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Stolen from the internet but there is some good advice here... RULES FOR MY SON 1. Never shake a man’s hand sitting down. 2. There are plenty of ways to enter a pool. The stairs ain’t one. 3. The man at the grill is the closest thing we have to a king. 4. In a negotiation, never make the first offer. 5. Act like you’ve been there before. Especially in the end zone. 6. Request the late check-out. 7. When entrusted with a secret, keep it. 8. Hold your heroes to a higher standard. 9. Return a borrowed car with a full tank of gas. 10. Don’t fill up on bread. 11. When shaking hands, grip firmly and look him in the eye. 12. Don’t let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be. 13. If you need music on the beach, you’re missing the point. 14. Carry two handkerchiefs. The one in your back pocket is for you. The one in your breast pocket is for her. 15. You marry the girl, you marry her whole family. 16. Be like a duck. Remain calm on the surface and paddle like crazy underneath. 17. Experience the serenity of traveling alone. 18. Never be afraid to ask out the best looking girl in the room. 19. Never turn down a breath mint. 20. In a game of HORSE, sometimes a simple free throw will get ’em. 21. A sport coat is worth 1000 words. 22. Try writing your own eulogy. Never stop revising. 23. Thank a veteran. And then make it up to him. 24. If you want to know what makes you unique, sit for a caricature. 25. Eat lunch with the new kid. 26. After writing an angry email, read it carefully. Then delete it. 27. Ask your mom to play. She won’t let you win. 28. See it on the big screen. 29. Give credit. Take the blame. 30. Write down your dreams.9 points
4 points
I was given a piece of advice as a young man when an aspect of my job involved some things that could be particularly dangerous. My mentor's advice to me was, 'always tie your shoes." What he meant was, before you go into this thing that could potentially kill you, take the time to make sure you have your junk together. I kind of look at a suit the same way. It's a process of getting ready to go do what I'm about to do. Frankly, there aren't many people outside of my wife that I feel a particular need to impress these days. But, I'm considered an expert in my field - and I'm expensive enough that you probably deserve to see me in a suit It's different now that I'm in my forties, but as a younger man in the business world you're always being judged. Early on in my career a company that I started got acquired by a security agency. My team went to New York and I spent my first morning there getting fingerprinted about 300 times for all of the clearances, agencies, etc. My new boss took me to lunch, and after lunch he handed me a business card of a tailor on Madison Avenue in midtown Manhattan. I'll always remember his words to me. He said, "we know you've got the skills for the part - we want to make sure you feel like you can look the part." The tailor measured me for three suits and seven shirts. They paid for them. To that point in my life, they were hands down the nicest suits I'd ever seen - much less had. The tailor then sent me for shoes. Man, I loved those suits. I've still got one of them to this day, and I occasionally break it out. Just because. And because those jackets had some cool tricks up their sleeves, too. Literally.3 points
I guess I am a slob. Seriously, If you judge folks by their appearance, you'll miss out on getting to know some fine folks. Most of the greatest men I've ever met sported overalls daily.3 points
Extremist groups need to go at it with each other...you know like Shiites and Sunnis. We should fly them out to a remote piece of desert and arm them to the teeth and make it clear no one comes out without a clear cut victory.3 points
Yes. ANTIFA=communists White Supremacists=facists I see a very fine line between the two. I keep reading a lot of places where people from both these groups say "If you aren't with us, then you're with them." I'd like to see the entire lot of them gone, as I'm on neither side and don't intend to be.3 points
I've been hunting with a suppressed .308 for several years. It makes the entire experience much more pleasurable. I find ear pro uncomfortable if I wear it continuously over several hours. So, as often as not it's hanging around my neck when a deer walks out of the bush. The suppressor means that's not an issue. There is still a super sonic crack... but it's well away from me and doesn't hurt my ears. The deer certainly know the direction the shot came from due to the round breaking the sound barrier but they are looking in my general direction instead of right at my stand. It has allowed me, on the rare occasion, to take a second deer out of a group. I tried hunting w/ the subsonic .300 b.o. and while I was blown away by how quiet it was, I really don't think it's suitable as a hunting round (at least for me). I took a deer at 120 yds with it... so it works... but I had to compensate for something like a 14" drop. Additionally, when we butchered the deer we found that the round failed to expand and tumbled pretty severely. It was a heart shot, so it didn't matter but for me to trust a round, I need consistent penetration and expansion. Sooooo... in my mind subsonic .300 bo is ideal for CQB but not so great for hunts where you might need to reach out a bit. Regardless, I'm a big advocate for hunting suppressed.3 points
Good read on what all has changed outside and inside the Gen5... http://www.recoilweb.com/inside-the-glock-gen-5-129141.html2 points
