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  1. This isn’t about freedoms. They are free to disrespect their country, their flag, and those that served. Their team owners have the freedom to fire their azz for doing so, or to stand by and do nothing. Their fans have the freedom to burn the NFL products they bought, and boycott the teams and their sponsors. Or they have the freedom to think this is a great and wonderful thing they are doing and take a knee with them. So you see freedom is in good shape; plenty to go around for everyone. With freedom comes responsibility. You can say whatever you like; but it may come at a cost.
    6 points
  2. What the Army fights for has nothing to do with one's right to be a jackass on the clock at work.
    4 points
  3. Well, it was graduation weekend for the broad breasted turkeys we raised this year. Started with 12, put 10 in the freezer. The other 2 suffered an unfortunate accident and were crushed... Average dressed weight of the males was a bit over 30# and the females was 27#. Put a little over 280# in the freezer. After our initial chicken graduation day I realized that I had waaay better things to do then to pluck birds by hand. Was going to build a plucker but ended up short on time and ordered a XXL plucker. Really glad we did that. It got around 98% of the feathers and the carcasses were much cleaner than the chickens we did by hand. It was also much faster. The only real snag was packaging them. I'd hoped to vacuum pack them but the 15" bags (max width of my vacuum sealer) were too small. Fortunately I'd ordered some xl and xxl shrink bags. The xl worked and once we got the system down they were the bomb... People say that turkeys are dumb and I'm not going to disagree but they were a hoot in general to raise. Very funny and when we let them out of their run they grazed well and came right back home. So, we will be doing them again. We also ordered some heritage birds. They are much smaller but also very cool. Getting ready to have to cut their flight feathers as they are getting a bit adventurous. We lucked out with 2 girls and 1 boy so I'm hoping they will figure out how to make me some free turkeys. I will probably do this again next year. Between them and the broiler chickens we have growing we will be fine on poultry for a while. I left one unfrozen. It will be boned out and then ground. We like to cook big batches of taco turkey and put it in the freezer for easy taco nights. Next up in our education are several types of pigs. I just need to get my fencing finished... Mark
    3 points
  4. We had enough volunteer to carry us through Grenada, Panama, Desert Shield/Storm...all of those while the end strength of the military was way higher than today. Then continue through the Balkans interventions, all the way to the kickoffs of Afghanistan, and Iraq. Not sure when all these tributes to the troops became fashionable in sporting events, but part of me wonders if it came about during the heyday of Iraq when people started questioning how wrong it was go topple the country in the first place. Regardless of when it started, like any good public control tool, it passed from administration to administration. I think as long as we don't see the disgraces we saw in Soldiers being spit on coming off the plane or automatically equated to baby killers, there will be volunteers enough. The adventure, steady paycheck, opportunity to escape the economic circumstances of youth, and being able to serve your country are too alluring to be otherwise...all four were enough to get me to sign up, acclamations and public praise were never in my mind.
    3 points
  5. Damn man, I boycotted their beer years ago, because it taste bad....
    3 points
  6. I'm up to Episode 8 or 9. I can't believe I pulled two tours in that ####hole. The worst thing was coming back to the US and being treated like dog####. I vowed I'd never let that happen to the lads and was part of a meet, greet and thank group while spending several years in AZ for returning folks from the desert. God help me but I love every one of those young folks.
    3 points
  7. Not sure where to post this but I ordered a Mossberg Shockwave Mariner this afternoon. Pics when she arrives. $379 plus transfer.
    2 points
  8. I don't think I am attacking their protest. They certainly have the right to protest, no issue there. I do have an issue with the how and where they are doing it. To the content of the grievance itself, you are correct, I do not agree with it or believe that it is a systemic problem, more specifically that they are somehow targeted specifically for their race in today's society as a whole. There are ####ty people of all colors who make bad decisions and blame it on everyone but themselves. I am not a police officer, but I work with officers from around the world and I can tell you that the problem does not lie within law enforcement. It lies within the people who fail to take responsibility for their own actions. These are systemic problems which are easy to identify in many classes and groups of people, not just black communities. You don't have to go far to find the opiod issue in most communities. I have the same feelings about it. Your poor decisions do not make me responsible for your situation in life and I feel no responsibility socially or financially to bail these people out of hole they dug.
