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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2017 in all areas
Two months ago we welcomed this young patriot into the world. Last week one of my best friends in the world got back from his first deployment with the absolute elite of the elite SF in the Army. He brought this home for my son, and I won't lie about it...I choked up. This little fella has made me all kinds of soft. This flag represents all that I think is great about our country, and is easily my most prized possession. I hope I raise this young patriot to love this country half as much as the steely eyed freedom fighter that faced our enemies under this flag in Syria. Caption on flag reads: "This flag was flown by the first American forces to enter and assault Raqqa, Syria on 14 June 2017. It was raised to honor and celebrate the birth and lifelong freedom of Wyatt Patrick. OPPRESSORS BEWARE"10 points
I tend to agree. Sessions' support of civil forfeiture is ample proof.6 points
My first AK arrived on Friday. I had a chance to take it to the range yesterday and put a few mags of Golden Tiger through it. It's an exceptionally good rifle! The front sight post is true, the fit and finish of the rifle seem excellent, and it went "bang" every time I pulled the trigger. As you all predicted, I doubt this will be my only or last AK. The more that I read on the history of them and of Mikhail Kalashnikov, the more interested I become. Here's a little pre-shooting pornography for you...6 points
I agree with everything you said Dave, with the exception of the quoted lines. The current administration and its Justice Department are very pro law enforcement, not pro law and order. They are different things and it is very dangerous to confuse the two. I believe recent statements to law enforcement about not being overly concerned with how tough they're being with suspects lends credence to my position.5 points
No one deserves to be treated like that. When you lose sight of a person's humanity, that ought to be a good indication that you need to find another career.4 points
Are those cops in jail? If not how did the DA justify not charging them? EDIT: I just read the stories on NEWS 5 and the Tennessean. All I can say is “Wow”, how did it take 9 months for this to become public. Our current Federal Justice Department and the President are very pro law and order. I think the Feds will make an example out of these Deputies/jailers behavior. I don’t usually jump to conclusions without seeing the evidence. But I see it here. I don’t care if he was high, drunk, and just shot a Deputy; he was restrained and under control. He was being tased by a sadistic Deputy/jailer that I assume will go to prison and all the Deputies and Jail personal that stood around doing nothing should be fired (at a minimum). Read the reports of the Sherriff saying the jail personnel acted within guidelines. Guidelines for where; Abu Ghraib? He has suspended three jailers and turned the investigation over to TBI. After the lawsuit was filed…like he had any choice in the matter.3 points
I am a car guy. I have a rattletrap turbo Celica in my garage, next to my late model Mustang and my Harley Sportster. My work pays for my fuel and vehicle so I drive a `14 Chevy Express daily. My wife drives a `14 Fiesta. I have always been envious of technology advances and watched hawkishly how they are applied to my favorite hobby, yes, guns are a secondary to cars for me. I am personally thrilled with what Elon Musk has done, and if a Model S were in my budget, I would have bought one. A Model 3 however, is in my budget. And I want one. I will probably wait until late `18MY or early `19MY to see what bugs need worked out, but it is well within reason that my wife will be replacing her Fiesta (which WROCKS! at 45+ MPG when I drive) with a Model 3 as opposed to the Outback she thinks she wants. I have very briefly run the numbers and it seems that even at 45mpg (the wife averages 28!?) the Model 3 will be a cheaper investment fuel (energy) wise than the Fiesta. ANNNNNND... As I rate things on ZPAW Utility scale, a solar array to power an electric vehicle would be much more feasible than scavenging guzzoline from the Warboys.2 points
Congratulations. Speaking with a modicum of experience I can say that everything you know is wrong or soon will be.2 points
I would be willing to bet peejmans skin is a lot thicker than your is but I am not going to lower myself to your level any further than I already have.....2 points
For something like this, I'm up for anyone who had a duty to report and failed to do so being rolled into any administrative actions, up to and including prosecution if warranted. I hope any investigation finds out who falls into that category. It's not the amount, it's the apathy of the public that's the problem. In a perfect world, the amounts a city or county are tagged for in a lawsuit would spur reform, or a sweep of the leadership responsible. That doesn't happen from what I see.2 points
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Yeah, I don't know how to handle those types of settlements but it would be nice if the individuals were responsible instead of the organization. I'm sure there are a lot of good cops there that are going to feel the pinch too, when it was just a handful of people involved.2 points
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After living in Nashville for the past 28 years, the wife and I relocated to Huntsville this weekend. It's definitely strange to think about living in another state. But a career opportunity I couldn't pass up came along. This has been a strange weekend to say the least. I'm didn't move far; I plan on staying around TGO. There are too many good guys that I've met over the years on here. Too much still for me to learn. I'll just be a lot less active in the firearms classifieds!1 point
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Normally I would agree but I can't see how it would make a difference in this case. He was essentially tied to a chair. Why taser him repeatedly?1 point
Hey, congrats! That's awesome! Know that you guys are in our prayers.1 point
