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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/29/2017 in all areas

  1. In 1950, my great grandfather (mom's grandpa) bought a 12 gauge shotgun at Sears for $24.88. Some time in the late 50's, he gave it to his son (my grandfather) to rabbit hunt with. And by all accounts, he did just that. Frequently. Even after someone stepped on it in the 70's, and he had to wrap 2 rolls of electrical tape around the stock to keep it together. Then, in 1976 he put it in his bedroom closet after a hunting trip and never took it out again.The gun sat in the back corner of that closet until August, 2017 where my grandmother found it and passed it on to me. I never met the man, but I'm proud to own a part of his life. The gun was covered in rust and brown paint when it was handed to me. Steel wool and Hoppe's solvent solved that problem. The broken stock was beyond my ability to repair. Ebay solved that problem. I'm going to look into repairing the original stock at some point in the future for display. The gun was recalled by J.C. Higgins after an issue with the locking lugs failing on the bolt, so I won't be shooting the gun much. But I'm still glad to be able to shake hands with Grandpa whenever I open the gun safe!
    4 points
  2. I'm not sure if folks have taken down their feeders or just let them go empty but over the last couple days my group of 5 birds has grown to about 25+ and birds fighting like crazy over my feeders so I have to put up 3 more this morning so now I have 7 up. I had that many up early but nectar was going bad in them with only 5 birds. I'm glad I had enough food to fill the extra feeders...............
    1 point
  3. One near me looks like a truckstop at night. All these ladies just killing time in the parking lot.
    1 point
  4. I am certain I am in the majority here, albeit a Glock fan. I would be loathe to take a Dremel to on of my beloved guns, even if it made it better. One for the fact of essentially ruining it, and the second, it would be impossible to sell. Stippled guns are so hideous in my opinion. I go back and forth on my comfort level with the finger grooves on the G19 (they don't bother me at all on the G17) but in the end, I can rapid fire multiple magazines into a 3" group at 20yds with either of my G19s. That is beyond capable. I don't even hesitate to trust them.
    1 point
  5. yeah I'm eating crow from that initial post - 60% of refineries offline. Potential flooding in Houston to be around until October. What's going to make it worse is when everyone panics and creates a self-induced shortage like they did when that small pipeline burst a while back.
    1 point
  6. If you shoot the Smith better, go with it. Faster reloads too. I prefer a 22 LR revolver for a field gun, but I'm probably in a different field. If I need more than that, I usually take a rifle.
    1 point
  7. That's good ole wear and tear Damn sexy if you ask me
    1 point
  8. I would say go with .44 for versatility from a platform standpoint. Both are extremely versatile calibers but the Smith is a stronger gun. While .45 Colt can be loaded to exceed .44 Magnum, the Vaquero is not the pistol to do it with. Edit: As you said it was an old large frame Vaq it might be about even from a practical standpoint. Weren't those built on Blackhawk frames? BTW, the .44 Magnum was originally invented due to the lack of versatility in the .45 Colt from a component and overall strength standpoint. Which one do you shoot better? Either one will stop what you need stopped.
    1 point
  9. I say front yard or back 40, if it is your land and they are not supposed to be there, it constitutes a risk to your personal safety. Asking them nicely to leave is not required.
    1 point
  10. yeah it's a really hard concept for some "hunters", and regular people too, that if you don't pay land taxes on it then stay the hell off of it. The whole "well it wasn't posted" excuse......your yard isn't posted and no one just hauls out lawn chairs and grill and has a BBQ.
    1 point
  11. I think anyone that has Hummingbird feeders up has wasp issues. At first it was just a couple and then a couple more and then it got bad. I spoke to an old Gentleman that use to live 3 doors down about it one day and he said if I had that many wasps I probably had wasp nests in one of my buildings so he made a walk up to my place and within about 10 minutes he pointed out my problem. 3 different nests hid in the corners of my carport almost out of sight. I thanked him for teaching me something and I made a trip to TSC and bought 2 cans of wasp killer spray cans. He told me to wait until about 10PM when all the wasps would be home and then spray the nests. Had dead wasps all over my carport floor but none on my feeders and since then if I see a wasp I hunt the nests and they get sprayed. I was able to repay the old Gentleman. He grand daughter told me that he dearly love fish to eat so one day I went crappie fishing and me and a buddy caught 30 nice Slabs. I came home and filet all 50 of them and I took them down and gave them to him and his wife and she said they would be having fish and Home fries and Hush Puppies for dinner that night and the old man just smiled at me and I said thats for helping me with those pesky wasps. I lost my old neighbor about a year later but I still take his wife fish once in a while and she prepares them for her and her grand daughter and husband that lives with her now..................
