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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2017 in all areas

  1. Want ya'll to meet Obie Wan. The lady at the Rescue Center ran out of females like I was looking for after bringing 5 to visiting room and just to try she brought him into the room and the force was strong with this one and he melted my heart right away. I know it is going to take some adjusting to having a male but he does appera to be smart and will almost listen to a few commands.............Like I said Allmost...........
    2 points
  2. How many folks here believe in Karma. Well for those of you that have doubt when you look at ObieWan your looking at some of the best out there..........I had this voice in the back of my mine saying don't pull the trigger on this one. Don't do it!!! Then I got a new voice in back of my head saying go for it and have fun and have a new companion. In all honesty I truely believe that second one was Kasey wanting to teach me a lesson.... Thing is she also knows I am not a quitter and she may have known that someone else may have got him that would have mistreated him because of his stubborness and bull headedness. Either way I have him and I will have him for as long as either one of us is alive. He won't stay young for ever as nothing does so we will see what the future brings for us both.........
    2 points
  3. Many years ago I spent many Saturday morning at the old Shelby County Rifle and Pistol range near Memphis. One of the regulars was an older gentleman who came out pretty regularly. He was straight and lean, but walked sort of halt. He always wore khakis, shirt and pants, and wore a cap that bore some kind of Navy emblem. He shot an older Colt M1911, which he told me his father had carried in World War I and he had carried in World War II. He also had a similar vintage S&W Combat Masterpiece. He drove a fairly new Ford pick-up truck, plain Jane otherwise. Now the range was closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and one day he asked the range officer, Mr. Bobby Keen, if he and his wife would drive him up to Hohenwald, Tennessee so he could do some banking business, as he had gotten to the age he no longer felt safe driving on the highway. He would furnish them lunch. They agreed, and on the morning appointed, he picked them up and Bobby got behind the wheel. After having driven a while, he pointed out a roadside park, and they pulled over. This gent pulled out three brown bags, each with two cheese and baloney sandwiches, a piece of fruit, some chips and napkins. Also there was a jug of sweet iced tea. Well they all ate their lunch and drove on into town. Bobby and his wife waited while he conducted his business and then he returned ready to drive back to Memphis. Out of curiosity, pone of them asked why he did business with a bank so far from Memphis. "Why," he replied, "this is the bank I own." At his death the obituary noted he was a chief financial officer of Union Planters Bank of Memphis. Bob Wright
    2 points
  4. I have lived in Kingsport for almost 20 years. BUT my native Texas still holds an interest and I still monitor "Texas Gun Talk". They have a forum "Stolen Property and Criminality" that I thought might be considered here. With all the TN gun store break ins recently and car and residential thefts that occur here and nationwide; maybe that concept would draw attention to serial numbers, descriptions and dates of loss posted for all of us.
    1 point
  5. New Memphis area resident, day 38 if I recall correctly. From California after 47 years, adjusting to a new way of life and new environment. CCW under way. 03FFL being readdressed. Trying to get active (baby steps) in the local shooting community. Known as corerftech in Cast Bullet Association, on Calguns forum (Like TGO but in CA) and elsewhere. Will have some relatively stupid questions regarding hunting and Tennessee as well as other likely stupid questions that moving 2000 miles may generate. Never been in a state that is mostly "private" property, always been in states with "mostly public" property. The idea of a hunting lease and access is new to me. Focal points: Amateur gunsmithing Casting/Reloading Single Shot Rifles and pistols (mostly antique but TC's abound) Machining Sold my electrical contracting firm in CA to relocate, family part of a spearhead of a new church in Downtown Memphis. Here with a purpose, not for the great weather and very WET air. Will likely be beating up the classifieds board both directions. My hobbies move good stuff in excess sometimes and then again, theres always some ODD DUCK extension to the hobby I decide to explore and the board might help me collect the bits needed for my endeavors. Glad to have TGO available, Calguns Foundation is the leader in 2A legal battles in CA and has been a source of hope for the state. Was hoping to have a local source pool of gun enthusiasts to glom onto here. Look forward to reading and writing and participating. Mike near East Memphis.
