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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2017 in all areas

  1. “Prosperity and happiness are my prayers for you all this Christmas season. May you end the year with a smile and start with hope for another year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. ”
    7 points
  2. As we head into the holiday weekend, I want to pause for a moment and wish ALL of you and your families a very Merry Christmas from me, my family, and the Staff here at TGO. I sincerely hope that whatever you are doing over the next few days, that you find yourself in good health and in a good place. If you will be surrounded by family or friends, I hope that you enjoy their company. If you are going it solo, I pray that it is by your choice and that you find peace and relaxation in it. And, if the holidays will be a challenging time for you or if you will be spending it on the job, I hope that you know that you really aren't alone and that your friends here at TGO care about you and wish you the merriest holiday possible in spite of the circumstances. For our members who will be spending Christmas in uniform and on the job -- whether police, corrections, fire, EMS, healthcare, linemen, and of course our beloved armed services -- I especially want to thank you and your families for the sacrifice that you make to keep the rest of us safe, healthy and comfortable. God bless all of you and... MERRY CHRISTMAS!
    6 points
  3. Merry Christmas, y’all. I hope each of you finds this season filled with kindness and happiness, and that you get to spend time with the people you love.
    6 points
  4. All my AK's, which have been numerous, get a light coat. Mainly for uniformity and a little extra protection. Makes them look clean. Make it look clean without actually having to clean it? Win!
    4 points
  5. This is the first year that the girl has really been excited about Christmas and we're doing the Santa Claus thing. It's magical.
    4 points
  6. Shoot ball ammo in it like God and John Browning intended. Seriously, you are probably due to replace some springs. Were I to replace the slide spring, I'd also replace the hammer spring as well. They sort of work together as a team. Magazine springs are a cheap and easy thing to replace and mark off the list of potential problems as well.
    3 points
  7. Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy, prosperous New Year at all my TGO kindred!
    3 points
  8. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy and Healthy New Year
    3 points
  9. Merry Christmas and God Bless one and all.
    3 points
  10. My first BB gun was a Daisy 1894 Spittin’ Image (saddle ring version). One of my most memorable birthdays and I remeber it like it was yesterday even though it was 46 Year’s ago. Gun still works and even have the original box, The box is a little rough but I’m just slightly amazed I still have it.
    2 points
  11. I would like to wish everyone here on TGO a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New year.. I hope y'all get lots of guns for Christmas.. I hope I do too
    2 points
  12. Merry Christmas & Gods richest blessings in the New Year. Celebrate The Savior!!!
    2 points
  13. Dirty? Contrary to popular belief guns don't like to run dirty, especially 1911's. In new out of the box ammo? I would strip and thoroughly clean the gun, properly lubricate it, make sure there is no scratches or issues with the feed ramp, maybe replace the mag springs if they have been stored for years with ammo in them, get some high quality JHP's like Federal HST or Hydra-Shok, and then see what happens. My guess is it was either bad ammo or just needed cleaning.
    2 points
  14. Steel works fine. The only thing I don't like about it is the reenforcement on the mags tends to slow up my reloads because it gets caught up in the magwell unless you're Travis Haley or Chris Bondy. While part of that is a training issue, it does happen. I have not had it occur with a polymer mags. I don't like the Korean mags but I do have three 20 rounders that have held up so far. My "go to" mags are the Bulgarian Circle 10 and Russian Bakelite preferably the ones with steel feed lips. They are light, reliable, and most importantly look awesome in the gun. I'm not a big fan of the Magpul Pmag or the Gen 3 mags. Of all the AK malfunctions that weren't training induced, one was with a sling getting caught in the action, two were with Magpul mags, and three with a dented steel mag. I like the Magpul AK mags for training because they are cheap, easy to clean, and I don't mind beat the crap out of them but wouldn't recommend them for serious use. They also have numerous documented issues and I'll post some links down below. This isn't all but just a few of the highlights. And while I have sadly owned both crapco and promag, do yourself a favor and stay away from them. They are crap and have thin weak feed lips. No sense in wasting money on them when steel mags are so cheap. Just realize that mags are an expendable commodity. For example, I just killed my first AK mag last weekend after I realized I dented it. I couldn't load it past 28 rounds and it would cause double feeds on the last three rounds in the magazine. So it got the hammer and now will open beer bottles and be my mag block if I need to put an AK in a vise. Hope this helps. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  15. Merry Christmas everyone. I hope everyone has a wonderful time with family and friends during this celebration of Christ's birth. Give pause to what Christmas is supposed to be about and the greatest message ever told. Safe Travels, Warm Food, Warm Hearts. Remember you only have to look around to see how each of us is truly Blessed. God Bless!
    2 points
  16. Merry Christmas to all of the folks and their familes here on TGO and Hoping all a Happy and Prosperous New Year and above all things remember the reason for this season and Keep Christ in Christmas.
