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In 1950, my great grandfather (mom's grandpa) bought a 12 gauge shotgun at Sears for $24.88. Some time in the late 50's, he gave it to his son (my grandfather) to rabbit hunt with. And by all accounts, he did just that. Frequently. Even after someone stepped on it in the 70's, and he had to wrap 2 rolls of electrical tape around the stock to keep it together. Then, in 1976 he put it in his bedroom closet after a hunting trip and never took it out again.The gun sat in the back corner of that closet until August, 2017 where my grandmother found it and passed it on to me. I never met the man, but I'm proud to own a part of his life. The gun was covered in rust and brown paint when it was handed to me. Steel wool and Hoppe's solvent solved that problem. The broken stock was beyond my ability to repair. Ebay solved that problem. I'm going to look into repairing the original stock at some point in the future for display. The gun was recalled by J.C. Higgins after an issue with the locking lugs failing on the bolt, so I won't be shooting the gun much. But I'm still glad to be able to shake hands with Grandpa whenever I open the gun safe!3 points
I'm closing this thread because I don't like the direction it's going. If someone wants to send me evidence from a reputable news source I'll open it back up.3 points
As close as I can tell - and someone please feel free to send more if you have it, the Oath Keepers email is referencing this guy. Full transparency, here's the email Oath Keepers sent out: https://www.oathkeepers.org/urgent-call-to-action-texas/ - note this links to the Oath Keepers site - so be advised if you're at work. And, this shouldn't belittle what the Cajun Navy group is doing at all - those guys are doing work that our federal agencies aren't capable of doing right now. And, they've distanced themselves from the guy making the claim of being shot at.2 points
They've arrived. First impression, on the 19, you're gonna feel that cutout for the mag in the frontstrap when you fire it. That's not comfortable. Digs the pinky. It feels shorter, the pinky of my hand actually hits the mag, where on the Gen 4 it doesn't. Trigger is nice!2 points
So my obsession with the width is unfounded. Just stopped by the store and laid hands on both a 17 and 19. Can't tell much difference between them and Gen 4's (but technically they are still wider according to some gun writers ), but the lack of finger grooves is fantastic, especially on the 19. Triggers felt very nice as well. They were smooth with no grittiness. Once the dust settles I might just go back and look at them again.2 points
Evil people are opportunists and they usually take advantage of people in distress. Solomon warned about such individuals.(Proverbs 4:13-17) Sent from my H1611 using Tapatalk2 points
Maybe just wait until they dig it all up and relieve them of it before they leave your property. You are just recovering what is yours and then you can profit from their blatant disregard for your property. More money to put up signs and buy purple paint.2 points
Ok...with all the choices on Amazon and e-bay...I'm totally confused. I'm changing some of my ammo storage around and am looking to store more in cans than before. Will be using the standard 556 cans and will have them stacked on a homemade shelving unit instead of the old safe I had stored bulk ammo in. Although will still be in the same room, I am concerned about the humidity in my area and around my home specifically. So...help would be appreciated. I'd like to know what specific products some of you guys use for can storage. The pillow type looks interesting, but what size? 2-3 gram bag per can? What kind of life can I expect with them? How well do they recharge in oven or microwave? And most important...do they leave an odor in oven or microwave? That could get me thrown out of the house if it does.1 point
I got an email this morning from the Oath Keepers. They have about 300 members in Houston with boats and are working search and rescue. They said that some of their members where actually fire upon by looters while on patrol looking for people in need of help. It was said that the looters were taken into custody by law enforcement. I am surprised they lived to be arrested considering who the bad guys fired at. It is a shame that people can be such low life individuals as to loot at a time when so many people are suffering a terrible loss. If the Oath Keepers would have shot back and killed the looters it might have sent a much needed message to other looters that they will be shot if caught.........................1 point
I believe there are far more than just two political groups. However I think that the argument gets everyone lumped into either us or them. I identify as a conservative. However in reality I am very liberal. I believe that the government should not tell me who to love or how to spend my money. I believe that the government should not tell me what I can say or what I can own. I believe that EVERYONE in life has the ability to make their own choices, and live with the consequences of those choices. That should be done with no input, or cajoling from someone who was not in those shoes at the time that decision was made. I might be wrong, but I don't think I am. I think there are many others like myself on the site who prefer to stay out of the discussions due to an Us vs. Them mentality. Burn me now if you must. I am a gun toting, pro-choice, fiscally conservative, LBGTQ supporting, morally strong, happily married parent of an extraordinary child who owns his own home, works with his hands everyday and pays his taxes, bills and student loans. But above all, I am an American. I believe that America, and Americans can be whatever they want. But dammit, not if we keep fighting among ourselves trying to force everyone to think the same way.1 point
