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Wait until cheap ammunition isn't available. That void will cause our domestic "surplus" to bounce back up like it has in the past during shortages, when it can be found. It will also affect pretty much every other centerfire caliber as well. The neck beards will be buying it all up and selling it out of the backs of their 80's vans like they did with .22 for so long and we haven't fully recovered from that shortage yet. And with all the new shooters coming onboard in the last 3-5 years this will have a MAJOR impact on ammunition availability across the board. This will affect the firearms industry across the board because people will not want to shoot their guns and guns that people know they can't afford to shoot will not be upgraded or even built or bought. Firearm accessories will loose their luster when the gun they are going on cannot be shot. The cost of attending training classes just went up substantially and for a lot of people it will be out of reach, significantly affecting that aspect of the firearms industry. I guess if you are in the business of selling reloading supplies you are about to hit the boom cycle. Congress has done nothing to help gun owners since we had the majority and nothing positive has happened since we have had a super majority. I ask again how are they helping us gun owners? How have they hurt us gun owners? Weigh the two, I have and I see nothing positive coming out of Washington. National reciprocity? Never going to happen. HPA or HUSH, never going to happen. At least they could do no harm but they can't even do that because we are also about to loose anything that the ATF determines can increase the rate of fire, not just bump stocks. Congress could end that instantly but they are going to stand idly by as we loose another battle because they do not want to take sides or rock the boat. They would rather stand in the corner and hope no one notices they aren't doing anything rather than stand for something. Look at all the import bans enacted over the years that directly affect gun owners, they could easily lift each and every one but that is NEVER going to happen. I am not going to lay down and give up but I am not going to support those who say they are my friend when their actions prove otherwise. I just hope there are a lot of independents on the ballot next year. For all of those who seem to have a problem buying stuff from our "enemy", look around your house. I bet the keyboard you are typing on and the screen you are viewing it on says "Made in China". The cell phone in your pocket, Made in China. The silverware you just ate your meal with, yep, Made in China. And in case you haven't noticed China is just as communist and supplying our enemies with a lot more than these ammunition and gun companies. Russia is not our biggest threat, China is and yet we seem to buy a lot of cheap goods from them.2 points
I can understand your frustration at potentially loosing a source of cheap surplus ammo Dolomite, but I think it is a BIG stretch to think these sanctions are being done to screw over gun owners. And to say that you will henceforth be voting D to spite the Rs sounds pretty dangerous. A better policy might be to ignore the R, D, or XYZ besides their names and vote based on each individual and their track record. Its wild that even within our small group here we have those wanting to crucify the administration for colluding with the Russians while others are hating on the Russian sanctions. I love the freedom of options we have in our country, and I fully support each of you in your choices of guns and ammo. I for one have never owned an AK or purchased a round of russian surplus ammo. I've used them extensively overseas and as an armorer of soviet bloc weapons I know they are very reliable, but I personally have a hard time wanting to own/carry what our enemy uses, especially when our home grown equipment is (in my opinion) superior, albeit often more expensive. Just my 2 cents2 points
Picked up another bottle today. Whiskey Advocate whiskey if the year 2017. Quite tasty. Barrel strength it’s pretty hot at 131 but it’s surprisingly drinkable neat. It opens up nicely proofed down towards 100. I’ll update more on the next tasting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
I don’t support any restrictions in relation to firearms, BUT You are shooting communist ammo through communist guns. Since when is it OK to do business with and financially support our countries arch enemy since we became a country ourselves? We have American made AKs (not as good as Eastern Bloc but that’s why we have ARs) and domestic manufacture 5.45x39 and 7.62x39 ammo. More expensive, yes. But quality usually is. Anyone that pays attention to politics wasn’t blindsided by this.2 points
While I am sure there are many reasons this is just politics, etc, I don't have an issue with it. I know many are single issue people and that's ok, but most of those people are also the same group that talks about buying American, etc, etc. We are a fickle bunch. Most American's want everything as cheap as they can get it and then when the cheap things get taken away we complain. This does not prevent anyone from getting the ammo they need. It will reduce the amount of super cheap ammo, but ammo will be available.2 points
The r Ruger mkii I got when Dad passed. Nothing new or fancy but it means the most to me and always will. Thanks again Dad! I love the gun but would give them all away today to have Dad back.2 points
http://www.gabewhitetraining.com/ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pistol-shooting-solutions-waverly-tn-october-27th-and-28th-2018-tickets-41280453949 Pistol training , middle Tenn.1 point
1 point
I’m in the M&P M2.0 Compact crowd. It is just simply a fantastic pistol and the hit of 2017’s new offerings. This old school beast is late by about 50 years but it was new to me in 2017.1 point
It started snowing here in Ktown the other morning, thought everyone was about to lose their damn mind over bread and milk.1 point
I wasn't going to comment on the politic side of things because, well, it's politics but...There is a difference between R and D, D wants to ban guns and ammo because it's guns and ammo, while this is putting pressure on companies that deal with the Russian Government, whether its IT stuff or weapons makes no difference. I don't mind foreign made weapons, and I'll buy and shoot import ammo, but have no problem finding and using alternate sources if the manufacturers get sanctioned because of their connections. Just like with the NFL, I have found alternate sources for my entertainment due to their support of causes I don't support, the Government can do the same with foreign companies and I'll find alternate sources there too.1 point