    2 points
  9. You know, I've spent a lot of time this week thinking about this and praying about it some. I spent some time over in Paris, Tennessee this week talking with some folks who were upset about the protests, but who also had an apt observation that "the stuff players are protesting was outside of their day-to-day experience." They see these issues on the news some - but it's a long way away when you really don't get that far out of Henry county that often. I think something liberals, intellectuals, city folk and even some of the conservative press do poorly is just assume that everyone should "get it" when that's not a given. Life is way different in Nashville than it is just 75 miles away - whether that's Paris, Red Boiling Springs or Pulaski. It's not a fair argument to assume both sides are working from the same vantage point - and both sides will likely end up resenting one another. But, one thing is increasingly clear - and that is tribalism in America is being exploited by the political class as a whole to divide us - not unite us. It's a disturbing trend where the public is being manipulated on so many fronts - and both parties are guilty of this. But, one question that I've really been struggling with this week is, what does it say about our country when some folks try to start a conversation about racism in America today and it gets turned into a debate about love for our country itself?
    2 points
  10. They are starting a dialog between people about a difficult subject, just like we are doing in this thread.
    2 points
  11. Why? The pentagon loves the NFL so much they were paying for the pomp and "salute to the troops" during the games out of the recruiting budgets. I think it was little more than a way to create patriotism through propaganda, but the military liked it well enough. It seems to have worked judging by the outrage at a perceived slight against the troops and their sacrifices.
    2 points
  12. Actually the original was more accurate.
    2 points
  13. Before the US Army started advertising with the NFL, the players stayed in the locker room for the anthem... Anyway, the thing about protests, is the are supposed to be uncomfortable. Mission accomplished.
    2 points
  14. Went through 25 rounds of 2 3/4" buckshot a couple of days ago and it's a handful! Cool BEAST!
    2 points
  15. Yea, you'd be wrong. Nobody is saying they don't have the right to protest, just that they don't like they way their doing it. I highly doubt the Army is OK with it, and I will be surprised if they don't pull back their advertising once the paid for commercials run their course.
    2 points
  16. Antifa couldn't have said it better
    2 points
  17. It's this kind of attitude that kinda ticks me off. Just because I don't like rioting, burning and looting stores, or anyone disrespecting our country I'm The Problem???
    2 points
  18. Well....., on WLAC Ch5 Delanie Walker just said that he didn't care if anybody comes to the games. ".... And the fans that don't want to come to the game, OK, Bye!" - Delanie Walker http://www.newschannel5.com/news/fans-and-players-weigh-in-on-national-anthem-protest FINE! GOOD BYE!!!!!!
    2 points
  19. I recently bought an S&W M&P .45 and wanted to get it into my carry rotation, so I bought a nice leather holster, I am partial to all leather myself. The problem I'm having is when I holster the weapon the front groves on the slide catch the inside of the holster tight enough to rack the gun. Anyone have any advice on how to stretch the new leather a bit so the fit isn't so tight?
    1 point
  20. Seahawks, Titans, Steelers stay in locker rooms during national anthem as more players protest http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2017/09/24/ravens-jaguars-players-kneel-during-national-anthem-after-trumps-attacks-on-nfl.html I have not watched a game this year. Nor will I every spend money on the nfl. Then we have a hero to give us hope. http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2017/09/24/army-veteran-alejandro-villanueva-is-sole-steelers-player-to-stand-outside-for-national-anthem.html
    1 point
  21. I am so tired of the entire narrative of social injustice. Have there been some bad things happen, sure. Is it the norm, not even close. I think some of you need to go ride along with cops and see what they deal with on a daily basis, especially in the inner cities. You would have a much different opinion about the term social injustice as it is being thrown around to basically say everyone is racist. If you haven't done that, you have no idea what these officers deal with on a daily basis. This is a community problem, which just so happens the predominant race in the communities with major problems is black. We are not still in the 60's. 70's, and 80's, although the black 'leadership' would like you to still think we are. All they have to use now is the false premise that Blacks are still being treated like they were 40 years ago. BS. The more I hear the complaining, the less I care about their supposed cause. Everyone has to be a victim, it couldn't possibly be that they are responsible in any way for what happens to them. I don't feel the least bit responsible for the poor decisions made by most and won't be shamed into thinking their problems are due to the color of my skin or financial standing. The smart ones know what the root cause is for all of this, poor decisions and a lack of accountability. When the black communities start to worry about cleaning up their own issues, then I may start to care. Until then, this white guy just don't give a rats ass.
    1 point
  22. Most people I know have no problem with the players protesting what they are protesting, it is the way they choose to do it we have a problem with. Taking a knee during the anthem is the main beef everyone has with it. Not the message itself!! I firmly support there right to protest whatever they want to, but I also have the right to disagree with their method of protesting and show my disagreement by boycotting all NFL programming and doing my best not to buy and products made by their sponsors. Their right to protest isn't being debated or the validity of the thing they are protesting, it has been almost forgotten because of the way they chose to protest, so I ask you what good is any of these protests doing??
