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Guys, Mac and I spoke earlier and we agreed to unlock this thread. We all need a place to voice our thoughts, concerns, and angst as we process this event and work through it as a nation. My only request is that we try to steer clear of the conspiracy theories and keep "Occam's Razor" in mind. If you're not familiar, Occam's Razor is the idea that when presented with an array of possible solutions or answers, the most simple one is statistically going to be the correct one. If we can please allow the conspiracy theorist websites to corner the market on far-fetched ideas, and stick to discussing more plausible things, and not turn against each other due to stated or perceived political beliefs, then this thread can continue. It's not us against each other here.8 points
Getting closer to the perfect carry package. Folded it is 19", open it is 29" with the muzzle being just over 26" so it is VFG safe. Sight radius is now 13" and the AR sight works very well with AK front sight. 4 piece comp works the best with this short barrel., very little concussion. Reworked, crisp 2.5 pound trigger.4 points
Hmmm. It’s almost like the GOP doesn’t care much about guns either. We’ve seen it here in Tennessee despite a supermajority. I don’t know why we’d expect much different in Washington.4 points
If you do nothing else, go to Arlington National Cememtary. No more humbling place in America.4 points
Let me assure you that Khobar and RIyadh or Bangalore feel far different. Enjoy your time there. The architecture is amazing. And, there are very few collections of national treasures that can match the Smithsonian. Br aware of your surroundings, but enjoy yourself. Life is way too short to do otherwise.4 points
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Is anyone really suprised? When has the federal government ever repealed or relaxed a law concerning firearms and accessories? BTW, you can't argue the '94 "assault weapons ban" as it was only a temporary law that was not renewed.3 points
Never been there, cannot give a personal observation. What color is American? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
You know, I'm going to close this thread. I often say we can talk about big issues - but I'm not sure that's true. At least on some issues. There are a lot of voices in this thread that while I disagree with them on this particular issue, I also really respect them. We've shared meals together. We've helped people in this community together. Or maybe we've simply shot together or conversed about a range of topics over the years. We might see this issue or any of a variety of issues differently, but we can still share a meal together and respect one another. But, we've had an influx of voices of late that don't bring anything of value to this community. It's a minority, but they're drowning out a lot of other voices by shouting down people with differing opinions. Maybe it's the constant berating that guests seem to get on "news" shows these days. Maybe it's the anonymity of social media. Maybe it's none of the above causing this. But it's detrimental to this community. I've sat on my hands for the last several months tolerating a few voices - not wanting to make it look like I was overstepping my authority by booting someone with whom I disagreed on a topic - political or otherwise. That was a mistake. Maybe we'll open this back up at some point. I doubt the issue is going to go away anytime soon. Regardless, I'm not sure it's worth it to discuss it here.3 points
I’m going to hit the pause button on this thread for a little while. Speculation isn’t helpful. Conjecture does nothing for the reputation of this community at large. We talk about how the media constantly gets things wrong but then go off the rails ourselves. I recognize this is a place for discussion, but we need to elevate the dialog a bit. I know this solution is not perfect, but that’s why I’m pausing this a bit Today we mourn the dead and wounded. We pray for the victims and their families. I’ll open it back up at some point as more reliable information becomes available.3 points
I found this on another site which is a fishing site but also offers a hunting section. Hope ya'll enjoy it as much as I did!! http://bit.ly/2w56SDK2 points
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Y’all know my position on this. When they finally come for the guns, it will be because the GOP blessed it. No politician is in favor of an empowered people.2 points
With Laminate, you CANNOT glue or fasten down. Laminate is meant to float with 1/8"-1/4" expansion on all sides. If you have a warped piece of laminate, it is a defect and SHOULD be replaced. Laminate was manufactured as an engineered product specifically NOT to warp, cup or bow. So, you could have a buckle in the laminate or a flex in the subfloor. IF you can visually see a 'hump' or 'rise' in the floor, yet the subfloor seems to be flat, i would think your laminate is buckled because there isn't enough expansion. If you can't see a 'hump' or 'rise', then you might have an issue with the subfloor. 3 fixes: 1, replace floor. 2, pull quarter-round (or finish molding) to check for proper expansion gap. 3, would be to check subfloor from underneath as suggested and possible inject a 'filler', NOT GLUE. Sorry, i don't post much (at all really), but i offer advice when i can. BTW-15 years in flooring.2 points
We lost a great one. He will certainly be missed. He was an artist that was able to find that sweet spot to appeal to a wide audience. Not too hard, not too soft, catchy enough riffs to make your toe tap, interesting lyrics. His later albums started leaning more towards the Blues genre, which is where my musical tastes started drifting, so Tom's music grew with me. Plus he was a Florida boy like me. RIP, Tom.2 points