    1 point
  12. I had a red wasp and a few yellow jackets feeding on one of my feeders almost 24 hours a day and running the birds off so I set out a wasp trap which worked well. No more wasps or yellow jackets and the birds eat in peace. At least from the wasps, the other birds still fight over it. The trap is cheap and easy to make or you can get one at Lowe's. http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Wasp-Trap
    1 point
  13. There is no gun more precious than one handed down multiple generations. Great to see it get a little restoration. Enjoy it even if you never shoot it.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. We bought a Glowforge https://glowforge.com for the office. The problem is the unit will get here at least a month before the filtration system is ready to ship. You can make your own DIY exhaust filter. There is a lot of info online from people who have done this but I was wondering if there is anybody local who made this kind of filtered exhaust. Looking for info on what parts you used and how you set it up. Yo have to use both a particulate file and a charcoal type for the gasses and odor produced from laser cutting/etching some materials.
    1 point
  16. I have a BFG, we can make a hole.
    1 point
  17. Foreign countries didn’t bend us over during Katrina. That was our own good ole homegrown boys. And given the chance they will do it again.
    1 point
  18. OK, not exactly the last thing I bought, but I have been trying to get time to put this together forever. I have been hesitant too as I rarely put out a list of what I own. A little while back, I helped a member nail down prices on some guns he needed to sell. I will let him chime in if he wants to be definitely identified. The more I looked, the more I decided I wanted several of them. I let one slip through my fingers, but in the end though, we came to a package deal for everything he had left. Taken a lot of side jobs to cover my outlay, but I think it was worth it. I got some good guns at a reasonable price and he got to not sit on them forever to get them to move. I am very grateful to him because he worked with me to get all this shipped. The distance and my schedule was just too much to meet FTF. The 1st item not pictured was a H&R 10GA single shot shotgun with rifle sights. That went to a coworker of mine. He wanted it even before I made a package deal. I like my shoulder too much for that. LOL First are a Winchester Model 1200 in 12GA and a Remington Model 11-48 in 16GA. Second is a Emperor Firearms Guardian Tactical 12GA. In the same pic is as extra barrel for the 1200 Third is a Winchester Model 70 in .30-06 with a Bushnell scope and bi-pod. Fourth is a SKS in a composite folding stock with a red dot scope, bi-pod and a 75 round drum (not pictured). Below it is a Stevens model 94 .410 shotgun. Fifth is a Marlin 39 Carbine Lastly, is a Mosin/Nagant M44 and Mosin/Nagant 91/30. Bayonets came with both. I have not had a ton of time to completely go over these, but the M44 may have all matching numbers. It is missing the piece that snaps in to lock the bayonet forward. On top of this was a good bit of ammo for all the guns including 24 boxes of 16GA. He also tossed in a few items that he needed to clean out that included a range finder. That has already come in very handy. So there you have it, my largest single buy in my life (so far lol).
    1 point
  19. I had one get in my garage once too. Their instinct is to fly higher to get away from danger, which is the opposite of how to get out of a garage. I held a broom up close to it and it landed on the edge of it. I just slowly lowered the broom and carried it outside. I wish I had more of them. I'll see one every couple of years. Would adding feeders draw them in, or do you need to have them already then put out feeders?
    1 point
  20. Yep. Using too much sugar isn't good for them either. Some recipes use double what I listed above. Its usually pretty easy to tell when a feeder is empty... they're not fighting over it anymore. The syrup gets rancid after about a week anyway. I've had several get in my garage too. Tough little buggers to catch. I found a broom and an aquarium net worked fairly well.
    1 point
  21. I put all the Apex stuff in mine. The only rough part for me was getting the rear sight off. I had to hit it way harder than my comfort level. I didn't damage anything except a couple of brass punches. Mine was an older gun, though.
    1 point
  22. I've read that the red coloring is bad for their kidneys. I make mine just like Peejman.
    1 point
  23. I just have a COEXIST and a I'M WITH HER sticker on my car. No one suspects that I have a gun, everyone expects that I'm broke so there is no point in breaking into my car, and those that are offended by these stickers are hard working respectful people who don't get offended by stickers and vandalize someone else's stuff. It's a win/win.
    1 point
  24. So all they have to do is slap up a couple of metal detectors or put a cop with a wand somewhere and any location can become a 'gun free zone' - even a friggin' public street? Wow, thanks a lot to our Republican legislature and buttwipe governor for 'promoting' firearms carry rights. God, at this point I can't wait to vote for a damn Democrat. At least most of them don't claim to be pro-gun and maybe the Republicans who run in the following elections will learn a lesson about blowing smoke up our butts and claiming to be 'pro-gun' while quietly making things worse. As far as the protests, themselves, I think a lot of the 'white supremacist' claims are an attempt to make the side that has valid points for opposing the removal of Confederate monuments shut up. I, personally, do not agree with removing such monuments, do not believe that the monuments or those who support them are automatically 'racist' and would, in fact, consider showing up to protest their removal, myself. Further, I believe that Trump was absolutely correct when he said there were good people on both sides of the issue. However, that doesn't fit the media narrative or the narrative put forth by some politicians as well as groups that are looking for reasons to be offended which wants to paint anyone who isn't ashamed of their ancestors fighting for what they saw as their country - the Confederate States of America - as 'white supremacists.' Honestly, however, I don't think that most politicians' support for removal of Confederate monuments has anything at all to do with slavery, racism or the Civil War. Instead, I think that those monuments serve as a reminder that there was a large group of people who, at great risk to themselves, had the cajones to rebel against a government which they saw as tyrannical. I believe it is that reminder that politicians really want to get rid of. Of course, George Washington and other Revolutionary figures did exactly the same thing which is why I won't be surprised if next there is a call to remove statues to those figures, as well, using 'but they owned slaves' as the excuse. Again, the media acts like Trump is crazy for suggesting that monuments to Washington, Jefferson, etc. might be next but Sharpton apparently already says the Jefferson monument should be defunded: http://insider.foxnews.com/2017/08/16/al-sharpton-jefferson-memorial-charlottesville-white-supremacist-violence-donald-trump People, this isn't about slavery or white supremacy. This is about erasing and rewriting history to help make all of us good, little sheep who will accept anything the government - especially the federal government - does as 'good and right'. It is about creating a populace that views even the thought of rebelling against that government - no matter how tyrannical that government may become - as 'evil' and something which no good, moral person would even consider. The jackhole 'white supremacists' involved are only serving to help cast this intent of erasing history as a 'moral' thing to do.
