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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2018 in all areas

  1. At my age, I get nervous when I do that
    4 points
  2. While not liberally correct, frankly I'm glad to see the situation becoming what it is in those parts of the country. You can make up news stories, hire 'experts', and have all kinds of propaganda, but for the average person, facts are facts, they believe what they see. You are now seeing some elements of these communities (aka Baltimore) coming forward and saying they want more police presence, they don't want the police to step back, and the activists and protesters who pushed for reduced police activity in the community did not represent nor speak for them. I say, you reap what you sow. You stood there in silence when the officer knocked on your door and asked if you knew anything about the gunshots that happened across the street last night. You stood there in silence while neighborhood kids conducted drug sales in the open. You stood there in silence while prostitutes walk up and down your street soliciting customers. You stood there in silence while bands of thugs played 'the knockout game' in tourist parts of your city. You stood there in silence.... until it started to affect you personally. Well, it's about damned time you stood up and said something. Sorry to see it took you so long. You knew what needed to be done to fix the problem before, you just weren't willing to do it. So it had to get THIS bad before you could break your silence. Now stand up and say something the next time someone asks if you know anything. It's YOUR community, YOUR neighbors, YOUR police, YOUR problem, YOUR chance to fix it. ... And hey, show of hands, how many people think the crime situation factored into the decision for Discovery Channel to relocate their HQ to Knoxville, vs. moving the Knox operation to Baltimore?
    4 points
  3. Love it. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
    3 points
  4. Just wanted to post a little reminder that some of us are using the dark theme and many of the posts are coming up with black text on a black background. Some sales ads include partially formatted portions which make it seem like there is nothing there, especially bad when it starts with normal text. A few articles that get pasted from other sources come out that way too. Not picking anyone's post in particular, but the above is what gets seen by us with the dark theme. We can only read it if we highlight the text beforehand, but then the "quote this part", and on a tablet, other pop-ups hide portions. If you cut and paste from an other web site, before you click anywhere else, scroll to the bottom and click "paste as plain text instead" first. It will take out all the invisible formatting, making it easier to read. This will also fix the black text with white background too BTW. Here is a great example of what I see on some posts, again not picking on anyone in particular, many come up this way. With the default theme, and what the OP sees I bet: And with the darker night owl theme:
    3 points
  5. The comments about bad neighborhoods speak directly to the thought that your personal risk goes up with EACH of these... Going to Stupid Places, with Stupid People, doing Stupid Things. Sometimes good people go to Stupid Places for good reasons, but you can almost always avoid the other two. Don't be Stupid!
    3 points
  6. I liked the 'here's what happened' format along with what was learned (proving and disproving myth) from a gun fight and being shot. For me, it reinforces don't get in a violent fight, armed or otherwise. Dealing with Pests comes to mind. If I do get it a fight, he's right, I have to win. No prize for second place. As an aside, I am reading Fairbairn's Get Tough, he strongly recommends staying off the ground.
    2 points
  7. Take caution though as visits to SMKW are addicting. We wind up over there at least once a month. Of course there are worse things you could do.
    2 points
  8. Heads need to roll over that, and not after some investigation. Like now.
    2 points
  9. This is the second time I have heard Jared Reston give an account of the incident that nearly took his life but within which he prevailed. This is also the most in-depth version of the account that I've heard him give. It is very much worth watching in its entirety. Yes, it is nearly 2 hours long. Watch it in chunks if you have to, but please, watch it. Very good stuff. It might save your life some day.
    1 point
  10. Talked to him today. Slow progress. Heart is good. Hoping to go home soon. Prayers are very much appreciated.
    1 point
  11. Mindset once the fight begins. And understanding that from the average citizen's perspective, the fight doesn't always have to begin, and how much better that is.
    1 point
  12. Good. That was really bothering me, and I don't even own one yet.
    1 point
  13. How much if it resonated with you? That's the part that applies to the average citizen. For me, it was about the mindset.
    1 point
  14. Something new and proprietary ammo wise could easily skirt the law, as easily as using a non-metallic cartridge. But that would require other manufacturer's involvement as I don't see FA starting an ammo company. And it would be unlikely IMO to ever sell very well, unless it is 'intended' for a specific ammo but could easily fire a common caliber as has been referenced. We should know soon enough though.
    1 point
  15. It's been a while. I've shot several that belong to others, but every single one of them ordered them online and had them transferred in.
    1 point
  16. Just did a little google search, since I wasn't familiar with Rough Rider brand. As you say, there are many locations online to get them. Amazon claims to have over 2000 listings for them. I looked over a few to see what they were. Seems like some very nice traditional knives.
