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  1. This from several years ago at the old Shelby County Rifle and Pistol range: We, the old hands there, often got there well before the 10:00 am opening time and exchanged stories, news, and man talk in general. One day a very pretty, young blond lady joined us. She was, well, noticeable, petite, blond, well shaped, make-up just so. And above all. personable. She had a little .45 ACP, a Springfield of some sort as I recall. Since we were not permitted to wear sidearms while on the range, she removed the pistol from a holster. She wore black fitted pants and black sweater with a Wrangler denim jacket. The jacket covered a small hip holster, and she very smoothly drew and cleared the pistol. As she did so, she remarked that was her shopping pistol. "Where do you shop?" asked one of the men. She smiled sweetly. "Anywhere I want to," was her reply. Bob Wright
    6 points
  2. First thing I did was ask the Vet what signs I should look for and she said she will have trouble getting up when laying down and will begin losing interests in things she has always done. She will not respond to you talking to her. Not attentive. So far I have not seen any of those in her but when I do I will know it's time. I am not one to allow anything to suffer, especially as much as I care about her.
    3 points
  3. I, we if I may be so bold as to speak for others, have no doubt you’ll do the right thing for Kasey.
    3 points
  4. Absolutely Well worth the wait, this thing is awesome meet my 2017 Commercial Wicked Edge system
    2 points
  5. @bersaguy I understand why the vet is giving you the options. Some people will take every last moment with their faithful pet feeling it's not that bad for the animal, others will give the gift of mercy as they know it. Hard to fault either when emotions like this are involved. You've been adamant from the start that you'll do what you feel is right for Kasey. Follow your heart, and you know we'll all be here for you, come what may.
    2 points
  6. Thank you my friend for that. I will never left her suffer. At the present time other than the fact that she is drinking more water than normal and going out to urinate more often which the Vet said that was probably being caused by her Diabetes more than anything else. I asked her if that would include pain and her reply was most likely not. I have had Kasey 17 years and I can tell any changes in her almost imediately and I am seeing no/zero pain or suffering. We went out for walk in the back yard yesterday and she saw arabbit and broke into a run chasing it back into the fence row. She turned and looked at me waiting for my laugh of approval as she always does and I laughed and she did that 2 more times on our walk. Until things like that go away I will not do anything to hurt our trust and bond...............JMHO
    2 points
  7. in the spring of 1946 my older brother returned from WW II, when I was about nine years old. Among his souvenirs was this Mauser M-1910 .25 ACP pistol. The caliber designation read "6,35 mm" and none of us knew what that meant. My Dad took the gun to old J.G. Schmidt's in Memphis and learned it was .25 ACP. He bought a box of cartridges for it and we went down to an uncle's farm in Mississippi: We got some cans from the trash pile and set them on a fence post. After we each tried our hand and the box was expended, the can still stood unscathed. I kept one live round, the first of my cartridge collection, and determined then and there I would learn how to shoot a handgun, and to learn everything I could about them. Still learnin'. Bob Wright P.S. After my brother's death the pistol was passed on to his son. Shortly before his death, my nephew gave the gun to me.
    1 point
  8. Could have been a lot worse. As a demo to new shooters I have put a paper towel over the revolver I am about to show them how to shoot and then show the results. Did that with my S&W Governor and .45 ACP and .45 Long Colt gave the expected results. Then I did 410, it completely shredded the paper towel, looked like confetti on the ground. The new shooter at that point keeps his had where it belongs or refuses to shoot the gun.
    1 point
  9. I have the FNS9C and love it. Very accurate for a compact and fits my hand really well. I also like the 12 and 17 round magazines that come with it.
    1 point
  10. Amen to that! Didn't have cable for years because.... That would have been neat to see the halides on timers like that? I played around w/ the moonlight LED's a little, and had Sea Swirls on the Iwaki return pump. Grew hard corals like mad, had all kinds of things spawning. Remarkable 'hobby'. I miss it too!
    1 point
  11. You need to think about what you done. Don’t ever put your support hand any further forward than the grip when shooting a revolver.
