I picked one up, $1100 locally. I was surprised to see it actually sitting on the shelf, and not taking it home wasn't an option.
Handling it, I like the feel of it. Besides being heavy, it is nicely designed from an ergonomic view, feels good in the hand with no contortions needed to operate all controls. The front and backstraps are textured finely and the gun feels smooth in the hand, but when you take a tight firing grip, the checkering helps it stay put. Sights are excellent, and I would only ask for a bit wider rear notch. The front sight appears to fill the notch fully, where I like some light on each side. The front is orange-outlined tritium and the rear has an angled and serrated face, while the front is blunt enough to act as a cocking ledge.
Quality of machining is as good as anything I own. Came in a neat fancy cardboard box with 3 mags and a manual.
Trigger is good, though not as light as some. Gauges 5.5 pounds on my scale but the extremely short takeup (1/8" or so) and equally short reset make it feel a bit lighter than it actually is. The hinged safety trigger shoe works without a hitch and is unnoticeable while shooting.
Mags easily drop free, though they feature stiffer mag springs than anything I've bought lately. It's a chore to get all 15 rounds in and a mag loader's a welcome tool here. Slide release is easy to use and large enough to find and operate in a hurry without being in the way while shooting.
I put about 80-90 rounds through it (115gr TMJ reloads at about 130 power factor) and no malfunctions were observed.
Recoil is mild compared to a M&P 5" Pro and even a CZ SP01 Shadow. Muzzle rise was minimal and the sight picture quick to reacquire. It seems very comparable to a 9mm Glock or Steyr, though I didn't shoot enough fast strings to really make note of it. It was easy to keep a consistent grip since it doesn't recoil enough to really require a crush grip. It's rare that I pick up a gun that doesn't have some annoying sharp edge or corner that soon stands out, but the H9 doesn't. The mags, though, had sharp corners on the rear of the floorplates that I'm going to round off at some point.
Accuracy was good but not "OMG" outstanding. Most firing was at about 10-15 yards and it was easy to keep the shots within a 2" bullseye. I think a lighter trigger will tell the true tale there, combined with shooting from a rest. Point of impact appeared to be right at the top of the front sight, the way I happen to prefer. Perhaps it was shooting a hair to the left, but I'm going to shoot it more before touching the sights.
Changes I'd make? I'd like a wider rear notch, as already stated. A pair of slightly more aggressive grips would make me feel better, though maybe not shoot better. I'd take about 1 or 2 pounds off the trigger if it doesn't lighten up within 500 rounds.
I'm not in a hurry to do any of this, however, which is high praise in my book. I'm quite pleased with the H9 and I'm really looking forward to spending more time with it at the range. I'm frankly impressed that Hudson managed to deliver a completely new design like this and have it in my hands in what I feel is a record amount of time, without a bunch of teething problems that are glaringly apparent.