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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/2017 in all areas
5 points
5 points
We really need to go back to the times when news was delivered on the front porch in the morning and/or afternoon and from no more than three TV stations two or three times a day.5 points
The Serenity Prayer comes to mind. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.3 points
There is one road out of the Keys - US-1. Dropsonde measurements from earlier today are being verified, but a reading of 226MPH was recorded. I learned one thing on a search and rescue crew back in the day. If you wait until you know you need to leave, you're way too late.3 points
Someone told me that this was the first time a team has ever rushed for that many yards and lost. The vols better step it up. That was a pathetic performance.2 points
I like that one with Cooter. Here's one of me with Enos from about 5 years ago. We're holding pictures of ourselves from about 25 years earlier. I'm a lot bigger now, but he looks the same!2 points
2 points
Milk sandwiches, duh! Though the path projections I saw this morning show GA, SETN, and the Carolinas potentially getting a LOT of rain.2 points
Think of what it's gonna do before it even gets to Florida. Haiti never recovered from the last one that was half this size/strength. Cuba doesn't have hurricane adjusted building codes. None of those people have anywhere to go. They'll head up into the hills to escape the flooding, but there's sure to be massive mud slides. I saw this morning it's projected to turn north after Cuba. This isn't gonna end well. A friend used to live in Wilmington. He said the answer to a hurricane is so simple it's only one word.... leave.2 points
And when every news headline didn't sound like humanity was on the brink of extinction. "Neighborhood milk supply running low, due to a cow dying at the dairy farm. Leading to unemployment for millions, placing babies at risk for malnutrition, and reducing the national security posture requiring mitigation by raising the DEFCON level."2 points
If I were you I'd tell them to leave NOW while plenty of fuel is available and before the highways get crowded. Emm....well maybe I should say if I was them I'd leave NOW while plenty of fuel is available and before the highways get crowded. There...that's much less bossy...haha.2 points
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Yeah they are. Wish they were a two day format but you can't get everything. Hope to see you there in the future. If you happen to attend let me know and we can link up. Always like to meet fellow TGOers. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk1 point
Sure will. All of the rifle classes I've taken there have been really good btw.1 point
He's a friend of mine and I've taken several of his courses. Just letting people know what's out there.1 point
I hope someone tazes the F out of him too, he tortured that young man and I promise you he will never be the same person after enduring what he has had to endure. The officer will probably loose his mind because he will be housed in PC with all the sexual predators. And I bet a few inmates in the jail he is housed at would LOVE to get back at him for what he did to them.1 point
Looks like the deputy got charged with 4 counts of ag assault and official misconduct. http://www.wsmv.com/story/36304617/jailer-charged-with-assaulting-inmate-with-stun-gun1 point
Gallatin Gun IDPA will host an indoor IDPA match on September 13th at Sumner Gun and Supply in Gallatin TN. 4 stages around 70 rounds. Set up at 5:00PM, start time at 6:00PM. Click on link to register, pay at the store. Notice: The new IDPA targets will be used with the -1 scoring zone in the head. https://practiscore.com/gallatin-gun-idpa-at-sumner-gun-4/register1 point
The scary thing is that this storm is currently 400 miles across. It's right at 400 miles from Tallahassee to Miami!1 point
Looks like it will probably dead center Miami. That's going to make a mess!1 point
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I remember a guy telling me he didn't like 1911's because there wasn't a loaded chamber indicator. I said, "Hammer back isn't enough??"1 point
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I have noticed over my years of watching storms either like these of if they predict snow that everyone says they need to go get milk and bread. The milk I can understand but like mentioned earlier Bread & Milk sandwiches???? If I'm going to the store to stock up for a storm I want something to go on the bread besides Milk!!!!!!.................JMHO1 point