    1 point
  12. I also was sighting in my Colt Anaconda. I was shooting off a sand bag and had my left hand holding the front of the sandbag. After a couple of cylinders sighting the scope in I looked down and this is what my hand looked like. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    1 point
  13. Finally got to the range today. Decided to shoot some of my older guns. This first target is with my Colt 1903 .32. Not to bad for a 104 year old pistol. This next target is with my Luger. I believe it is 75+ years old. I was aiming at the 7. Grouped decent but did shoot high. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    1 point
  14. I’ve tried to support all our “interim” coaches except that punk Kiffin. As obscene as I think college coach’s salaries are it may be time for UT to open up the wallet and get the best. Butch is not getting paid all that much. Throwing money at a problem is not the solution, but I imagine the boosters and donors have had enough. They have some deep pockets and might just be ready to chip in a little more.
    1 point
  15. Motorola in Nashville,but they're pricey,used to be a guy on fesslers lane that did ham work dunno if he's still open or not, if u need a nmo punched through w cable ran let me know we can do it at my shop. truckers lighthouse may take it, they're usually swamped. PM me or call me on Monday if u still need help. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. Thank you and no need to doubt that. She is right now number one in my life and I am not going any place but spending time with her here.
    1 point
  17. I am a die hard Vols fan and have been defending Jones all year but after this loss I'd say he is done at the end of the year if not sooner, it wouldn't surprise me if we loose the rest of the games this year. Bama is going to crush us, KY, Southern Miss and Missouri we might have a chance against but they could all be losses then LSU will most likely eat our lunch and Vandy will probably beat us again. I will be watch and screaming for my Vols thru it though and hoping for a better next season
    1 point
  18. Kasey will never go through that! I promise that with all my heart and soul but right now those signs are just not there and believe me I am watching for them every time I watch her move or sleep. She is just about to get a plate of Hamburger I cooked up to make some spagetti sauce for me later. I always cook enough for both.
    1 point
  19. I with through a similar thing with my wife’s cat a few years ago. Stoke, blindness, kidney failure, having to stick an IV in her every other day. It was a long (and expensive) decline. Wife would not accept doing what should have been done and I hated watching that poor cat go on like that. Her quality of life the last few months was nonexistent. She died quietly and her ashes are now in a decorative little tin on one of the dressers upstairs.
    1 point
  20. I can see that happening
    1 point
  21. I told my vet that I am also diabetic and I have a ton of syringes but she insisted I use theirs cause mine would not work on her. Funny they work on me just fine every night before bed. Well, I gave her the first shot and she did not react to it as I did it like the Vet told me to do. This morning after her breakfast I knelt down beside her to give her the seond shot and she pulled away from me and would not let me near her and was banging on the screen door wanting to go out so I let her out. it took me almost 3 hours to get her to come to me and only because I showed her I had nothing in my hands. I have regained her trust and I won't lose it again. Her trust in me is far more important at this time in her life than damn shot..............JMHO
    1 point
  22. I've done the insulin shots for one of my dogs many years ago, its no big deal and the dog really doesn't feel it. believe it or not my personal heath plan allowed me to purchase insulin and needles on my health plan.
    1 point
  23. I know diabetes is tough for a human, let alone a good dog that wouldn't understand the need for shots, or the need to give up her favorite foods. I would just try to limit any high carb foods to try to protect her eye sight and brain function. Mine got up to over 800 when I was diagnosed and it messed my head up until they got it under control I couldn't think literally and it messed my eyes up enough that I have to wear glasses all the time now.
    1 point
  24. The question you need to ask is - are you willing to pay for an online backup service? Or, how much data are you talking about? You may be able to use a free service. Remember, if you keep everything on a flash drive and there is a fire or some other disaster at your house, you're still likely to lose those pictures/data stored on the flash drive as well.