    1 point
  6. I know the voices in my head aren't real.....but sometimes they come up with some good ideas.
    1 point
  7. I know these are popular pistols. Not sure how long this runs. http://palmettostatearmory.com/browning-buck-mark-camper-ufx-22lr.html?trk_msg=AEJ7A25AA3N41F6A3KKQGJ9H04&trk_contact=73R1G4P74SA6SKFHB3SG00NTE8&trk_sid=MKFKAL6OAR9J84SUKLCE5E3EJK&utm_source=Listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=http%3a%2f%2fpalmettostatearmory.com%2fbrowning-buck-mark-camper-ufx-22lr.html&utm_campaign=Daily+Deal+Email&utm_content=5%3a00+Email
    1 point
  8. If it's something you really want, never, EVER let the dog win. You have a smart and potentially stubborn breed. You can't let him get his way if you ever expect to get yours. If he won't cooperate, try bribing him with treats or exercise him until he's too tired to resist. As for the toys... I suspect you'd rather he was chewing on those than something else. I'd reward him for choosing the toys. It'll take some time to your sleep schedules aligned.
    1 point
  9. Amen brothers! What's considered to be "political correctness" and far left "teaching" is destroying this once great and proud country. And while I'm on my soapbox...the proliferation of cell/smart phones and the constant use of them by children, young and old, does more for the dumbing down than many realize. JMO
    1 point
  10. Ya need to remember just how the Second Amendment got to where it is... The Second Amendment was, in fact, the second amendment as written originally until after the Civil War... Reconstruction state houses in each state passed restrictions on the second amendment in order to disarm certain non favored classes of folks... That's why most every state constitution has words similar to the Tennessee State Constitution that read kinda like this... "....The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, BUT, the legislature shall have the power to regulate the wearing of arms with an eye toward keeping the peace"..., or some such other platitudinous baloney... "The regulation of the wearing of arms" thing in the state house effectively put the control of the LEGAL wearing of arms and the Second Amendment in the hands of the state house politicos... That's why it's so important to watch what the state house does on this issue... That allowed the Federal Gubmt (...Federal Courts...) to "hands off" and defer judgements on the Second Amendment at the state level... The Federal Court will not outright allow the banning of arms, but they will give every leeway to each individual state legislature... That is why ya have to watch the state house actions on this issue, and that's why (...i think, at least...) these other cases were not taken by the Supreme Court... leroy
    1 point
  11. Sig P226, is a great gun it’s the gun I hand new shooters. The weight of the pistol really absorbs the 9mm recoil and my mk25(a P226) is lights out accurate factory. I don’t know if it’s the chrome lined bore or what. Also I’d highly recommend the Glock 19 for a compact although for a guy my frame size 6’0 170lbs the 19 carries and prints like a full size on me. I hate the fat grip on the double stack subcompact glocks. The Springfield XDS feels good in hand but weighs too much. I have no experience with it but the Glock 43 seems super popular at every gun store these days I have the 42. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. Yea, and if your folks go into a nursing home, the state can put a lean on their property. And if they transfer (gift) said property, it had better be at least 5 years before they go into the nursing home or the state can still go after it. Knew someone that was fighting the state because their parent had parcelled out some land to them and they built a house on it, and the state said they owned their land and house because the parent went into a nursing home before the 5 years was up. I changed jobs so don't know the outcome but I thought it was BS for the state to even attempt that.
    1 point
  13. Willis...is this you trying to drum up some business? lol Seriously, let me recommend our very own willis68. He not only sells knives but sharpens them as well. And does a great job!
    1 point
  14. Congrats on the new pup. I'm sure he will train you up in no time
    1 point
  15. I have diversity of calibers and I include my knives when camping...... good enuf for me...
    1 point
  16. Here's my advice for what it's worth; the silliest thing you can do is take legal advice from anyone on a forum. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. I'm confused now. Or maybe I was confused before. Or maybe I'm just not sensitive and understanding. Maybe I should just sit around the campfire with them and sing, not that any of them know how to build a campfire. Or maybe I'm just tired of all this bravo sierra. By the way, I didn't see NUOFCSLP (Non Understanding Old Fashioned Common Sense Loving Prick) on that list. Dang it! Yet another place where I don't fit in! I'm feeling rejected now. I'd like to be elevated to special victim status now thank you. Think I'll go to my alternative safe space now and see if I can find a Clint Eastwood movie on.
    1 point
  18. Whether it be Remington, Savage, Winchester or whoever; we are the winners. They all have lines from the entry level priced rifles to those costing thousands. I don’t want to see any of the choices go by the wayside. It’s up to the shooter to do their homework and determine what is the best choice for their budget. All we can do as owners is give our opinions based on what we have, and what we have owned. The difference between two shooters abilities will almost certainly always be greater than the difference between two rifles.