    1 point
  23. I really didn't want to comment in this thread, because some of you just don't know when to stop. Your statement caught my eye because it pretty much explains why people are protesting. I'm not going to say that everyone who has a negative interaction with the cops is a law abiding citizen, The protest are occurring because people of color are dying for minor or out right bogus infractions after interactions with law enforcement. Even with video, people of color still don't get the benefit of doubt. As far as athletes go, even their millions don't exempt them from mistreatment. Their money also doesn't isolate their kids and relatives from rouge cops. I don't blame you for being tone deaf. It seems that the majority of the country suffers from the same ailment. The people complaining/protesting have endured this behavior for generations. Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it's not happening. As long as some of you want to pretend that this issue is about the anthem and the flag, you'll be shadow boxing. If you truly believe that all Americans deserve equal protections under the law, you'll help pressure the justice department to actively investigate the mistreatment and killings of minorities at the hands of officers of the state.
    1 point
  24. Ehh, all she's done is type up a Facebook post. I'd call it a "look at me" moment, but on Facebook that's the whole point it seems.
    1 point
  25. I think it only changes or changed (not sure if it's been made a Congressional restriction yet or not) because the story about it broke. And when I said propaganda, I meant targeting citizens at large, not potential recruits. Any all volunteer force has to recruit where the talent pool is, I get that...but I doubt anyone was stirred to service by seeing someone from a nearby military post or the local Guard/Reserve unit getting a shout-out during a break in the game. In my mind, the NFL and other sports are being used to flat out preempt questioning of the military industrial complex by chaining support for the troops to avoiding hard questions about just how listless we are in our policy.
    1 point
  26. Already been fought. Settled with the lady who sued on her own for first precedent (can carry in Chilhowee when no park wide event is going on), and seems the second suit backed by TFA/NRA has been just dropped due to the change in law last session regarding the metal detector/police presence clause in 1359, which specifically does apply to recreational property also by the wording in the statute change. - OS
    1 point
  27. "Reform is needed" is an subjective opinion is it not? Some agree it is needed yet others do not. It is certainly not a "Fact". No problem as that is not really the topic. The topic is how and when the protests are done. Trying to deflect out any other way is a not so clever subterfuge of misdirection. Typical of folks when something does not go the way they wished it did not get what they want. All the BS aside they are free to do as they wish as long as they are willing to accept any consequences. I served so they could have that right. What people have to get through their apparently think should is that everyone has equal rights. Not mine are better because I am protesting for a perceived wrong done to a group of people. Want me to respect your rights and views? Then you have to respect mine. Pretty darn simple really. Problem is that one group has put up with another group acting like theirs is the only view for to Long. They are not going to play that silly game anymore and that it's unthinkable in previous times. Now they have to adapt and have neither the skills or maturity to do so. Well growing up is tough. Hope they figure it out soon so it causes then less distress.
    1 point
  28. I wasn't aware that Dave and I had such similar thought processes that it wouldn't be wholly obvious to the reader what wasn't his original writing. My bad. Nope, and I clearly stated I did so, no apologies owed or proffered. Im not going to engage in any more tit for tat back and forth about the way I made my post because it is pointless except to further exemplify the manner in which folks approach the original subject at hand. Y'all are seizing upon a minor and inconsequential point of how something was presented to avoid the main issue. Just as y'all seized on my manner of post by edit, y'all are seizing on a supposed show of disrespect (while ignoring things such as Mac's post that showed the format changed from sitting out to kneeling after discussions with veteran groups) to avoid the fact that these protests are being undertaken to draw attention to the issue of needed reforms in American policing. Nope. Instead we're gonna yap about how kneeling is so disrespectful in this instance where everywhere else it is a sign of submission, respect, or honor.
    1 point
  29. Short answer, if the park is being used for an official school event one is not allowed to carry during those times of the event. Additionally, if all public entrances to a park are manned by security/police and a metal detector is used AND all bags are inspected, and posted one cannot carry. As a general rule, in TN, you can carry in public parks.
    1 point
  30. I use some Tetra gun grease on the barrel nut. Nothing else except normal maintenance lube points. Little dab of Geissele grease on the sear if I think of it.
