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Working on fixing up my JM Marlin 336 and would like to see some pics of others classics. I got this one from my grandpa which he got second hand. It will be staying in the family from here on out. No plans to refinish. Just added a sling kit and have a skinner dovetail aperture sight ordered. I was looking at the receiver version of their sight but liked the aesthetics of the dovetail better. Custom leather sling by Rick Garcia. It is a 1976 mode that has seen its fair share of use and taken plenty of deer. Still smooth as silk though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
Well after an almost 13 month wait here she is. All I have is a very lackluster cell phone pic, but it gets the point across Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk3 points
You have some very good points for sure. I have heard all my life I want better for you than I had so you need to go to college. I offered college to both of my sons which of course oldest died in a car crash but youngest son was working part time with me in Auto Repair business while finishing High School and Auto Mechanics was what he wanted to do in his future so I did pay for his education in Auto Tech School in Nashville and when he graduated I turned the business over to him as I could no longer work due to health. He is still in business today repairing cars. He was able to put both of his boys through a trade school and the oldest one is an owns an Electrical Contractor Business and his little brother works with him as general manager and his business is booming and he has 8 full time 10 person crews running wide open trying to keep up with demand with all of the construction going on in Tennessee. My Grandson was very smart in doing one thing for his business. He decided to get started he would subcontract his small operation to much bigger Electrical Contractors and that was how he got started 12 years ago. All the time he was subcontracting his services he was adding more and more employees and being able to do more jobs for the big guys. A year ago he became 1 of the big guys and the big contractors were actually recomended him to building contractors for jobs they could not get to. His father and I are very proud of the two boys. They have made big bucks and did not squander it all away like many young people do these days. They both built houses for them selves and they are paid off and now both have small families. Well I have gone on long enough. I try not to brag about my family to much but I am proud that I don't have any slackers in my son, grandsons or Son in Law..................3 points
Yep, that will solve all his problems3 points
I don't really know what kind of discussion this will generate, but this article by Peter Lucier is one of the most powerful things I've read in some time: https://wp.nyu.edu/therevealer/2017/09/08/not-your-messiah/2 points
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I was 21, new to handguns and really didn't know enough to think about how it actually fit my hand. It's not the most ergonomic but I do shoot it well and out of 4-5K rounds I've only had 1 malfunction from some crappy reload.2 points
I do tech for a construction company and I know for a fact some of our senior field staff make more than me. It is hard to find guys to fill those positions that want to work and have any experience at all. Lots of our guys are at or nearing retirement. Not sure what we are going to do.2 points
Didn't an idiot do that with a book a while back and girlfriend was able to fix stupid?..............2 points
I haven't been around a contractor in quite a while who hasn't asked me if I knew any laborers, carpenters, or equipment operators they could hire. Today, a man can make a very comfortable living operating a paver, trackhoe, crane, dozier, etc. As most operators and even foremen age, I see these jobs becoming more and more lucrative.2 points
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PBS generally makes their shows available on their website for streaming. So check there if you later remember that you forgot to watch an episode over the air. http://pbs.org2 points
One thing I have learned from all these posting is that all of us should stay out of boats.2 points
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I think he should keep moving the target to the left until he catches up with it2 points
We left some of the best of that generation over there. It's kind of neat watching my dad now. Since he retired, he's gotten really involved in veterans advocacy issues down in Atlanta. He had such a hard time when he came back, but now it's almost like a switch has flipped. He remembers how he was treated and does his best to make sure that nobody suffers through that now. I remember when he was first starting out, they had him talking to a ton of veterans just coming back. He didn't think he had that much to offer or that his story was that interesting, but as it turns out the part of interest was that he made it. He transitioned back into society, had a family and now at 65 years old is still alive. I don't know if he'll watch it or not. He still occasionally wakes up in the jungle and I guess has learned not to turn over some rocks.2 points
It would tsunami those vertical-filming goobers back up on dry land.1 point
That's the leeward side of the island. Mix the low pressure from the storm, a tidal swing and the wind - and it just sucked the water out of there. It'll come back in with the surge The other time this happens is the time you have to really worry about. When you see the water leave and it hasn't been preceded by a major weather event like a hurricane, that's a good indication to seek higher ground because a tsunami is forming. I heard from some friends in Guatemala this morning that felt the earthquake in Mexico last night for more than a minute and a half.1 point
My guess is when the old guys retire your company is USCWAP just like most companies are right now. Trump is trying his best the bring jobs back on shore but I don't think he realizes that 85% of the Millennials don't want the type of jobs he is talking about bringing back. They don't want manual labor jobs. They want 9 to 5 jobs with full benefits that pay 6 figure salaries or they ain't going to work. They will continue to live in Mom and Dads basement on the free ride. I began working when I was 9 years old, getting out of bed at 3AM and meeting the milk truck driver at my driveway and I ran milk in glass bottles to the houses from the truck and got done about noon and made $2.50 a day. I wonder how many 9 year olds would be willing to do that today???1 point
