I sell guns at the Walmart I work at, here in Vegas. (pro tem)
We are required to charge $25 for a background check They have to have a valid state issue picture ID from NV or one of our neighoring states, excepting California. (Hey, we tried.) Still have to run them through filling out a 4473. We have to call BATFE Carson City for the background check.
IF the buyer has in hand an up to date and valid NV CCW card, no background check charged, no background check executed, as NV already did a far more extensive one giving the guy his CCW.
Here we have three different immediate outcomes:
-Proceed. Finish the sale, put the item back in its original package, tape it up, and management walks the customer out the door with it.
-Delay. Either NV of the Feds can issue a three business day delay for further investigation.
-Deny. No sale.
If he has a CCW, it's an automatic Proceed.
Where we are at, we can put a rifle or shotgun into the customer's hand, if all goes well, within 2-3 hours. Less if they have a CCW card.
To my best knowledge, WM does NOT sell pistols, except in the state of Alaska.
If the perp in this terrible thing had filed a 4473 with us, I am uncertain as to how things would have proceeded, given that the USAF apparently dropped the ball updating his data. Had he survived, a copy of a 4473 showing its having lied about felonies, dishonorable discharge, and mental institutionalizing would have been each good for up to 10 years in a Federal jail and up to $250,000 in fine. Sort of icing on the cake.
We are allowed, those of us at the pointy end, to use our own judgement and deny a sale at any time, and only be accountable to our store manager for it, and that as an accountability courtesy. In eight years, I have had to do that twice, and ALWAYS got in front of the matter with Store within the half-hour. I've had to stop sales because boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever was assisting them filling the 4473 out, beyond not not knowing how to use a keyboard or translation problems, and have gotten called every several name one can think of for it. Before we were required to ask for and take picture ID before handling the weapons, I stopped would-be sales because the non-purchasing party was handling the weapons, and the purchaser wasn't.
I have, had, and will stand behind my conduct. Not all of us who sell firearms are complete idiots, and as stated above, I do not know all the details on this perp's transactions.
I will NOT be like the ijit in Massachusetts some months back that sold ammo
-without asking for ID
-to someone obviously drunk
-at 3AM...
which ammo got used in a drive-by shooting, after the drunk MINOR supposedly handed the ammo off to another party.
I apologize for the topic drift.