    1 point
  17. Something many of you veteran LEOs no doubt already know:“The US didn’t have a spike in violent crime in 2016.A handful of neighborhoods in the US did. A mere five neighborhoods in Chicago supplied one-third of the increase in violent crime in 2016. Murders in the U.S. rose nearly 9% last year, and one-third of that increase came from just a few neighborhoods in Chicago, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of the FBI’s annual 2016 publication, Crime in the United States. While violent crime (homicide, rape, assault, and robbery) also rose nationwide from 2015 to 2016 — over 4% — the data show the increase was not uniform, but rather concentrated in cities like Chicago and Baltimore. Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., meanwhile, saw “meaningful declines in violence [that] have been sustained since the 1990s.”This means the US doesn't have a violent crime problem. We have a violent zip code problem. This, of course, is hardly news. Anyone watching the country knows that the worst of criminality falls in a handful of places, typically poor neighborhoods in big cities, and the root of the problem is gang violence and turf wars. John Lott published a study in 2016 using 2014 crime statistics finding that murder in the US is very concentrated by location.In 2014, the most recent year that a county level breakdown is available, 54% of counties (with 11% of the population) have no murders. 69% of counties have no more than one murder, and about 20% of the population. These counties account for only 4% of all murders in the country.The worst 1% of counties have 19% of the population and 37% of the murders. The worst 5% of counties contain 47% of the population and account for 68% of murders. As shown in figure 2, over half of murders occurred in only 2% of counties.Murder has gotten more concentrated in fewer places. John Lott again:Murders actually used to be even more concentrated. From 1977 to 2000, on average 73 percent of counties in any give year had zero murders.Criminologist David Weisburg of George Mason University criminologist, released a study in 2015 that described what he called the “law of crime concentration,” and “the criminality of place”: a disproportionate amount of any city’s violent crime occurs in a small geographic area of the city. His data showed:Weisburg found that in large cities, 50% of crime occurs on just 4% to 6% of a city’s streets, while 0.8% to 1.6% of streets produce one-quarter of all crime.In many concealed carry classes you're dutifully told there's no such thing as a bad neighborhood that you can avoid to have no risk of violent attack. While I agree with the sentiment that you should always be aware of your surroundings and that lightning can strike in odd places, these statistics show that statement is just wrong. There are bad neighborhoods, and your chances of being involved in a violent crime are much worse in some places. If you don't have to go there, don't go. Complicating Weisburg and Lott's findings is the side effect of protests against police that have police vowing to have a lighter presence in the areas that need them the most. A Pew Research Center poll from January 2017 showed that an overwhelming number of police officers say widespread protests following high-profile killings of black suspects have made police less willing to conduct basic police work, such as stopping and questioning suspicious people in high-crime neighborhoods, and using an appropriate level of force to diffuse a situation.In Baltimore, violent crime rates were going down until 2015, when police officers “pulled back from a more proactive approach” following widespread city riots after the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who suffered a severe spinal injury while being transported in a police van on April 1, 2015, and died one week later.Violence in Baltimore has stayed historically high following the riots, with arrests plummeting, shootings soaring, and the police force itself getting smaller.One thing that has been proven to reduce crime rates is more proactive policing. Yet the "Ferguson Effect" has caused an increasing reluctance of police to go into those neighborhoods, and more reluctant to carry out everyday tasks of policing. You might have noticed that the left is currently lobbying for all of the things that make the murder rate worse.Remember: it's not gun control we need. It's zip code control.”
    1 point
  18. I guarantee you it will be worth your time to drive to Sevierville, to pick one of these knives up. They are cheap, but if you get to pick the exact one you want and are picky, they are good knives. But that's not the reason you want to drive to SMKWs. Trust me!
    1 point
  19. Maybe it’s a smooth bore with thousands of tiny nanobots that all work together in creating bullet spin. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  20. On Arfcom, no one has found a legal description of a rifled barrel. I don't expect the trigger to be involved in this, but go ahead and surprise me. Not a rifle, not a shotgun implies something Barrel related to me. So the barrel itself is twisted, or muzzle device is rifled, something to beat the rifle description with a rifled barrel.
    1 point
  21. The trigger appears to be their basic binary trigger. Safe, Semi, Binary. Additionally, the firearm in the press release is identical to their SBR, which means we are all guessing without seeing a photo (potentially). Link to their SBR: https://www.franklinarmory.com/collections/short-barreled-rifles/products/bfsiii-franklin-armory-11-5-libertas-sbr-nfa Right now everything is speculation. I hope it is a loophole that could otherwise be exploited, look at some of the other loopholes found recently by other companies, but not holding my breath.
