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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2017 in all areas
4 points
That's a whole lot a ugly! And the dog's not too pretty either! Just kidding!4 points
Here is a pistol project I just started. It is a Remington Model 7 with an 8 twist 8” barrel with PT&G bottom metal. Still trying to figure out what trigger to use. I also plan on installing a Sako style extractor. The stock is also something I need to sort out. I have some very nice walnut to work with, thanks @mhmd The barrel still needs to be profiled, going to use an M24 profile just shortened to fit an 8” barrel, thanks @LawEnforcementSalesTN My goal is to build several barrels of different calibers and be able to change barrels in minutes. Plans are a 300 Blackout barrel, 223 barrel and a 9mm barrel. And of course all will be silenced.3 points
I’m thankful Baja Burrito. And fruit tea. I’m thankful when I open my refrigerator. Every single time. Without fail. It’s like I’ve won the lottery every morning. That almost sounds like I’m kidding, but I’m not. I’ve been enough places in the world to know what a blessing it is to have safe food whenever I want to consume it. I can provide for my family and not have to worry about where our next meal is coming from. That is a huge blessing for which I am thankful.3 points
As we rapidly approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I am going to challenge myself to come back to this thread each day this week and post something that I am thankful for. I hope that maybe some of you will join me in this and post about things that you are thankful for as well. Even if you can't do it every day, perhaps try to do it as often as you can this week? To start off, I am thankful for the health of my wife and children. 2017 saw the addition of another member of our family. We've had more bad experiences than good with bringing children into this world, but God has been merciful and given us a beautiful daughter and son along the way. Zeke is the newest and he is a constant reminder of how amazing and precious life is. How about you all?2 points
I am thankful for my wife, family, friends and my brothers and sisters in the military, past-present and future! GOD Bless All!2 points
Day Three for me... Today I am thankful for my wife. She has an indomitable spirit, is incredibly talented and creative, as smart as they come and my best friend. I'd say the only thing wrong with her must be her eyesight since she made an assessment and for some reason decided I looked good enough to have to look at every day. She's the best mom that our kids could ever hope to have and sacrifices of herself daily for them (and me). I see so much of her in our daughter already, and am sure I'll see it in our son as he grows up, that I know they will do just fine in life and genuinely be good people. That's all any of us can hope for, for our kids, I think.2 points
I am thankful for the best friend a man could ever have, my wife , and my wonderful family... I am also thankful that Hillary is not president2 points
I'm grateful my kids get to grow up with both grandfathers and their great-grandfather. I never knew either of my grandfathers, but my wife's granddad is still going strong, he'll be 91 in 3 weeks. Since I never knew my dad's dad (and neither did any of my cousins), I've started a little project to learn more about him by asking Dad and all his siblings to send me stories about him. I intend to compile them into a document and share with the family. The idea for that was born at a family reunion. One of my uncles had lots of old family photos digitized from slide film and made collages for the reunion. I had in my head that my grandfather was this stern disciplinarian type, but the photos illustrated a very jovial person. That contradiction made me realize that I had no idea who he really was, so I asked for stories. I've gotten several and they've been great to read.2 points
Exactly. Everyone knows 22’s are where it’s at! [emoji3] At least there was a dog.2 points
I'm thankful for getting to grow up around my grandfather. A strong, Godly, kindhearted man. Taught himself to read using the Bible. Worked hard all his life. Didn't depend on anyone, but everyone could depend on him. A fine example of a real man.2 points
God has treated me infinitely better than I've treated him. I wouldn't know where to begin on what I'm thankful for. I have everything I've ever hoped for and more. I need to begin doing more for others that aren't as fortunate.2 points
Today is for my Dad as well. Both grandparents died before I got to know them. My Dad is still with us and in my prays of thanks every day. He is the one that tought me to "get it done".2 points
Day Two for me... I am thankful for having been raised by good, strong, God-fearing men. My father and grandfather are the male role models in my life. I learned about boundless, unconditional love and support from my grandfather. I learned about forgiveness and the value of presenting yourself as a humble, broken sacrifice to God so that He can do good things with you and through you from my dad. I learned about honor and service to our country, and about the value of hard work and the endless possibilities of what can be done with your hands and a little bit of knowledge from both of them. It is not bragging when I say that I can build or fix almost anything, teach myself or learn from others almost anything, and be a figure of calm and order in almost any chaotic situation. I say it humbly and with great thankfulness and some reverence toward my dad and grandfather for pouring themselves into me over the course of some 30 years. Were it not for them, I wouldn't be a fraction of who I am. I can only hope and pray that I am able to pass these things along to my own kids.2 points
