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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2017 in all areas

  1. Y'all just keep this in mind: When the fools that we as a country have elected regulate bump-fire stocks, they will have absolutely been given the keys to regulating how fast we can fire a semi-automatic weapon of any sort. Fully-automatic weapons have been regulated in this country since 1934 when the National Firearms Act was passed. They set the definition then of what was semi-automatic (one shot fired per trigger pull) and what was fully-automatic (more than one shot fired per trigger pull). Bump-fire stocks, while stupid and pretty much the domain of people who like shooting the dirt and throwing money out the window, are not fully-automatic weapons per the definition agreed upon in 1934. They still fire one shot per trigger pull. If this bull#### goes through and bump-fire stocks become regulated or outright banned, the podium will be prepped for the next round of arbitration. And the next. And the next. And it will keep going until you're allowed to have a single-shot, cap and ball musket ... if you're lucky... because that's what the crown feels is a safe rate of fire for us peasants.
    7 points
  2. You should never have to give up part of a Right in order to "Secure" the rest of that right. That's just frickin' ludicrous. It's either all or nothing and we've already given up waaay to much already. NO MORE!! If they ban these stupid bump stocks they will go after binary triggers next. Then what? Will they ask us to give up semi auto rifles? Then semi auto handguns? So what part of "compromise" is everyone willing to settle for? Where does it end? It's a slippery slope to an outright ban on firearms. I'm amazed anyone is willing to bargain with the left, right or willing to have the NRA do it for you. I'm not close minded. I'm just not hearing anything new. It's the same old stale argument. Tell me something new, show me the magical combination of letters and punctuations that would have stopped this shooting. Not one bit of legislation currently on the books anywhere in the world would have prevented this. Many of you are old enough to remember Clinton's "Nose of the camel under the tent" reference to Brady. They are still trying to shovel the camel the rest of the way into the tent. They won't rest until that damn camel is ####ting in my lap. Enough is enough. So excuse me when someone starts talking about considering, compromise, reasonable steps and all the other crap I get a little irked. It's a song I've heard before and it's time to change the stinkin' band.
    5 points
  3. This video came to my attention yesterday and I think it's pretty much spot-on. It doesn't matter if you think bump-fire stocks are stupid or if you don't have a need for one. Our freedoms aren't based on NEEDS. Our freedoms are based on RIGHTS. You should have the right to buy ridiculous crap for your guns and waste ammo as inaccurately as you want. If you're OK with them banning bump-stocks because it's a stupid accessory for a gun that you'd never own, you're demonstrating the exact same logic the Elmer Fudd types use when they say "Who cares about AR-15's or handguns or magazines that hold more than 10 rounds? As long as I have my hunting rifle, I'm good." It's not about what YOU want or like or would buy or want to shoot. These leftist law-makers aren't really going to be satisfied with that one slice of the pie. There's always another slice until there's no pie left. As a note, this video is posted via Facebook, so you may need an account there to view it. I do, so it wasn't a problem for me to watch or paste it here. Your mileage might vary.
    4 points
  4. Turns out the note on the table in the pictures was a dope card: http://www.cnn.com/2017/10/07/us/las-vegas-shooting-investigation/index.html
    3 points
  5. My message to myself. Not really me, but helps me remember the fight.
    3 points
  6. Binary, digital, same difference to a dolt.
    3 points
  7. Several gun shops are very strict w buyers and dress codes. Finally an explanation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  8. Well when 2 walnut trees really like each other......
    2 points
  9. Don't forget the fact that the photos from his room showed a rifle with a scope, and a rifle with a red-dot sight and one of them had a bipod. All of those things obviously made his evil more potent than it would have been if he'd just chosen to rent a U-Haul and drive it through the crowd, or filled it with fertilizer and diesel fuel and detonated it on the street outside, or just bought a chainsaw at the local Home Depot and run wildly through the crowd with it mowing down anyone who got within his reach.
    2 points
  10. Holster maker #2 by Gotthegoods checking in.
    2 points
  11. Of course, it's a hypothetical conversation as it honestly doesn't matter if the government figures out how to revoke the 2A and go full on Bolshevik. As long as the internet still works, power still comes on, and the grocery store shelves still have food, things will carry on as they always have been. Freedom isn't important to the masses as long as life is still comfortable.
    2 points
  12. Getting closer to the perfect carry package. Folded it is 19", open it is 29" with the muzzle being just over 26" so it is VFG safe. Sight radius is now 13" and the AR sight works very well with AK front sight. 4 piece comp works the best with this short barrel., very little concussion. Reworked, crisp 2.5 pound trigger.