Okay, @Randall53 sent me a link to a report from a Louisiana ABC affiliate with the claims from a Cajun Navy volunteer: http://wgno.com/2017/08/28/cajun-navy-coming-up-with-new-plan-after-looters-shoot-at-boats-try-to-steal-them/ Though the main Cajun Navy group seems to be distancing itself from the guy making the claims: http://wgno.com/2017/08/29/update-cajun-navy-says-no-shots-fired-at-rescuers-statements-made-by-another-rescue-group/ I'm going to open the thread back up, but with a strong warning. This rhetoric is inexcusable. Period. Using a potentially made up story to link a group of hypothetical criminals to a people who disagree with you politically is dangerous. Especially when the post imagines violence. Oath Keepers is already listed as a hate group. Try visiting their website from your office. You know what'll likely happen? Nothing because it's blocked by your employer's internet filter. But, your internal IP will show up as visiting sites affiliated with hate groups. We'd like to keep TGO off of those lists. Appreciate your help.1 point
Can you imagine the meltdown the left would have if some lefties, I mean looters were shot for doing what they do?1 point
It'll get just a fraction past the point at which folks start fussing about gouging. Usage won't go down much so profits will be maximized. That's the sweet spot.1 point
That semi-circle cut out for ripping the mag free was the dumbest way that Glock could have addressed that "problem". A slightly enlarged magazine base plate and providing an indented relief on the front of the grip or on both sides of the grip would have been a better idea.1 point
There is certainly a possibility that width includes the flared magwell. Regardless of that, the thing is thicker.1 point
The Gen 2 models were the best of Glock . The definition of perfection in the world of semi-automatic pistols in my opinion. The Gen 3 was slightly under the Gen 2 but still great. But gen 4 was a definite downhill slide and who knows with the Gen 5. Thanks God I still have 2 of the Gen 2 Glocks. My 17 and 21 are great . They have never failed and never rusted even though both have scratches and gouges in them. No finger grooves and my 17 is the original 2 pin style. I am a big believer in "if it aint broke don't fix it" . I guess enough whiny babies cried and wanted fingers grooves , grip inserts , loaded chamber indicators , and now a flared magazines well , new shaped/designed striker , different recoils spring assembly , new style slide lock spring instead of "leaf style spring that worked all these years , blah blah blah . Ok my rant is over . So I'll post a picture of my Gen 2's for some eye candy1 point
I love old Marlin lever guns and when Marlin got bought by the Freedom Group and Remington , the first thing that everyone noticed was the front sights were canted badly to one side. Then other problems popped up like the tubular magazines were crooked real bad and some seemed twisted. So hopefully this isn't a sign of things to come from Glock.1 point
Bought some felt, end wraps from Sally's, made some lube from lard and wax. Soaked the felt in the lube to make 45 cal cookies. Made paper cartage's for a Cap and Ball pistol I had not shot. All in all every thing worked as should, hit the gong, no fouling, and cleaned up easy.1 point
1 point
I shoot the smith better because the trigger pulls are so sweet. I'll have to get dies and components for either one so I wanting to get set up for a good overall field gun that I could press into service for just about anything......kinda like a 308 but in a handgun. Might be overkill for say deer but works for everything under elk as far as a rifle goes. I looked at the buffalo bullets offerings and their "deer grenade" works in a Smith and that's a pretty hot high end load.1 point
Have you got to use or see the new silencer shop kiosk at the Nashville armory yet? It's a pretty sweet set-up.1 point
I had a red wasp and a few yellow jackets feeding on one of my feeders almost 24 hours a day and running the birds off so I set out a wasp trap which worked well. No more wasps or yellow jackets and the birds eat in peace. At least from the wasps, the other birds still fight over it. The trap is cheap and easy to make or you can get one at Lowe's. http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Wasp-Trap1 point
That is proof that some people need little to no provocation to assail other people. Stickers on your boat, slogans on clothing, a license plate on your car, or just the way you comb your hair: Any of those could be reasons you'd read in the newspaper offered as the motive for why one person attacked another person or their property. As a society, we've been circling the drain for quite a long while now. This isn't anything new. But the circumference we're making around the drain pipe keeps getting smaller and smaller.1 point
1 point
@Dolomite_supafly is right. Got gun stickers? An MDA groupie gets out her keys. Got a Trump sticker? Someone wants you to feel the Bern. Shoot, we're so divided today that one of those "I <<heart>> Publix" stickers might bring out a rabid Kroger fan.1 point
My vehicles are sticker free, no one pays me advertisement fees for a rolling billboard.1 point
Nope, Mosin Nagant refers solely to the rifle as well. The revolver is simply the Nagant ... It might be rare, but the Finns did just this ...1 point
$102 and you can have any left hand holster I have. I don't care if you sell me a 17 or 19.0 points
That's probably not the first time that "Wally World" "$5" and "hummers" have been used in the same sentence.0 points
I just have a COEXIST and a I'M WITH HER sticker on my car. No one suspects that I have a gun, everyone expects that I'm broke so there is no point in breaking into my car, and those that are offended by these stickers are hard working respectful people who don't get offended by stickers and vandalize someone else's stuff. It's a win/win.0 points
Purple paint has been used in Arkansas for years to mark private or leased land. Owning several acres, we resprayed/remarked twice a year, before turkey season and before deer season. Every hunter and land owner new exactly what purple meant. "Off limits" without permissions. The only place i ever been or known that was painted purple, where absolutely nothing was off limits or untouchable was the Platinum Plus aka know as the Purple Church.0 points
0 points
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