Little League is the pinnacle of baseball for me. I know a guy who has two sons that played in the Little League World Series (Goodlettsville). That has to be awesome. As for the cost of the bats, the ones they currently use are about $400 a piece. Wood bats would be a financial blessimg for the parents. My younger son had a custom wood bat made for him by Louisville Slugger. It was only about $60.2 points
I guess we are going to find out if they come to Knoxville huh? ................2 points
One side hates black people while the other side hates white people. The common denominator I find is hate.2 points
Back in the day we called that “Mutual Combat”. Either everyone went to jail, or no one went. Given that choice most opted for walking/limping away. Of course they can’t do that today…with our correctness and all, we can’t allow any kind of violence even when it’s mutual.2 points
That's pretty good! Will you put the GoPro on it or another type camera? I wish my hunts were exciting enough to film. The deer have been mocking me the last few seasons2 points
Nor me...flattops were the cut of choice (Dad's choice) until I was 15. Plus, I looked fat in chaps.2 points
Asking how many guns someone owns goes right in there with asking a woman how much she weighs. Its just bad form.2 points
Nobody here actually owns guns. Guns kill people. Welcome to the forum Mr. Bloomberg.2 points
This will be my first year hunting suppressed. In my early days of hunting, I never wore ear pro, at least when deer hunting. One day in high school, I woke up and noticed both of my ears ringing like crazy and they've never stopped since. I was never one to try and damage my hearing. I really hated loud noises (except deer hunting). So, I don't know why they all of a sudden started ringing, but since then, I've been super paranoid about protecting my ears. I was the goober all through high school and college who wore ear plugs to dances, concerts and SEC football games....well I went to Mississippi State and the Cowbells can leave a lasting impression lol. I have this awesome velcro wallet with a pouch on it thats just for carrying my ear plugs just in case I find myself in a painful location....i'm super cool as you've already noticed. Anyways, since my ears took a dump, my love for hunting has only grown. I'm blessed with access to quality land and I take full advantage of it. I've never fired a shot without ear pro since high school and never intend to either. Honestly, if there was a Boone and Crockett buck in front of me, and I couldn't manage to get some ear muffs on, I would pass. It wouldn't be worth the lifelong hearing damage. When deer hunting, I don't wear any ear pro until I'm about to shoot. That way I can still use whats left of my acuity to pinpoint where sounds are coming from. There have been several times the deer ended up on top of me to where I couldn't put my ear muffs on without running them off. While turkey hunting, I wear Pro Ears electronic muffs. Some of the best money can buy and while they are great, audio acuity (judging distance and direction of sounds) is still not as good as my bare ears. So, i've acquired a few gun mufflers over the last year and am looking forward to seeing how this changes my hunting. I'm also interested in seeing how animals react differently to the sound of a suppressed rifle...which is harder to locate, than that of an unsupressed rifle. I mean, they are going to hear it....its still loud...but just curious if maybe they would be less spooked? Maybe after you've shot, you've noticed new deer enter the field afterwords because they were hanging out a little further and just not spooked? I still plan on throwing on some muffs even though its technically "hearing safe". I'm not sure the governments number of 140db's is law for everyones ears but I did shoot my 308 suppressed 3 times without ear pro, and its still pretty loud....but it didn't ring my ears at all. So, if that Boone and Crocket shows up....he's going down ear pro or not! I'm curious, anyone care to chime in on their suppressed hunting experiences? Anyone going to be shooting suppressed this year for the first time? Anyone run out yet to get you a velcro wallet?1 point
1 point
1 point
It's funny how a guy gets accustomed to dressing a certain way, and everything else feels odd. We are truly creatures of habit.1 point
1 point
All this talk of being a well-appointed man reminds me I need to spend some money and go clothes shopping. None of my suits or blazers really fit anymore as I've expanded a bit. Business reasons aside, a man gets to a point in life where funerals become an increasing and inevitable probability. I like to look respectable on such ocassions.1 point
My tobacco chewing, trucker hat wearing, bib overalls all day every day, and kick the snot out of you brogans with his 9th grade education is a fine man and multi millionaire. He is neat and clean. He cares about his appearance. That's one of the differences between a slob and a gentleman. The slob don't care. Most importantly to my sisters and brothers in Christ, the book of James calls out the hypocrisy of judging men on their outward appearance. I believe this includes skin, the natural clothing God used to cover the human form.1 point
I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say most of those ANTIFA nuts are white folks. Just a curious observation I've been making over the years. I wonder how all the so called "oppressed" feel about whitey speaking for them.1 point
I live in a very different world from you guys. Everyone in my circle is leery of a fella in a suit.1 point
I wonder why the Mayor just doesn't suspend the first amendment like she is the second. Wouldn't that make the whole safety concern easier. I guess that wouldn't be supporting her lefty cause though.1 point