    1 point
  19. Navy Seals in recent years switched from the Sig P226 to the Glock 19. Most likely for weight since it’s a backup gun, but I’d say the Sig P226/P229 and the Glock 17/19 are the best “Go to war” pistols on the market. If you ever want to watch in depth reviews of a variety of guns, accessories and gear look up the Nutnfancy project on YouTube. Idk if he’s ever been mentioned on this site but he’s by far the best reviewer online. If you haven’t seen any of his reviews you should definitely check it out. Most of his videos have a couple 100k views some have millions.
    1 point
  20. For full size I'll defer, as always, to a Sig P226. I'd love to nominate the P228 as a "compact" but in reality I can only carry mine with a loose sweatshirt or a jacket. My current favorite carry 9 is a Kahr CW9, buy I'm still not sold 100%. I like being able to fully grip the pistol, and a single stack mag for a thin profile is a must. I'm considering grabbing a SIG P239 SAS Gen 2, buy I'm a little concerned with the weight
    1 point
  21. If they're releasing 80,000, what kind of price point can we expect. I'd like to see 3-4 million M1 carbines come home from Korea.
    1 point
  22. Every man has a dick and a Glock 19.
    1 point
  23. Union Planters. Now there is a name I have not heard in a while.
    1 point
  24. Nice! I bet Fourtyfive will put a drooling emoji on this one.
    1 point
  25. This from several years ago at the old Shelby County Rifle and Pistol range: We, the old hands there, often got there well before the 10:00 am opening time and exchanged stories, news, and man talk in general. One day a very pretty, young blond lady joined us. She was, well, noticeable, petite, blond, well shaped, make-up just so. And above all. personable. She had a little .45 ACP, a Springfield of some sort as I recall. Since we were not permitted to wear sidearms while on the range, she removed the pistol from a holster. She wore black fitted pants and black sweater with a Wrangler denim jacket. The jacket covered a small hip holster, and she very smoothly drew and cleared the pistol. As she did so, she remarked that was her shopping pistol. "Where do you shop?" asked one of the men. She smiled sweetly. "Anywhere I want to," was her reply. Bob Wright
    1 point
  26. Just where does a 800 pound gorilla sleep, any where he wants.
    1 point
  27. in the spring of 1946 my older brother returned from WW II, when I was about nine years old. Among his souvenirs was this Mauser M-1910 .25 ACP pistol. The caliber designation read "6,35 mm" and none of us knew what that meant. My Dad took the gun to old J.G. Schmidt's in Memphis and learned it was .25 ACP. He bought a box of cartridges for it and we went down to an uncle's farm in Mississippi: We got some cans from the trash pile and set them on a fence post. After we each tried our hand and the box was expended, the can still stood unscathed. I kept one live round, the first of my cartridge collection, and determined then and there I would learn how to shoot a handgun, and to learn everything I could about them. Still learnin'. Bob Wright P.S. After my brother's death the pistol was passed on to his son. Shortly before his death, my nephew gave the gun to me.
    1 point
  28. Nice try, but I don't believe for a second that humor was your initial intent. You may be used to other forums where it's common for members to give each other a hard time, drop f-bombs, and the like. We don't do that here. The idea is to keep this family friendly. Read the code of conduct. I'll reiterate my suggestion to dial back the rhetoric and agree that stopping here is a good idea.
    1 point
  29. And the second you step out of your truck with that AR you have broken way more laws than me OCing my Draco. Hope that mouthbreather comment wasn’t directed at me.
    1 point
  30. I'm a revolver man, have been for awhile. Many years ago it was illegal for dealers to sell handguns in Tennessee. Note it was not against the law to own one, just you couldn't buy one from a dealer here in Tennessee. But, then, here in Memphis, both Mississippi and Arkansas were so near, and mail order was in vogue at the time. In the fall of 1954 I sent off and bought a Colt New Service, well used, for the princely sum of $32.95! It was an old Canadian Mounties New Service, originally .455 caliber but reamed for .45 Colt. It was my first custom job, converted to .44 Special, S&W rear sight, Micro front, home made walnut stocks: That many moons ago. Bob Wright
    1 point
  31. Paying all the money for a Pony logo LOL...
    1 point
  32. I was 21, new to handguns and really didn't know enough to think about how it actually fit my hand. It's not the most ergonomic but I do shoot it well and out of 4-5K rounds I've only had 1 malfunction from some crappy reload.