Monkey, ours will do that but we aren't up there everyday. Our egg laying birds have a coop that has several large runs fenced in. They go out into the runs every day and back in the coop at night. The meat birds are in the tractors to keep them safe, allow them to browse fresh grass every other day or so and fertilize the pasture. They do an amazing job of prepping the dirt. It takes a couple of weeks for them to move 30-40 feet. When they've gone that far I till up the dirt and plant various cover crops that I use to build soil health. The land was used for hay production for years and so depleted of nutrients that the only way to get hay to grow the last 5-6 years was with heavy applications of chemical fertilizer. So the meat birds and the turkeys chug their way across the land a little every day spreading happy poop. I wish I'd done this last year. I threw a lot of money away trying to broadcast seed cover crops. I had very poor germination and for any decent cover crop it cost about $100 per acre. Now that the birds are introducing fertility I can till a little at a time and do a much more controlled seeding. I've gone from about 5% success to near 100% and I get really great tasting poultry. The ladies in the coop are doing their part as well. I alternate which runs they are allowed in and grow crops in the closed off runs. I need to get some time to post some pics. I stuck about 15 bales of hay in one of their runs and they had a blast being chickens and scratching at it. Now, roughly 3 months later that hay has degraded into a nice thin layer of topsoil with lots of fertility. it will get tilled soon and a crop seeded to overwinter. It's been a lot of work but I've learned a lot. I can't wait to get up there full time. Mark2 points
This is not exactly correct. In raw numbers, yes, police do kill more whites than blacks but whites are four times the population of blacks. When you look at the per capita rates, black folks make up 13% of the population and are 26% of the number of folks killed by police. When you compare the percentage of folks killed by police to their percentage of the population, blacks are killed by police at a rate 2.5 times that of white folks. And for the record, nobody is disrespecting the flag or the country, they are just asking the country to stand up for them before they stand up for it. Until then they will kneel and some like me will pray while kneeling that this country begins to actually live up to the ideals it purports to hold dear.2 points
Well lets see. One next door neighbor is black. The other is Egyptian. And, the only ones threatening violence is a group of white liberals (Antifa). I think the air may be getting a little thin up on that high horse.2 points
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Real World Rifle Skills - Combative use of the rifle Date Saturday Dec 2, 2017 Instructor : Randy Harris (https://suarezinternational.com/randy-harris/ ) Location:The Ridge in Dayton TN (http://www.theridgeshooting.com/index.html) Price $150 Cash or Check ($50 Deposit holds your spot ) Time : 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM This class is a 1 day immersion level class that will work to bring your rifle handling and shooting skills up to speed . Whether you are looking to use the rifle for home defense, Police patrol, Military, or 3 Gun Competition, this class will improve your shooting and gun handling skills. With just a small amount of lecture time we will spend the majority of the day on the range honing skills with both dry fire drills and live fire. While there is no prerequisite for this class, students need to have a SOLID grasp of the fundamentals of firearm safety and be familiar enough with their rifle to safely load , fire ,and unload it. What to bring? Modern magazine fed semi auto rifle or pistol caliber carbine. Pistol. Ammo: Rifle 250 rds Pistol 50 rds Eye and Ear Protection and any other gear you want to bring like knee pads. Ancillary gear: Belt and holster and mag pouch for pistol , sling for rifle, at least 3 rifle mags, at least 2 pistol mags (or speed loaders if you use a revolver), and a way to carry your rifle mags. This can be in your pockets, in belt mounted mag pouches, in a bag of some type or in a chest rig. Some stuff we will cover.... SAFETY Combative use of the rifle (context of combative use vs competitive use) RULE #1 - Don't get shot! (use of cover and movement to keep from getting shot) Position Shooting to conform to available cover. Marksmanship - Quickly hit what you aim at whether standing, kneeling, prone or moving Use of APPROPRIATE sighting methods for the distances involved Clear malfunctions QUICKLY Keep it loaded (Both reactive and proactive reloads and why and when to use them) Transition from Rifle to Pistol (When , Why and How) Practical application of the skills we learned For address to send deposit or for more info PM me here at TN Gunowners or email me at cruelhandluke2000@yahoo.com .1 point
1 point
As others have said, it's Vegas. A lot of luggage, or hard plastic cases on wheels for only one person aren't out of the ordinary. Think of how many large scale trade shows & conventions come through town a year, and how much stuff an individual working the show for their company has to lug around for it. Very easy to hide a cache like this guy had in plain sight in that town.1 point
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We should all think more and post less. However, I guess my main thought regarding your statement is what exactly does "pure" America look like? If you live over near where I do but then drive 30 minutes south to Dalton, GA, it's sorta like you are in little Mexico. I went to Puerto Rico and some places there seem more "English American" than Dalton does. Many places in San Juan seem exactly as if one were sitting on the beach in Daytona. Lots of places up north are Irish or Jewish. What about Chinatown? My point is that there are tiny little subcultures everywhere. I don't think that is a bad thing. I go and enjoy the ones I want to and stay away from the ones I don't. Now, if you are referencing attempting to subvert the legal system in any way, I can agree with being against that.1 point
