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I don't but not because of fears of being broken into. I don't because people are assholes and they will key your car up one side and down the other for having a bumper sticker they don't like.4 points
Here's my take on this: The notion that firearms related "flair" on your car increase the odds of it being broken into, seems to have been around on the Internet since the first gun forum opened its doors. I've searched the Internet for actual cases where police reported that there was a direct correlation between a car being broken into and the gun stickers on the outside of it, and could only find a few cases where it was suspected. I've been able to find far more cases where cars were broken into because of the car-audio related stickers on the outside. This seems to be one of those commonly held truisms that are rooted more in feasibility than actuality. Sort of like the idea that if you open carry into a convenience store, you're the first guy a robber is going to shoot when he comes in to hold the place up. Could that happen? Sure. But my own experience has been that while open carry is dumb for a variety of other reasons, the majority of folks are so preoccupied with themselves that they rarely notice you. And I've seen enough surveillance footage to believe that stick-up artists are so nervous and focused on the clerk behind the counter that they're probably not paying too much attention to the guy with the 1911 on his hip at the back of the store browsing the beer cooler.3 points
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Making food is easy.... 1/4 cup sugar dissolved in 1 cup of water. Or 1 cup of sugar in 1 quart of water. Food coloring not required.2 points
No. Making it look larger from the bottom. Somebody needs to drag out some calipers. Doesn't take much to make a grip feel bigger2 points
It's very simple to me. Any gun sticker on a car says [ Break into me first ]2 points
No stickers of any kind, including dealer stuff that can removed. I am a practitioner of under the radar. My gun safe however, is on the way to being decked out like a hipster's VW bus.2 points
My father-in-law passed on a deal to me that I couldn't pass up. I picked up a Ruger 10/22 from him with the original stock as well as the Butler Creek folding stock he'd bought but didn't care for. The jewel of the deal is a Ruger 96/22 in .22 mag! I am beside myself with this new addition. It's beautiful and my first .22 magnum of any kind. I know they were only made for several years and that is cool in itself. But it's really going to fit in with my Marlin 336 and Savage 99e nicely. I told my Dad about it and I think he may have been as excited as I was. He told one of his long time friends about it that night. They guy said "Hang on a second." and proceeded to pull out of his safe the exact same rifle. My Dad's jaw dropped and of course asked what he wanted for it. His friend said "Oh, I'll never sell it. I just keep it in the safe." haha It killed Dad to hear that. Anyway, he's coming in to visit next week and he can't wait to see it. I hope we have time to get out and shoot it together. Anyone else on here have one?1 point
One of the better pistols I have owned, especially if it's Apexed up.1 point
Very nice. I love shooting 22's. I have 5 rifles and 1 buckmark.1 point
I once had a 10/22 in 22 mag, but traded it off after reading the horror stories of cracked frames. I really like that 96/22 however. Congratulations.1 point
Very nice. Many moons ago I could have had one for practically nothing but did I get it? Noooooooo.....1 point
I just have a COEXIST and a I'M WITH HER sticker on my car. No one suspects that I have a gun, everyone expects that I'm broke so there is no point in breaking into my car, and those that are offended by these stickers are hard working respectful people who don't get offended by stickers and vandalize someone else's stuff. It's a win/win.1 point
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I will not be playing with it but a lot of the guys, including my brother, are really excited about it. I will post some pics of the stuff they make.1 point
I like using a 20 gauge SxS, with at least a 28" barrel choked modified/full. 7.5 shot is normally my go to shot size. I find that most people don't lead the birds enough and don't use a tight enough choke. One other bit of information. If you have access to a small pond that has a border that isn't overgrown (sandy/dirt border) you might find some good shooting late in the day as they come in for water before going to roost. I have had some past success shooting solo beside a good water source. The birds like to be able to land on open ground and walk up to the water, so it needs to have some bare ground on the water edge.1 point
So all they have to do is slap up a couple of metal detectors or put a cop with a wand somewhere and any location can become a 'gun free zone' - even a friggin' public street? Wow, thanks a lot to our Republican legislature and buttwipe governor for 'promoting' firearms carry rights. God, at this point I can't wait to vote for a damn Democrat. At least most of them don't claim to be pro-gun and maybe the Republicans who run in the following elections will learn a lesson about blowing smoke up our butts and claiming to be 'pro-gun' while quietly making things worse. As far as the protests, themselves, I think a lot of the 'white supremacist' claims are an attempt to make the side that has valid points for opposing the removal of Confederate monuments shut up. I, personally, do not agree with removing such monuments, do not believe that the monuments or those who support them are automatically 'racist' and would, in fact, consider showing up to protest their removal, myself. Further, I believe that Trump was absolutely correct when he said there were good people on both sides of the issue. However, that doesn't fit the media narrative or the narrative put forth by some politicians as well as groups that are looking for reasons to be offended which wants to paint anyone who isn't ashamed of their ancestors fighting for what they saw as their country - the Confederate States of America - as 'white supremacists.' Honestly, however, I don't think that most politicians' support for removal of Confederate monuments has anything at all to do with slavery, racism or the