for it. I think I've got most of the basics running, but there will probably be some hiccups to deal with. If you could help me, I'd appreciate it. For those of you who are TGO Benefactors, let me know when you register over there and I will add you as a Site Supporter for the first year six months there too. Feel free to go ahead and list anything for sale there that you've listed for sale here once you have that access! For those of you who aren't but want to help out, once you hit 50 posts over there, your account will upgrade to a "Founding Member" which will let you enjoy the same benefits for the first year as well. After the first year, I'll figure something out. But in the meantime, a little bit of sweat-equity will give you the same perks as a "benefactor". I am using the Xenforo software over there, which is a little bit different than what we use here. I've had a license for it for a long, long while now (as long as there's been a TGO and then some) but never really had a use for it. I was excited to give it a shot and hope you'll like it. I have toyed with the idea of switching to it here on TGO before, actually. I'd love to hear what you think about it as a forum platform. Feel free to let your friends and family in other states know about the new community also. I am going to start plugging it on Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms soon myself. The more the merrier! --David EDITED: After running the numbers for what Shooters Nation will cost to operate for the first year, I am able to comp "site supporter" memberships for the first 6-months before we need to start generating some sort of income to make it self-sustaining. Sorry for the error.2 points
Okay...let this old man go over there and see if he can figure it out. If I can I'll post a couple knives for sale tomorrow to get things rolling.2 points
Yeah once we get rolling and have some credibility to the community I'll do that. I would feel really uneasy about it now since it's purely in startup mode.2 points
2 points
2 points
Talked to him today. Slow progress. Heart is good. Hoping to go home soon. Prayers are very much appreciated.2 points
Hotmail here too, and no email in my Inbox or Junk Mail folder.1 point
Hey DoubleTap. I got signed easily and have to say the site looks very good. No time to look and lurk tonight, but I'll be back soon.1 point
Signed up, with Hotmail, no confirmation email. *EDIT* Changed it Gmail and it worked.1 point
Signed up, different screen name. I got my email within minutes and had no issues.1 point
Just done... Had ta change e-mail to gmail address... leroy1 point
I don't make the laws, but I'm obliged to follow them.1 point
Last weekend I built a storage box for our steel targets, paper targets, clays, tape, stapler, trashcan, etc. I was tired of having to carry everything down the driveway for an afternoon of shooting. Plus after multiple trips and about a half mile total walking (half back up the hill), it was a little hard to hit the target until the heart rate slowed down. The box is 2' x 2' x 2.2' and is made of the barn siding that you can buy at Lowes and should last many years. I say that since I built a dog house 10 years ago from the stuff and it still looks new.1 point
Smells a lot like freedom to me. If you haven’t harmed anyone, you haven’t committed any crime. I know a guy who carries, smokes weed and likes to go to the bar occasionally. Sometimes he does all three of those things at once. Still a good guy and I’d trust him with my life. Your mileage may vary.1 point
Registered, no issues with Yahoo mail.1 point
I’m pretty sure this is the same software used by another board I am on. It seems to work well enough over there. Pretty clean and easy to use as long as you adjust your email settings so as to not receive an email for every little thing that happens on the forums.1 point
Earthlink account for me; I registered but have no confirmation email and it's not in my spam filter. Whisper1 point
I was really hoping this was the announcement for Alabama Gun Owners... But, I'm in - the formula here should work well on a larger scale.1 point
Registered. Good luck!1 point
Done. I'm on Charter/Spectrum e-mail. Worked perfectly.1 point
Hey, I got a trophy on the new site. Can we turn them in for cash?1 point
Registered, waiting on my prize now ...1 point
I am finally in. (but it was PC on Win 10 with Edge, 24" monitor)1 point
I'm in, Thanks to David aka Double Tap.1 point
This is no different than the selective enforcement of any other law. The ATF is clear and the DEA is clear. The only fix is for either the Feds to make pot legal, or change/remove the question; then you can make all the comparisons to alcohol you like. Change the laws so someone smoking pot can buy a gun legally; I don’t see that happening. I do think you may see changes that make the same thing happen with people prescribed pain killers, depression meds, or other meds that impair judgement or reaction time. That will be a long list the ATF will need new forms.1 point
Yep. I am also keeping an eye on who signs up and comparing to this thread. If I spot you before you get around to messaging me, I am upgrading your account for you.1 point
Just saw this, signed up, received the confirmation email immediately (Gmail). The site is smooth and easy to navigate. Thanks for the head's up.1 point
No issues on Office365 getting confirmations.1 point
I'm signed up, confirmation email came through with no problem.1 point
Gmail for me as well.1 point
I used Gmail and found it right away in the Spam folder.1 point
Mine did go to the Spam folder so check there maybe.1 point
Check your spam folder. That is where I found my email.1 point
Signed up but I’m not getting the confirmation email. Sent 3x.1 point
1 point
I think the federal ban needs to be lifted, there is no reason to have it listed as a schedule I drug. DEA Schedule I now include these drugs listed below, anyone really think marijuana belongs on this list? Heroin (diacetylmorphine) LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) Marijuana (cannabis, THC) Mescaline (Peyote) MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine or “ecstasy”) GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) Ecstasy (MDMA or 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine) Psilocybin Methaqualone (Quaalude) Khat (Cathinone) Bath Salts (3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone or MDPV)1 point
The problem is this is yet another area of selective law enforcement. Enforce the laws as they are, period. Choosing which laws we should enforce is stupid! Look at immigration! If people do not want a law (And yes I think this one needs to go!) then work to get it changed but just not enforcing it is dumb. It will lead to more and more selective enforcement. No matter your thoughts on marijuana it is the same as any other law that is on the books. Right now it is illegal. follow that law. Hell, by that way of thinking we should all be able to run out and get suppressors tomorrow as that law is dumb and should not be enforced. Let me know how that works for you. As always that is just my opinion and worth less than two cents.1 point
The problem is the way marijuana is classified. And of course the whole reefer madness thing...1 point
The same should be done with liquor! Then you would see it hit the fan.1 point
A tough weekend keeping water open over in northwest Tennessee to look inviting for the millions of ducks that were in the area but we scored a few.1 point
I really have enjoyed my full size m&p 2.0, but man shooting a 1911 again just feels good. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk1 point
How much if it resonated with you? That's the part that applies to the average citizen. For me, it was about the mindset.1 point
1 point
1 point
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