    2 points
  17. Merry Christmas to all the TGO Community and thanks for the enjoyable interaction on the forum throughout the year.
    1 point
  18. Hope you have a section about keeping in some level of fitness. People don't need to be athlete level of in shape, but all the preparedness in the world is for naught if you can't carry your bug out bag without keeling over after a few miles.
    1 point
  19. Hoping all celebrating have a Happy Christmas with their family and friends.
    1 point
  20. Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy New Year.
    1 point
  21. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
    1 point
  22. Don't think so. Hydroshock's have been around some time and HST's are the renamed/marketed Black Talon's iirc. You do not recall correctly. Black Talons were from Winchester.
    1 point
  23. Merry Christmas to everyone on TGO. Our thoughts and prayers for everyone here. I am fortunate to be here with so many great friends.
    1 point
  24. Happy Holidays guys. I hope everyone has a good one. Remember, no shooting at blinking red lights in the sky on Christmas Eve.
    1 point
  25. A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!
    1 point
  26. I still have my 1894 Daisy, 1894 Daisy Buffalo Bill edition, 1873 Daisy "Peacemaker" (Still new in its original box), and 4 or 5 Hahn 45 CO2 single action BB revolvers. Does that make me a hoarder?
    1 point
  27. FWIW, Federal HSTs are the new updated version of Hydrashocks. HST and Speer Gold Dot are some of the best defensive pistol ammo available and well established and tested by LE. I favor HST personally
    1 point
  28. I keep all my weapons clean I spend more time cleaning my firearms than shooting them. The self defense ammo was 240gr Winchester Supreme elite XP or something or other and Golden Sabers in 185gr. The ammo I have seen defective out of the box is Winchester White Box. I found distorted 45acp round once. The feed ramp is polished nicely. I keep the slide rails lunbricated with just enough grease but not too much. I'm very particular about cleaning and lubricating my guns, although nobody is perfect .... at least I'm not. I have blown through most of my self defense ammo so I will try some HST and Hydro-Shoks. If that doesn't work I will replace the recoil springs and mag springs, or just get some new mags. I was at a gun show about ten years ago and was planning on buying a Taurus 1911. It was new then and claimed to have features you would only find in a custom 1911. I found the Taurus 1911 and picked it up to inspect it. The blueing looked awful! Red flags went up and I put it down. Then I looked over and saw this Colt Government model series 80 in stainless. A bigginers 1911. It was Purdy! and only a couple hundred bucks more than the Taurus. It was so uterrly reliable and accurate I never bother to try and customise it. I did learn how to reassemble it blindfolded. (from field stripping not total disassembly). I greatly appreciate the advice and do not assume I know anything about 1911s. I would rather you tell me things I already know (it never hurts) than have people think I know something I don't.
    1 point
  29. I got a Rough Rider along with 2 other guns while making a gun deal back a few years ago and it ended up costing me about 50 bucks with both cylinders. I took it to the range just to check accuracy of it with 22lr and not the magnum cylinder. Was impressed with it at 15 yards. with out being familiar with it I managed to even impress myself at how accurate the gun was. Right now son in law has it cause he was having issues with critters killing his chickens at night in chicken house. He ended up killing 2 possums and a skunk which was lucky enough to kill outside the coop and my daughter heard a comotion one evening while son in law was still at work and she managed to shoot and kill a weasel that had killed a chicken and was eating on it when she shot it. It was outside the coop and in the chicken yard. She has also killed three chicken snakes with it in the summer time. Tommy offered to by it off of me and my daughter has just told me I can't have it back "SO" I guess that is that. I don't own one any more.............................
    1 point
  30. Yeah, I could set one up. Not hard to add sections. I will probably have others to add too.
    1 point
  31. Growing up this was my Daisy, I literally wore it out. Picked up nice condition one a few years ago and had it rebuilt, works like new.
    1 point
  32. It as on Gunbroker. I just bought it. Lol. Free shipping too. Just one of them though. Most other people were a good bit more. I will watch if he has more, I may buy more. If nothing else at that price, I could trade them locally.
    1 point
  33. I think the next great wave of MILSURP firearms will come along in about 10-15 years...... ....... about the time our Wills are read and the Executors begin the settle our estate.
    1 point
  34. Put a new 21 pound recoil spring in it and re try the ammo that failed to feed.
    1 point
  35. Btw - I keep a can of Duplicolor DE1634 Low Gloss Black and after I spray clean my commie mags with brake cleaner, I give them a light coat of the Duplicolor. Makes them look new and it holds up really well. The Duplicor matches about as close as anything I've found to the Izmash black and goes with pretty much everything else.
    1 point
  36. Same to you, David! I expect you're set up for a really fun Christmas this year with the little ones. Enjoy it, because that magic soon fades never to return.
