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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2017 in all areas
I'm sure we've all been watching the effects of Harvey today. I know I certainly have. There have been facebook postings, as well as all the news reports about flash flooding all over Davidson and surrounding counties. I dare say that some here are also being hit hard by this. Well, I'm no exception to that. The street we are on is a low one, and we are always watching the rains. So, in addition to asking for prayers for my immediate neighbors, and all the others in the mid-state; I'd like to request a few prayers tonight for us all. Things aren't looking too good around us with the water rising, and just now the tornado sirens have gone off. I hope and pray for us all tonight and tomorrow. Amen.4 points
The Oath Keepers believe, as I do, that when you take an oath to protect the Constitution you take it seriously and try to uphold that oath the best way we know how. For me taking that oath is a lifetime commitment meaning I will defend this country with my life if need be from all enemies, not just the foreign ones. So many have forgotten the enormous responsibility they committed to when they raised their right hand to take that oath.3 points
So who has big plans for Labor Day weekend? My son in law just called me and ask me if I wanted to go fishing and I told him no but if he wanted to go to come and get the Skeeter and go. I don't go near the lakes on Holiday weekends. My neighbor was nice enough to give me 2 nice T bone Steaks the other day so I am thinking about griling them out for Kasey and I and making some homemade potatoe salad of Macaroni Salad and maybe some baked beans to go with the steaks. Gonna probably rain anyway even though they are calling for rain to move out Saturday morning. Hope every one does have a good weekend and continue to pray for those folks in Texas.........................1 point
It got pretty deep up this way. Got called in to work at 1:30 AM because of the flooding. It just amazes me how many people want to attempt to drive through roads with like 3-4 feet of water in cars and expect to make it. I got my boots on the dryer where I had to wade through water to get a lady out of her car. Saw people just basically throw their cars away doing this. I hope none of yall on here had any issues with flooding in your homes.1 point
1 point
Thanks for the info. Appreciate it but my co-opinion charges 20 each to mount and balance. Trailer, open with side rails. I went with the 89.99 tires at co-OP mounted, balanced, and added nitrogen. Even put nitrogen in my riding mower tires for free.1 point
Yep, liked Angel, as well. Were you aware that - because he didn't really get to 'end' the series - Whedon did a short comic book series to wrap up Angel and show what happened after the rather abrupt, final episode? I came across it online a couple of years ago.1 point
It is capitalism. So was the gouging after Katrina. In a free market economy, the owner or producer of a good or service is free to set the price however they see fit in order to maximize profit. In a competitive market, that profit motive often times reduces the price due to competition. This makes companies operate more efficiently to lower costs and maximize profits. This drives an economy to run as efficiently as possible, something other economic systems can't do. The problem in this case is that's it's pure free market capitalism without a competitive market place. Capitalism makes no distinction between goods or services that are needed vs. those that are merely wanted. Normally it's not a problem because the free market will draw competition to an overpriced area, product, or service. But in short-term cases like disasters, that doesn't happen quickly enough. This is why no country has a pure, unabashed, unregulated free market economy and why certain goods and services are regulated more than others. Even Hong Kong, one of the closest to pure free market capitalism in the world, has recently added a minimum wage law.1 point
Probably going to paint the last room in the house waiting - prepping everything up for a potential move in a couple of months (yipee).1 point
I use to watch Buffy too! As far as grilling steaks when she sees me fire up the grill she automatically knows she is eating girlled something whether it be Hot dogs, Chicken breasts. Hamburgers, steaks or fish or anything else I can grill. I grilled some of the last of my Deer Tenderloins the other day. She in very fond of deer meat and loves it grilled. As far as how she is doing, it looks like the medication the Vet has her on is working and she is doing better and I hope it continues to work and thank you for asking..................1 point
1 point
I'm disappointed that out of 5 guys, not a single one has a tactical kilt. Amateurs.1 point
I used to align myself with the the Oathkeepers and was at one point a dues paying member. When I moved beyond thinking that the constitution held any value, I also moved beyond them. While their central leadership is only mildly fringey, the rank and file tends to lean very fringey in my experience. Contrary to the crap spewed by the folks at the Southern Preposterous Lie Center, they do actually do a lot of good. At the same time, they're also rife with these kind of assclowns*. *I do not know if these guys are actually associated with OK, but only use this as an being indicative of the negative aspects of the membership. These folks do appear to possibly be affiliated with some sort of LE org by the crest on their shirts as well as the Safariland duty belts, though it isn't clear enough to be 100% certain. What is clear is that they are morons.1 point
I believe there are far more than just two political groups. However I think that the argument gets everyone lumped into either us or them. I identify as a conservative. However in reality I am very liberal. I believe that the government should not tell me who to love or how to spend my money. I believe that the government should not tell me what I can say or what I can own. I believe that EVERYONE in life has the ability to make their own choices, and live with the consequences of those choices. That should be done with no input, or cajoling from someone who was not in those shoes at the time that decision was made. I might be wrong, but I don't think I am. I think there are many others like myself on the site who prefer to stay out of the discussions due to an Us vs. Them mentality. Burn me now if you must. I am a gun toting, pro-choice, fiscally conservative, LBGTQ supporting, morally strong, happily married parent of an extraordinary child who owns his own home, works with his hands everyday and pays his taxes, bills and student loans. But above all, I am an American. I believe that America, and Americans can be whatever they want. But dammit, not if we keep fighting among ourselves trying to force everyone to think the same way.1 point
Have you got to use or see the new silencer shop kiosk at the Nashville armory yet? It's a pretty sweet set-up.1 point
My 11 year old Grandson has asked me to do some Tree Rat hunting with him this year. It's been a very long time since I have been hunting them but I have been considering going with him just to be able to spend some time with him. I have a Marlin 60 w/ scope that I sighten is for 50 yards and can take down poker chips at that range with every shot. Once I got it all sighted in I ran 25 out of 25. I might be able to hit one of those critters. Might be nice to have some in the freezer again. I told him I won't go until the leaves are off the trees and He said thats fine with him. I know I will need to get some bug spray with deet in it to keep the ticks in check. I hate them little critters!!!!1 point
Now that I have grown old and can't chase grouse around anymore, as if there were any to chase, I have started to hunt squirrels again. Its a fine way to get our youg ones started, and I love shooting my Kimber 82.1 point
It would seem, IMHO, that the FNH FNS series of pistols has to be the closest thing to a "perfect" pistol. The 9mm version is Glock 19 size with 17 capacity, the grip texture and angle are what they should be, they are fully ambidextrous... why is this not the most popular pistol on the planet? Or is it, and I just don't know it?1 point
I've had a Glock 17 since 1990 and I think the FNS is a superior pistol. I'm not sure why more police departments are using them. They are far and above a S&W M&P!!!1 point
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