The frame is just big channel so I'm not that worried. Biggest thing is there is a sizeable gap between the vertical posts and the horizontal cross member. Realistically it could likely be taken care of with some washers, but I just don't like that approach.1 point
There are things you can control - and things you just can't. The older I get, the more wisdom I see in taking care of the things you can control - and leaning on insurance for the stuff you can't. I'm certain there are a bunch of folks in Houston who wish they had left before the storm - and are in exactly the same place now regardless of the fact that they stayed. Mind you, all of that comes from my middle class perspective having options and means to leave. There are a lot of places in the path of this storm where that's not going to be the case.1 point
It doesn't take much to set off a "panic" buy...guess I better go get milk and bread although I have no idea why... Bread pudding?1 point
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He probably had his Beats headphones turned up to 11 one too many times and can't remember his meteorological school learnin' But then I found this. And This. Hurricanes are categorized by several methods, the most well known being the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. The Saffir-Simpson scale, developed in 1969, is based on the wind speed of the hurricane. The various categories are listed below in their traditional form: Category 1: 74 to 95 mph Category 2: 96-110 mph Category 3: 111-130 mph Category 4: 131-155 mph Category 5: greater than or equal to 156 mph The amount of damage between each category does not increase linearly. Each increase in category greatly increases the damage potential. The original scale included no Category 6 hurricane. Robert Simpson has stated that there was no reason to include an additional category because the damage would be severe no matter the wind speed over 155 mph. Improvements in building engineering over the past roughly 35-40 years may have changed that dynamic and might necessitate the addition of a category 6 hurricane. In our view, if the Saffir-Simpson scale were adjusted to include another category, it would likely be as follows: Category 1 hurricane: 74 to 95 mph Category 2 hurricane: 96-110 mph Category 3 hurricane: 111-130 mph Category 4 hurricane: 131-155 mph Category 5 hurricane: 156-175 mph Category 6 hurricane: greater than or equal to 176 mph The current Saffir-Simpson scale has the following wind speed bands for its categories: Category 1: 21 mph band Category 2: 14 mph band Category 3: 19 mph band Category 4: 24 mph band Category 5: unlimited band since there is no upper limit besides atmospheric limitations A Category 5 band would likely be a 19 or 24 mph band and therefore a category 6 hurricane would have winds greater than or equal to 176 mph (or 181 mph). The 176 mph figure seems to make the most sense based on wind speeds and engineering. On a related note, the question has come about, what about a storm that has winds of 95.5 mph or 110.5 mph or 131.5 mph or 155.5 mph etc? It would seem that the scale does not provide for those wind speeds. A continuous mathematical restatement of the Saffir-Simpson Scale should be made with the addition of an additional category. The Saffir-Simpson scale should be restated as: Category 1 Hurricane: 74 to 95 mph Category 2 Hurricane: > 95 to 110 mph Category 3 Hurricane: > 110 to 130 mph Category 4 Hurricane: > 130 to 155 mph Category 5 Hurricane: greater than 155 mph Or, alternatively: Category 1 Hurricane: 74 to less than 96 mph Category 2 Hurricane: 96 mph to less than 111 mph Category 3 Hurricane: 111 mph to less than 131 mph Category 4 Hurricane: 131 mph to less than 156 mph Category 5 Hurricane: 156 mph or greater Or with an additional category: Category 5 Hurricane: > 155 to less than 175 mph Category 6 Hurricane: 175 mph or greater or alternatively, Category 5 Hurricane: 156 mph to less than 176 mph Category 6 Hurricane: 176 mph or greater Precision is important in the sciences and hurricane forecasting is nothing if not a science. Likewise taxonomies assist in the classification and therefore the study of any phenomenon. Our view is that the Saffir-Simpson scale has a few minor areas that need correction. Christian H F Riley For more information on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale, see here. And the NHC/NOAA page here.1 point
I prefer fixed wing myself and something with climate controls in the cabin.1 point
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Watching this one closely, 3 brothers, 2 children, and an 86 year old mom all in the projected path.0 points
As a native Georgian and an engineer, I pull for Tech when I can. My wife is Bulldog born and bred, though. So, I have to be careful if I want to sleep inside.0 points
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