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  1. Shouldn't the title of this thread be, "I hate Glocks, and if you don't, you're stupid"?
    5 points
  2. Let's just say that there are some things an ugly girl will do that a pretty girl won't. Besides, I own four and my wife only things I have one.
    3 points
  3. Alright CJ, let's try this. You don't like Glocks, probably don't like anything about them. You probably don't like the way they look, the way they feel, or the way they shoot. You will probably never buy one. And I'm guessing it's because you don't think it's the right gun for you (and there ain't one thing wrong with that). BUT, you ARE curious as to what draws people to them, correct? Should you have stated that up front a little more clearly? Well, maybe. BUT, I'm the knothead who likes to read between the lines and I figured all that out from the get-go. So, what draws people to Glock is, again, reliability, ease of operation, easy parts availability, easy customization, "it's what LE uses, or what .mil uses," "it's what some of the bearded high speed low drag guys use," OR - they just happen to be what some folks like. AND, let's face it, some people are drawn to them because that's what "other people" like. Reliability: Like I said earlier, for the most part they have proven to be reliable. Again, I have used them in one capacity or other for over 20 years, and I am a Glock armorer as well, and I don't believe, nor would I say, that they are the last word in reliability. For example, if I didn't know that my 92FS had been as reliable, I wouldn't depend on it. And with some of the JUNK that's still produced out there today, the guns that have established a reputation for reliability deserve a continued place at the dinner table, even if they are Glocks. Ease of operation: The fact that there is virtually nothing to fool with externally has always been a selling point for some. Good, Bad, Ugly? That's up to each end user. Easy parts availability: Thanks to Glock's MASSIVE marketing effort over the years, the guns and the parts are everywhere. You can go into just about any gun store and find mags and parts for Glocks. That is also one of their selling points. ME? I ordered parts for the 92 from Wilson, Beretta, and Wolff, and mags from Grabagun, and just waited a few days. No big deal either way for me. Easy customization: Almost everywhere offers some form of customization for Glocks, and I'm sure it's because of their popularity. And there's tons of videos out there on customizing you can do yourself. So far, I like doing all the work on my own guns after I study long enough to figure out what the heck I'm doing. But, that's not some people's cup of tea. "It's what LE uses or .mil uses": That, for me, never has been the biggest selling point. But it has been one of their selling points. I can see the point of view there as far as logistics are concerned. After all, those same kind of logistics have helped the legions of Beretta owners over the years. Makes sense that if a particular brand/model is in broad use by LE, military, or gub-mint, then there's probably going to be a larger supportive manufacturing base and product R&D to follow, probably translating into more "stuff" available. That said, I'll keep using my Marlin Texan. "It's what the 'cool kids' use": That has it's own set of problems for me, because I've always had a desire to go against the grain when it comes to popularity. But, let's face it, if the cool kids use it, then there will be people out there who will proclaim that nothing else will do. Which brings me to the final item on that list: It's just what some folks like. Buy and use what fits and works for you and you alone. There are people (yes, yes there are) who will try to sway other folks' opinion based on what they themselves want. And some of those are even arrogant enough to really believe that everyone else should use and do what they themselves use and do. Now Glocks seem to fit some people just right. They never have fit me just exactly right, they never have slinked into my hand like a 92 or a CZ, but I always worked around that. But I never have tried to tell someone else what they need. To me, every last one of these points I've made here are completely dependent on whether or not each point appeals to you. These points are simply my opinion on what has made Glock so popular. The reason I made the point about being able to abuse and neglect Glocks is not the fact that my Beretta can't handle it. It's because I care too much about the Beretta to do that. That, for me, would be one of the selling points of the Glock, and the reason that I might well own another one. The fact appeals to me that none of the MANY Glocks I've owned over the years have held a special place in my heart. I can place it on the shelf or in the truck right next to my Estwing hammer and not have deep feelings for it, since Glocks only occupy the position of a tool - FOR ME. Others' mileage can and does vary. At the end of the day, my Stepfather drives a Chevy 4x4, a good friend of mine drives an F250, another drives a Dodge, and yet another drives a Jeep. I don't berate them and tell them they are wrong because they don't drive a Toyota Tundra. Each one of us makes our choice based on what appeals to our sense of value, reliability, and usefulness. And no one tells us what to use to meet our needs. You're in the same boat. Hope that helps.
