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5 points
It's hard for me to believe that there are less than 12 hours left in 2017. Personal resolutions aside, what are the guns, gear, training or related things in your crosshairs for the year ahead? I keep telling myself that one of these years I am going to make an effort to attend SHOT on a media pass, but I never seem to really want to do it when the time comes (November time-frame) to make the reservations. We actually had some TGO media passes a few years ago but I felt much the same about it then as I do now. It seems like a lot of work just to cover the same things that every other blogger or media personality will cover, ad nauseam. More realistically, I would like to finally get some round-table podcasts going and hopefully do a quarterly round-table in person with members of TGO. I would also like to pick up one of the Springfield TRP 10mm handguns, for no other reason than I have an unjustifiable fetish for the 1911 platform despite all of the logical reasons not to. I hope to make it to the range at least as much as I did this year but ideally more. Lastly, I think I would like to attend an emergency medical training course or two.3 points
I meant it half way as a joke , but those P-Series are great for experimenting with different loads when you reload your own ammo. They will take a good beating from heavy loaded ammo and still run fine.3 points
I searched and found a few old threads, but nothing definitive. I recently decided to drop a small chunk of change into silver. It wasn't pocket change, but it wasn't a massive amount either. I haven't invested in something like this before. I normally collect toys like guitars and guns, so a new hobby like this seems fun. JM Bullion was running a deal where you get 10oz of Silver Rounds at spot. I got that and some other stuff to add to it. I can't say exactly why I did it. Sure, if SHTF silver will probably be more reliable for purchasing until things stabilize. It might be neat to pass on to grandkids or something many years down the road. If prices ever skyrocket on silver for a day or two I might make a couple of bucks selling it at spot. I can sit alone in my office in the floor and roll around in all of it... Sure, it isn't as useful as my guns or guitars, but I think it is neat to have, and my wife didn't complain one lick about it. Which I am certain is a trap. But then again, it is shiny, and she is a woman.2 points
Screw this new junk and bring out a short run of brand new P-Series P89's I'd be in line to buy 3 !!!!! They are big and chunky but they are reliable as a Glock 17 gen 2. I bet they'd sell more than they could imagine.2 points
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My only question with “holding” precious metals is this: when you want to sell some are you going to get current market value?1 point
I think I might buy a Mil-Spec style 1911 this year. Since I don't have one, or a .45ACP.1 point
I want to get my home range finished up by June. This will help with practice... I'd like to make it to a few of Randy Harris (cruel hand luke) classes this year, the're a bargan. I'm probably going to tgge NRA show in Dallas this year. I have a friend going from there and we haven't gotten together in a while. Probably going to pick up a pocket pistol this year too.1 point
Tough crowd. I'm a frickin engineer and I've learned to accept that Star Wars is fantasy and the laws of physics are only applied when convenient. The bomber sequence was very 8th Air Force in 1941 esque. I'm guessing that was on purpose. Yes, the Leia coming back to life while floating in space was more than a little dumb. But again, this is fantasy. I assume the reason she's still around will become apparent eventually. I assume Luke figured he could do more good as a martyr than as a teacher. That's pretty common in history. Clearly his teaching skills were lacking anyway. Rey's got the books, she'll be fine. The lack of explanation of anything about Snoke is a little disappointing, but as already mentioned, I assume his character was simply a medium through which Kylo takes over. The points of the Finn casino thing were to introduce Del Toro's character who will reappear I'm sure, for closure between Finn and Phasma, and to show the young slave boy's powers. I liked it. I'm happy they're going back to more organic sets and actual props instead of everything being computer generated. Episodes 1-3 are my least favorite, and that's one of the reasons why. I'm looking forward to the next one.1 point
I want to attend an emergency medical course this year, along with a land nav course. I've promised my boy a new gun this yesr, and he wants a 1911, I may just go that route myself and be done with it, dunno yet. I intend to buy a new handgun for myself this year at any rate, maybe a couple, with one being a revolver.1 point
