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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2018 in all areas
7 points
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2 points
Training with Randy Harris and Tiger McKee's carbine training. Get back into competition--haven't been competing for several years. Still on the search for the best sights for my seasoned and experienced eyes. RMR's are looking better every year.2 points
Mine also but I am a touch OCD so it bugs me to see loose ammo. I need it neat where I can see it and count it. Of course being OCD means I check the charge of powder a million times also. So it is safe. Only one can of powder out of the cabinet and by the press at any given time. I know it is slower and bugs some guys but I have never had an issue with one of my reloads. Knocking on wood here!2 points
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2 points
A few good points have all ready been covered here but here it is as seen threw a gunsmith's eye. The 336AS is only a cheaper version due to colored hardwood rather than walnut if my recall is correct. from a practical perspective, the Marlin is a better gun simply due to the ease of servicing the internal parts. Swapping out the ejector on the Marlin is dam near an eyes closed affair along with R&R the extractor. That's due to the simplest bolt removal in the industry. If it was any easier, you would have to have a 98 Mauser in your hands. Dropping the bolt out of a Marlin by only removing the lever pivot screw gives you cleaning rod access straight into the chamber. In a Win 94, NONE of the above operations should be attempted by a mediocre hammer & screw driver guy where as a 12 year old could be coached threw the 336 tear down with ease. Look at the Winchester follower. Those late 60's 70's area 94 had the crappiest stamped followers that were either bending or cracking so much that Winchester got tired of stamping out replacements and FINALY put out a nice cast replacement some time in the 80's. All the AE's had the better cast followers. If that 1973 unit has the cast black chrome receiver, forget about it ever getting a factory black finish. Those castings were so bad with silicone from their lost wax manufacture, they were impossible to blue so they got a weird one of a kind factory black chroming. The Winchester is a slimmer, handier open sight gun but for all the above reasons and others mentioned falls way short of the practicality of the 336 design. You just can't beat an average Joe nearly Military style R&R design.2 points
Just picked this up last week. Very enjoyable, 100 proof, sweet on the front nice and oaky on the back, little bite. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
They are just targeting their customer base.People who drink their own piss are more likely to buy a Keltec. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk2 points
Seems disingenuous to expect a shop that's trying to make a go of it to offer their services for little compensation.2 points
You won't regret it! Take a look at the Ameriglo CAP sights, also the Truglo TFX Pro.1 point
I only bought two revolvers in 2017, one being this Uberti Open Top Navy in .38 Special: And in August I bought the .45 Colt New Frontier: I bought the Uberti to be my "centerfire .22" for very casual shooting, have put just 900 rounds through it since buying the gun. Its fun, mild recoil, pleasant shooting up close, no good for any distance beyond fifteen yards or so. The New Frontier I bought it because nobody else out bid me. New Frontiers are what I consider to be the ultimate Colt Single Action. Right up there, almost, with the Ruger Super Blackhawk. Bob Wright1 point
My baby girl shot a three point buck. It was her first. We we're hunting in central Georgia. The weather was about the same here this past weekend. There was no shortage of deer there.1 point
You must not have seen Central Florida beat Auburn. There's a team that should get to play next weekend! Undefeated.1 point
Well I don't feel so bad now. I also did that back when I was younger and dumber "ONCE" I didn't win anything except being stupid trophy for even going. Now with that said about 6 or 7 years ago we had a real cold spell show up like in April after trees had all budded and flowers were blooming. I'm sure some folks will remember that. Being to loyal partner on the back of another guys boat knowing I should not go with it spitting sleet I layered up and went and got to fish about 15 minutes before I was about to freeze to death and told my partner I had to get off of the boat so called a buddy to pick me up and my boater took me to a launch ramp where a buddy picked me up. The 15 minutes I did get to fish I did catch 2 bass. 1 weighed 5.95 lbs and the other one weighed 6.76lbs. My partner called me at home about 2 PM and asked me if I wanted him to bring me my money? I said what money and he told me that my two fish weighed 12.71 lbs and won the entire tournament. All 5 places and took 1st and 2nd big fish. There was 57 boats fishing and our boat was the only one to weigh in a keeper fish and we had 2. My partner went right back where I boated those 2 and never got another bite the rest of the day. I had told my partner on Thursday that I had found some big fish in practice which that day weather was 74 degrees. That was where we went 1st thing. 7 mile run from Tournament site. I was about froze by the time he sat the boat down to begin fishing. That did make up for the one back when I was younger but it also told me I am to damn old to do that again...............1 point
1 point
I'm thinking of unboxing my ammo but then vacuum seal using one of the kitchen vacuum sealer machines. Put it in single layers so I can stack inside the boxes. Just pull a pack to go to the range.1 point
I have several 20 and 40mm ammo cans. Thought they'd be good for storing ammo. Well, the 20's are somewhat manageable but the 40's simply cannot be moved once filled up.1 point
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Shorter slide and barrel but same sized grip frame and magazine capacity . That's kind of a rehashing of the Colt Government Model and Combat Commander as being more whatever in a way isn't it? I believe a G-19 with either a Pierce Grip+2 extension or a G-17 magazine would be a better value for the money.1 point