Congratulations. Couldn't help but notice the booties were blue1 point
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Over 40 years ago, the Stanford Prison Experiment showed the power dynamic between guard and prisoner that leads to things like this. I'm not surprised it happened, not surprised it took so long to come to light...and I'm standing by to see these guy get slaps on the wrist. The surprise will be if they're held to full account for what they did.1 point
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Not in the state of Tennessee. They are prohibited by statute from sanctioning you in anyway if you do not pay camera tickets. If you get one of those in the mail, throw the thing in the garbage. Or better yet, send it back with a note telling them to piss off and citing the statute.1 point
I was going to make a remark about the attitude but I think bersaguy has the right idea.1 point
Color me cynical, because I have no problem whatsoever believing it.1 point
I heard about this on the news recently and couldn't believe that cops have the ability to seize assets based on their belief that someone was guilty of a crime. What happened to due process? How did this even become a possibility?1 point
Seriously??!!? My first thought was that someone got pizzed at their boss and that was the only way it EVER became public.1 point
Congratulations! That'll surely be one of his prize possessions, and will mean more to him the older he gets. Becoming a parent was a scary and humbling experience for me. It's like everything else, all you can do is try your best. I will implore to begin immediately saving for his college education. Monthly autodrafts will help insure this doesn't get skipped over. That's a fine looking boy for sure.1 point
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My father has tried to reestablish a quail population on his land near Manchester; he's worked with Quail Unlimited and started a couple of coveys that are around for a year or two and then disappear. We don't know if they move away or are all killed off -- we aren't hunting them. Dad's too old to work on a project like this any more so I guess it will eventually fall to me or else it will be abandoned. It's too bad that quail hunting has about died out across the South. Some of my most enjoyable memories of the outdoor sports involve quail hunting.1 point
I was thinking the same thing. Do the speed limit and don't worry about it. I was wondering if you kept something in your truck. Wise choice.1 point
That rubicon has already been crossed and it is bad for everyone. As far as the threats to cops, they aren't nearly as imminent as certain factions like to portray. Policing in this country is actually a reasonably safe job. It doesn't even make the top 10 for on the job deaths (and over half of them are auto accidents). Even with the targeted ambushes of officers you have to go back many decades to find years with comparable raw numbers of officer deaths. When you take into account that there were far, far fewer police officers at that time, it makes the current rates that much lower.1 point
So we saw it at the IMAX theater this afternoon. The theater was less than 1/4 full, but it was a beautiful afternoon so I'm sure that had something to do with it. Great movie. Took me a bit to figure out that all the stories are happening simultaneously.1 point
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I would not think house cats would have got them. Maybe Bob Cats, Foxes and Coyote's but I doubt house cats. House cats would be part of the food chain themselves if there is land capable of supporting a covey or 2 of Quail on it..........JMHO1 point
Holy thread resurrection Batman. I don't even remember 2014. Fwiw I just bought subsonic .22's and a long barrel CZ and had my fun......1 point
When the point is reached that the only condition for deadly force is the objectively reasonable fear of the officer, then there will be few if any limits on when a cop can kill. Once that rubicon is crossed it will be bad for everyone. Look at it this way, for a cop it is easy to manufacture an explanation for fear, particularly when there is the random ambush of officers happening out there. But contrary to the deeply held belief by us all about threats to cops, there is risk out there. When someone chooses to be a police officer, he assumes that risk. That’s his choice. The rest of the public isn't given that option.1 point
metalsupermarkets.com 429 Enos Reed Dr, Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 256-97871 point
Heh... if I am shooting at something, defensively or offensively, at 300yds away, I have better guns for that.1 point
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We're not going to get too many more WWII movies - especially not big budget ones. Forget the fact that most of our own population has forgotten or simply never cared to learn. They don't play well in China - and that's pretty much a requirement for the big studios to make them these days. It's a rare movie that recoups its budget in domestic sales alone, so they want pictures that play well globally. The movie business is a sorry business these days... I'll probably venture out to see it.1 point
Look like a bunch of PORK right there. My little brother use to go to Catoosa back years ago and he only killed 1 hog and decided it was not for him. He thought he would be a big white hunter and go after hogs with a Ruger 44 Mag pistol /w 6 inch barrel I think it was. He ended up shooting the hog from up in a tree he climbed to get away from the hog. That was his first and only hog hunt................1 point
It's gun community trainer 101 to use their rank to drive business. Yet I fail to see the issue here. Law Enforcement Sales is a great guy to work with and does top notch work, so don't hesitate to do business with him.1 point
Arron bolted it down with concrete bolts. At 1400 Lb it isn't going any where!!! Life time warranty the safe is incredible. But he called me back and answered every and all questions, He won my business!!! And delivered on the 4th!!!1 point
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