I want to get back to a semi-regular range schedule. 2017 was a massively hectic year for me...stepping into a new job, having to learn the industry I entered from scratch and put in the hours to get myself up to speed and do the work. I just need to make the time now that I understand the demand on my person. With that, I want to shoot pistol over rifle by about 2/1 ratio. Long guns are fun, and very relaxing for me, but a pistol is more likely to be in my hands in a bad situation, so I need to allocate my training time accordingly. This is a great one for anyone with the time. First response medicine is a never ending subject for sure, but any training in it is beneficial, and the advances they keep making in material and technique are amazing.1 point
Multitasking in one of its more pleasing forms. Would an RV water filter installed in-line with your hose be any help? SWC a/k/a KI7CIL1 point
I've got a beat up old P85 thats never failed and is still more accurate than me.1 point
There is no snow or ice in the forecast for the next 7 days yet there is salt brine laid down everywhere. We went driving through Clarksville , Dickson, Franklin , and Nashville today. Every major highway and interstate we went on were salted. Am I missing something here or does TDOT know something that we don't ? In the earlier days there was the thing called "use it or lose it" where if you don't use what you have in storage you wont get it next year , but I think that's a thing of the past.1 point
I put some Leeks in this fall, they're still alive, but... only about 3 inches tall. Garlic is doing well, got it tucked into a corner of the fenced-in garden. Carrots are still growing, too, but someone's been nibbling on them, so they haven't gotten big. Daikon Radishes grew well, fortunately the horses like them. I will say, suckers would be good for busting up new earth, they grow deep and fast (make a good green manure allegedly, too). Might scatter some seeds in the pasture just for S&G's. I still have potatoes in the ground from the late-summer planting. Will dig those as needed the next few months. Fingerling types did very well for me, got 3 crops in total by overlapping their planting dates. I've started making notes on the seed catalogs that have been arriving. The corn was well liked by the critters last year. Might try Gem corn this year, if I can get a bigger plot tilled outside the fenced in area (took up too much space, and critters still got in). I did make good use of the dry beans I planted last year (Sulfur beans from Southern Exposure), last of them are going to go into the soup we're making w/ the leftovers from the Christmas ham! I plan on putting in a few more varieties, and planting that variety heavily. With luck I can get 2 crops in by starting early. Want to get some onion sets for the spring, haven't got any room for seedlings in the house right now (and the missus would probably kill me! )1 point
Temperatures this cold can make any moisture accumulate in trouble spots laying down black ice that can be quite dangerous. The general consensus at TDOT is that brine is cheap and it’s better to have it down than wish you had it down.1 point
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Picked up a 590a1 to go with my Daniel Defense AR-15 and a couple of MOD 2's (9 and 45). Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk1 point
I don't think it's trying to be anything but what it is, their cheapest hicap 9mm. - OS1 point
Specifically that exact size and exact capacity, yes. But there's lots of other guns within a couple rounds capacity and fractions of an inch that do exactly the same thing. Seems particularly odd that Ruger would market 3 models that are nearly identical... SR9, 9E, and now this.1 point
Would you mind doing a review of the can? I've only been able to find one good review of it. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk1 point
The wait is finally over! One down, ten more submissions to go. Dead Air Wolverine PBS-1 Form 4 Trust - 1 RP F4 Submitted - 11/9/16 F4 Pending - 11/28/16 F4 Approved - 12/14/17 Tax Stamp Mailed - 12/19/17 Tax Stamp Received - 12/27/171 point
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I have been in shootings and have shot in competition. I keep the two separate. I use point instinct (no sights) for practicing defensive shooting. Sights are for competition shooting. You really can’t prepare yourself for what will probably be the biggest adrenaline rush of your life when a gunman is trying to kill you; but you can make sure your training kicks in. If you train getting a sight picture; that is what you will do. If you fire point instinct; that is what you will do. It may be in the dark with a man raising his gun at you. Getting a sight picture could cost you your life. It appears to me the shooter in that video is using his sights for everything and just speeding up and slowing down his rate of fire.1 point
I don't know about the rest of you...but I don't own any Assault Rifles. A few modern sporting rifles, but none of those evil ones that lurk in the shadows and fire indiscriminately at people. Hope his few minutes of fame bites him in the butt.1 point
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