    1 point
  37. AIM Suplus, Apex Gun Parts, FTF Industries, and Robert RTG usually have pretty decent deals.
    1 point
  38. Anything com bloc is typically fine. Poly mags are generally not worth anything. Folks run them but I don't. Circle 10's are great but cost too much just too loose a little weight. There are some Bulgarian poly mags that have steel lined lips and lugs that are equal to circle 10's, cost the same or less than steel mags, but rarely do you know if they are reinforced without having a knowledgeable seller or seeing them in person. I find the steel lined poly's ever now and then and I grab them up. They are usually overruns of military contracts. Steel com-bloc are your best bang for your buck. Avoid Promag, Tapco, or any other domestic made ak mag. Just not worth it when your can get steel mags for the same money. The KCI's are hit and miss.
    1 point
  39. I have several Arsenal "Circle 10" polymer AK mags that have run 100% reliably for me... but they have become cost prohibitive (for my wallet anyway). Midway does carry them. The majority of my AK mags are steel ribbed Romanian 30 and 20 rounders. They are built like tanks and are my personal favorites. I actually have some cheap Tapco polymer 30 and 20 rd AK mags that serve well for range use. I had to sand the feed lips and sides a bit... but they were cheap. I've never tried the MagPul, ProMag, nor Korean mags. But no reason you can't own a box full of various mags. These are the Golden Days for buying what you need.
    1 point
  40. Sent the double barrel ad to a friend that collects air guns and BB guns to see if he had ever seen one. Said no and to be careful, you might shoot out both eyes.
    1 point
  41. I do. I don't have a machine, so it's all done by hand.
    1 point
  42. So, here is the tough question... Was your husband stay in the hospital an 'involuntary commitment'? IANAL, If your husband went to the hospital voluntarily, then he should have answered NO to Question #13A - see https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/safety/handgunmain/handgunfaqs.html#Q10 If your husband went to the hospital under an involuntary commitment, then he would be prevented for life from getting an HCP, and most likely be a 'prohibited person' under federal law from possessing any firearms for the rest of his life. There seems to be some exception depending on the verbiage of the commitment, having to do with 'substantial likelihood of serious harm' and a 7 year sunset. If it was a 'voluntary' visit, then I'd just fill the form out again, answer #13A as NO (see the link above), and if denied find a lawyer to appeal the denial. If it wasn't voluntary, I'd probably find a good lawyer and get a professional option on how this limits your husband's firearm rights. Let us know how it turns out please.
    1 point
  43. You may be conflating federal 4473 wording with the TN HCP one, which includes: ".... has not been judicially committed to or hospitalized in a mental institution pursuant to title 33 ...." No idea exactly how that is exactly interpreted currently, and not gonna try to pore through the definitions in title 33 for relevancy to the topic, but OP probably should. - OS (not a lawyer)
    1 point
  44. Thanks to your husband for his service. I have no idea whether he will be able to get a permit or not, but Lisa Knight should be able to give you some direction. My guess would be he would have to ask for a hearing. If that happens, as Eddie said, you will need medical documentation. Good luck.
    1 point
  45. Mindhunter FTW Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  46. I really like mine a lot. Like any inexpensive gun I suppose they can be hit or miss but mine is definitely a hit, especially for what it is. That said, I bought mine before Heritage was bought out by Taurus so I can't speak to any changes, if there have been any, since then. I did notice in the Black Friday ad that someone posted in another thread yesterday that Cabela's is supposed to have a 9 shot version with 'black pearl' style grips and with the .22LR cylinder only for $129 (used to be able to order WMR cylinders directly from Heritage but, again, I don't know if that is still the case.) This was from a few years ago at the Spring Creek Shooting Range. As a lark - and because I had been consistently hitting hanging metal plates that were at 50 yards - I emptied a cylinder at a (large) target at 100 yards. Walked out to get the target and realized I had managed to put two holes in the paper, at the edge. As I and the folks I was shooting with were the only people there at the time I decided to try and 'dial it in' to see what I could do. The colored circles and the legend that interprets them tells most of the rest of the story. I was shooting off hand (I stink at shooting from a rest) in more or less a Weaver stance with a two hand hold using the factory iron sights. We didn't have a spotting scope so I was walking 100 yards out and 100 yards back between each cylinder full to check the target and trying to remember my POA relative to POI from the previous cylinder full so I could make 'Kentucky windage' adjustments. I only shot three cylinders full partly because I was tired of walking out and back and partly because I decided to quit while I was 'ahead' on the third cylinder. This is the only handgun I own with which I have ever attempted a 100 yard shot. In the hands of a better shooter I think the results could be downright impressive. For perspective and to give an idea of target size, my Rough Rider is a 6.5 inch barreled model. Mine is also a 6 shot model (they weren't even making the 9 shot at the time.)
    1 point
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