    1 point
  13. There is a lot of palaver here, and elsewhere, about color case hardening. So here's my take on the matter: The old case coloring used on the original Ruger Vaquero was a chemical application, from what I've heard, was almost like a decal or coating. And could be easily washed off with harsh solvents. Here is my Vaquero, dating from 1996. It has had about 3,500 rounds fired through it and cleaned with Hoppe's No.9 solvent and oiled after each range session: This is my Cimarron/Uberti Model P. Not fired so heavily (yet) but cleaned in the same way. Uberti uses a hot salt bath to obtain the colorization, it is not the same process as Ruger used: Here is a Ruger Super Blackhawk color cased by Doug Turnbull. He uses a heat process with bone and/or other charcoal additives to obtain the color: This is a Colt New Frontier, which, so far as I know is truly case hardened. Case hardening alone leaves a dull gray finish (think mill files) unless additives are added to produce color. Current Single Actions from Ruger and others are made of steel hardened through and do not require case hardening, so only a color treatment is necessary on these guns. As to durability, all case hardening, regardless of method used, will fade when exposed to sunlight and wear. Which is best? The one that suits your fancy. Bob Wright
    1 point
  14. Nice set of pistols you have there BW. I just set up a small pottery kiln to CCH small receivers. The only thing you need to put traditional colors in the process is wood charcoal and powdered bone charcoal. Some folks may add various other things like leather char or some kind of fruit pit char but its really the process of charcoal and bone that does the hardening and the water quench is huge in determining the colors. I Ran the process 4 times so far and had to do both receivers over twice because my canister floor plate was not dropping the receivers in the quench tank fast enough. When that happens the extra "to atmosphere contact" between the hot kiln and cool water certainly did produce a whole lot of grey and not much color. The key is to get the cherry red receiver surrounded with the charcoal in the water just as it was with in the heating canister. If open air hits the receiver for any more than a split second, the colors are in jeopardy of materializing. Heres the last one I did and its dry in the picture but not bad for a 4th try at it. Its a Marlin No 47 22 pump. This pump gun was in a fire with very heavy water damage pitting.
    1 point
  15. Don't forget that was CNN reporting. It could be a grocery list of phone numbers for hookers.
    1 point
  16. ...Hit send too fast. If you like golf the course up at Kenlake State Resort is ok and there are some courses around Murray that are ok too. Lots of mini golf. I am not a fisherman but the fishing is generally good and you can get some local advice on where currently. The Homeplace at LBL is interesting too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. I second the recommendation on Pattie’s up in KY. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. If you’re staying at the Paris Landing State Park then give their Inn’s restaurant a try, I’ve been favorably impressed with their buffets. I’ll also highly recommend going to Pattie’s which is fairly close by and having a meal. They’re famous for their stuffed pork chops and flowerpot bread, if you don’t want to make a lunch or dinner reservation or wait for an exceptionally long period of time then Mr. Bill’s is there too.
    1 point
  19. Good fishing up there. I feel like there’s a ton of stuff up there that I’ve never explored. I need to spend more time up there. Good people in Big Sandy and Paris. My third grader went up there on a field trip for three days and loved it.
    1 point
  20. The 2nd was written to protect us from a government bent on taking away freedoms that are God given. When the Brits came looking for firearms it was cannon, powder and shot(lead). The Brits even came for ships and their cannon, they (Brits) really did not care about pistols and rifles that an average person owned, for they knew with out powder and shot a rifle was just a club. The sloop was started in the 30s with FA getting taken. Been an up hill battle for us ever since. I have posted this stuff before and I will again, for this I am sure. I want every thing I can get my hands on to fight back a .gov from taking freedoms from all of us. All the way to a nuke, if that is what it takes to put a stop to a bad .gov.
    1 point
  21. Well said! That's the perfect response to the issue.
    1 point
  22. I am so gonna have to get this BluRay:
    1 point
  23. What’s that old joke? There are 10 types of people in the world: 1. Those that understand binary 2. Politicians?
    1 point
  24. Me thinks Bilzerian should stick to poker and coked up instagram models.
    1 point
  25. Last year I bought this Ruger New Vaquero, a .45 Colt, at a local gun shop: I had no use for a 7 1/2" barreled, fixed sight .45, but I did like the grips. So, I took those grips off, bought these, put them on the gun and sold it: Now I had no gun that those grips would fit, since they were the New Vaquero with the old style XR-3 grip frame. So I was forced to buy this .44 Special Flat Top: Now I had a gun for my new grips! Things seemed to work out pretty well, I think! Bob Wright
    1 point
  26. Those are the first issue grips from Ruger. Later Ruger went to the inlaid logo. Not sure who makes Ruger's grips now. Bob Wroightt
    1 point
  27. No experience with cold steel but I did make the leap to German cutlery. They aren't cheap but will last you a lifetime. I have both J.A. Heckles and Wusthof. Bought pieces individually and as needed. Best thing I ever did for the kitchen!
    1 point
  28. Some states will flat out refuse. I don’t think it will pass muster with the SCOTUS unless they are ready to rule anyone has a 2nd amendment right to carry a gun without a permit. Otherwise it’s going to remove carry laws from the states and hand them to the Feds.
    1 point
  29. I’ve thought the same thing. Although I’ve probably been guilty of blowing up some ####...maybe...or at least I knew a guy who did [emoji16]
    1 point
  30. From https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1988/10/02/soviets-afghan-rebels-pressure-us-on-arms/1011636c-7396-4a11-ba7a-35259125c258/?utm_term=.b48868a51289 But there were many more articles just like that, many of which I read then. I was on active duty so kept up with all these events in case it meant deployment. Tech alone doesn't win wars, I agree somewhat, but it sure makes for a long protracted war and with enough tech it's nearly impossible to win without tech of your own.