I'm thankful for my amazing wife. She's not just my wife but rather my partner and best friend. She makes me realize I need to be a better husband. She has to be the most easy going person I've ever met. I'm also becoming more thankful for our health. You don't appreciate this when you're a kid and feel invincible. This can change in an instant so I try always keep this in mind and be thankful for it. Lastly, my friends and family. It's nice to know I have people I could lean on if i needed help.2 points
I am so thankful for my family - for my wife and each of my children. I’m thankful for a church family that lifts me up and does life alongside me. I’m thankful for the family that I choose in my friends - many of whom I’ve known my whole life and some I’ve just known a few short years. I am thankful for many people I’ve met here - many with challenges and many with so much to share. Many of your families and situations are in my prayers. But, I am grateful to know you and to be known by you2 points
I'm thankful my in - laws have improved over the last few days. For so many blessings I can't begin to list them all. Thankful for such an internal peace from knowing God is always in control in this crazy world. Sent from my SM-T520 using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
Yea he was so ugly he was cute and he had his bluff in on Kasey. She would walk a long ways to avoid getting him to growl.......LOL A lot of my friends called him a Devil Dog because of his red eyes when the cameras flash caught them just right. Now if you wanted to attract girls and women to you all you had to do was walk around with him under your arm. He attracted them like a fly to sugar..........LMAO1 point
bersaguy I agree with you completely. It was accident, but all accidents have a reason for happening.1 point
1 point
Yea, I like that; but on the flip side a bunch of crows is called a Murder And the origin of that is cool too! http://paranormalunitedstates.com/a-murder-of-crows1 point
I was also wondering where they came up with that name. These two entries from Wikipedia caught my attention. In Irish mythology, crows are associated with Morrigan, the goddess of war and death.[62] In Islam, according to a narration in the Hadith, the crow is one of the five animals for which no blame is placed on the one who kills them.1 point
1 point
I don't know why anyone would remove their gun from it's holster and not clear it everytime before handing it to someone to show it to them. And I never put my finger inside the trigger guard when I am clearing it or reloading it period.............1 point
I was finally able to find more pictures of Buttons. He was quite the conversation piece when I carried him around. I guess it was because he was so ugly but He did love all the attention.1 point
I got second place last year in the neighborhood contest. Next weekend mine go up with a couple of additions.1 point
1 point
1 point
"Ask and it shall be given you;" you've put the request out there now, Bersa, and He already has the dog en route. Let us know when it arrives. Another dog lover, Whis1 point
Griswold 4th of July? Too early for Christmas lights as everyone knows...Those come after Thanksgiving1 point
My neighbors were kind enough to let one by for me, little 4 point was down at the bottom of the hill at the end of my food plot so I invited him home for dinner with my .270 Vanguard using 130 grain Winchester Super X. Hit him in the spine, and out his shoulder, 13° down angle, DRT. One of his tines was broke a while back, lots of bark in the broken area, so their fixin to rut I guess. A friend asked me to get him one so I figured this one would do, because I can never tell the size of does through my scope unless their real tiny, and since he is paying for the processing I want to make sure it's worth it for him. All local processors are at capacity though, until maybe tomorrow at one place, the rest until after Friday. I'll pack him in ice until then, then if no openings I'll either keep him, I process my own, or see if I can find another processor. So now, I have to be super careful to not shoot a button buck today. Now watch, one of them trophy buck will come by and tease me.1 point
1 point
I am thankful for the love of my life, and the fact that she only owns six handguns. My safe was full when I met her. And no, she won't let me upgrade.1 point
1 point
Darn kids, got up late. Gave kid my stand so he would have the best opportunity. 45 minutes later, bang, his first deer! Nice 8 point. So his fat, old, out of shape dad helped dress it, drag it to truck, get it home then hang it in tree. I am now kicked back with cinnamon rolls the wife made and coffee. All in all a good day.1 point
Oh for petes sake! The last thing we need to crop up right now is Gomer, Goober, Otis, and Esrnest T Bass showing their guns to each other in church! We all need training and refresher training, and we all need to follow the BASIC rules of firearms safety. The first of which is to not be ham fisting and booger hookin yer shoot'n iron. Crap like this can very well create an environment in various churches where guns are no longer welcome and the congregation goes back to being unprotected.1 point
1 point
I use some Tetra gun grease on the barrel nut. Nothing else except normal maintenance lube points. Little dab of Geissele grease on the sear if I think of it.1 point
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