    2 points
  4. That is a pretty broad statement you are making. Most firearms have not performed flawlessly in the past 20 years. Read some reviews. Do some research and you find there have been a lot of flawed firearms, some made by the big name producers of handguns. Your statement is incorrect.
    2 points
  5. CJ...Then be happy with your choices. Having read this thread twice now,it seems like you're trolling for a negative response. People are merely sharing their experiences...not trying to change your mind nor persuade you purchase a Glock. I happen to carry a Glock 19 for the past 20 years, better than 50K of rounds through it...but that's an example of one and an opinion of one. I could care less what others choose other than a passing interest ... to each their own CJ.
    2 points
  6. I have a Glock 23, I have had it since the late 80s., it is my EDC most times and is as reliable as the day I bought it. I don't consider Glocks ugly, there are a few out there that esthetically anyway just don't meet my standards so I don't buy them. I own other makes and models, a Browning HP, Springfield and Kimber 1911, Rugger Mark II, Springfield XDs and yes even a dreaded Jennings .22, and all except the Jennings work flawlessly. On duty, I've carried a handful of different ones, the Berretta 92 most often, but have carried a Glock, Sig and an H&K for short durations. Never really considered any one of them less reliable than an other, always felt assured they would go bang if/when needed. Bottom line is, I buy what I want and what I like, and Glock (and the .40, but that's another argument right there) has a place in my stable.
    2 points
  7. I own a pair of G19s. I am accurate with them, and I trust my life, and my family's lives with them. I am a single action revolver guy. I grew up with a Ruger Single Six as the only handgun in the home. That is what I know. When my daughter was born, I knew it was time to move up to something more... modern. I spent about a year researching all the top brands at a price point I was comfortable with. I wanted something that I could trust with the most important things in my life. Over and over again, review after review, professional opinion, opinionated opinion and experienced opinion, it came back to a Glock. I am a 9x19mm guy by default (I inherited 10k rounds) and after just as much research I decided that the G17 or the G19 was exactly what I needed. I then headed to the LGS and spent an hour holding a G17 and a G19. My G19 followed me home, with a serial number I can recite off the top of my head. I have lost count of the rounds, but it has been a lot, several training courses, two HCP/CCDW courses, etc. The only failures have been expected (Korean 33 RD mags suck.) I trust XXX589 so much that last year I went out and bought another G19, this one USA marked. It is even more accurate. Sigs have poor triggers, and cost too much. I have zero experience with H&Ks because they cost too much. Berettas have external safeties and cost to much. Being a Glock devout now, I am anti external safety. I believe in the point and click that Glock has indoctrinated me in. In a moment of 'OH SHI*!' it will not fail me due to an extra step or two. This year I bought my now eleven year old daughter (for her birthday) her choice of handgun, and if Glock made a .22LR handgun, it would have been that. Since they don't, she will be indoctrinated into the world of S&W with her M&P22. It fit the price range I was willing to pay, and if you have seen the pictures I have posted, she can shoot the heck out of it. Gun aficionados can argue as much as they like, but steel is a 1911 world, modern polymer is a Glock world. I own plenty of modern and classic firearms, but the Glocks are what I trust. They have proven themselves to me.
    2 points
  8. They're as exciting as dry white toast and as common as sand on the beach, but they're about as reliable as it gets. Kind of like Honda Accords. There's some truth to the adage "Have a Kimber to show your friends. Have a Glock to show your enemies." I agree that some others have come on the market in the past few years that rival Glocks in reliability and simplicity without being uglier than the girl nobody wants to admit they made out with. The Smith & Wesson M&P line comes to mind and it's cheaper.
    2 points
  9. Because you can gets parts and magazines at every gun store in America? And, because they work.
    2 points
  10. This one just came in from Ed Brown and I can’t wait to shoot it. Hopefully I’ll get to the range in the next few weeks. It’s an LS10 in Battle Bronze with a few options.
    1 point
  11. A "blem" from PSA is about or less than the first knick or bump at the range handling a new gun. Ridiculously good deals when you get them as I'm sure many of us have.