Civil War. Instead, I think that those monuments serve as a reminder that there was a large group of people who, at great risk to themselves, had the cajones to rebel against a government which they saw as tyrannical. I believe it is that reminder that politicians really want to get rid of. Of course, George Washington and other Revolutionary figures did exactly the same thing which is why I won't be surprised if next there is a call to remove statues to those figures, as well, using 'but they owned slaves' as the excuse. Again, the media acts like Trump is crazy for suggesting that monuments to Washington, Jefferson, etc. might be next but Sharpton apparently already says the Jefferson monument should be defunded: http://insider.foxnews.com/2017/08/16/al-sharpton-jefferson-memorial-charlottesville-white-supremacist-violence-donald-trump People, this isn't about slavery or white supremacy. This is about erasing and rewriting history to help make all of us good, little sheep who will accept anything the government - especially the federal government - does as 'good and right'. It is about creating a populace that views even the thought of rebelling against that government - no matter how tyrannical that government may become - as 'evil' and something which no good, moral person would even consider. The jackhole 'white supremacists' involved are only serving to help cast this intent of erasing history as a 'moral' thing to do.1 point
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I prefer an older WASR over ANY of the "new" century American AK...1 point
Migration time. If you build it, they will come. Seriously, just put up a feeder and they'll find it. It may take a while, but they will. The birds generally follow exactly the same route when migrating. So if they don't live near you but find it on their way, they'll come back every year.1 point
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I ended up with two 19.5's if the wife likes it l will keep both, if not I'll sell it and find a cz p-01 for her.1 point
I do not care for window stickers, bumper stickers, license plates, etc. I even go so far as to take dealership emblems off my vehicles.1 point
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@Dolomite_supafly is right. Got gun stickers? An MDA groupie gets out her keys. Got a Trump sticker? Someone wants you to feel the Bern. Shoot, we're so divided today that one of those "I <<heart>> Publix" stickers might bring out a rabid Kroger fan.1 point
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When they start paying advertising stipends for stickers, I might consider using my truck as a rolling billboard, depending on just how much they are willing to pay. This goes double for political stickers ...1 point
I made my annual trek to SC this weekend. So I just had speckled butter beans and sweet potatoes with smoked pork. Also had a big skillet of veggies from my garden with tomatoes, eggplant, squash, etc. I need a nap...1 point
My vehicles are sticker free, no one pays me advertisement fees for a rolling billboard.1 point
I love to hunt squirrels! I got 2 yesterday, going again tomorrow. My biggest joy comes from taking my Grandsons and watching them harvest Tree Rats. Good stuff indeed!1 point
I dont know that I can do any better than the article that Recoil posted. http://www.recoilweb.com/inside-the-glock-gen-5-129141.html But let me know if there is something in particular that they dont show that maybe I can and I would be happy to.1 point
The whole build up to this thing has been sketchy and confusing, especially in light of the news looking for a show. Basically, the 3 or 4 dozen stood for the monument to fallen Confederate soldiers. I think a good many of those where not "supremasists" at all but just trying to keep history from being erased, but I'm sure a few straight up racists. There were reinactors there in their Johnny Reb outfits for pete's sake. The other 2800 folks were the ones singing kumbaya and fretting over hate, intolerance and every other thing they get wound up about. The only thing organized about the whole affair was the overwhelming law enforcement presence, their planning, and all the "against the hate" crowd. The group originally credited for starting the whole thing barely even existed and announced before today they now longer are any kind of organized "white" group and would not be participating.1 point
1 point
Asking how many guns someone owns goes right in there with asking a woman how much she weighs. Its just bad form.1 point
I've got about 30 of those guns, wife does not understand why I have that many.1 point
1 point
I might have been interested in one if they had it in 357 magnum. At 25 oz it should have been heavy duty enough to handle that. Even as a carry snub nose there is no reason not to give it that versatility. My S&W model 60 is 21.4 oz and handles 357 magnums easily with not much more muzzle flip than with 38 specials. I guess if you are a Colt guy you will buy one. It is a 6 shot which is nice and the DA trigger pull is in the 7-9 lb range which is light compared to a Smith.1 point
Knight's Armament Company (KAC) SR-25 EMC x 762 QDC CQB Suppressor H&K USP Tactical x SilencerCo Osprey1 point
They may be hiding from that crazy man with all those guns and weird colored bullets0 points
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I went to Denver on vacation a few months ago and decided to visit the Royal Gorge to see how the area was rebuilt after the fire. They had feeders setup all around and had a dominant one keeping all the rest away from "his" feeder. The bird darted all over the place and would sometimes hover inches away from you seeming to keep us away as well. It was real colorful so I guess it was male, there must of been 6-8 trying to get to the feeder so it kept him busy.0 points
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yes, this is the peak migration period. Just buy some pre-mix and hang a feeder. I've got a buddy that has so many it is not safe to walk in his yard..... He feeds about a gallon of mix a day.0 points
I have a pair of Gen 3 G19s. I keep them in separate rooms so they don't find out about one another. I lie to them and tell them they are the only mag wells the magazines have ever been in. They don't even know they share holsters.0 points
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