    1 point
  25. The best "budget" AK is a current production WASR. If the serial number on the trunion doesn't end with a four digit year, walk away. I have bought about 10 Romanian guns in the last 5 years and have had one that needed to go back for a canted trunion. They rest have zeroes perfectly with the front sight pretty much centered. WASRs are 100% combloc made. Century just mills out the magwell and swap in 922r compliance parts. It had a hammer forged, chrome lined bore. Battle Las Vegas, who rents machine guns, has said WASR barrels last longer than any other barrel. They say the bullets are still not keyholing at 90K rounds. The drawback to a WASR is the muzzle threads are rarely concentric which makes using a silencer problematic. No soft carrier issues either, like the RAS. All AKM/AK47 furniture fit. I wish the current production WASRs were named something else. They are fighting the problems of the junk WASRs from a decade ago. Had they named it something else it would be the best selling AK because current production quality is as high as any other AK under $1,000, for 1/3 less. But no matter what AK you end up with NEVER use a Tapco hammer. They contribute to premature wear on the tail of the bolt carrier, especially if soft. You can reprofile them and it helps but they are too hard and can damage the bolt carrier. Most combloc hammers are soft so they get damaged before the more expensive bolt carrier.
    1 point
  26. Making food is easy.... 1/4 cup sugar dissolved in 1 cup of water. Or 1 cup of sugar in 1 quart of water. Food coloring not required.
    1 point
  27. @Dolomite_supafly is right. Got gun stickers? An MDA groupie gets out her keys. Got a Trump sticker? Someone wants you to feel the Bern. Shoot, we're so divided today that one of those "I <<heart>> Publix" stickers might bring out a rabid Kroger fan.
    1 point
  28. I don't but not because of fears of being broken into. I don't because people are assholes and they will key your car up one side and down the other for having a bumper sticker they don't like.
    1 point
  29. We had a similar thread on this last year. Pro gun decals
    1 point
  30. I have actually had people come onto family property and demand we give them a certain tree that they say belongs to them. Seems there great, great uncle on their mother's side told them when they were a child, 50+ years ago, they could have that tree when he died and now they are here to collect since he has passed. A lot of people these days have ZERO respect for anything they did not pay for or put effort into. If I borrow something it goes back in as good a shape or it is replaced. I have lent out a bunch of stuff over the years and you would not believe how people treat your stuff. Often comes back way worse or they get upset that you won't just let them keep it. Lent a quad rail out last year, it came back with two cross threaded screw holes and a few screws missing. He wanted to borrow it for a "week or two" but it took over 6 months to get it back.
    0 points
  31. Yep they do like to lay claim to a feeder and will drive others away. Back a couple years ago it was getting late in the season for them and many of them had made the migration and I had about 5 birds left so I had taken down most of my feeders and only had 2 up. I was setting in my carport where I could see both feeders and there was one bird that had laid claim to both feeders and would land on a cable between them and if any other bird showed up it would run them off. Well that will only last so long before the game began. When you only have a few birds you can pretty much tell which one is which by size and colors. The one that was being a bully was a big Red Breasted Male and there was another smaller male and three females. They began playing a game of cat and mouse with the Bully. One bird would fly in and get the bully to chase it and at the same time the rest would hit the feeders and feed up. When the bully came back he would run them off. Soon another bird different than the first one would get the bully to chase it and they birds would flock to the feeders. This game would go on for about an hour before time to roost so everyone went to bed with full bellies. They did that until they were gone for the year. It was fun to watch..................
    0 points
  32. We have 3 feeders out with one dysfunctional family of about 5 or 6, not sure as it's almost impossible to count 'em since they fly so damn fast. LOL. Ours like to "claim" a feeder and then spend most of the day defending it by chasing the others away. Each feeder has the standard 4 holes but seldom will more than one be feeding as the others are always chased off. Entertaining to watch for sure. Unfortnately I found a dead one in the garage over the weekend as it got trapped inside it with the doors closed. Wife has a FT job keeping the feeders filled. LOL
    0 points
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