@prag https://defense-training.com/2017/update-on-cor-bon/ Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk1 point
Man, I do Knox to Johnson City for work all the time, it's nothing! You could make a day of it. Leave early, hit Knife Works in Sevierville on the way back, pick up some Ammo and a new toy! His class is very similar information you could find in a book on the topic, but there's something quite useful about seeing, finding, and touching the plants in their natural environment. I've gone twice, and would like to go again, as the plants change from season to season, and with most skills, fades quickly if not used. Betcha you could find another TGO'er to split the gas with. It's worth it IMO. Having been to the class, I'd drive 3 hours to take it.1 point
Got a member with some serious health issues going on today - y'all's prayers would be greatly appreciated.1 point
Unless you grew up in the "country" you should really stay where you are. there are plenty of people who plan on bugging out and I wonder where. Most of them say they plan to head to the hills which is a huge problem because there are already people in those hills living there right now. And those people are going to defend their location or at least I know I will. And don't expect others to openly welcome a large group of people. I know I won't welcome anyone unless they bring a significant skill to the group and honestly I can't imagine what that skill might be that isn't already covered. There are less than 5 people that will be invited in and all others will be turned away with overwhelming amount of force. I will say this to all of those planning on bugging out to the hills. I will defend what is mine, including land, from any squatters or looters. After all if you show up and try to take what isn't yours you are a thief. That includes wild game, plants or anything on my property even if I do not need it or not using it that stuff is still mine. I may have more than I need to survive but I will not share any of it with complete strangers. I have made preparations to ensure my survivability and I would be a fool to give any of it up to complete strangers. It takes a lot of land to support a person year around. An acre or two isn't going to cut it. It will likely take 10's of acres per person. Anyone who has hunted, both for meat and vegetables, knows that it will take a lot of land to support a hunter/gatherer lifestyle. And what makes the average person think they are going to make it out of a population center before the other 50% of the other people leaving the cities clog the roadways? What is going to happen is the highways are going to clog like Rita/ Katrina leaving them stranded and with the option of walking to the "hills" or walking back to the cities. And when you start walking you are going to be able to carry far less than what you left with or even left behind. Bugging in has some real advantages and if I lived in a city I would, without a doubt, stay put. First is you already have everything you are going to have without the need to transport it to a new location. You can call for help from those around you while in a remote location you cannot call for help. Another big advantage is you know the area. You also know who friend and who foe is or at least have a good idea. Travelling exposes you to more dangers. It is also easier to defend a building or high rise than a tent in the woods. Those buildings are going to protect you from the elements and be easier to keep warm in and survive in for the average person especially those used to living in the city. Food, at least initially, will be easier to come by in the cities as well as potable water. There are literally a few weeks worth of potable water in your water heater and toilet bowls and that is if you don't ration. With rain gutters, collecting water is much easier too. And as disgusting as it might sound cities have tons of rodents or stray animals that can be harvested for food. If any type of relief or supplies is going to be handed out it is going to be in the population centers first, not in the middle of a forest. The average person is going to have a far easier time surviving in the city than in the "hills". But if you must bug out and have any hope of bugging out you must be packed and ready to go in a moments notice. Vehicles have to ALWAYS have the gas needed to make it to the remote location. When the SHTF gas will be gone within minutes unless you are at the pumps pumping your gas as it takes place. You need to also realize that there are going to be a lot more people than just you heading to a bug out location. This is going to clog the roadways like we saw during Rita/Katrina. The only way you might get a head start is if you are in a position to get some notice, like LE, emergency services or the government would get to prepare. Otherwise it is going to be a race to get out and if you are not in the lead you will find yourself stuck in the rear. And once you are stuck you and your stuff become vulnerable to roaming bands of thugs set on taking your stuff for themselves. And honestly it would be easy picking. As far as your bug out location you need to own the property you plan to go to. This can give you a little bit of a delay in the squatters that will show up. And once there, the squatters are not going to readily leave even if you tell them you own the property. If your bug out location is "public lands" you are not going to be the first there, it will be like winning the lottery if you are. You are going to find yourself surrounded by thousands of others who have the same plan. Most people don't realize that best case scenario crops will be edible in 4 months. If it happened today we are looking at 6-7 months before crops can begin to be harvested. So that means you are going to have to transport that much food because you are not going to be able to kill a years worth of food with everyone else trying to do the same thing. And as much as I hate to say it in order to survive people must loose their conscience. They must be willing to turn those less fortunate away unless they bring a substantial advantage to the group. People have this grand illusion that they are going to be able to find virgin land to live off of. Look around, how much public land do you see? And of that how much is going to be free for the taking, not much if any, by the time they make it?1 point
People complain about Trump but he has only been in office for a year and already solved global warming.1 point
They are just targeting their customer base.People who drink their own piss are more likely to buy a Keltec. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
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