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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2017 in all areas

  1. I never thought I'd be writing in after all these years, but I have a new relationship. Today we did it 150 times and only had 2 issues. It's ok, it was in the first 25 times and we were just warming up. I was smiling and I think my partner was, at least, willing and able. Strange wobble when we did it, but it's the law of physics. Even though we just met, my partner does need some cosmetic surgery. It is not for self esteem, we don't care what other think about us when they see us. It will make it better when we do it.
    4 points
  2. Got the smoke rolling around 6a. I plan on babysitting this smoker all day long
    3 points
  3. Started on an AK last night with my neighbor. Got almost everything finished except for some pinning. Now time to finish up my couple that have been sitting around... Looks like my photo didn't upload. Picture tonight.
    2 points
  4. Well had the T-Bones and baked potatoes and I know I enjoyed them and I am thinking Kasey did also. He she is kicking back "Kinda" I guess you could say she is full and doing her imitation of the ole fat hog with a full belly.........
    2 points
  5. I had an unproductive season last year too... should have called it skunked season instead of deer season
    2 points
  6. So I'm looking at getting my first hang on stand. I've been reading and watching tons of reviews and usage information by owners. Where I'm at is Mellenium m100u and Hawk Helium climbing sticks. Anyone use either with more feedback? If you haven't looked at the Hawk sticks, they have steps on both sides at each step location and are pretty neat! Millennium stands are well loved so I'm happy with that decision.
    1 point
  7. Last year was really bad. Wildfires all over with absolutely no water to be found on my lease. I don't know where the deer were drinking. The smoke was so bad, even during muzzle loader and the first few weeks of rifle season, that I had to leave because of the strong smell of smoke. I managed one spike last year, but I'm hoping for a much better season. Won't be long!
    1 point
  8. Here's some vintage .22 boxes in original counter top displays. Thanks for looking, hope you enjoy them.
    1 point
  9. Those are neat! I like how simple they are. No bolts, screws or washers. i can't wait till the season opens. I still got work to do though!
    1 point
  10. That would probably be the best description. Bulgarian triangle. Bulgarian FSP with threads, ak 74 brake, probably Romy parts kit for the guts. Bring the FSP back as far as I can go with the pinned brake and be legal.
    1 point
  11. Youll have a nice setup for sure! Weight matters when you are trying to hang it or tear it down. Also matters if you have to backpack your stand and sticks in frequently. But....once it's up, the more comfortable you are in your stand, the longer you'll be able to hunt. I am working on relocating my Millenium currently. So here's a story about how dumb I am. Connected to Lifeline. Climed sticks up to the stand. Disconnected the straps to the stand and lowered it down. Started to climb down and disconnect the first (highest) stick and realized my Lifeline was still connected to the tree....and because I already took the stand off, there's no way I could reach it! So I had to take my blanket and go home. I've got some other sticks that I can attach to climb up high enough to retrieve my Lifeline but ran out of time! Doh!!
    1 point
  12. I like the Monster a lot too but was looking at the weight difference and was leaning toward the M100U for that. I've never used a hang on but heard a lot of people say that about the hook to help pull the stand up. I have a couple HSS Lifeline's, they are nice! I had another one but some piece of sewer trash cut one I had on a ladder stand last year. But I will definitely use one for this setup! Thanks for the input Slappy
    1 point
  13. ^That one still needs some work so I can't do pictures now but I have my personal Romanian to do, an RPK, and some form of a mutt build so there will be plenty of pictures of the build process. So far as tools a press is a given, I have the Harbor Freight 12 ton. Great? Not really but it works. It's slightly wobbly and that makes me really nervous because I've seen lots of things come flying out of presses, and a guy catch part of a press plate with his face. Best solution is shims or just square it all up and weld some things to take the slop out. Anyway that was just an aside. Outside of that I'd really, really recommend the AK Builder tools. Riveting jig, trigger rivet jig, and barrel press kit. Robert Forbus also makes really nice AK build tools like populating tools and barrel press out jig, recommended for when you do the head space. Also headspace gauges, those are critical.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Just noticed, it's on Turner Classic Movies at 10pm eastern. - OS
    1 point
  16. Funny you should post this. A buddy of mine got a maschinenpistole 38 knockoff and we shot it Sunday. What a blast. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_World_War_II_firearms_of_Germany#/media/File%3AMP_38.jpg
    1 point
  17. Sorry it's been a while. I've been in the woods and doing yard work more than I have been asleep. Last thing I was doing when I posted was adding another piece for more length. I ended up taking them off and cutting two longer ones. I also added spacers to allow clearance so it folds up completely. Before it kind of closed against the bar below it. I didn't like the way it moved with four pieces connected together. Much smoother now with this setup. I put the bolt and spacers on the end piece with nylon spacer to allow the Muddy friction mount to be attached. It works very nice and smooth. If the fluid mount is as much nicer as they say, then it must be worth the money they ask for them. I started another arm this evening with sections 3 inches longer than the one I just finished. I don't have another "bracket" like I used on the first one. Basically I have writers block for ideas. Came up with several ideas and all would work but I wasn't happy with any of them. Maybe I'm just tired? Jake and Riley say hi. Roman was stuck to my side with less than an inch between my leg and his back so he didn't make it in the pictures but he says hi too.
