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Most recent shot of my two 5.56 builds (16-inch LW middy and 10.3-inch SBR). Still need an optic for the shorty, but it's awesome as is. I'll try to take a few more fun pics outside soon . Part Summary Aero Precision receivers Daniel Defense bolts, barrels, iron sights Troy SOCC rails and CQB grips MFT stocks YHM Phantom flash hiders Aimpoint T1 w/Larue LT660 mount Weight X15 16-inch LW middy (loaded): 7.8 lbs X15 10.3-inch SBR (loaded): 6.8 lbs (7.2 lbs w/optic)3 points
Been with WM almost eleven years, thanks. I'll agree that we have some damn lazy people on board.... half of em jabbering away in Spanish, but try to get one of em to help translate for a customer and they evaporate into the woodwork. Most of my time there has been in sporting goods... selling firearms. I had to bone up on what little I knew about them the first two months I was in the department and have done my deadlevel to stay apprised. In addition, since my department is located way in back of the building with regard to the entrances, the lazy ones in other departments see fit to point the customers they can't be troubled to interrupt their gossip with back to us, and I end up having to get the customers to where they wanted to go... which is usually not far from above-mentioned gossipers. And I don't just give directions, I walk with them, as I know a little of whats in our 250k ft^2 store, here and there. This takes me out of my department long enough for other departments to be screaming at me "Where were you?" I don't mind, as I was taking care of the customer , and they weren't, if they ever want to push the issue. I've gotten chewed by the bosses for referring customers to other stores for things. I point out that they will remember who did the pointing and actually gave a damn about helping them, and will come back because of it. Said bosses pull back and mutter into their stock portfolios. So, those of us that actually DO work (as opposed to those who llene el espacio y dibuje la paga) would be kinda pleased, I think, at a little less liberal application of the broad brush. And apologies for the drift from Rocket Boy. SWC a/k/a KI7CIL1 point
Target shooting and combat accuracy have completely different goals. Target shooting is as fast as you can put bullets exactly where you want them, be that a steel plate at 10yds or a paper bullseye at 1000yds. Combat accuracy is stopping the threat as fast possible. .1 point
I have been in shootings and have shot in competition. I keep the two separate. I use point instinct (no sights) for practicing defensive shooting. Sights are for competition shooting. You really can’t prepare yourself for what will probably be the biggest adrenaline rush of your life when a gunman is trying to kill you; but you can make sure your training kicks in. If you train getting a sight picture; that is what you will do. If you fire point instinct; that is what you will do. It may be in the dark with a man raising his gun at you. Getting a sight picture could cost you your life. It appears to me the shooter in that video is using his sights for everything and just speeding up and slowing down his rate of fire.1 point
Sorry, I guess I'm just a suspicious and devious minded person. A bit down this morning and that was my first thought.1 point
Interesting...but would you be a bit self-serving having your first post promoting your own video?1 point
I just moved to TN in April, got my pistol permit and hunting license and am enjoying Tn. I am a retired Navy Vietnam vet, a NRA life member, VFW life member and a Patriot Guard Rider member (retired PGRNY Ride Captain). I live in Rogersville.1 point
Yes, what Garufa said is what I was saying. But first let me say that you can usually make statistics show whatever you like. Prior to Illinois getting handgun carry; one city had people legally carrying guns and in one city handgun carry was illegal. You can argue all day long about which city has the highest crime rates; but the fact is they both have very high crime rates. Illinois now has handgun carry and little has changed. The anti-gun people would like everyone to believe the current murder rate is because of handgun carry; that is ridiculous. It’s just as ridiculous to claim carry reduces the crime rates. Carry has little impact on crime one way or the other. Both of those cities have high crime rates because of the gangs and the criminals. It’s as simple as that. I’m sure West Memphis, AR crime stats are not included in Memphis, TN crime stats, just as East Chicago, IN and Gary IN are not included in Chicago, IL stats.1 point
I use Flickr to transfer photos to forums and there's an option there to select what size image you want to use. Sometimes I just use "Paint" on my images in the computer to shrink images as well.1 point
When you purchase two or more handguns within a period of 5 business days the dealer must fill out a "Multiple Purchase" form and fax it to BATFE within 24 hours. The dealer also has to send a copy to the chief law enforcement in your city or county.1 point