    1 point
  31. An interpretation of the situation that you're more than free to have. Just as I am free to interpret it in a very different matter. The only objective facts are that the players are engaging in an action and have stated the reasons for engaging in said action. After that it's all subjective, including any perceived disrespect.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. Anheuser Busch pays the NFL $1.4 Billion to be the official beer of the NFL through 2022. If they start losing millions in beer sales, they will turn the screws on the NFL to stop this nonsense. Boycott Anheuser Busch
    1 point
  34. Anheuser Busch is a big sponsor of the NFL. Call 1-800-DIAL BUD (342-5283) and press 1 for their stand on the NFL and then leave a message. I told them I was boycotting Anheuser Busch products and urging my friends to boycott them as well. They sell bud, bud light, michelob, stella artois, and a few other craft brands. Please feel free to copy and paste this to your other forums and Facebook.
    1 point
  35. Well my grandson was in the stand at daylight and did bag a small 4 point but had to wait till about 10:30 so he didn't make his 8:30 AM time frame. Said he would send pictures if he had time but had some work to do.
    1 point
  36. I went yesterday morning. Had a doe and her small spotted fawn come right under me at about 8:30. Unfortunately that is all I saw. I am gonna head back out tomorrow morning. Looking for my first bow harvest this year.
    1 point
  37. As I was driving to a work assignment today, I stopped and picked up a can of Pepsi. As I was walking to the counter to pay for it I noticed a nfl logo. I sat the can down and purchased another product.
    1 point
  38. Wow…. The NFL might be okay with these thugs disrespecting our flag and those that served, but I bet they won’t be okay with players telling fans not to come to the game. That’s a pretty bold step for Walker to be giving away the Titans money.
    1 point
  39. http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/28/delanie-walker-to-upset-titans-fans-dont-come-to-the-game/ I'm guessing economics was not his college major.
    1 point
  40. To me, the anthem is a solemn time of reflection, where focus is upon the flag and the men who have stood behind that flag over the last 200+ years. What these players are doing is bringing attention to themselves, when all attention should on the flag. It's distracting, disrespectful and just the wrong time to do your protest. Besides, they way they are doing it is stupid. Most people, myself included, really have no idea what they are protesting. I know it's about cop brutality, blah, blah, blah, but what specifically? I don't see them continuing the protest afterwards, unless it is to bring more attention to themselves in the form of boasting that nobody can tell them what to do. But beyond that, I don't see any of them actively trying to make anything better off the field. Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. To me, the NFL and Team Owners are on the wrong side of this fight. NEVER go against patriotism. NEVER! You will never win. They should have nipped this in the bud a long time ago and took a stand. Even if that stand was to be neutral, by letting the players feel however they want on their own time, but not allow the disruption to the game. Instead they are backing the players, and are looking just as unpatriotic. The NFL, Owners and Players are all saying Trump is being divisive and trying to split America, but I say that it was them that have been divisive. They knew from the beginning that many Americans don't like this, but they did not care. It has been dividing us since CK did it last year, but "dammit, I'm a player and you gotta listen to me". Now Trump speaks his mind and the entire league loses their collective minds. He has just as much right to speak his mind as they do. Now, sometimes I wish he would go about things a bit differently... Calling them SOB's may not have been the best term to use, but you know what? It's what many of us think and say to like-minded friends. It's refreshing that he speaks his mind without political-correcting every sentence that he speaks. Sometimes its embarrassing, but it is refreshing. Besides, I see these players do and say way worse things than "SOB" every week. If they are that big of a P***Y that that is what offends them, perhaps they should try ballet instead of football. Lastly, the NFL itself is being horribly hypocritical here. They have fined players for wanting to do their own form of protest or issue awareness because the method took place in the form of an addition to a uniform on the field. The player that wanted to wear pink in honor of his mother with breast cancer, the player with a mental illness that wanted to wear green shoes to bring attention to mental health day, the player that wanted to wear purple cleats to bring attention to domestic violence. All of them fined or told "No you can't do that". But now the NFL says the President can't tell THEM what to do? They put the kibosh on many good forms of issue awareness, but cop bashing while kneeling over the American flag is the one they get behind? Shameful!
    1 point
  41. a bunch of over paid losers. good bye to the nfl.