    1 point
  33. They've arrived. First impression, on the 19, you're gonna feel that cutout for the mag in the frontstrap when you fire it. That's not comfortable. Digs the pinky. It feels shorter, the pinky of my hand actually hits the mag, where on the Gen 4 it doesn't. Trigger is nice!
    1 point
  34. No. Making it look larger from the bottom. Somebody needs to drag out some calipers. Doesn't take much to make a grip feel bigger
    1 point
  35. I know what I said, but when I saw it in person. Well.....
    1 point
  36. Everything U want to know about the Gen 5!
    1 point
  37. Good read on what all has changed outside and inside the Gen5... http://www.recoilweb.com/inside-the-glock-gen-5-129141.html
    1 point
  38. I know many may think this sounds like a conspiracy theory but I firmly believe the RFP was rigged. Someone got a big kickback. Even leading up to the testing many people pointed out that the only weapon that met the criteria the Army was looking for was the p320. It was extremely specific. On top of that my brother was stationed in Africa during 2015 and his unit was given the chance to buy a custom p320 with their specific insignia on it(it looked awesome BTW). That might be a coincidence but even he was told back in 2015 that the Army was selecting that for their next gun.
    1 point
  39. So, just got an email from Apex Tactical: "Please discontinue using or carrying your Sig P320 pistol equipped with the Apex Curved Advanced Trigger." The message goes on to say that Apex is suspending sales of its triggers for the P320 and is directing customers who purchased the triggers to return them to Apex for credit toward another product. Dealers with unsold Apex triggers are asked to return them to Apex for credit. Apex says they will test their triggers with the P320 once it has been upgraded by Sig, but "it could take some time...." I imagine this will get cleared up reasonably soon. But I'm glad I have not been too quick to grab up a P320. I am still interested in having one, but maybe in a few more months.... Cheers, Whisper
    1 point
  40. Someone brought up a very good point on another forum. Sig came out with a fix for this issue within days of it becoming public. Something tells me they have known about this issue for a lot longer than a few days.
    1 point
  41. Can't really blame them. It's a marketing coup for other manufacturers and is going to take Sig a mighty long time to live this down, if they ever do. I imagine Sig's engineers will get no sleep between now and next Monday. They need to come up with something revolutionary or just stick a Glock trigger in the thing.
    1 point
  42. Wendy's has the best trolling game in the fast food industry but Glock might give them a run for their money. That's brilliant.
    1 point
  43. I think whomever runs Glock has been hanging out with Wendy. That's legit from their FB page. I took the screen cap myself.
    1 point
  44. But we don’t have a fire engine standing by.
    0 points
  45. So you all think I'm the one in training huh!!! Well if last night is any indication ya'll maybe correct!!! I was correct about 1 thing. Lights out it's time to go to bed and sleep. Obie Wan was on his bed sound asleep and I thought, this is going to work. I go and get in my bed and just about get to sleep when the Obie Wan lands right in the middle of the bed, pulls up beside me and lays down. I pick him up and head for his bed and put him down and tell him this is your bed. Almost back to sleep and the JEDI Knight is in the bed once a again. Back to his bed again and it was 4 trips until I gave up and he slept in my bed on his side. I don't know when he went and got the toys but woke me up at 6 AM playing with his toys on my bed jumping around and sqeaking them. Tonight the toys will be locked up in a box before bed. Gotta start someplace so no toys at bedtime is a beginning, right? He has an unusual eating habit also. I put his cup and a half of food in a plastic bowl beside his glass bowl of water and he proceeds to paw at the edge of the bowl till he dumps the food all over the floor and then eats what he wants and leaves the rest. I cleaned up all he left and added a little more and put it in an old cast iron skillet I have not used in probably 15 years but was still seasoned well and he spent about 5 minutes trying to tip it over, gave up, ate a little more food and move on to the toys again. Right now I am enjoyng a cup of coffee while to Star Wars Jedi is out fighting bad gus on the zip cable. He has realized he has neighbors that live in a fence pen and is howling at them. Right now I am thanking the weather GODs for nice weather so he can have a ton of fun on the cable and wear out some of his energy before coming back in the house. I just wonder what is in store for today? He does have a throat about like and Arkansas Coon hound when he cuts loose so no mistaken his bark..........LOL
    0 points
  46. And just what part of foot of the bed you think he might be missing on this issue...............
    0 points
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