    1 point
  25. Ok so I got the results of the blood tests yesterday and it shows she has uninary tract infection and is a diabetic and the vet has said they are both treatable with medications. Both of them would require her to eat a special food which she has already proven to me she won't eat. It also means giving her a shot every 12 hours for the Diabetes and forcing her to allow me to shoot a sryinge of antibiodic in her mouth every 12 hours. I did consider doing all of this at first but I know Kasey and the bond we have. By giving her shots and forcing things down her throat by holding her mouth open will do far more harm then good to damage the bond we have at this point in her life. We all want whats best for our best friends and it was the last paragraph in the written instructions she set home with me that helped me make the decision. It is not going to do anything about what is going to end her life soon It reads: "Our goal is to provide Kasey with the best quality life possible. There is nothing that we can do medically to change what we have seen on X rays with the Mass/Tumor in Kaseys abdomen. It is either attached to her liver causing the enlargement or her Spleen or both. My hope is if we can control her blood sugar and infection then some of her clinical signs will improve/resolve and give her a better quality of life." Now with that said! In the event Kasey shows any signs of pain at all I will act accordingly at that point. Until then I feel that her trust in my love and the bond just seems more important than the shots, forced meds down her throat and foods she won't eat. Any opinions are more than welcome and appreciated.
    1 point
  26. Ain't nothing like 'dog people'. Sorry for your loss. It is a deep pain, but having gone through it several times you are doing the right thing. PM me your address, I am willing to help.
    1 point
  27. I believe God created dogs to ultimately be human companions. Without dogs, it is uncertain if humans move from hunter/gatherers to farmers. Why do we get so attached? Creation, domestication, or evolution, science may explain it... http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2015/04/how-dogs-stole-our-hearts http://science.sciencemag.org/content/348/6232/333.full
    1 point
  28. There is a guy in Columbia that does it. I will see if I can find his card. Otherwise the local Motorola service center is a good start. Most have the correct tool and charger less than twenty bucks. I went a different route and used a UHF trunk type from Diamond on my last two installs. I installed an Icom 706mkIig in my truck and of course when the wife saw it and used it she wanted one.
    1 point
  29. You're in my thoughts, Doug. I'm quite willing to help out with some duckets to ensure Kasey receives care and handling worthy of the love she gave you. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk. OhShoot very much likes to know when we're using Tapatalk.
    1 point
  30. any reputable car stereo place can do a roof install. They do similar things with car stereo/video systems. HRO Atlanta pointed me to a car stereo place in Smyrna(?) that installed mine
    1 point
  31. The Wrecker Museum is fun. If you can swing it though, I can't suggest the aquarium enough. I have been to four of the top rated aquariums in the US, Monterrey Bay (IMO the best,) National, Ripley's and Chattanooga. If you can make it, do it. I am a fan of zoos and aquariums though. Your mileage may vary.
    1 point
  32. Bersa, count me in to help as well, PM me your address pls, sorry for your loss, as a persistent animal rescuer I get it,,,
    1 point
  33. I'm glad they spent the enormous resources building nearly useless crap like these rail guns instead of more tanks and airplanes.
    1 point
  34. When I get around 3 or 4 I boil them in hot water with salt and seasoning until the meat is cooked. I then take them out and pick the meat off. Then I take a can of campbells cream of chicken soup. Mix it with some potatoes , and celery and carrots and lima beans and mix the meat up in this mix. Then put it all into a pie crust. The take another pie crust and put it over the mix of what you got and pinch it togather on the ends. and bake for around 30 minutes on 350 degrees. Then you got an awesome squirrel pot pie !
    1 point
  35. I think we are the only two that own one of these FN's. Someone on TGO has the compact version also I think.
    1 point
  36. Because you are a man of exceptional discriminating taste, sir. I am a striker fan, and for me, the FNS is the "cat's meow," as it were. Still wouldn't be without a G19, though.
    1 point
  37. At what point are you mounting a rifle to the scope?
    1 point
  38. Getting closer to the perfect carry package. Folded it is 19", open it is 29" with the muzzle being just over 26" so it is VFG safe. Sight radius is now 13" and the AR sight works very well with AK front sight. 4 piece comp works the best with this short barrel., very little concussion. Reworked, crisp 2.5 pound trigger.
    0 points
  39. How do you know me??
    0 points
  40. I never thought it was that kind of reef... er.
    0 points
  41. If it is the trunk, just bring the trunk lid by, we take it out back and I will put as big or small a hole any where ya want. Roof is another thing, might have to roll the car a bit to keep the boolit from taking flight.
    0 points
  42. That’s going to require a lot of Hoppes 9!
    0 points
  43. So, in a nutshell... Glock got it... ... right? Oh, the horror...
    0 points
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