    1 point
  42. There has been enough platitudinous malarkey written here and other places to fertilize Texas... Some of us here (...me, at least...) think this whole thing is part of a bigger issue... That issue is the Post Modern World View that seeks to de-construct everything... period... That includes government (...especially, if it's a republican form of government...), the legal system (...no one should be oppressed, questioned, or detained by brutal police, even if he resists or does something dangerous and stupid; especially if he is "a person of color"...), The Capitalist System (...It's oppressive and some folks get more than others... that aint fair...), White People (...they are the original colonialist, expansionists, oppressors ya know... All indigenous peoples are greater than them...They had a paradise before the white man came...), and lastly; its about "... I don't like the duly elected president of this country and i'll politicize everything in an attempt to make him look bad and spit on everyone of you country bumpkins who voted for him..."; and i may even spark enough civil unrest to undo everything that the 2016 election brought to the USA... We can quibble about whether Trump should have started this conflagration; but it's irrelevant... He did... On a personal basis and from a political standpoint, I think it was a masterful move that allowed him to wrap himself in the flag, tap into the disgust of most working Americans, and call out and expose for all to see the over-privileged babys of the NFL, their enablers, and cheerleaders as what they really are... A bunch of Overbearing, Selfish, Anti-Law and Order, Self-Centered Anti-everything but what they think is appropriate on all levels nitwits... It's playing the "tribal game" that the demorats love so well on his terms... A helluva idea, i think... It paints these clowns for exactly what they are... There are those here who think that somehow their freedoms have been lessened as the result of this feud... I got news; they aint... Just because some official of government (...Trump..) says somethin ya don't like on a personal basis; it doesn't follow that it smacks of "suppression of political expression" and disbandment of "The Arena of Ideas"... Far from it... It doesn't follow that their speech, no matter how heinous and distasteful to some ears, has somehow nullified the Bill of Rights and the Constitution... You enjoy the same right to "speak in the public forum" and be free of government oppression for it that you always did (...except for when the demorats were runnin things... Ask some of the right leaning groups about it that had to talk to the IRS...), no matter what Donald Trump says, and no matter who he picks a verbal slug fest with...He said his piece; they are sayin theirs... That's how it works here with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights; which these narcissistic babies, and some of you here seem to think is a one way street... You need to think a bit and understand that right of "Freedom of Speech" in the Arena of Ideas extends to all citizens... Even the president... Think about that a bit... It includes, you, me, "them", even the Trumpster... The lesson here is that there are lotsa folks, some of them here, that need a civics lesson... I aint nearly as afraid of Donald Trump takin away anyone's freedoms, as i am the mindless bunch of children and the damned Democrats and Establishment Republicans takin em away... Your mileage may vary... Thus endeth the lesson... Rantin leroy, the "Free Speech for All" zealot...
    1 point
  43. They play the anthem in military theaters, and yes we stand for it. As to not complaining about the goof offs, there is a big difference between being lackadaisical and being totally disrespectful.
    1 point
  44. You're doing exactly what so many others are doing and, frankly, it surprises me given what I have perceived as being your level of intelligence via so many of your other writings. What I mean by "exactly what so many others are doing" is confusing, perhaps willfully, the difference between the assurance you have that the government won't forcibly deprive you of your right to free speech (the First Amendment) and the assumption that you are guaranteed the same protection from your employer and customers if you choose to exercise your freedom of speech on their time. I agree that these morons should have the right to express themselves without fear of reprisal from our government. That is guaranteed to them and is what you signed up to defend when you took your oath. BUT when these players choose do so on their employer's (the NFL and the team owners) time, and on their customers' (the fans) time... then those other parties get a say in things. The employer can choose to terminate their employment if their actions were counter to the company's ethics and values, and the customer can choose to do business elsewhere. I'm pretty sure you know this and agree with it as well. But for some reason, you chose to make the other connection.
    1 point
  45. It is not gonna be good for their revenue. I didn't realize BHO paid teams to show patriotism starting in 2009. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/timothymeads/2017/09/24/draft-n2385792 most people don't think the flag represents white cops oppressing non white people. 20 years in the military and I never once heard that. This is pure left wing BLM politics brought in to the NFL. Disrespectful to say the least!
    1 point
  46. Simply put...I'm very ashamed of the Titans and every NFL team, coach, owner, administrator, and especially the players. And lets not forget Roger Godell( did I get that right?)
    1 point
  47. Screw the nfl, the anthem means so much to so many, except some ball carrying butt holes that will be broke in 10 years. I'm done w the titans and the nfl, NASCAR wouldn't allow their drivers or teams to pull that crap, NFL should follow suit Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  48. I'll start out by admitting that I know I make no difference in the matter... But the NFL will not be shown on any TV screen in my house...
    1 point
  49. 1 point
  50. Pansies every one! Anyone that really believed in the cause would quit the NFL altogether and forfeit their contract. That would show em!
    1 point
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