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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/31/2017 in all areas
Many years ago I had the care of two 106mm Recoiless Rifles entrusted to my care. These guns had a record book and each round fired was recorded in those books. So, I decided to do the same, keep a log book for my guns. My first entry was made in 1958, and it now consists of over a one hundred thousand rounds fired, and maybe fifty handguns. So when I give a round count for any gun, I know its accurate and know what I'm talking about. This milestone for my Ruger Blackhawk is for my most-fired revolver: I record the date, rounds fired, type of ammunition, bullet used, and total rounds to date. Often photograph targets with loading data displayed: Bob Wright2 points
It was an honor to meet wade195(Doug) today. He is very much a gentleman a pleasure to talk with. We had a short but nice visit. It's always nice to be able to meet another TGO member and get to shake their hand. My Son In Law saw me looking at the Ruger rifle the other day and asked me if I was planning on doing some deer hunting and I said I don't own a deer rifle so guess not and he said would you go if you had one and I said I might go down to Ronnies (my sons place) cause he has about 4 nice ladder stands up and about an hour later my Tommy(SNL) came back and a laid the funds down for me to buy the rifle and told me Merry Christmas. So Doug was nice enough to bring it to me today and I am now the proud owner of a great 243 and enough ammo to hunt with................2 points
Ideas man... Ideas... Ideas are powerful... They have shaped the world... You are free because of ideas... Some are enslaved because of ideas... Man (...both the sane and insane...) does not live by "being bought by somethin" alone... Hitler was insane... Look at his ideas, and the fallout from em... leroy....2 points
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The dude was what? 65....70 years old? He was evidently financially successful. No mention of prior run-ins with the law. This doesn't exactly fit the profile of a nut. If so, it took a looooooooooong time for him to suddenly snap. I'm not proposing some massive coverup of a grand conspiracy. What we've been told simply does not compute; at least not to me.1 point
We need to close that damn Hawaiian snackbar for good! I say we pass a sensible law for background checks and a 5 day waiting period in order to rent a vehicle. We need to think of the kids.1 point
I think it’s just hard for some folks to believe what happened. I came to the conclusion that he was either just a very evil man or something was wrong with his brain. I don’t know that finding some ISIS connection or something would change anything. Some need someone other than the dead guy to blame. The lawsuits against the hotel have already started; and that is wrong. But for the conspiracy theorist crowd, I did read today a Police Officer fired his weapon in the room after the shooter was suppose to be dead. That should be good for some kind of traction.1 point
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Pin something on Trump is propioriry number one in the media for sure. I guess it's too far a stretch for even Wolf Blitzer to hang this around his neck so they leave it alone. Now if this sudden rash of Hollywood pedophelia wouldngo away, they could get back to the task at hand.1 point
The only reason I could think of is that he was a lefty, he died, and none of the BS gun control spin took hold for longer than a week. I can imagine what it would be like today if it was a Trump supporter, the MSM would still be keeping it on the front page/lead story, and the lefties on social media would be in complete meltdown, including some here.1 point
It's only logical for us to try and understand what would motivate a person to do something like this. Simply being crazy isn't much of a reason, even if it turns out that's all there was to it. I think it's unusual that we haven't heard anything.1 point
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Well, it's been a month and we really don't know any more than we did when it happened. Weird.1 point
Tommy is definately a Keeper son in law. Has been married to my daughter since 1995 after she came out of a very abusive marriage with 3 young children and he has been the greatest thing that could have ever happened to my daughter, grandchildren and now Great grand children. We use to fish a lot together out of my SKeeter Bass boat and I can still remember the first time I let him drive and taught him about how to trim and read the graphs. The day I remember more was the day he came by and asked if I wanted to go fishing and I was not feeling well and I told him to take the Skeeter and go. His face lit up like a street light and he said are you sure and I said yup! He called a buddy of his and ask him if he wanted to go fishing and they went. Before I get to far ahead he had driven the boat quite a bit before that day with me in it so I did not just turn him loose with one time behind the wheel. He comes and gets it any time he wants to use it now which because of his work is not much but Yea!!!! I do have a great son in law!!!! He called me the other day all excited to tell me his boss gave him a bonus and he just paid their house off. And bought me a rifle!!1 point
Have you checked Fort Campbell? I know they have a shop, I don't know if they have the equipment you seek, but it may be worth a call. https://campbell.armymwr.com/programs/arts-and-crafts1 point
Wow....those membership rates make me glad I have a garage of my own, and make me miss the dirt cheap rates at the military base hobby shops.1 point
243 is one of my favorite calibers. That is a nice looking rifle. Apparently a keeper of a SIL as well... Mark1 point
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bersa, I'll take the 9mm if no one else needs it. It'll give me something to do on cold, rainy days, LOL. Just send me a PM, Tks.1 point
Only two pictures I got to snag. I shot like trash but managed to podium for Bethel for trap and skeet. I almost forgot how much I hate to shoot in snow and sleet but this week has reminded me. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk1 point
I see your point, but I view the .45 as protection and the 9mm as an accessory, like a nice belt or watch1 point
When she says, "do whatever you want," she doesn't mean do whatever you want.1 point
I am thrilled to announce we just signed our first Stage Sponsor: Magpul Industries Corporation (https://www.magpul.com/) has generously donated almost $3,000.00 worth of product to our match!1 point
I have no doubt LBJ was in on it. He had made I think three different bids to get the White House and never made it. By going in on Kennedy's coat tails as VP and the arranging his death he would get the White House. He had plenty of help. All of the makers of War Machines had lobbyists pushing Kennedy to go to Nam and when JFK said they would no be going after what his advisors told him. They said it was a civil war and we had no business in it. The War Lobbyists were after Kennedy in late 61 to get involved and they knew he was not going to. Kennedy knew what hell war is. So they turned to LBJ with their plan and he would get the Oval Office and all he had to do was give them their war on the other side of the world. What harm could that be???? He would get the White House and all he had to do was sit back and let the War Machines do all the work. JFK's body was not even good and cold before Johnson was President! It is M.O. that they have kept all of the files on the Kennedy Assassination sealed all these years waitng for any one and everyone that were involved in any way to be dead so no one cold be questioned that might alter what the American People have been told all these years1 point
Indeed, welcome! As a transplant myself, it's a great place to call home. My kids have done well in the schools here, and made the adjustment well. - Kevin1 point
Welcome and as with all folks new to the state, we love it here just the way it is. No changes needed or wanted. Except a few Yankees can head north anytime. Seriously, welcome and get out and enjoy all our great state has to offer.1 point
Welcome to a great state. We moved here 3 years ago and consider it the best move we could have made. Like Charley Daniels says, " I wasn't born in TN but I got here as soon as I could" !1 point
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Not really related to this, or at least I hopes not, but here is some interesting history. I can honestly see it happening as it is being reported.1 point
I located Mt. Stoner's shop today, but sadly, he wasn't there. Can't call him or email him. I guess I'll just stop by when I'm in the area and maybe catch him there one day.1 point
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