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4 points
If you want to stay with a lever gun and a low power fixed scope then consider this. This is how I have my .45-70 set up with a 2x power scope. It is easy to acquire the sight for fast shots.3 points
2 points
Been using him for my friends for the last few years. Currently $70 for standard cut.2 points
How about a Marlin 336 with a scope? No reason to move away from 30-30 if it has always worked. In other words... what Bersa said2 points
Ive installed and headspaced a few rifles in my time. Reamed in headspace in no telling how many 1000's of .50's. Worked at Barret and Serbu firearms collectively for 20 years. Worked at TGI for 5 years. Rebarreled Enfields and Mosins while there. I do have 303 headspace gauges and different size bolt beads from 0-3. The last 3" of barrel are so constricted with rust. It feels like a speed bump when pushing a jag with patch on it. Would rather no even fire it, it's so bad. Looks like I'll have to break down and buy a wrench off of ebay.2 points
I stopped by my gunsmith's shop today to visit my Colt when I saw a goodly array of handguns. None for my taste, but did see a pristine Colt Officers Model Match .38 with a beautiful (not Colt) walnut case. Also a fine looking (didn't examine) Colt .38 Detective Special nickeled. In the back room was a table full ow Walthers, PPK, PPK/S, P-1 and what not. This Keith Warner Gunsmiths on Kirby Parkway in the Fare Four Center, Germantown. Just thought someone might be interested. Bob Wright1 point
If you buy two or more handguns within 5 days the Ffl has to fill out an additional form for the ATF. Usually they don’t fill it out while you are there though.1 point
1 point
If going the red dot route give one a try if possible first with your trifocals. I have a bit of a astigmatism and it makes the dot flare out and look weird with one pair of glasses. With a different pair it's not noticeable at all. I'm NOT discouraging you. I do think it's a great solution. Most gunsmith should be able to fabricate a mount that replaced6thd rear sight with no new holes. If th e dot looks good to you go for it!1 point
Yeah. Thought it would be worth a shot to ask before buying the action wrench.1 point
It would be nice to make carry possible in states where hey are being denied the right. Even if it was only for a little while so studies could be done and they could prove that crime doesnt increase so repealing the ability to carry is simply emotional1 point
I don’t see this playing out anytime soon. The SCOTUS has split the 2nd into two parts.. Keep and Bear. They have ruled all Americans have the right to KEEP arms, but they have not yet ruled that all Americans can strap on a gun and walk down the street; I doubt they will. They have indicated that States Rights allow reasonable restrictions; although I don’t think they have ruled that. They have refused to hear challenges to states banning open carry and states banning AR’s as assault weapons. So those bans stand for now. The only way I see Federal carry going forward is a Federal Carry Permit. Good luck getting the states to agree on the background check, the training and on what you can carry.1 point
I'd be tempted to take a look at some sort of mount for a red dot of some flavor on a levergun i liked... Bigger, brighter, the better... The Aimpoints always come to mind here, or possibly his brother a Vortex of some flavor... Mount him ahead a bit and out off the way of your irons so ya can take him back off and use filler screws when ya dont want him on there... If ya like pistolas, get a bigun with a baby reflex mount of some flavor... I like 'em too... Been thinkin about addin one to my Glock 20... leroy...1 point
I would say since you have had success with your model 94 30-30 which is by all means a great gun you might look at staying with a 30-30 and move to a Marlin with a scope. Should be a fairly easy transformation over as your still using a lever gun like you have been using for years.........JMHO1 point
What brand of computer? If it is a Dell you can easily restore it back to factory fresh. They have a ghosted copy of the original install that you can go back to on Dells.1 point
Bersaguy , My dad ( Ed ) spent a lot of time drinking coffee at the marina . Him and Hoppy were friends for as long as I can remember . He was stationed at Smyrna when Priest was impounded . He fished Priest a lot , said he had hunted on most of it before the lake was built and knew where all the good structure was . He was a real fisherman . The officers where he was stationed would get him relieved to fish for them whenever the wanted to have a fish fry . Sixty years is a long time to have someone be a part of your life and then have them just be gone . Getting old is hell , as my mother used to say " It ain't for Sissies ". Eddie Dad in 19551 point
1 point
Here's my 1892 Winnie, 25-20 made 1913. RP Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk1 point
I posted earlier in the thread about poachers and trespassers on my sons land. Well after the game warden saw the pictures on the trail cams and knew who 2 of them were he went to have a talk with them. The first one said he was not on my sons land and that just made the game warden mad cause the guy lied to him so he stuffed him in his truck in cuffs and went and visited the second guy and he also denied being on the land and denied shooting any deer when they were dragging a doe in two of the pictures. The game warden had the camera and showed them the pictures. Then he said he wanted to see their hunting licenses. Neither one of them had one and yet they had a doe. He radioed for back up and took both of them to jail over in Cheatham county jail. They went up in front of the judge and the judge gave them both 30 days in jail and stern warning that if they were caught poaching or trespassing again the sentence would be 11/29. So I guess they won't be doing much hunting any time soon but I told my son and grand son to be on their toes for a while after these guys get out. I don't know any of them but if the game warden does thats a pretty good indication they don't pay much attention to laws.1 point
I’m kinda with SonnyCrockett on this one, I have a 3.3 .45 and nobody wants it... especially me. Just not what I expected. For me worst trigger ever!1 point
OK at the risk of being flamed to hell and back.... how about we just teach in college? I know that these wonderfully gifted guys are going to get a great education while they play for the college at the same time, right? I agree with soe that have said it is time to get back to playing being a privilege. Stop with the recruiting and other BS. As for who should be leading UT, well I think Mike Flynn is looking for a job. He can't do worse than Butch did!1 point
Try Tullahoma area. I am 50 mins from Cattanooga, Nashville, And Huntsville Ala. That kind of money no problem getting what you want. Nice small town feel but have most things you need.1 point
Thats where I got my redneck engineering degree! I do not want to move to TN to have it be like it is anywhere else. I hate the people that do that crap. I want to move there for what it is. Thanks for the suggestions guys!1 point
I used to hunt a mile from West Virginia. Yeah I've seen some a hung out with some. They are scary...in a sense of unpredictable.1 point
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