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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2017 in all areas

  1. Here's some vintage .22 boxes in original counter top displays. Thanks for looking, hope you enjoy them.
    2 points
  2. Factory Engraved 4" Python with Ivory [emoji16][emoji16][emoji16]
    2 points
  3. I hope you have a better season this year. I know a lot of folks had tough seasons that lived up east. My Son and Grandsons all had good hunts last year and I got 2 deer from them for my freezer. They have told me they will at least 2 or maybe three for me this year as they ahve been checking trail cams and say that the food plots are showing quit a few nice deer on my Sons property.
    2 points
  4. Wishing you the best of luck! I'm so pumped about season starting soon. Went to a friends house to visit in Franklin yesterday and watched deer bouncing and playing in the back yard. One NICE main frame 8 was already wearing hard horn, I was surprised this early. But the cool air and watching them had my heart racing like I was in the stand already
    2 points
  5. I made my first attempt at making my own camera arm so I could try to film my hunts. I have very little invested since everything except the hardware was scrap aluminum that I had laying around. Ordered a GoMuddy friction head to mount the camera on. I have a mount for the GoPro as well but it will be on my smaller camera arm that will be behind me for video of the shooting. It was a pretty fun project. I used nylon washers and spacers with locknuts providing the torque to tighten as needed for smooth movement. Any of y'all make your own? Good ones are not cheap so figured I'd try it. Now I'm gonna make a couple more and try to come up with a simple design for the frame that attaches to the tree. That was I can make a few and leave them on different trees and just carry the arm with me.
    1 point
  6. After hearing and reading about how awesome K31s are for quite a while, I finally took the plunge and traded for one locally. I got it out for a short range session today, and it did not disappoint! I shot it and a Finn M39 for comparison. Both have great bores. I think the K31 outperformed the M39! If not, it was certainly toe to toe. Anyway here are some crappy indoor photos given the weather here today... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  7. Last year was really bad. Wildfires all over with absolutely no water to be found on my lease. I don't know where the deer were drinking. The smoke was so bad, even during muzzle loader and the first few weeks of rifle season, that I had to leave because of the strong smell of smoke. I managed one spike last year, but I'm hoping for a much better season. Won't be long!
    1 point
  8. Well, doesn't sound like it can get any worse! That's some really messed up encouragement there. Haha Good luck man! This will be the year!
    1 point
  9. I bought a lot of those about 45 - 50 years ago. Nice collection!
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. T-Bones are on hold now!!! A buddy of mine stopped by yesterday and brought me about 20 lbs of Crappie Filets in frozen bags with 12 filets per bag so looks like Kasey and I will be having Crappie an Hush Puppies with a skillet of Home fries for dinner this evening. Kasey sure does love Crappie about as much as I do and loves home fries as long as I leave the onions out which onions are not good for dogs anyway so I will leave the onions out this time....................
    1 point
  13. I actually saw someone paramotoring over the Percy Warner Park area last Saturday. I will admit it does look like something I would probably enjoy but the last thing I need is another hobby.
    1 point
  14. A couple cases of beer and some movies? Or burn a case of ammo?
    1 point
  15. Now thats funny right there cause me and about 5 friends use to do just that just about all holiday's from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Couple coolers and lawn chairs sit up in my buddies yard that lives right on Bull Creek Boat ramp on Old Hickory Lake. WE have see everything from really serious fights to mild arguments, to Naked young ladies that put their bikini's on while standing in the boat while boyfriend or Hubby or who ever it was that was trying to back the boat down one of the ramps. It would begin about 10AM and finally end about 1 PM. The good ole days.............LMAO
    1 point
  16. picked up 4 of these... ETS 21 round Glock mags I fired around 250 rounds through them with zero malfunctions...
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. What park can't you bring your guns in? There's not a park in TN, local, state, or federal that you can't bring a firearm into either without a permit in your car, or on your person outside your car with a permit. The only way they can currently ban guns is if a area is sectioned off and there is an entrance with metal detectors.
    1 point
  19. Sounds good, peejman! A bit sexist perhaps...but good. Since my medical retirement...I cook, clean, and sit around in my underwear. Yoga pants don't look good on me.
    1 point
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