    1 point
  31. Those same goat herders in Afghanistan had a lot to do the fall of the USSR after eight years of war. They started out with old flintlocks and Enfields.
    1 point
  32. More musings on the Las Vegas shooting... I am almost certain at this point that the lack of an obvious motive by the shooter is going to be used by the Left to further demonize gun owners. My gut tells me that we can expect to see the media and the hacks this country has elected to Congress begin using the lack of clear motive as a speaking point whereby they make their case that background checks don't work and that the only answer to the problem of evil people using tools to do evil deeds is to remove the tools from circulation entirely. In other words, they are going to declare that the lack of motive is the most disturbing point of all and is the reason why no one should ever have a gun or a gun of a certain type. They will say that it is proof that none of us can be trusted, despite the fact that this crime was committed by just one of some 7.7 Million estimated gun owners in the United States. The absurdity of painting with such a wide brush will, of course, be dismissed willfully by a public seemingly incapable of thinking for itself.
    1 point
  33. That's the saddest truth I've read all day.
    1 point
  34. Please don't take this as a personal jab at you. But, I do not understand the incredulity that everyone seems to be showing toward the fact that this guy lugged that much gear into the hotel by himself and that no one took notice of it. Seeing someone wheeling big luggage or containers into a hotel and to their room in Vegas is commonplace. There are so many concerts, conferences, trade shows and other performances in that town that you'd never be given a second thought even if you wheeled in something the size of an elephant. And as for how he got it to his room, he'd draw far less attention just by using the elevator and accepting help from the porters than he would if someone witnessed him lugging containers 32-flights up the stairs. Cleaning crews aren't going to pay a moment's notice to big containers or luggage in hotel rooms either. They generally don't WANT to know what you've got as it not knowing gives them plausible deniability. It's not called Sin City for nothing! And just because we haven't seen video footage of him carting this stuff through the hotel lobby and up the elevator, it doesn't mean the footage doesn't exist. You can't fart in Las Vegas without being on a camera. The only thing they have more of in Vegas than cameras is slot machines. Maybe! So that video exists, trust me.
    1 point
  35. Fair deal on range ammo + free shipping on 20 boxes. I've shot quite a bit of this and never had a problem http://palmettostatearmory.com/blazer-9mm-luger-115gr-fmj-50rd.html
    1 point
  36. But, with a "Pro-Gun" President and a "Pro-Gun" House and a "Pro-Gun" Senate, explain to me why anything "needs" to be "compromised"? Seems to me if anyone truly was "Pro-Gun" and anyone truly hand any backbone and truly represented We The People, then absolutely, literally, nothing could be done and we could just go forward. As tragic as it was, after Sandy Hook a lot of pro gun people fought and fought and fought, because "Obama!". I thought an AWB was coming down the pipe but it never did. Now this has happened and a lot of those very same "pro gun people" are saying "Look, this is reasonable, lets do this, it doesn't affect me,". It's easy to keep things out of Congress when you control both the House and the Senate in terms of political parties. I think this is a decent litmus test to determine exactly how "Pro-Gun" many Republicans that advertise themselves as such are.
    1 point
  37. That’s not really my point. To a tyrannical government, a single bullet represents just as big a threat as thousands. A single .380ACP round fired from an FN M1910 is credited with starting WWI. The political class will always be as fearful of the single bullet as they are of many.
    1 point
  38. Here's an illustrated version of the Lawdog post that may be useful for y'all on the book of faces.
    1 point
  39. I'm going to try this. That sounds awesome!
    1 point
  40. Never give an inch. I have a bump stock and I hate it but that doesn't mean I am willing to sell out everyone who does like it. I think revolvers are useless, I say we ban them as well because they serve to legitimate purpose for ME. Matter of fact, I don't particularly care for ARs any longer so I say lets get rid of them as well because of MY views. I say ban everything except those items I have sitting in MY safe. Sounds pretty insane but that is EXACTLY what everyone who is not against banning the bumpfire stock is doing. I have a question for those of you who are willing to let the bumpstock get banned. Are you OK with a ban on scopes, ammunition, magazines or Magpul furniture? If not then you are a hypocrite. I refuse to sell out my fellow gun owners. If it takes banning something to get national reciprocity I don't want reciprocity. I am unwilling to negotiate with a government that refuses to abide by the terms of the deal after it has been struck.
    1 point
  41. This was my point after Sandy Hook when many members of this board were saying that we must compromise to keep from losing everything. Nothing came of it then and now too many gun owners are singing the same song of compromise. I've heard many of you describe the bump fire stock as useless, gimikey, only morons buy them, etc.... There are a lot of people out there that use those same words to describe a AR-15. I know others have said it, but why do we have to give something up every time some loon commits an atrocity? If the video of the PODS in a pussy hat proves to be him, I say we go after pussy hats! (sarcasm to make a point for those of you incapable of reading into it)
    1 point
  42. Or murder. Let's outlaw murder...
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. Very Nice! We shall call you Edward suppressor hands.
    1 point
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