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Very interesting read and in many ways very enlightening. I have found like most that if you ask 5 different Veterans their view of what they experienced each one will be different yet very much the same in different words. If I know a person is a veteran that has just returned home I try and not ask them anything about what they feel about war but how are they doing back here at home and I am more curious as to whether they might want to offer things they might be looking for but cannot find. I will then go as far out of my way as necessary to try and find what they need without it being obvious that i am trying to help them. Like Red said, BE A FRIEND!! I don't thank them for their service any more because I would guess they have probably heard that so much they don't hear it any longer and would rather not be reminded of why people are thanking them...................JMHO1 point
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As a former sailor that did go into combat, I hold the ones that did in high regard. I do not ask questions I just say thanks and treat them like a friend.1 point
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Oh my Lord! That is gorgeous! It beats anything I might say here. I feel inadequate now...I just ordered a takedown 10/22 from CDNN.1 point
Well, I am not seeing a swarm of people looking to get into any trade schools that would require punching a time clock and working with their hands and manual labor! My Son I Law is the Superintendent of one of the largest Commercial Fireproofing Company in the South east and he has been begging for help for over a year and his boss has given him a green light to hire what ever he needs and he has been forced to use Temp Services because he can't find anyone willing to work. He was able to hire 2 men off the Temp Service after they had filled their contract with the temp service. Since doing that the Temp Service says they don't have anyone capable of filling that type of labor. Those services get Po'ed when a company hires their temps full time. Right now they have 5 positions open and can't find help. I think one of the real problems is finding people that can pass a drug test. They have made appointments for drug tests for about 30 people in last month and not 1 showed up for tests. They are starting laborers at $15.00 and hour with time and a half over 40 and they are working an average of 60 hours a week so the men are making good money. $ 1050.00 a week for laborers is not bad money............JMHO1 point
I once had a man tell me about putting his shotgun barrel in the fork of a tree and bending it to get it to shoot to the point of aim.1 point
The ATI 22s that I have are mediocre. Not really good, but not bad enough to junk totally. My choice would be a Rock Island. A bit more cash, but a much better pistol. Yes...I am the owner of several Rocks. Love them.1 point
I would also add that the poor visibility at the bottom of the lake made recovery of guns and boat impossible. Not having a list of serial numbers or insurance, there was no reason to report the loss at that time. This resulted in my total loss of memory and transformation to a liberal. BTW, wasn't there once something that protected one's Right to own firearms?1 point
Pearce, the folks behind the Pearce grip extensions, has released a Glock Gen 5 magazine baseplate that fills the stupid notch in the front of the Gen 5 frame where your pinky rests. https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1006081487/pearce-grip-enhancer-magazine-base-pad-glock-compact-full-size1 point
I was planning on putting some feeders up next year, maybe I should put up a couple early.1 point
My suggestion would be for him to hold the target and have someone smarter do the test firing . Natural selection will take over from there.1 point
"...moved the target to the left..." Nothing gets over his head, his reflexes are too fast.1 point
1 point
This is the very reason I had to leave the Facebook gun groups. They make my brain hurt. ALOT.1 point
I have no experience with the ATI but I've heard good things. I do know that Rock Islands in the same price range are rock solid and good to go.1 point
He should've bought a .45, then the whole target would be gone.1 point
Well obviously he needs to shorten his right leg. Everybody knows that.1 point
You guys would be surprised at how often I am carrying the CZ P-07 these days. Coming from someone who really prefers the striker-fired designs, something about this little heater really appeals to me and I honestly can't quite put my finger on exactly what it is. I think it's probably because it is more than one single thing and, rather, a combination of smaller things.1 point
Been there..............have the t-shirt. Never will forget the ones that didn't make it back........................Still after 47 years. Thanks to all that served.....in a very difficult war.1 point
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Let me guess - you took all of your guns out for a romantic day on the lake in a rowboat. Just when you were passing under some trees on the edge of the lake a water moccasin dropped out of a tree and into the boat. Your natural reaction was to grab the 12 gauge loaded with 00 buckshot that was sitting cozily by your side and...well, lets just say that 00 buckshot can blast right through a snake and still put a heck of a hole in the bottom of a rowboat. You tried to save them. Tried desperately to pull at least a few of them from the murky depths but, in the end, you woke up on the bank desperately clutching a spent 12 gauge shell and suffering terribly from all the rowboat-wood splinters in your backside. You don't even remember pulling yourself out of that watery grave and even the pain in your backside couldn't match the aching in your heart. Now, even though it is many years later, you still feel such a sense of loss that you can't even so much as look at a gun without breaking down. Even the slightest hint of the smell of gunpowder makes you burst into tears. Or something.1 point
I had one get in my garage once too. Their instinct is to fly higher to get away from danger, which is the opposite of how to get out of a garage. I held a broom up close to it and it landed on the edge of it. I just slowly lowered the broom and carried it outside. I wish I had more of them. I'll see one every couple of years. Would adding feeders draw them in, or do you need to have them already then put out feeders?1 point
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We just talk about guns here. No one actually owns one of those devious devices.1 point
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If you want to be a gun owner that may include some exotic firearms, here's my best advice, Move out of New York!1 point
I looked up the word "Stupid" in the dictionary and found a picture of a compensator on a 9mm. I haven't located that particular one, but I'm hot on it's trail. :D1 point
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