    1 point
  12. I will chime in. I am a Sig guy myself, but I own lets say well North of 5+ Glocks. They work, they are proven, and like others have said they get the job done. So do the P series Sigs, with class. However, its like taking the best looking girl to the prom, she is nice, sexy, gets all of the looks, and makes you look good and she will put out, but the ugly girl in the back may be ugly, not sexy, etc, but one thing is or sure, she most definitely will put out without fail. One more point, if I accidently dropped a Sig, I will fret if a scratch is made, but if the Glock drops, who cares. BTW, I am not talking about dropping a P320!
    1 point
  13. Gee, I would boycott them, but I already did that with the NFL as well as others a couple of years back. I guess the only thing left for me to do is ignore them as usual. Their opinions just don't matter to me.
    1 point
  14. Methinks the situation here in Rocky Top will be muted. Other parts of the country (Kalifornia), possibly not so much. That being said, I'll probably violate my employers "no weapons at work" policy that day just because.
    1 point
  15. The best one is the one that the shooter performs best with, and is most comfortable using. Whether for sport, protection, or whatever, a handgun should act and feel like an extension of your body. If you are not comfortable with it, it's not the best one for you. Now if you're equally comfortable with multiple pistols and have a specific use in mind, there is room to debate the technical features or other merits of a particular platform, but it's a bit like asking "Ford or Chevy". That being said, the poster hasn't shared their reason for asking. When I got my permit and decided to carry, I went to my LGS and tried everything in the rental case (they had an indoor range at this store). I'm a big fan of German engineering and Glock carries a well earned reputation. However I shot my best group with the M&P, and it felt good in my hands. I use an M&P 9C for my EDC (v 1.0 mind you... don't have the cake for a 2.0 right now).
    1 point
  16. For a full size: the Browning Hi-Power. Nothing else even comes close. I've never had much experience with compact 9s. Back in the early 1990s I carried a S&W 3914 for a while. Its a nice, small, single stack pistol. Great shooter. Kinda wish I hadn't sold it.
    1 point
  17. There's some value in using what the cool kids use. I don't have the resources to torture test dozens of types of firearms over years of harsh conditions. Operators operating operationally do and they learned what works and what doesn't. When choosing something I'm betting my life on, why not take advantage of their experience?
    1 point
  18. I like to meet at the police station for Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace deals. So far, so good.
    1 point
  19. I find that I have much better ways to spend my time now.
    1 point
  20. Tax stamp came in, so I was finally able to shoot PCC for the first time last weekend.
    1 point
  21. Tercel89 I am sorry for the loss of your friend.I also knew him when he worked in a neighboring Dept.He was a good man may he Rest In Peace.
    1 point
  22. No Followers League. I'm done. For all the reasons mentioned many times. Tired of the Social Protest BS. If I want to see and hear that, I'll watch MSNBC.
    1 point
  23. My questions is; why I should have to "fix" anything? If I don't like the way it looks, feels, or shoots..I don't buy it. The only time I ponder what trigger to install is when I am assembling my current build, and even there I don't buy any of these high speed triggers (unless I find a killer deal). Now if a weapon I own starts to feel a bit different, shoot different, or otherwise feel funny, then maybe I'll look to replace something, otherwise they will stay with whatever parts I got them with. I put tritium sites on my G23, and a laser, and due to me sending it in for one of the recalls (for which I never had an issue with BTW), a new lower. I replaced my trigger on my 10/22, but that was because after ~25 years and thousands of rounds it needed some work. My Kimber has an excellent trigger, much smoother than my Glock, but doesn't make me want to screw with my Glock, or any of my other weapons. I thought of replacing the trigger on my Rem 700 when the recall came out (just because it was close to hunting season), but after looking at the prices of most triggers out there I sent it in and guess what, it hits where I aim it. I don't knock those who do, but myself I can't see spending a ton of money on parts that will not make my gun shoot that much ($$$) better.
    1 point
  24. A very good look at how they (Owners, Union, Players) are really thinking about this issue. Seems they are divided into two camps, one that wants it to be a pure sport driven League or a Social driven League. Well, I'm voting with my wallet...I'm out of the NFL business, and with many sports starting to make the same noise, maybe I'll just stick to the hunting and fishing side of sports. http://www.espn.com/espn/otl/story/_/id/21170410/gaffes-tv-ratings-concerns-dominated-nfl-players-forged-anthem-peace-league-meetings
    1 point
  25. A good read by Oliver North on this series: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/10/27/oliver-north-pbs-and-ken-burns-get-vietnam-and-richard-nixon-wrong-again.html
    1 point
  26. Exactly. I don't think I mentioned reliability, though. So, did you want honest opinions, or just a pissing match? Your responses seem to suggest the latter.