Worst I've personally experienced was in the Kansas City, MO area in December of 1989 while on the police department. We showed -30 degrees although the "official" temperature at the airport about 15 miles away was -23. Wind gusts were 40 MPH so wind chill was "I can't F'n believe it!" I arrested two homicide suspects that night, so it was memorable in two ways.1 point
Go north of there about 250 miles. That is where we lived for 20 years. Wife is from there. (I know, she is a yankee but what can I say she is cute). I have seen the air temp down to -57 degrees, not with the wind chill mind you. It may have been colder but that was at the offical thermometer and it broke so that was the lowest temp they recorded. We can remember weeks where the high was -20. Let me tell you that if something is going to break on a semi truck it always choses to do so when it is that cold. I also can't count the number of frozen brake lines we had to deal with. Drums and shoes frozen together. I am so happy to have escaped that. I no longer need a plow on the front of my pickup, Gas augers to fish, everything in my closet to deer hunt, and no more carrying bags and bags of salt for the sidewalk as well as making sure every engine was plugged in all the time.1 point
Man I didn't think this thread would turn into a 2 page debate. I honestly see both of sides of the story here, I do think as firearm enthusiasts we have an unspoken obligation to help out our LGS when possible. However, if I save money by purchasing my firearms through an internet dealer and utilize the savings to help the LGS on the transfer, ammo, smith work, impulse purchases, range time if possible, etc I think everybody wins. At the end of the day what the shop charges to do transfers is up to them, if their revenue is not inline with their expenses that is on them. Perhaps they are trying to use a low transfer fee to acquire long term customers. I simply wanted to know which LGS had the most competitive rates, as a consumer I see nothing wrong with this practice.1 point
Albert Lea, MN. It’s so cold here a witch’s tit would be considered a warm front.1 point
Simple, you can't buy cheap online (guns at least) without a brick and mortar. You won't miss them till they are all gone. The ones left standing will then be able to charge what ever they want because there will be no one else. Cause and effect is not linear, it's dynamic. When I started working at a gun store I was of the same mind as many here that transfers were an insignificant transaction that stores should be pleased to participate in simply for customer goodwill. After 4 years, I felt much different and can understand if no stores did transfers.1 point
I remembered that there is a fellow over in Sparta that does a lot of work on Colts.(this is not the guy that makes the fakes Colt boxes from Sparta) He is a member on Coltforum and the members all like his work. His business name is Deer Hollow Enterprises, LLC His screen name on Coltforum is Olle1 point
No, I stated it badly. If they are relying on transfer fees to make it they sure are not going to survive.1 point
No more gear or guns unless I sell more crap I don't use. Training again is going to be key. Planning on attending immediate action medical at Tactical Response, combative pistol with Dave Spaulding, and a pistol class at Hill Top. Other than that I'm getting off my ass and getting in the gym so I can be harder to kill. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
I’m still trying to figure out why transfers are such an ordeal and why people are buying dozens of AR lowers at a time.1 point
When I had an FFL and was doing transfers I left the firearm in the shipping package and let the customer open it. That way if the firearm was damaged or anything missing, he would know I had nothing to do with it. I did multiple transfers for the one fee as long as they were all done at the same time. This ended up causing me problems as I had customers leaving a firearm with me for a week or more until they could get another one in and transfer both for one fee. Then I could not get the first one logged into the bound book within the time limit imposed by BATF.1 point
If its Walking in Memphis they should include belt fed.1 point
Actually, the amount of work for transferring multiple guns is significantly more than for transferring a single gun. Each gun is individually logged in and out of the ffl’s logbooks. In addition, if one transfers multiple handguns that triggers another form that has to be filed with the ATF. Each firearm requires the same amount of work whether it is sold singly or as part of a multiple.1 point
Yeah, have not found one since I moved. Of course there is not one within 30 miles. I have used the same shop for most of the time I loved in other areas. Lived in Minnesota for 20 years and used the same shop. Still do when we visit. Same for the ten years I suffered in Florida. Now I am home thank the good Lord and I want to find a good LGS that I can keep until I am done on this planet.1 point
We all take advantage of online retailers. That's the reality of this c.f. Of a system we have to deal with. But I really believe you also need a lgs you can have a relationship with. A man needs somewhere he can go to and piss and moan, buy the occasional item and depend on for the occasional transfer. It's hard to begrudge a man the transfer fee when he's kind enough to accept an item you didn't buy from him. Just my .021 point
Why should an LGS give a discount for a potential one and done? I know the customer doesn't give 2 flying f***s if retailer makes any profit, until the retailer goes out of business. Big box / internet retailers do not offer FFL transfers, why begrudge the LGS for a performing service .gov forces and no one else offers?1 point
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I make sure I ALWAYS have a gun. Even out in the yard I generally have an AK close by. Too many crazies in the world not to.1 point
I might look into something like this. You never know when ISIS will show up.1 point
More range time, haven't shot much the last few years. Have several rifles and pistols that need some exercise, along with me. Need to speed up my reflexes, lose 30 lbs so when I turn sideways will not be such a big target.0 points
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