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At the base of the great Waldens Ridge Escarpment... Copper Ridge... Powell... leroy...1 point
I recently bought my first 45 Colt/45 ACP Ruger Redhawk 4.2 inch barrel thinking I would shoot mostly ACP with the moon clips and quickly learned to love the more powerful Colt round. So Far I have sent the cylinder off and had it reamed to .4525 and changed the main spring and wow what a fine shooter it is.1 point
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If you ever wanted to see what goes on inside a suppressor, here's some interesting slow-mo footage of suppressors with a clear casing. Short version: There's also an Extended Version of this session. One of the cans has an interesting baffle design, and while it seems quite effective on retaining gas flow, it makes me wonder how much that increases back pressure.1 point
Bravo Foxtrot Sierra, I say if you do not stand for the Flag and the Country you will fall for anything. This protest is a good example and some have fallen for it.1 point
A lot of people blame protest movements for their lack of "cause" or unified voice. It's nothing new - reread King's Letter from a Birmingham Jail and you'll find ministers black and white at the time accusing him of the same. With that in mind, it's worth reading the Philadelphia Eagles' Malcom Jenkins in the Washington Post yesterday: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/what-protesting-nfl-players-like-me-want-to-do-next/2017/09/30/507fc4b0-a513-11e7-b14f-f41773cd5a14_story.html?utm_term=.5a9301eab8131 point
I am about sick and tired of quotes from "officials who cannot comment publicly".1 point
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I keep hearing 200 rounds being thrown around, I highly doubt they have a full count yet, but if so that would mean pass-throughs and ricochets accounted for the higher number and some of the injured are probably not due to gun fire.1 point
Actually many of us are. We are talking about the protest, the flag, racism, and what we can do to make this county better. I've discussed these things with friends, family, neighbors, strangers, and on various message boards. Many of these folks are fellow vets. We don't all agree, just like here, but we are talking about it. And that is a good thing. Sure, there are plenty of folks who have their undies bunched up about the method of protest, but once you get past that, and discuss the reason for the protests, the dialog begins. John, even you are discussing this right here in this thread.1 point
So, what is the acceptable variance of negative experiences? I'd argue we strive for a variance of 0%, knowing as human beings we'll fall short, and taking notice when we have systemic problems...which I think we do. Those protesting feel that the variance is worse in their field of view than it is for you or I, and are raising awareness the only way that can get our attention short of violence it seems. If they don't feel America is treating them equally enough for them to identify with the flag and the anthem as I do, my first instinct is to find out what their grievance is, not attack their protest.1 point
I get the sentiment. But then I find it hard to sync up with the actions. The Ravens took a knee as a team before the anthem today and then stood as one for the anthem. The fans still drowned out the anthem with their booing. They booed their own players against playing against the Steelers. I’m sorry. I get the sentiment. I really do. But forced patriotism is not patriotism. We have a different word for that. And it’s one that our veterans have fought against. We’re bigger than this as a country - or should be. America should be large enough to tolerate dissent and even encourage it. Maybe in doing so we actually create a better version of ourselves. BTW, you’re welcome to come help me rip out my flower beds anytime. Lord knows they need some help. My HOA might in fact welcome it1 point
They are starting a dialog between people about a difficult subject, just like we are doing in this thread.1 point
I admire your stamina. For me, there comes a time when you just sit back, read, shake your head and move on. Nothing like a bunch of freedom lovers attempting to restrict the freedoms of others. I'm a veteran, and protest don't bother me at all, but I'm a liberal commie. Besides it's no fun not being able to talk about 45 and the wonderful job he's doing. It's almost as if he doesn't exist.1 point
That's counter to the ability of folks to get outraged over this. Every time black folks have tried to speak up and protest about the need for police reform they've been told to do it differently. And now that some are using their platform to engage in a quiet, peaceful, nonviolent protest, it's being twisted into a nonsensical claim it is disrespectful to troops. I mean, I wish folks would just be honest and say what they really are thinking. "Shut up monkeys and entertain me. You're supposed to be dancing, not thinking!"1 point
pull the handle on the wand to blow off water pressure, then try again.1 point
Nothing wrong with them. The problem is to be legally posted you have to have them listed every x feet along your property line. It can get expensive. Plus people tear them down and then you are not legally posted. Much cheaper and harder to remove if it is just paint.1 point
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