    1 point
  27. For what purpose? Id argue a CZ75 or clone is a better range gun than a Glock 17/19 but I’d never carry one.
    1 point
  28. And that is the greatest thing about capitalism.
    1 point
  29. Don't worry about offending. I think we know that's not your intention. Some on here probably like Ford, Dodge, or Chevy trucks and I like Toyota. That's why they make different guns. Personally I am taking a hiatus from Glocks. I've been running them at work and at home for over 20 years. May give them another shot one day, but not right now. In fact, I had set two G19s up for myself, then turned around and gave both of them to my son. Right now I'm running a Beretta 92 when I'm off work, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. That said, the Glocks, while not the absolute perfection that Gaston and the factory parrots would have us believe, are generally very reliable. I think that's always been the appeal. It has been proven that they will take abuse and neglect and keep wagging their tail. I have seen and had some bobbles over the years with the Glocks chambered in .40S&W (cursed be it's name forevermore), but I never have with the 9mm versions. I'm sure it's happened, as anything man made can fail, but we do know the reliability is there. Just like anything else, each one has his/her preference. Nothing wrong with em at all, unless it just doesn't fit you personally. And that requirement is one that I have always believed to be very important.
    1 point
  30. This is an instance of beauty in the eye of the beholder, I love the way my Glocks look; plain, black, simple lines.......and they work, every time I pull the trigger. I've used Glocks, Sigs, and Berettas extensively overseas, and I've had several environmental induced malfunctions with Sigs and Berettas, but not the Glocks. Don't get me wrong, these were tough conditions that would have choked out most weapon systems, but the Glocks kept chugging, even grittier than a wet SEAL rolled in sand. As for esthetics, while I have nothing per say against the look of most Sigs, I dislike the look of most Berettas, and pretty much all H&K handguns. Thankfully, the beauty of Americas' great gun culture is that it is a cornucopia of options, so even though we may not agree on which ones we favor, we can all walk away with a lighter wallet and a bang stick we can be proud of.
    1 point
  31. And to me, even more importantly, the magazines, parts, and accessories are generally much cheaper but yet produce excellent results per dollar spent compared to other brands. Also, compatibility between 19/17/26 and 23/22/27 is, in my opinion, unmatched with any other handgun system out there regarding magazines, internals, and holsters. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. Smith gets you on the magazine prices though. Sadly.
    1 point
  33. That was the day NASCAR died.
    1 point
  34. I cut my own hair (buzz cut) but I do tip myself by buying something gun related. Seems like that is all I buy anymore is gun related stuff. LOL.
    1 point
  35. Always tip my barber. Anybody that uses a straight edge razor on my neck I want to keep happy.
    1 point
  36. My thoughts exactly; "It's a 30 yard shot and Negan's standing on an elevated platform, why are you not filling him with holes already?" I guess the answer was that Rick wanted to give Negan's acolytes the chance to surrender. However, I think they'd have been more apt to surrender if Negan had started talking and immediately caught five rounds in the chest from Rick's MP5. Also -- lots of ammo expended during this episode. Is ammo not a problem any more? Maybe Target Sports USA has reopened. Cheers, Whisper
    1 point
  37. After working on an AR10T that had issues the factory failed to fix, Im not impressed with them. No adjustable gas is a big concern. I bought a M1A in 1977. After 8 years with it I sold it so I could by a Springfield SAR48. The M1A is a decent shooter but a walker after as little as 8 fast consecutive rounds. Pick up a guide on how to national match bed a M14 and you will see why they are very finicky shooters hot. After you own and spend time behind a FAL, those other 2 don't generate much excitement compared to the proven right arm of the free world.
    1 point
  38. Thanks Chuck. He must have been reading our posts. Of course now it will be even harder for me to find one.
    0 points
  39. Maybe they have to work 12 hrs Sat. Like I do.
    0 points
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