    1 point
  22. The story could go deeper and drill down on the “why” and that will explain the root causes and provide insight to the appropriate public policies to address underlying reasons for what is happening in these neighborhoods. Chances are you’ll find crap public policies likely promoted by left of center politicians. Ironic, don’t hear a word from politicians like Rahaman Emanuel on what policy initiatives the city is launching to address the problems in Chicago. What you do read is policies to encourage illegal immigration through these ID cards he and the city council are instituting. Why the black community year after year casts a vote for these politicians is disquieting, or is it really the righteous and sanctimonious white liberals, the elitists left who turn a blind eye to the plight of the black community for their own selfish means, whatever that might be? Where is Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpen and the BLM crowd and our they putting their money where their mouth is? Nope, at least, as far as, I have read! Maybe Jeff Bezo can pony up some money (33 million) like he is going to do for the DACA kids. Left of center politicians seldom (how about never) offer any public policies worth a damn, that work or even effective. When the black community decides to stop being a willing pawn and vote for real change; then and only then, will they start to see change in their communities. That will be the wake-up call to all these flagrant politicians. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  23. Just throwing out ideas, not saying it is fact. We shall see, perhaps it is the crack in the NFA dam that will lead to its collapse.
    1 point
  24. If you do bad stuff because you get an alerton your cell....you are already doing bad stuff..
    1 point
  25. Just think of all the people trying to figure out what to do. I bet it did wake up a lot of folks and some will start making better plans now. Wonder how many did something bad thinking it was all about to end? HeHe
    1 point
  26. As upsetting as that was, it would have been a lot worse if someone had accidentally pushed the "launch" button instead ...
    1 point
  27. I agree, totally. I just need to follow that advice myself. I freely admit to having been where I shouldn't have been several times. Not necessarily doing bad, evil, or unlawful things; but could have used better judgement at those times. Sadly, several of them involved the 2 biggest problems for a man...women and alcohol.
    1 point
  28. I ask @Grand Torino if he could do a knife for me from a farrier rasp. He asked me a few questions ( I told him I liked red) and this is the results. Yes, they are both being added to my collection from GT. Every time I get a knife from GT the photos have never done justice to the real thing. I can't wait to see these in person. No words of thanks can do justice to the quality from GT. But thank you GT. You knocked these out of the park.
    1 point
  29. A Texas built, High Standard 1911 Officer's model for me. It's a cheap piece of crap, to be honest, but I've never enjoyed shooting a pistol more.
    1 point
  30. The original link is here, http://thesilicongraybeard.blogspot.com/2018/01/the-us-didnt-have-spike-in-violent.html I agree with @ReeferMac This line of thinking has merit, you need to police your own neighborhood. While the protesters, who are mostly outsiders, want less police, the opposite is actually needed. But there are other factors, such as what was coined as "The Ferguson Effect", while I'm sure many LEOs won't publicly admit it, it has to weigh on the way they do their jobs.
    1 point
  31. Necessary is the favorite euphemism for unconstitutional when it comes to matters of safety and security. I'm all for police exercising their lawful authority...but the lawful part must always come before the authority.
    1 point
  32. I also thank PP for this posting. And Leroy is on point with his assessment. Political correctness calls for us to bury our heads in the sand and ignore the problems. Until we have the courage to stand up as a nation and say "enough" this will get no better. Law Enforcement needs to be allowed to do what's necessary. Period. I say the downhill slide began when "profiling" became the Left's cause of the week.
    1 point
  33. Pop... Thanks for posting this great article... Interestin stuff, indeed... I think this is a very interesting and insightful thought.... This is the "elephant in the room" that no one wants ta talk about; as it smacks of all the forbidden issues; poor neighborhoods, dope, gangs, hooliganism, tribalism, and all the other things that are forbidden today... There are, indeed, bad neighborhoods where there are bad people... Like Pop says, "... If ya don't have to go ther, don't go..."... Excellent advice, indeed... Thanks for posting this insightful info... leroy...
    1 point
  34. I’m in the M&P M2.0 Compact crowd. It is just simply a fantastic pistol and the hit of 2017’s new offerings. This old school beast is late by about 50 years but it was new to me in 2017.
    1 point
  35. I only bought two revolvers in 2017, one being this Uberti Open Top Navy in .38 Special: And in August I bought the .45 Colt New Frontier: I bought the Uberti to be my "centerfire .22" for very casual shooting, have put just 900 rounds through it since buying the gun. Its fun, mild recoil, pleasant shooting up close, no good for any distance beyond fifteen yards or so. The New Frontier I bought it because nobody else out bid me. New Frontiers are what I consider to be the ultimate Colt Single Action. Right up there, almost, with the Ruger Super Blackhawk. Bob Wright
    1 point
  36. Meh. There's only one real Security anything ...
    1 point
  37. Ruger surrendered that market to Hi-Point.
    1 point
  38. I don't think it's trying to be anything but what it is, their cheapest hicap 9mm. - OS
    1 point
  39. Ruger ain't scared of ugly are they?
    1 point
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