    1 point
  18. Grilled salmon with broccoli and pasta here. It was quite tasty.
    1 point
  19. Just the other day a song popped into my head for no apparent reason. I haven't heard it in years. It never plays on the radio anymore and again it hasn't played that I know of in years. It was driving me crazy. I could remember the beat, I could hum the chorus, well no one else would have recognized it with me humming it but it was in my head ya know.....but I couldn't remember even one word. It was driving me a bit nuts the way these sorta things do. I couldn't remember the band, the singer, nothing. I could hear the beat clearly. ba bum bum bum ba....ba bum bum bum ba.....ba bum bum bum ba.......I finally remembered one word and that word was "love" so I had this: "love...ba bum bum bum ba...." I finally figured it out. Anyone want to guess what it was? If you don't want to play my little game, then scroll down and you'll find the answer..... Pablo Cruise Love Will Find a Way
    1 point
  20. Video no, but I can put up a list and pictures of what I have and how to do it. Hopefully some more experienced will also hop in for anything I'd miss plus any other details.
    1 point
  21. Once upon a time I would have been surprised. The government is simply incapable of overseeing itself and any branch or agency with "defense" in its name is the worst. If we had a congress with any kind of balls then $21M would be deducted from next year's appropriation. The same goes for every misuse of taxpayer's funds.
    1 point
  22. "Reeling in the Years" was the song for me. Wore it out on 8 track driving to the slot car track to race with my buddies. Great and unique music from Steely Dan. RIP Walter Becker
    1 point
  23. Bless us, Oh Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through Christ, Our Lord. Amen. Deer Supper
    1 point
  24. Yep. And we only ever bought 'those' magazines for the articles.
    1 point
  25. Randall, my season didn't go good last year either. I'm was working a lot (and still am) and didn't have a lot of time to hunt and one of my neighbors has a lot of dogs. Anyway I think I saw more dogs than deer. I went home mad a lot. Good luck to everyone this time.
    1 point
  26. That was one of the funniest slaes pitches I have ever read. Once I began reading it I had to read the whole thing!! Just to funny but I bet he sells the truck too!!...............
    1 point
  27. Looks like he might be feeding everyone in Kingsport..............LOL
    1 point
  28. WOW!! You must be cooking for a LOT of peoples!! [emoji106] Sent from my SM-J320V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  29. I can't complain too much about last season. It was my first ever deer season and I put one in the freezer. I am anxious this season about having a place to hunt but at the same time I have seen 2 sizable 8 pointers among others right behind my house. So maybe I can get at least one in the freezer again this season. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  30. Riding around in my dad's old MG listening to Katy Lied on 8-track is one of my earliest memories. I'm not sure there is another band that made music quite like Steely Dan.
    1 point
  31. Well, doesn't sound like it can get any worse! That's some really messed up encouragement there. Haha Good luck man! This will be the year!
    1 point
  32. Very nice. Where's the pic of the BSTS you picked up?
    1 point
  33. You sure your not my dentist? The name would fit. He buys this kind of stuff. Lol. Of course he is in Johnson City. Great looking one.
    1 point
  34. Sorry you had a bad experience. I have used mine in USPSA competition since 2016. I really like it and has zero issues with mags. But like you,I am bummed about the recall. Since it is not a safe gun I bought a Sig Legion P226. Looking forward to the next match. The P320 is in the safe. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  35. That happened to me in Ohio. I ordered sweet tea out of habit. The server brought me sugar packets and an unsweat tea, and she said, "what, do you want me to put it in there for ya?" Somewhere north about Lexington and west about Dalas is the sweet/unsweet tea line. Beyond that, they're untrainable.
    1 point
  36. The only reason I would personally want a Gen5 over a Gen4 is the grip without finger grooves, but there's already a gen2 for that at half the price and known quality. I still need to hold one, but based on the reviews, I had higher hopes for this.
    1 point
  37. Sorry, I prefer to stay on the ground. I screw up too much to get myself higher than a step ladder.
    1 point
  38. I prefer fixed wing myself and something with climate controls in the cabin.
    1 point
  39. I don't bite on trolling baits from new members.................PERIOD!!!...............
    1 point
  40. I'd guess his entire intent was to get clicks to the site he linked to at the end of his post.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Guns are from the devil...I'd never consider owning one.
    1 point
  44. Free gun with the purchase of any hydro dipping
    1 point
  45. If you want to know more check out this thread from the Colt forum last year. You might want to take the slide off and see if there is a hand engraved number on the inside of the slide. That might indicate it was one of the 100 prototypes. There were a lot more than 100 sold of the Model D's with the CPA prefix. There is a lot of info here: http://www.coltforum.com/forums/colt-semiauto-pistols/123897-colt-380-prototype.html
    1 point
  46. Found this on Blue Book of gun values. F.I.C. sold less than 100 Pony .380 ACPs, which were marked Colt before the Mustang was introduced - these are rare. While some models are relatively rare, collectability to date has been minimal and most models sell in the $150-$295 range, depending on overall desirability and condition. I've found 2 online and one has medallion in grip and the other does not. Does yours?
    1 point
  47. After hearing and reading about how awesome K31s are for quite a while, I finally took the plunge and traded for one locally. I got it out for a short range session today, and it did not disappoint! I shot it and a Finn M39 for comparison. Both have great bores. I think the K31 outperformed the M39! If not, it was certainly toe to toe. Anyway here are some crappy indoor photos given the weather here today... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    0 points
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