1 point
I haven’t shared anything here in a while so let’s change that! I recently had the opportunity to add these 2 to my collection. And I look forward to finding more as they are really growing on me! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
I don’t see this playing out anytime soon. The SCOTUS has split the 2nd into two parts.. Keep and Bear. They have ruled all Americans have the right to KEEP arms, but they have not yet ruled that all Americans can strap on a gun and walk down the street; I doubt they will. They have indicated that States Rights allow reasonable restrictions; although I don’t think they have ruled that. They have refused to hear challenges to states banning open carry and states banning AR’s as assault weapons. So those bans stand for now. The only way I see Federal carry going forward is a Federal Carry Permit. Good luck getting the states to agree on the background check, the training and on what you can carry.1 point
He said it was an older computer. Windows 10 was installed about a year ago. The display problem started recently. Since Windows 10 releases a new build every few weeks, it could be a problem with the update being incompatible with the old driver for the graphics card. Or, the graphics card could have failed. Either way, a fix would be to replace the graphics card with a used, but newer graphics card. Or, just replace the computer. I'm not a fan of fixing older computers when you can buy a new last year's model on clearance cheap. By cheap, I mean less than $300 for a laptop. I haven't used a desktop computer in nearly ten years.1 point
That’s exactly what it is and so many gun owners of the carrying kind have taken it hook, line, and sinker.1 point
Thanks for the great kindness Brother... I figured willis would fix ya up... Remember this:... "Wisdom comes from experience... Most experience comes from bad experiences..."... I know; i've had the problem... I know ya will enjoy your "Baby Strider"... I sure do... leroy...1 point
The beginning of federal gun control affecting gun owners in all state's. Bad business.1 point
1 point
My first thought was... put it on an 1100 and you got something.1 point
I'd prefer to make do without Chinese WalMart crap for a bit rather than sending my sons to die in Asia. Your mileage may vary.1 point
If the $300k price range you mentioned is for land alone you might have some options for decent acreage. You might look into Chapel Hill and Culleoka. They are still kind of small town feel but starting to grow. As for snobby dogs needing grooming yes there are plenty of those out here (unfortunately my wife has one) so she should have no problem finding work grooming. There are even a couple ladies around that have tiny trailers they tow to people's homes to groom, and charge a premium for it. You mentioned being handy, there will be plenty of side work available as the majority of the people moving to middle TN don't seem to know or want to do things for themselves. I make decent money working as a handyman on the side, it's almost cringeworthy how simple some of the tasks are that people pay me to do. If people spent a little more time studying at the University of YouTube they could save themselves a lot of money.1 point
Good thing it was a Ford, id it was a Chevy it would be totaled and the deer would have walked away LMBO1 point
Action job on one revolver, possible repair on another. Because they are discontinued models I want the work done by someone with experience; not just some guy with a vise and a hammer who thinks he can work on guns.1 point
Can't leave out Phoebe Ann Mosey aka "Miss Annie Oakley", "Little Sure Shot", "Little Miss Sure Shot", "Watanya Cicilla", "Phoebe Anne Oakley", "Mrs. Annie Oakley", "Mrs. Annie Butler", and "Mrs. Frank Butler". These 3 images are from her early years. When Phoebe was only 15 years old she won a shooting match with traveling-show marksman by the name of Frank E Butler. She ended up marrying him and traveled the world performing shooting exhibitions and competitions. This was her in 1922 at the age of 62. She died 4 years later from Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia.1 point
I do not disagree with either of you Bersa or Greg. I would add that the same ones listed by Bersa are responsible for NK as well. They kept making deals that got the idiots where they are even after the NK side broke them. Stupid is as stupid does. Of course that says a lot about the folks that reelected all of the dummies. I absolutely hate WalWart and will avoid it at all costs. They are China mart these days and the folks they hire are about some of the most dumbest people in our country. Not to mention lazy as all get out.0 points
He will be close to Memphis. Which considering he is from Pittsburgh and his wife is from the Chicagoland area should make them feel right at home. But seriously, those are not reasonable requests to match up with that price range in the state.0 points
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