From the article, antifa: The organization models itself after the so-called Rojava Revolution, a leftist guerilla movement currently active in northern Syria. RAM states that the communists offer a “foundation in communal and council based political organization and militant defense.” White nationalists: Traditionalist Worker Party. Both communist groups. Useful idiots being used for their hate and steered towards their cause. All I know is conservatives aren't communists. Its part of the coward piven strategy if you ask me. Drummed up chaos by the left to try to disrupt the life long democrat now republican President Trump so they can finish their takeover of what's left of our republic. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/article86317537.html http://www.teapartyconnect.com/102/the-cloward-piven-strategy-explained/ useful idiots!1 point
1 point
Ok thanks. Now at least I know what they are bitching about and yea I think HATE if the main driving force behind them all.1 point
Those kids play with more hearts and passion than the Pros ever could and I seldom watch pro ball but will try not to miss a game in Little League world series1 point
I have been watching when I can. I love the LLWS. Its fun watching people play a sport with real passion instead of playing just for a paycheck.1 point
This is going to do me some good. Thanks for the post. Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk1 point
Not too high. Gotta remember, the middle east knows we're serious about spinning back up the frackers for the next 3.5 more years. Those big refineries aren't going to screw with us too much until a new administration comes in and tells us how bad oil is again.1 point
Man I hear ya! I've often thought about filming some hunts but the editing part is probably what keeps me from doing it. I've got a buddy or two that could show me what to do. I'm sure, as with anything, the software makes all the difference and its probably not cheap either.1 point
One of society's biggest problems... the lack of properly administered ass whippins1 point
1 point
Oh I don't have hunts that people are gonna share on Facebook pages or YouTube, but they're fun and I will show y'all even if it's something for y'all to laugh at. I am running a Handy Cam on this one primarily and GoPro on shorter screw in arm for background view. It may switch up, but have to try it before I know what will work.1 point
Lapping the rings allows for full engagement of the rings at the proper torque value. This assures that the scope won’t move, and there won’t be marks on the scope. It also helps get a perfect alignment so the scope isn’t in a bind. As metal gets hot it moves. Having full engagement on the rings lessens the impact of this movement. So do you need to lap rings? Well, like everything that’s application driven. With quality rings that are set-up properly most of us won’t notice any difference. I don’t do it because I change my set-up around often. I also don’t get to shoot beyond 300 yards. But a 1000 yard bench rest shooter could possibly see better consistency through the temperature range. Like anything, if not done improperly you could mess up a set of rings. I wouldn’t be concerned with a warranty on rings because short of a ring breaking; any problem will probably be because of improper set-up and not covered anyway. However, everyone has their opinions. Just like mine about thread locker; if you have the proper fit you don’t need it. You also need to know if you are using it you are getting a “wet” torque. In tooling and die work we only use it when we have something we don’t want to ever come out. (And that’s rarely) BTW…. CNC machining is only as good as the programmer, operator, and set-up. Plenty of parts are made out of spec or scrapped.1 point
The Jewell is awesome. I have one on my 700 set to 1lb. Get a squeeze bag to put under the stock and use it for fine elevation adjustment. I use this one. https://www.accuracy1st.com/store/itemDetail.cfm?prodID=556 You have to lean into your bipod and put some tension on it to make it stable. There's some good info the the old Magpul Art of the Precision Rifle DVD's. They are discontinued. This is probably great, since Todd was the instructor on the Magpul DVD's. https://www.accuracy1st.com/store/itemDetail.cfm?prodID=7061 point
Right now it will be 308. I have a 300blk bolt action, and i'm sure i'll try that out as well with supersonic ammo. I grew up shooting a 270, but for some reason, I just have too much sentimental value with my 270 and don't want to thread it. I I also have a 30-06 threaded in M13 x 0.75 but silencerco and dead air don't have mounts for it at this time. Silencerco is working on it currently though. So in the future, I will also suppress a 30-06.1 point
It's too bad that motorcycle manufacturers took so long to wake up the the fact that not all riders want an 800 pound, chrome laden behemoth that costs as much as a compact car.1 point
My guess is the gen5 is catering to the ever-present following of gen2 lovers (me included ), so back to the simple and basic design is probably the goal. I'm not really a fan of front serrations, so I'm diggin' it.1 point
1 point
I like it a lot. I will not be getting rid of any of my other glocks, but I'll have to have a gen5 in 19 and 17 at some point. Gen2 has always been my favorite because of the grip. This is like a gen2 with a rail and flared mag well.1 point
1 point
1 point
If it wasn't for the tragic boating accident, I would own over 40. I don't know what a resident of NYC would do, except move.1 point
Anyone who's married would know the money in the husband's wallet is really hers. He's just holding it for her. Don't believe me? Ask a judge.1 point
1 point
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